"Up and at 'em, flyboy!"
My only instinct was a low groaning noise of pure agony. My body was already quite used to the sleep schedule of a Resistance pilot so it was pretty hard to catch me at a waking time earlier than I was used to. But lo and behold, Alya had managed to do it. The wily princess continued to amaze me.
"Goddammit," I cursed, sitting up and scratching at my stubble and disheveled hair. I yawned loudly and forced my eyes to open.
My body went stiff when I saw Alya. She was thrusting open the room's single window, allowing sunlight to streak in. Her curls were stacked up in a messy, lopsided bun, and she wore a patterned, colorful bandana to hold her unruly mane back from falling into her eyes. Yes, her eyes. Once cool and collected, her dark brown eyes widened instantly like a deer in headlights when she turned to look at me.
It looked as if I had caught her off guard as well, but I was confused as to what exactly was throwing her off. I had propped myself up by my elbows, a dazed look covering my features, squinting through the rays of sunlight that bathed my bare chest, and exclaimed, "What?"
"Nothing," Alya muttered, her cheeks still red. She laughed nervously. "It's nothing. We're out in twenty, though, so get ready." She walked out of the room rather hastily, shutting the door behind her.
I shook my head, pulling a shirt on, confused as to what could have thrown her off.
Nerves, I supposed, walking out to the main room to meet her.
And yes, nerves, indeed. As we packed our bags, I could sense her nervous energy. And as we suited up in the armory for Poyter's harsh terrain, I could see the dark circles that stained the skin below her eyes.
"Did you sleep?" I asked her all of a sudden in concern. It was rather brash and aggressive, but so were the marks of grogginess upon her face.
"Yup," She told me, busying herself with positioning her purple hood over her hair. "Full eight hours."
"Doesn't look like it," I remarked casually.
She turned and looked at me with her tired eyes, smiling a smile that as just as tired. "It doesn't?" She asked innocently.
"Yeah, well, now that I'm looking at you straight on, it really doesn't." I told her seriously.
"Well," She said, sucking in her breath, eyes diverting from mine. "I maaaay have fibbed. More like six hours."
I gave her a look.
"Maybe more like four.." She bit her lip.
Another pointed glance.
"Alright, more like two... or one.. alright, less than one! Stop looking at me like that!" She finally sputtered out, holding her hands out to shield herself from my scolding cries of "what!" and "Alya!" She pouted, sticking her lip out as she looked at me. "No need to worry after me, I know it's bad. I just.. Couldn't sleep. I was up all night worrying about my grandmother."
"You just told me not to worry after you, i.e. 'someone else', yet you're worrying about someone else yourself. Your advice is, dare I say," I smirked at her, earning an eye roll. "a bit hypocritical."
"Well, it's not so bad when it's me we're talking about that is worrying. Better me than anyone else." Alya frowned, tucking a stray curl behind her ear.
I sighed. "Enough with the hero talk," I told her.
"Hero talk?" repeated Alya incredulously. "I'm not trying to impress you with my bravado."
"I don't doubt it." I reassured her, stifling a laugh. She reminded me so much of Han's stubbornness, it was cu-creepy.
"Good, because there's no use in it. I don't need to impress you." She huffed, sticking out her tongue.
"Is that so?" I teased. "I'll have you know, I'm the best pilot in the Resistance."
Usually, that line was a pretty decent brag on my part. Usually, it earned either a submissive defeat- or if I was flirting, it usually got me what I wanted (I'll leave the question of exactly what I wanted up to the imagination). Not that I wanted to flirt with her anyway. Point is, it was a sentence that ended the argument. Usually. But I should have known from prior experiences, Miss Alya Seren was one to always keep me on my toes.
"Watch it, hotshot." She grinned at me. "A big ego is not very becoming of you."
My smile was wiped. My face fell blank, dumbfounded. I didn't think I had a big ego, but jeez, she had a point, I did sound kind of cocky.
"Besides," Her voice rang, "I've never even seen you fly."
As she passed me, slinging her pack over her shoulder, and this casual jab registered in my ears, my expression changed. She had once complimented me on my nerve, but in that moment, I realized I admired hers as well. My previously-slack jaw formed a dangerous smirk, and I followed the princess.
We met with Sza and she walked us out of the caves- albeit slowly, for she was frail. I could tell that the old woman's hobbling did nothing to appease Alya's worries. What gave it away was a combination of furrowed brows, sulked in cheekfuls of air, and bit lips. Must be hard, leaving the woman who raised you, loved, and cared for you all these years. Hell, Alya was leaving the person she loved and trusted most in this world for the first time in her life. I remember the first time I had to do that. It was the last time I ever saw my parents. But that was something I didn't like to talk about, so I won't talk about it now.
We passed the cell room, where BB-8 joined us. Stars knew how long my faithful droid had been there, taunting the captive bounty hunters. He clearly enjoyed it a lot, the way he lit up as he beeped insults and dangled keys over their heads. I practically had to drag Beebee away from them, though even I couldn't resist looking over my shoulder and sticking my tongue out at them as we left. Like pilot, like droid, I suppose.
The point when the rocky cave ground turned to rain-soaked grass, I knew it was time to say our goodbyes. It was bittersweet. Despite me only knowing Sza for a day, I trusted the woman immensely. But I also knew that it wasn't my emotions that were necessarily making the atmosphere so bittersweet. Alya hugged her grandmother tightly, not saying anything. They didn't really need to. Everything had been said already, feelings had already been expressed, and deep down, Alya knew what had to be done. She had to take on this mission, leave the caves, reclaim the planet she loved so dearly, and lead the people who needed her leadership so desperately. A lofty task, but her grandmother understood. As they hugged, I looked away. Again, it felt too personal. It felt intrusive to look.
A tap on my shoulder let me know that the moment was over. Alya had stepped away from her grandmother, looking at me with unsure brown eyes. There weren't any tears this time.
I knew the answer to my question before I even asked it.
"Are you ready?"
She nodded, eyes flashing, yet she didn't move closer. I could tell by her body language that she was uncertain, though she'd never admit- She was closed in on herself, arms wrapped around her stomach in uncertainty.
"You trust me, don't you?"
I reached out my hand. My eyes must have been playing tricks on me, but I swear I saw Alya tremble. She looked at me cautiously, then looked back over her shoulder, at her grandmother, at her past.
"Is that a challenge?"
She then went forth, taking my hand and stepping towards her destiny. Together, the princess and I left the caves behind us.
A/N: Don't forget to vote and comment and all that good stuff, show your support and whatnot, it helps a lot! :) xx
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