A FEELING RIPPLED THROUGH MY BODY. MY MUSCLES GREW TAUT. I felt a pit forming in my stomach, setting in the realization creeping in, seeping in.
"She's what?" My voice felt hollow in my throat. She couldn't be, it wasn't true. There was no way that volatile, brash girl with dirt streaking her skin, could be-
Sza's eyes shifted. "The Princess of Poyter," She confirmed. "Her family... the royal family, my daughter and her husband, the king... they perished in the Day of Shock. They were... beheaded. Alya was just a baby then. I wiped her memory, stole her away from them before they could get to her, took her to safety back here. The crystal caves haven't been in use since the olden days, no one knows about them but us. Here, she's safe. It's where she belongs."
I looked down at my feet, feeling an odd sensation building in my core. "Where she belongs is up there, in the city as their Queen." I said. "She is able to unite these people. Because they're her people."
Sza considered my words, falling silent. "You're right," She agreed quietly. "But I thought you didn't even like her."
"She's rash, and she's impulsive, but so was I." I admitted candidly. "I still am, I'm a hotshot pilot, you've both said it yourself. Just a couple months ago, I was demoted from my high position in the Resistance for reckless behavior. Believe me, I understand it. I can help her. We need her, she's the only person who can help her people and help the Resistance."
"...You think you can lead her?"
"Yes!" I nodded, pounding a fist on the table. The noise resonated in the quiet of the room, and I was once again reminded of how loud and vibrant I had gotten. I fell silent and calm, waiting for what the elderly woman would say. She cocked her head and looked at me, considering me.
After a long while, she simply said, "Promise you won't tell her."
"You don't want me to tell Alya?" I furrowed my brow. "Doesn't she deserve to know what she can do?"
Sza closed her eyes. "I've kept it a secret from her for so long for her own good. She's foolish, like you said. She's young, she doesn't know how to lead just yet. She's not able to handle the responsibility. If she knew, she'd be a danger. I will tell her when the time is right."
My throat felt dry. My fists clenched as I remembered General Organa's all-too similar words to me. A few months ago, I couldn't handle to responsibility. I couldn't lead well, I was inexperienced and rash. Hell, I was still learning even now. Alya was in the same position as I was. Sza was right; If Alya knew of her royal lineage, she'd be a danger. "I promise."
Sza's lips curled at my words. She took my hands in hers, squeezing them. I felt a warm energy radiate off from her to me. "Thank you, Poe. This means worlds to me. You'll be able to take care of her when I cannot."
"When you cannot..?" I repeated in confusion. "What do you mean?"
"When you both leave on your mission tomorrow." Sza replied with candor, her wide eyes making intense contact with my own dark brown. Words resonated yet again in the cave, reflecting off of the walls, echoing in our minds, properly sinking in. It was silent. That is, until,
"We're leaving tomorrow?"
Our heads both turned. Alya's slim frame stood in the doorway, piqued with intrigue. I could practically see the excitement dancing in her eyes, I heard the sharp prick of anticipation in her light voice.
"My dear, is the bed made up?" Sza asked quickly in a sort-of a rushed mumble, attempting to deter her yet again. But Alya had heard quite clearly, and she wasn't about to give up.
"Yes, the room is completely ready." She surmised, continuing on smoothly. "But you didn't answer my question, Grandmother. We're leaving tomorrow?"
Sza sighed, giving in. "Yes, you and Poe are."
"Not you?"
Sza let out a chuckle even though Alya's voice sounded hurt. "My dear," She articulated, "I'm not sure if you haven't caught on yet, but I'm very old. I can't possibly make the journey to Doria. I'll stay here, watch over the caves and the prisoners."
Alya fell silent, mulling it over. "Grandmother, you know I worry."
"Then don't." retorted Sza. "There's nothing to worry about. I'll be able to communicate from here, I'll be with you two every step of the way. Besides, you two are more than capable of doing it yourselves." Sza began to walk over to Alya, leaned closer, and laid a hand on her chest. "My dear," She said. "I sense your fear. If I didn't think you both could handle it, I wouldn't let you go so quickly. Just listen to Poe and I, we will guide you."
"Listen to Poe?" She repeated in disbelief. "Why listen to Poe?"
Sza wagged a finger in my direction. "I'll work through him, my dear. He's more powerful than you know. Listen to him, he has experience at this sort of thing. In my absence, listen to him."
Alya's uncertain eyes shifted to me, giving me a once-over. I could tell the gears of her mind were shifting, weighing the odds. I could also tell she wasn't so willing to sign over her freedom to a reckless hotshot mystery Resistance man she barely knew. "Alright..." She admitted finally. That made me and Sza both smile softly with relief, but something lingered still on Alya's conflicted face. I could tell the young princess was scared, but she wouldn't admit it. Her eyes shifted to me, as if she didn't want me to be here in that moment, to see her this way.
"Grandmother, I'm not so much scared for myself," Alya confessed languidly, her eyes filling with emotion. She was forcing out words from her throat with such difficulty that her voice cracked. "I'm scared for you."
Sza's lips formed a shaky smile. "I will always be with you," She said, reaching a shaky hand out. It met Alya's face, cradling it, wiping the tear that trickled down. Alya sniffled, curling her head down and nuzzling her grandmother's hand in the crook of her neck.
It felt too intimate for me to watch. I felt as if I was intruding, so I tore my gaze away, letting it hit the floor. It was their moment, after all. But after a moment I heard Alya sniffling, and then let out a laugh. Looking back, I saw that she had tore herself away from her grandmother, probably laughing at some silly joke Sza had whispered in her granddaughter's ear.
"All right," She announced, wiping tears still. She beamed desite. "I'm ready now."
Sza patted her on the back. "Thank you, my dear. Now," She announced, walking off. "I am off to bed. See you both bright and early in the morning."
Alya watched her grandmother walk away, her eyes light and watering still, but her lips were pursed. I could see the shift instantly. When she turned back to me, the only word I could think of to use to describe her face was uncertain. Perhaps she had just put on a brave face for her grandmother. Or perhaps she was considering me, considering our future partnership.
"What are you looking at, flyboy?" She demanded, hot tears still pricking her eyes.
"Wh-" I began to say, but she cut me off.
"Nevermind, you know what, just follow me to your room." She mumbled, the words barely trickling from her lips. She turned from me and walked down the hall, completely unreadable.
She led me to a hall, first door on the left, into a small sleeping quarters. It was quaint, dark space, containing a trunk, a light, and an actually-comfortable-looking bed. I sat on the bed, stretching and letting out a yawn, watching her eyes shift and look me over.
"What's that look for?"
"The whole 'I'm-trying-to-look-like-I'm-not-judging-you-but-I-totally-am-right-now-because-I-don't trust-you' stare." I ventured my guess. "Are you not happy about the prospect of taking my orders tomorrow, sweetheart?"
"I've told you not to call me that."
"You've still continued to call me 'hotshot', you know."
She cracked a wicked little smirk. "I didn't know it bothered you."
"Not in the slightest," I lied, feeling weird about the way she was smiling at me and the way it made me feel, "But you didn't answer my question."
"I'm not thrilled about it, but it's something I gotta deal with." She shrugged, sniffing. "I'm going to let you know right now, it won't be easy. I don't take orders well."
"Somehow, just by knowing you in this short amount of time, I could have guessed that."
Yet another dangerous smirk broke out upon her pretty freckled face. "You already know me too well, hotshot, too well for what I'm comfortable with."
"I'm afraid with this mission, that's only about to get worse." I mused, grinning at her. She smiled back at me as she crossed the doorway, beginning to close the door after her, peeking her curly-haired head through the crack.
"See you tomorrow." She chittered.
"Good night, sweetheart."
The door slipped past her delicate fingertips and it shut softly. One final whisper floated through. I was surprised I had even heard it at all, and I was willing to bet that Alya doubted it too.
"Good night, Poe."
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