Chapter 2: The Training Begins
Touya's POV
We left the cabin to check out the grounds. Rand had told us to meet him in the warehouse in 30 minutes for a lesson on Styler types, but we were bored in the cabin.
"So tell me," Cassie requested as we walked. "Why is a Trainer trying to be a Pokémon Ranger?" I turned to look at her.
"I guess it starts with N. He was the leader of Team Plasma. However, he was only being used by a man named Ghetsis to liberate Pokémon so that he'd be the only Trainer left. Then he'd rule all of Unova."
"Yikes," Tessa gasped. "How was he defeated?"
"To battle against N and the newly awakened Reshiram, we needed Zekrom. Touko and I obtained the Dark Stone and went into N's castle to the final battle. That was when Zekrom emerged and chose Touko as its guardian. After battling N, then Ghetsis, we went our separate ways. Touko became the Champion, I came here, and N... I don't know where he went. But sometimes, in my dreams, I hear Reshiram calling to me and trying to communicate with me."
"So even though N is on the lam, his Pokémon is talking to you?" Travis asked skeptically.
"Basically." I shrugged. "We should get to the warehouse." The others nodded.
We walked into the warehouse and saw four models of Stylers. From what I knew, the flip-phone style one was the first Styler design developed, the one with a trigger and antenna was the Area Styler, the one with wrist straps was the Vantonage Styler, and the watch style one was the Guardian Styler.
"You're early," a deep voice said. We turned to Rand behind us.
"Yeah. Didn't wanna be late." I looked around. "Where's that last guy?"
"You mean me?" a voice from a box asked. It then flashed and transformed into the boy from the cabin. His long black hair was in a ponytail, and his blue eyes pierced through the air. "Name's Mirage. So, what's the lesson?"
"The lesson is on Stylers and their use. As you know, Pokémon Rangers wield Stylers when in the field. They launch special Discs that generate energy in a stream called a Capture Line. That is used to convey the Ranger's emotion and generate a bond between Ranger and Pokémon. However, unlike the Poké Ball, this capture is temporary. Even so, the bond can last a long time. Summer, will you demonstrate?" A brunette in the red and blue Ranger uniform stepped up. An Ariados crawled up.
"Aw geez!" Cassie backed up and bumped into me, whipping around and blushing. "So sorry! Ariados just bring back bad memories."
"It's okay," I replied.
"Capture on!" Summer yelled. The top layer flipped up, and the Disc launched from her Guardian Styler and circled around Ariados. A small triangle of energy appeared from Summer's Styler, and she moved it, the Disc's Capture Line glowed with each revolution. The ring then closed in on the Pokémon, who then walked up to Summer who pet it. "Capture complete."
The class burst into applause as did we. Except for Mirage who only nodded.
"Any questions?" Rand asked. One kid from the Blue Cabin raised his hand. "Yes?"
"When will we get to use one?" he asked.
"Well, you'll need to learn the basics first. That's today's lesson. You will get to use different Styler types tomorrow. Each Styler is fitted with different features including communication, a regional map, an AI system in Guardian Stylers, and a log containing data on Pokémon." I raised my hand. "Yes?"
"It's like a Pokédex, right?"
"Excellent observation, Touya. They use a similar system to detect and identify Pokémon. Using this, Rangers are able to find out about the Pokémon they meet in the field."
The lesson concluded with a demonstration of each type of Styler, then everyone left the warehouse with high hopes for tomorrow's lesson. We ate lunch in the mess hall, then met with another Ranger named Solana in the field.
"Hi! You must be the new recruits. I'm your field instructor, Solana. And this is my Partner Pokémon Plusle." The red rabbit-like Pokémon dashed up to us, greeting us with a joyful cheer.
"It's so cute!" Cassie squealed. "Hi!" Startled, Plusle used Thunderbolt before running behind Solana's leg. "R-right. Forgot about that." I caught her.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, just a bit shocked." I chuckled at the wordplay and helped her up.
"Sorry, Plusle's been a bit jumpy lately." Solana picked up her Partner Pokémon and hugged her close. Plusle calmed down. "Ever since we saw Thundurus and Tornadus battling another Pokémon, that is. Poor Plusle was nearly caught in a Hurricane attack." Plusle nodded.
"I'm sorry, Plusle." Cassie held her hand out to the Cheerleading Pokémon. "I didn't know." Plusle nudged her hand and nodded.
"She accepts your apology," I heard a voice say, We whipped around to find a Ralts behind us. His pink horns stood out from the green "bangs" as he shyly looked up, then back down, shaking fearfully. "Oh. S-sorry."
"You're not using telepathy," I realized.
"Oh. I-is that wrong?" he asked. I shook my head.
"No, not at all. Do you live on the grounds?" Solana asked. He nodded slowly.
"You see, I was abandoned by a Trainer about a year ago. He said that I was too weak, and that he could find a replacement in a day. I ran away, and when I got lost, I just cried myself to sleep. Finally, after a month of wandering, I met a pack of Mightyena. A young Poochyena among them was my best friend. I lived with them for five months. I still remember it like yesterday."
A Year Before...
Ralts' POV
I flew alongside the running pack as we searched for berries. This time, Dira and I tagged along. I flew with psychic power, and she ran among the pack. I could barely see the pup among the Mightyena. When we found a bountiful Oran Berry tree, I landed.
"Go on, Storm," the alpha commanded, nudging me forward. "Pick the berries." I nodded and focused. I saw the berries' exterior glow blue as they moved and separated from the branches. I then placed them in each of the leaf pouches I had made for gathering and rationing.
"All done, Chief!" He nodded in approval and turned to the pack, signaling the pack to start back. I fastened one pouch on each of the carrier collars I had fashioned with an Ariados with a sharp stone and leather we had found. I carried the other berry pouches using Confusion. Scouts would take them to carry berries.
"This is a great strategy you thought of," the Chief told me. "These collars do make us look like pets though."
"I'll keep that in mind." I jumped and hovered, and the scouts sprinted below me. When we got back to the den, we drank at the watering hole and ate some berries from the last run.
"Chief sure is warming up to you, Storm," Dira said, looking up from her ration. I nodded.
"It's been a month since I came. You guys took me in when I was rejected by that Trainer. You gave me a name to be proud of: Storm. You trained me. For that, my debt can never be repaid."
"Chief," Fang, a sentry, called.
"What is it?"
"A Tyranitar is approaching. He is enraged and if not stopped, he could destroy the entire valley!"
"I shall alert the pack. Storm, Dira, get to safety."
"No." I stepped forward. "Chief, the pack has done so much for me. I want to help you any way I can."
"Absolutely not," he growled. "I cannot let you risk your own life." I flinched at his sternness. His expression softened. "Storm, I'm doing this for the pack. Now go." I nodded and started off, then turned to Dira.
"No. I won't just stand by. I wanna do something to help." Dira nodded and "hugged" me.
"Good luck." I smiled and sped towards the Tyranitar. The pack was already fighting him, but I waited, poised to help at the best time.
To Be Continued...
Hey guys! Sorry about that. It'll be a good cliffhanger though for next time!
Yuya from Yugioh Arc-V Abridged: No! NO! NO!!!
Me: Dude. You don't have to do that.
Abridged Yuya: It happened to me once with the Narrator interrupting me during my battle against Strong Ishijima.
Me: You mean the Sledgehammer?
Abridged Yuya: No. I mean Strong Ishijima. Now shut up.
Me: Hey! Who's the author here?! I am. No objections? Good.
Abridged Yuzu: Oh my God! You are just as bad as that weird guy from episodes 1 and 2. What was his name?
Me: You mean Circus Hitler?
Circus Hitler: Indeed! Guten tag, Guillermo! Heil Circus!
Abridged Yuzu: (slaps Circus Hitler upside the head with a fan) YUZU B--
Me: That's all, folks! Guillermo456 out!
Circus Hitler: You have not seen the last of me! Heil Circus!
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