Chapter 3: Reunion
The Rangers met Storm, a Ralts who was taken in by a pack of Mightyena. One day, a Tyranitar attacked the pack. Disobeying the Chief's orders to get to safety, Storm rushed in to help.
Storm's POV
I flew at the Tyranitar, preparing to use Confusion. But Psychic-type moves can't affect Dark-types. So I instead used Thunderbolt. Not many Ralts learn it, so it was my unique move.
Tyranitar winced and used Hyper Beam.
Chief and Fang dodged it, leaving a boulder to be reduced to shards by the powerful attack.
I used Confusion on the shards and sent them flying at the attacker. He snarled at me.
"Storm?!" Chief looked at me sternly, making me flinch.
"I wanted to make sure you come back with minimal injury," I confessed. I thought he would be furious with my act of insubordination, but instead, he grinned.
"That's why you're a good pack member." But someone was behind him, poised to attack.
"Chief, look out!" I yelled, trying to stop the Hyper Beam. A blue bubble formed and blocked the attack, but I was knocked back into the nearby rock.
"Kid!" Chief charged at Tyranitar and used Dark Pulse, forcing our enemy to retreat with a reluctant growl. He then ran to me. "Kid, you okay?" I got up, immediately grabbing my arm in pain.
"Yeah, but... I think I injured my arm."
"You can rest at the den. And thanks for your help." With those words, Chief led us home.
But that was merely one story. There are many others I had, but I could tell you later.
Touya's POV
"I had no idea. You had an exciting past, huh?" He nodded.
"But I left that life behind to come here. Along with my name."
"Why not join us?" I suggested.
"You can have a home right here. And a Trainer/Ranger who isn't a jerk." Storm's eyes lit up, and he nodded. "As for your name, you can use Thunderbolt, and you have the ability to sense emotion. How about Pathor?" He smiled.
"I like that."
"Hey, you guys okay over there?" Solana asked behind us. We all turned and nodded.
"Pathor here just told us his story."
"That's his new name. He's gonna be my Partner Pokémon soon." The Pokémon smiled.
"You bonded like that immediately?! It took my Styler to befriend Plusle. To be honest, I'm a bit jealous."
Cassie fed a fresh Poffin to a Shinx, Travis polished an Aron and gave him some scrap metal to eat, and Tessa sang to an Eevee while brushing him. We had found our partners by the end of the day, but now the real training was beginning.
"Now that all of you befriended at least one Pokémon, today's the day you try a Capture Styler. Pick one, and then let me know. You can use these Poké Dolls to practice." I first went to the Flip Styler, but couldn't get the right position. Next was the Area Styler. It had some recoil and was tough to maneuver. Finally, the Guardian Styler. Immediately, I saw a strange symbol flash in front of me.
I drew it using the Styler's blue Tracer. Down, up and right halfway, across to the left, and up and right the rest of the way. Suddenly, a yellow flash of light shot up from the field, and in front of us was the Legendary Pokémon Raikou in all its glory. It walked up to me and stood patiently. I raised my hand, and it touched it with its muzzle to everyone's astonishment. Then, the memories returned. A year ago, I had met Raikou near Dragonspiral Tower. It had helped me and Touko against Team Plasma. Now here it was ready to obey.
What happened
We ran to the base of the tower, but saw eleven grunts in our way. The leader growled.
"Great. The brats are here," he muttered before grabbing a Poké Ball off his belt.
"That's what we're called now? I have to say, N must really hate us." I looked at Touko, a look of disappointment plastered on her face.
"N... Was what you said a lie then?" At least she didn't say I was being insensitive this time, but I hated seeing her like this.
"No. It is our own opinion about you. Our king just thinks of you as obstacles in the way of his goal." They threw one Poké Ball each, and we were surrounded by two Liepard, two Watchog, two Krokorok, two Scrafty, two Garbodor, and a Krookodile.
"Get ready, Scal!" I tossed up Scal's Poké Ball, and the Dewott appeared, grabbing his Scalchops. Touko summoned her Servine. But we were still outnumbered. Then, we heard a deafening roar and saw it. A yellow lionlike Pokémon stood on the cliff then jumped down, firing a powerful Thunder at Team Plasma's Pokémon. And I heard something.
"I'll hold them off. Go stop Reshiram's summoning!"
But even with it helping us, the Vast White Pokémon emerged from the Light Stone. But if not for that, then Team Plasma may not have been defeated.
"Greetings," Raikou growled. Pathor nodded hastily and respectfully. "It's a pleasure to see you again, Touya."
"I'm Cassie," the brunette piped up. "Blue over there is Travis, and the other girl is Tessa."
"Hey, who put you in charge of introductions?!" Travis protested.
"Never mind him, Raikou," I told it. "Please think of them as allies."
"Very well. If that is what you wish."
Pathor suddenly flinched and turned to us, his red eyes wide.
"Someone's nearby."
Then, a Trainer with black hair appeared.
"Oh? Am I intruding?" The Ralts stared at him.
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