"The Cullens" Angela tells her "I'm Angela" I see the Cullens are making their normal grand entrance. Rosalie and Emmett first, their both seniors. Rosalie is this beautiful blonde while Emmett is this huge muscled guy with dark hair. I'll just get it out of the way all the Cullens are pale like corpses, they have golden eyes and look like supermodels. Only Rosalie and Jasper have blonde hair with Dr. Carlisle Cullen. Emmett, Alice, Edward, and Mrs. Esme Cullen have dark hair. But the one thing besides their skin complexion that they all have in common is that they have golden eyes, sometimes they turn black but their golden eyes.
"" here comes Jessica and her need to gossip, I swear that girl can't stop for one day with gossip "Dr and Mrs. Cullen's foster children, they moved down here from Alaska like a few years ago"
"They keep to themselves" I tell her "since their all together, like romantically. There's seven of them. Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, Jasper and Edward go here. Rosalie and Emmett are seniors while the others are juniors"
"The blonde girl" Lauren tells her "that's Rosalie and like Cat said she's with Emmett the big one with dark hair"
"I'm not sure" Jessica shakes her head "that's legal"
"Jess" Angela says "their not actually related"
"But they live together" she argues "it's really weird"
"It would be more weird" I say "if they grew up together or it was like some Game of Thrones shit with those with Valyrian blood"
"Oh my god" Lauren exclaims "did you see the latest episode where Jon comes back to life? Team Snow"
"I know, Kit Harington is so hot...and have you seen when you pull up Rhaegar Targaryen how he looks so much like Chris Hemsworth—I'm a Targaryen fan, probably name one of my children a Valyrian name" Sue me, I am a huge Game of Thrones fan. Especially for the Targaryen's even though half of them went mad. I am not a Cersei Lannister fan, I mean how she acts and how Joffrey Baratheon is I loathe the man. Though I do feel bad about his actor, how because of he's playing such an evil character in real life he gets harassed for it.
"I know" nodding her head "too bad I'm not a Daenerys fan, I mean sure she's helping people but there's the budding Targaryen madness in her and the way she thinks just because she brought dragons back she should be queen of the world"
"Those two" Jessica motions to us "are huge Game of Thrones fans, they went to convention in Seattle a few weeks back and got to meet one of the actors"
"Kit Harington" we both smile at the memory, how neither of us were looking when we spilled nachos on him. I will admit that it isn't our finest moment but oh my god! I couldn't believe it!
"Who are they?" Bella bored with us motions to Alice and Jasper, for some reason Jasper always looks to be in pain.
"The blonde is Jasper" I tell her "he's always in pain when he's near people for some reason and the one with dark pixie cut hair is Alice, she's really weird"
"Didn't she come up to you" Jessica asks me "and say you'd both be amazing friends?" I nod my head.
"What?" Bella asks
"So" Lauren shakes her head "a few days after they arrived, Alice Cullen comes up to Cat and hugs her saying they'll be the best of friends"
"She then zoned out" I say looking at the Cullen who looks at me smiling and waves her hand, I wave my hand shortly. Rosalie pulls her hand down as I look at Bella "and after that she essentially kind of like stalked me to the store with Lauren and told us which outfits we should buy before Rosalie and Mrs. Cullen pulled her away from us" Bella looks from me to the Cullens confused.
"Dr. Cullen" Jessica smiles jealously "is like tanks foster dad slash match maker"
"Maybe" Angela jokes "he'll adopt me"
"And who" Bella notices Edward come in "who is he?"
"Edward Cullen" Lauren tells her "He's the only one of the bunch who is single" he's also a total asshole, I mean the first day he looked at me he looks at me confused then constipated and finally with hate. I don't know what I ever did but I don't give a shit, if he wants to be a total asshole then let him.
"Totally gorgeous" Jessica adds "obviously, but apparently nobody here is good enough for him" stabbing her food with a fork. Edward smirks like he heard that, how? I mean it's no secret that Jessica has asked him out multiple times just to be turned down. She's hoping one day he'd go to her and sweep her off her feet but nope.
"Pretty sure he's asexual" I say, they stare at me as Edward Cullen stumbles when he sits down as the girls and the Cullens look at me. The Cullens like they heard, how?
"Asexual?" Bella asks
Shrugging my shoulders "He doesn't really show interest in any way to anyone around here since arriving, I mean he keeps to himself. He's been asked out multiple times from different people, men and women alike and he turns them down. From what I've observed he just doesn't seem like the type to want anyone that way, sure there are asexual people who are in relationships but Edward Cullen doesn't seem like the type to want to be in a relationship"
"So your saying" Jessica asks "he likes being alone"
Eating my tuna sandwich now "From what I've observed" covering my mouth as I speak.
"Have you asked him out?" Bella asks me
We all snort "God no, he's not my type" Edward looks offended when I say that, he's on the other side of the cafeteria yet he acts like he can hear us. All the Cullens do.
"Plus" Lauren adds "she's dating the infamous hot Paul Lahote from La Push, for like three months now?" I nod my head, Paul is like a year older than me and has slept with nearly every woman in La Push ranging from fourteen year olds to older women. It's a rumor people say but I know he sleeps with older women on occasion, before me.
"I heard" Jessica looks at me "you got into a fight with him yesterday?" Of course she heard about that.
"I don't know, he's just been more...temperamental lately" shaking my head "I mean, when I ask him about his day he just gets so angry at times. Then when he wants to know about me and I don't respond in like full detail he gets so upset. He's amazing in bed obviously but that seems to be all he wants to do now, fuck"
"Are you going to break up with him?" Angela asks
I nod my head "With his outbursts, I'm like afraid to be near him—I mean yesterday the fight you" looking at Jessica "heard about was that I didn't text him back or anything since I was practicing for the championships and then he demanded I stop skating with Daniel"
"What?" Lauren asks "but he knows you two have been partners for two years now, I mean you both are great together in the rink"
"I know" nodding my head "but he's just gotten much more jealous, more angry, I mean now he's getting upset about how much I eat and don't spend enough time with him" I notice the Cullens look at me worried, like what I'm saying the can hear "I'm just trying to find the right way to break up with him, I don't want him to do something"
"Are you afraid he might get physical?" Angela asks
"At this point" waving my hand "anything is possible, what doesn't help is that Sam Uley" I hate Sam Uley, he broke my best friend from La Push's heart. Leah Clearwater, they were supposed to have gotten married about a couple months back but he dumped her for her cousin Emily Young. I mean it wasn't even a full day when the relationship ended before Sam asked Emily out.
"The leader of the La Push" Jessica asks "gang?" I nod my head "the same guy who ended his engagement to be with the maid of honor slash cousin who was attacked by a bear?" Oh yes. When I heard what happened to Emily, how she'll have permanent scars on her face I was so happy. Karma, bitch.
"What's going on?" Lauren asks
"He's just been following Paul around" shaking my head "like watching, waiting for something to happen"
"Do you think Paul's on drugs?" Angela asks "I mean in the last month he has gotten really buffed, in ways that men don't get that buffed without years of training or taking some sort of drug"
"Maybe" I once asked Paul about it and he waved me off saying I was crazy, I even asked Sue about which drugs could cause what is happening to Paul since it's like the same thing that happened before Sam broke up with Leah. Paul got so angry at me that I thought for sure he would have hit me "he denies using but I'm not sure"
"Will you end things with him before or after" Angela asks "the championship?"
"After" nodding my head "thankfully he isn't going to Seattle" he's actually never once seen me on the ice rink which hurts.
"I always" Lauren comments "found it as a dick move that he's never once gone to any of your practices or anything, I mean if he saw how you and Daniel act then he wouldn't be as jealous"
"What hurts more is that he's my first love" I say "I just hope I can even end things with him" though I am uncertain still, Paul has been there for me and has cared even loved me but now? I don't know. I just don't know.
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