Lucy's P.OV.
Shauna had called and said she would be over in an hour or so with my homework that we would work on together and just to give me company since I was home sick from school. I would be out Tuesday sadly too because most people hate school, but having Shauna and the Loser's as friends made it so much more fun. While I was waiting for Shauna, the phone rang. "Well that's odd, I thought to myself. We rarely get more than one phone call a day."
"Hello" I said sweetly. "Is Lucy there?" said a really beautiful voice on the other end that shockingly belonged to a guy. "This is she," I said. "Oh, wow hi. Umm, this is probably so weird for you but this Patrick Hockstetter." I froze. I couldn't believe it. The man of my dreams was on the other end of the line. I know people talked about Patrick and his ways, but I always knew there was more to him, something beautiful. "Oh, wow hi Patrick. I was expecting it to be you. How did you get you get my number?" I could hear Patrick chuckle on the other end. "Well today at school, Henry was bothering Shauna and I played hero saving her. Henry was about to punch her after she punched him and put him in his place and I was NOT about to have him hurting her. I have grown to love and care for as a sister. Yeah, she's beautiful and pretty damn hot but I could see her heart is taken by Tozier and Denbrough so I knew her and I would never work. But, the moment I saw you that day with her, I was very intrigued. To be honest, I was always intrigued by you but I was to scared to saying anything. Shauna came and found me today during lunch to thank me for saving her and then is when we began talking. She told me how much you liked me and that made me really happy because I began to realize how much I liked you. So the reason I am calling you is I want to get to know you more and hopefully become closer friends and then more than friends. Sooooo, do you want to go on a date to the diner this Saturday, let's say 12?" I could not believe what was happening. The guy of my dreams wants to get to know me more and go on a date and hopefully become a couple!? I must be dreaming. But then I realized I wasn't. "Ummm, yeah I would love to!" I said. Patrick chuckled again, "Perfect, I will meet you at the diner at 12. Bye beautiful." "Bye" I said. After I hung up the phone, I thought to myself "So this is what it feels like you have butterflies in your stomach." I was never that sappy girl to feel like that but I knew this time what I felt for Patrick was real because these butterflies were real. I could not wait to tell Shauna and to engulf her in a hug and thank her for telling Patrick about me and giving him my number. I owe her, big time.
Shauna's P.OV.
I finally made it to Lucy's house. I could not wait to see her. It felt weird not seeing her at school. Even though we both were friends with the Losers, we were inseparable. So when I made it to her porch, I rang the bell. I could hear running to the door and when Lucy opened it, I never saw her so happy. She was literally glowing and it was so damn precious. I looked at her and laughed saying "Shit, what happened to you Lucy? I have never seen you this damn happy! You are glowing like and angel!" She just looked at me and smiled and pulled me into a hug saying "Well, I have you to thank you for this glow!"
After we finished our homework and we ordered pizza for dinner because our parents had become friends they were out dinner tonight, Lucy spilled on her happiness. "Shauna, I have you to thank for everything! Patrick called me like 30 minutes before you got here telling me how he likes me and wants to get to know me more. We are going on date on Saturday! Without you telling him about how I felt and giving him my number, this may have never happened. I am so thankful for you and what you did." She began to cry as she continued and pulled her into a hug. "You are the greatest and most beautiful best friend I could ever ask for and I love you so damn much Shauna, so damn much." I smiled at her after we broker our hug. "That's what friends are for Lucy. I would do anything for you. I had the moment to tell him how you felt and how much you liked him and he was so happy. I am so happy for you! But in other news Lucy, there is something happening at the end of next month... A SCHOOL DANCE! I am so excited but there is one annoying aspect to it, it is called a "Couple's Dance" and we HAVE To go with someone." Lucy looked at me with sympathy. She knew why I was I feeling the way I was feeling. She knew the talk Bill and I had and how I was choosing Richie, but I was ready to tell Richie yet. I still needed my feelings for Bill to fully leave, even though he told me he would never stop loving me and he wants me to chose Richie, I couldn't bare the fact that I was going to have to chose one over the other to go with. "The more annoying part Luce is the GUYS have to ask us! How are Bill and Richie going to make this work?!" She smiled at me and pulled me in for the hug this time. "It will all work out Shauna. I promise. I mean, maybe to be safe you should go with either Stan or Eddie. I mean, I know they have crushes on you too, but it is not as deep as Richie and Bill." I looked at her with a raised eye brow and laughed. "Yeah, she said "That probably would not go well with the Losers." We both looked at each other and laughed. "I am so thankful to have you as my friend Luce. You are so wise and you always look at the bright side in situations. She looked at me smiled and said "Well, I learned from my best friend, so what can I say." We both smiled at each and then jumped when we heard the doorbell ring.
"PIZZA!" we both yelled. "FINALLY!!!" Damn, I love our friendship.
Sorry guys it took me so long to update! I have been sick and the only thing I really seemed to have a lot of energy to do was sleep a lot. Sorry this chapter is kinda blah. It's cute and the chapter I wanted to have to have Lucy and Patrick's relationship start to bloom, so sorry for the lack of the Loser's being in this chapter. There is plenty more Shauna/Bill/Richie stuff coming. Thank you all again for your support and love for me and my story. You guys are such amazing and beautiful people and I love you all!! XX
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