"GENERAL ORGANA. GENERAL ORGANA, PATCHING IN, THIS IS POE DAMERON, BLACK LEADER OF BLACK SQUADRON, A LEADER OF THE RESISTANCE." A pause for a laugh. "Some may also call me a wily flyboy, rippling space hunk, best pilot in the Galaxy, or... Leia's favorite whom she trusts indefinitely."
A pause for effect, before a familiar woman grumbled back, "Poe, don't make me not want to answer."
I chuckled to myself and rapped my knuckles against the metal of my X-Wing. "This downpour- well, whatever it is, can't be good for her. Keeps switchin' between snow, hail, and rain. I parked her on this rocky beach. Remote... I think, at least." My gaze reached upwards, a hand reaching over to guard my squinting eyes through the planetary shower. It was a frozen, frigid, fracturing planet with thick atmosphere, churning water, and high mountains infested with feral wildlife. "This planet, Poyter... this planet is interesting. It's like it's telling me to go away."
"The Poyter people are a very stingy people from what I can remember, Poe. They’re uncaring, taught from a young age to withdraw and separate emotions from their work." Leia's voice sang through the comlink. "My mother used to visit there on Senate meetings. They prefer sitting in their towers and intelligently, quietly talking about politics. They used to be supporters of the Republic before the Empire rose. Time will tell why, but Poyter cut themselves off from the rest of the galaxy’s politics, and now they’ve disappeared off the map. Had it not been for the transmission, there would have been no signal as to where the planet even was. They’ve withdrawn.” Poe heard a long, drawn-out sigh from the other end. He could only imagine how Leia must be burying her face into her hands in exasperation. "Sadly, that's how a lot of systems and kingdoms prefer how to operate now. Stay out of it, whatever will benefit themselves."
I heard a crash of the waves from behind me and then a low rolling noise upon the sand. Looking back, BB-8 beeped at me in indignation as he took his place by my side.
"You think it's shocking that here of all places sent us that transmission? You and me both, buddy."
"Oh, the transmission- you still have it, correct?" Leia asked.
"Yes, General." I looked at my right-hand man and with a beep, BB-8 complied. A hologram beamed out from the astromech's drive, an image cloaked in blue light. The words I knew all too well were simply falling off of my lips in a slow faucet-like trickle.
I had seen this transmission many times and I remembered the exact moment, the exact feeling I got when I saw it for the first time. It was significant, after all. It was the beginning of everything the Resistance had been working towards- The first beacon of hope since Ren destroyed nearly everything on that day on the Battle of Crait. This was the first call back from the Resistance's distress call towards any other rebels out there. There had to be, I knew there had to be, but for a while we were beginning to lose hope. That is, before this transmission came in from the unpredictable Outer Rim planet, Poyter.
The figure projected was a cloaked figure, blurry from a long travel of communication, fogged from wear and tear on BB-8’s system. The voice was feminine and flighty, delicate and soft. My heart was aflutter, I admired her. She not only was a rebel, brave and daring, but her voice sounded beautiful as she spoke the message.
It said simply, "The Resistance is still out there. It's burning in Poyter."
Those ten simple words were what had brought me here.
"They sound sad," I mused, my damp curls sticking to the sides of my face. "It's barely a whisper. Like they're afraid, in hiding."
"Poyter is a toxic place," Leia told me. "And not just in the sense of the occasional acid rain or feral wildlife or jagged cliffs. The environment of the people, they'll do anything to benefit themselves. Be on your guard at all times."
"Of course, General." I said. "I know there's a hero out there waiting for us. Don't worry, I'll find them."
"That's why it was absolutely essential that I entrusted you with this mission, Poe." Leia's voice replied back smoothly, purring with pride. "What you may lack in perspective, you certainly make up for in dedication to the Resistance. Build morale, build the people around you. Lead them as best you can and report back to base on D'Qar as soon as possible. And remember to keep me posted. May the Force be with you."
"As with you, General." I said back, remembering the way her eyes crinkled at me- her way of showing praise- and her warm smile as the transmission fizzled out. She had said the same thing to me when I had left the base, too. Her words echoed in my ears. I entrusted you. But on this planet now, it was silent and lonely. I didn't have the support of my fellow pilots and of Leia to guide me. I had only the pounding of the torrent onto the steel of my X-Wing, the threat of the jagged mountains looming before me, and BB-8 by my side.
That was all I needed, anyway. I slung my backpack over my back, clutched the star coordinates tighter in my palm, and took my first step forward. The Resistance was burning in Poyter, and it needed my help.
After all, it was my duty.
I knew my duty and my place in the galaxy. Nothing or no one would deter my commitment or cut my bravado.
Or so I thought.
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