Chapter 2: Team Plasma Returns-Part 1: Betrayal
Touya's POV
Three weeks later, we saw Castelia City. It was hard to miss with its tall buildings. Having won the Toxic Badge from Roxie the week before, Nate and Rosa are to challenge Burgh next. He uses bug-type Pokémon.
Through the corner of my eye, I saw something fly near the sewers.
"Guys, I saw something fly near the sewers," I said, "We should check it out."
We walked to the sewers and I saw another old friend. Her dark hair made it clear that that was Iris.
"Touya? What are you doing here?" she asked.
"I came to check out that thing that just flew into the sewers," I replied.
"I came to stop Team Plasma." My eyes widened.
"Team Plasma is back?"
"Yes. Me and Fraxure came to stop them."
"So Ghetsis is finally ready." I nodded.
"Let's go."
Upon entering, I saw a board-shaped Pokémon unfold into a semi-humanoid with a cannon on its back. The Team Plasma crest, a shield with a "p" and a z-shape across the shield, was on top of the cannon, and its name was on the side of its right arm: Genesect.
I hadn't seen it since I was training to be a Ranger. I approached it, ready for an attack. It sensed something and charged its cannon. I turned around to see three Plasma grunts run up to us. They wore black military-like uniforms with the crest on the shirt. Two threw pokéballs which opened to release Koffing and Whirlipede, and a Zangoose walked from behind the one in the center. The grunt had a watch like object on his right wrist that I didn't recognize.
"Step away from Genesect, and we won't attack," the man ordered.
"We will never give it to you," I responded, "Why do you make Pokémon suffer? If you want to do that to Genesect, you'll have to beat us!"
"You always were the determined one, Touya," the grunt in the center chuckled as he took off his hat and uniform.
I felt myself go pale when I saw the electric blue wavy hair and his brown eyes. It was my old friend Travis. He had a red eyepiece on his right eye and a black and blue Ranger uniform with the crest over his heart. On his arm was a Guardian Styler like mine, but it was shaped like the Team Plasma crest.
"This can't be. All this time you were working with Team Plasma?"
"Only recently," he explained, "Lord Ghetsis helped me see the truth. That he should be the ruler of the world. And I will see to it that he succeeds!"
With that, Zangoose charged with Shadow Claw. We had no other choice.
I called out Pathor as I tossed Nate a Capture Styler.
"Capture a Pokémon and help me out," I told him.
Nate's POV
I had seen a Styler in action, but I had never used one. And this one was a bit retro for me. It looked like a flip-phone and had a launcher for the Capture Discs. I put one on there and aimed at a Riolu.
"Capture on!" I yelled.
I pushed a button and the Disc was launched. It left a trail of light as it circled Riolu. The antenna extended as I waved the Styler to guide the Disc. The circle of light closed in on Riolu.
"Capture complete."
Touya had done the same with Genesect. It transformed into hover board mode, and Riolu jumped on it. They flew above the enemy Pokémon. Genesect extended its arms and charged Koffing with X-scissor. Riolu jumped off and used Quick Attack to knock it back. I saw Touya and Pathor battling the man and his Whirlipede.
"Tell me what you're up to, Kai."
"Like I would tell you," he smirked. "Steamroller!" Whirlipede charged, its antennae spinning and glowing.
Riolu raised a wooden flute and started to play a song, but Zangoose rushed up and slashed the flute into three pieces and smirked as Riolu glared at it before barraging him with Crush Claw.
My hands became fists as I stared at the heartless young man who Touya said was his friend.
"That flute was probably Riolu's most treasured possession," I growled as I felt a burning aura coming from me, "You destroyed that. I will NEVER FORGIVE YOU!"
The aura burst from me as I aimed the Styler at Zangoose.
"CAPTURE ON!" I yelled as the Disc flew like a fireball.
Touya recognized the aura: Turboblaze. I waved the Styler once again, creating a trail of flames with each stroke. When I finished, I felt the aura disappear. As Zangoose ran towards the entrance, I turned to Tepig and Snivy and saw them glow blue. They were evolving. They then slammed the ground, and columns of flames and leaves shot up and hit Koffing and Whirlipede. They were using Fire Pledge and Grass Pledge. The two fell into the shallow water. We had won. I called Pignite into its Poké Ball as Rosa called back Servine. Then I remembered the flute I got from a guitarist in a cafe. I pulled it out and gave it to Riolu. He smiled and then touched my Styler.
"I think he wants to go with you," Touya said, "Besides, every great Ranger has a Partner Pokémon."
Genesect also decided to stay with us.
"Come on, guys," I said, "Let's get out of here."
Touya's POV
I ran to Travis.
"You don't have to do this," I called out, "You can still be with us just like old times."
"You're just as naive as ever," he just said coldly, "I'm out of here." He turned and headed for the entrance, then turned around one last time to say, "By the way, if I see her, I'll tell Cassie you say hi." before leaving.
Rosa's POV
We went to get Casteliacone after we checked in at the Pokémon Center. We went to the plaza and got 7 casteliacones. One for each of us and the Pokémon that battled.
Then I saw him.
An Absol walked up to the stand and nudged my leg.
"I hear the Casteliacones here are delicious," a deep voice said, "I came to see if that's true." I turned and flinched.
"Did you just talk?!" It was using telepathy.
"Yes. Call me Shade." I asked for another Casteliacone and gave it to Shade. He grabbed it with his horn, and ate it. He smiled at me and Touya. He smiled back as if they knew each other. As he turned to leave, I got the feeling that we would see him again.
Touya's POV
We were at the plaza when I saw a man in a lab coat with blonde hair and a blue lock standing at the fountain. Rio (Nate's Riolu) and Pathor stared and got ready to fight as he and his Magneton turned to face us.
"You know, Team Plasma wants to liberate all Pokémon," he said, "I disagree. I think we should find their true potential. I'm Colress by the way." He extended his hand, which I shook, still suspicious. He walked away, saying, " I have business to attend to."
Little did we know his "business" was with an organization.
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