Chapter 5: Memories Part 1- Head in the Clouds
Shade's POV
We arrived in Mistralton City, heading at once for the Pokémon Center. In order to defeat Skyla, the Gym Leader, they needed to rest. Then, I thought about two years ago, when Touko became Champion.
Two years ago
I looked up towards the Pokémon League, where fireworks were going off to celebrate the new Champion: Touko. On the other hand, I wanted to unlock my true power, so I looked for the masters of the blade: the legendary Swords of Justice. I saw Grimsley, the Dark-type using member of the Unova Elite Four, the strongest trainers in the region behind the Champion.
"Do you know where I can find Cobalion, Virizion, Terrakion, and Keldeo?" I asked.
"Mandibuzz saw them near the base of Victory Road," Grimsley replied.
With that, I rushed down to meet the Legendary Pokémon. I jumped down rocks, slid down cliffs, and after 30 minutes, I was standing in front of the Pokémon who would train me for the next year.
"Why are you here, young one?" Cobalion asked. I immediately bowed in respect.
"My name is Shade. I wish to be strong enough to protect others from the disasters I predict. And I want to learn from you, Swords of Justice." Terrakion grinned.
"Cobalion, we should give the kid a chance."
"Yes, he could become very strong under our guidance," Virizion said, agreeing with her friend. Cobalion nodded.
"Very well. You may train with us. Your test is in one week." I smiled.
"I won't let you down, Cobalion!"
Present Day
"Glad you're here, challenger," Skyla said cheerfully, "let's have a great battle."
"Both of us are going to battle together," Nate said. This human must love battling alongside his sister.
"Okay," she replied, "The more the better the battle, right? How about a four-on-four Team Battle?" Both nodded. They then called out Servine and Pignite, called over me and Rio, then we huddled up.
"Okay, we're gonna use Servine and Pignite first, then switch to you and Rio," Rosa explained. We both nodded in agreement with the plan. We took our positions.
"The Team Battle between Nate and Rosa, the challengers, and Skyla, the Gym Leader, will now begin!" the referee announced, "Teams will switch as one, and a team is not defeated until both are unable to battle!" Skyla threw two Poké Balls to call out a Swoobat and a male Unfezant. The first two teams got into their fighting positions.
Two years ago
Today was the test. I wondered what I'll be told to do. I met them in a clearing.
"Welcome, Shade," Cobalion said. I bowed. "In order to be one of us, you must pass three trials to test strength, speed, and courage. Come for the first trial." I saw an Ursaring growling at two Patrat and a Minccino. The Patrat were knocked out, and the Minccino was quivering in terror in front of the bear-like Pokémon. "For your first test, you must knock over that Ursaring without using any attacks."
I knew at once that this was Terrakion's test of strength. Out of the four, he was the strongest. I assumed a fighting stance and my instinct got the best of me.
"Hey, Ursaring! How about picking on someone else for a change?!"
Ursaring turned toward me and roared in rage. It charged with a Hammer Arm, but I dodged just in time. I charged with all my strength, but it only pushed him back. He followed with a blue-glowing Focus Blast. I dodged that too, but it almost hit Minccino. Rats. My test is to stand my ground and protect the Pokémon. He used Giga Impact next. The bear-like Pokémon flew at me, but I stood my ground. I didn't dodge.
"Come on, Grizzly. Show me what you've got!"
Keldeo's POV
I saw my new friend get hit by the Giga Impact, and there was a massive explosion. When the smoke cleared, we were all surprised to see him pushing Grizzly back.
"So the kid can block a Giga Impact with only his own strength," Terrakion said, grinning.
Shade pushed Grizzly back, sending a shockwave through the clearing. A dark blue aura surrounded him as he lunged at Grizzly, knocking him into some trees. After rubbing his head, he grinned and gave Shade a thumbs-up. He then turned to Minccino.
"I'm sorry for how I acted." He picked three fruits off the nearby tree. "I hope you can forgive me." Minccino and the Patrat nodded.
After saying goodbye, Virizion walked up to me.
"Now for my trial of speed."
Present Day
Shade's POV
Skyla had the first attack.
"Swoobat! Unfezant! Use Double Air Slash!" Both spread out their wings, releasing many blades of sky blue energy.
"Servine! Pignite! Use the Grass and Fire Pledge Combination! Sea of Fire!" Both summoned columns of flame and grass which combined into blazing pillars. They destroyed the Double Air Slash, surrounded the two flying Pokémon, and summoned a blast which weakened them, also creating a sea of fire, thus the name. However, they weren't defeated yet. They were held in place by Swoobat's Psychic and barraged by Unfezant's Aerial Ace.
"Nate, I have an idea on how we can break them free," Rosa said. She then whispered in his ear. He nodded, then they turned to their Pokémon.
"Servine! Use Leaf Tornado!"
"Pignite! Use Flame Charge!" Skyla looked confused.
"You know that they can't move while they're held in place by Psychic, right?"
"Exactly," Rosa grinned. Unfezant was coming in for one more super effective blow, right towards the attacks.
"Wait a minute. Unfezant, move out of the way now!" Skyla cried. But it was too late. Unfezant was knocked back by the a Leaf Tornado. He hit Swoobat who, thrown off, released Servine and Pignite from her Psychic. The Leaf Tornado slipped off Servine's tail, and it was caught by the Flame Charge. Servine then jumped into the air and her tail and Vine Whip glowed green from Leaf Blade
"Another combination move?!" Skyla gasped.
"Yep," Nate grinned.
"Flaming Leaf Drill! Leaf Vine Slash!" both yelled. The sea of fire made the flames grow even bigger. It also set the Leaf Vine Slash ablaze, turning Servine into a green fireball. Flaming Leaf Drill was now a Super Flaming Leaf Drill, and Leaf Vine Slash was now a Fiery Leaf Vine Slash! Pignite crashed into the two, Servine caught and barraged the two with her vines then flipped and knocked them onto the battlefield with the flaming Leaf Blade. Both fainted. Servine and Pignite were glowing blue. They were evolving once again. When the blinding light died down, an Emboar and a Serperior stood in front of us. Serperior is a full serpent with a leaf on its tail and a regal crest on its chest.
"Amazing!" Skyla laughed. "But the real battle starts now! Braviary! Swanna! Let's show them how it's done!" She called out two more bird Pokémon, who both called at the same time.
"We'll stay with our team!" Nate said.
"All right. Your lost round," Skyla grinned. "Swanna, use Bubblebeam! Braviary, use Air Slash!" The attacks flew into Flamethrower and Leaf Tornado. The next flashback came with the explosion.
Two years ago
A few hours after my first trial, I met Virizion and a Zebstrika. We were on a field path with a meadow area adjacent to both sides. Once again, I bowed as the others arrived.
"Greetings, Shade," Virizion said, smiling kindly. "This test will be of your speed. Zebstrika are among the fastest electric-type Pokémon. You will race through the meadow to the hill, where we'll meet you. Good luck."
Cinni, the Minccino from before, started the race.
"On your marks."
We took out positions.
"Get set."
I grinned at Striker, as he wanted to be called. He grinned back.
Cinni used Thunderbolt, creating the same effect as a starting pistol. We dashed forward, me a bit behind Striker. But I have great stamina, so I didn't get tired. We ran up the straight path and found boulders in the way. I grinned. This was my kind of turf! I bounded up the rocks and landed gracefully, taking off like Latios in the sky. Striker used Wild Charge to bust through the rocks and catch up with me.
Then the Draco Meteor was fired.
A Haxorus used it nearby in a battle, and the boulders were from a Rock Slide used by a Golurk. We both dodged the attack with grace, but one flew at Striker. I sped up to him and pushed him aside, both of us being knocked back by the explosion.
"My head," I groaned, then turning to Striker. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, but that hurt." He tried to get up, but he winced in pain and fell again.
"Your leg! You hurt it."
"Don't worry about me, Shade," Striker managed to say. "Just finish this race."
"Dude, I'm not leaving you with an injured leg." I ran to the Haxorus. He bent down to hear. I told him to tell his trainer, a doctor as well as a trainer, about Striker's leg. He came and saw me.
"A young Absol!" He looked at Haxorus, then back at me. "Are you the one who told Haxorus about what happened?" I nodded.
"All right, let's see what I got." The man opened his first-aid kit and took out a gauze. "It's okay," he soothed, "Doctor Phil's gonna make it feel all better. Haxorus, can you help my dear patient up, please?" Haxorus helped Striker up, then propped his leg up with his tail. Phil picked up two sticks, placed them at both sides of Striker's injured right foreleg, then used the gauze to wrap it up. He smiled as I propped his leg on my shoulder. He moved his head to the side saying I should complete the trial.
"Thank you"
I walked up to the Swords of Justice, who were eating lunch. I cut a berry off a tree for myself and Striker, and we ate.
But the final trial would be the hardest of all.
To Be Continued
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