Chapter 10: Ranger Rescue Part 3: Journey into the Plasma Frigate
Touya's POV
I looked at the map on the deck of the still flying ship. The cold room was nearby. Then, I saw a Dragon Pulse fly towards the ship. Pathor cut it in two, revealing the blonde girl I'd been expecting.
"So, what's the plan?"
"We'll get to the cold room, then get Travis back. According to Ghetsis, the Frigate will land at the eastern entrance of Seaside Cavern. That's when we'll strike."
"Okay. Have you planned for everything?"
"Yes. Now let's save our friends." We ran below deck and followed the map to the cold room's entrance, and I convinced the Grunts that I was taking Tessa to Colress to get her to help him. Then came the hard part: stealing a key to get in.
"So, you finally hit a hurdle you can't jump over." I turned around to see Travis, Kai and Jet by his side. "You may have been my friend, Touya, but after you betrayed us, I can't let you do this."
"It seems you're too far gone to be brought back by reason," I realized. "So my only choice is to take you down in a battle!" I fired my Mega Disc at Pathor as he did the same for red-eyed Ore, a Combusken ready to fight as well. It roared with the power boost.
"I'd like to introduce you to my new friend. Scorch, watch closely as Ore takes on, and down, Pathor."
"You shall not defeat Travis!" The tank-like Pokémon charged with Iron Head, his horns charged with his fighting spirit. Pathor countered with Drain Punch, knocking both back. Jet charged with Aqua Jet, which hit Veo.
"I thought I told you to hang back!" Travis snapped.
"I've had enough of waiting on the sidelines. I want to fight by your side, like the others! Just like before, don't you remember?!" Travis' glare softened, and he nodded.
"Fine. Defeat Tessa." He grinned, then turned to me. "Let's finish this!"
"I agree!" I yelled back, activating the Black Disk. "Psycho Bolt!" The blades turned blue with the bursting aura as Pathor launched a giant pink-and-blue shockwave.
"Flare Card!" Tessa yelled. Veo launched fiery red card-shaped projectiles charged by Turboblaze.
"Flash Edge!" Travis roared. Ore fired a barrage of silver stones.
"Sonic Splash!" Jet created an "X" with Sonicboom and charged with Aqua Jet behind it. All four clashed, creating an explosion that shook the corridor. A small bolt of energy struck Travis, his scream of pain echoing.
Travis' POV
The pain I felt was great, but it hit me right where I got hit before. Then, I remembered.
I wrestled with the Elekid, training after the camp activities. He knocked me over, but I put my foot under his stomach and threw him back. I rolled over and got up, ready for round two, but he used Thunderpunch on me, hitting me in the middle of my torso. I fell, losing consciousness.
"Wait a minute," I thought as the scene played out. "This was at Ranger Camp a year ago! Man, I was cocky then." But then another scene played. One I never forgot.
"Are you all right?" a voice asked as I opened my eyes. I saw Tessa, Cassie, and Touya standing above me in the medical cabin.
"What happened?" I groaned. "And what is he doing here?"
"I carried you in and covered your wound. It should heal in three days."
"Oh yeah. I was stuck there for three days. Tessa visited me and snuck me food from the cafeteria. But Touya was the one who..." I saw many images in my head. "who stayed by my side, even when I didn't want his help." A white light blinded me as I was brought back to reality.
"Travis?" I saw Touya and Tessa.
"He's waking up!" Tessa cheered, pulling me into a tight hug.
"Hey, Tess. Touya. What happened? Last thing I remember is being brainwashed by Ghetsis..." Then I remembered everything. "Oh no..."
"Hey, it's okay, dude," Scorch said, his claws grabbing my right shoulder.
"No, it's not okay!" I protested, swatting away his wing. "I let my jealousy against Touya get the best of me, and look at what I've become! I'm the traitor, not Touya. A traitor to my friends, my region, and you. I don't deserve to be on this team."
"What are you saying?!" Tessa grabbed my shoulder, tears running down both our faces. "You can't leave us! This team needs you! We all need you!" She turned me around so I can see her eyes. "I need you."
"Dude, you're not a traitor," Touya added. "You're like a brother to me. Besides, this team only works one way: together. So, what do you say?" I saw him extend his hand. I wiped my tears away and shook it.
"I'm still keeping the Styler. You'll need it to open the doors here." He gave me a thumbs-up. I scanned my watch-like tool and opened the door. We ran in to see Cassie trapped inside a giant ice cube.
Touya's POV
I focused the Teravolt into my fist and punched the ice, shattering it with one blow. Cassie fell out, and I caught her. She was cold from the ice, and shivered in my arms. After five minutes, her eyes fluttered open, and she looked at me. What she said shocked all of us.
"W-who are you?"
Travis' POV
"She clearly has amnesia," I explained. "We'll need to try to trigger her memories somehow."
"Let's do that first thing in the morning," Touya suggested, yawning. It was a long day. "Good night."
"Good night." I saw Tessa walking out of the dorm and standing next to me.
"Travis? Why are you out here so late?"
"Tessa? I just wanna say something. Thank you. For everything."
"I just wanted to help you," she responded immediately, blushing slightly.
"N-no. There's something else. You see, I-I... Oh, forget explaining with words!" I felt my face blazing red.
"What are you--?" I cut her off and shoved my lips onto hers. She tensed a little, then relaxed completely, putting her arms around my neck as mine wrapped around her back. She was as passionate about it as I was. The first kiss. When we pulled back, her face was bright red, as mine probably also was.
"G-goodnight." With that, I ran into the dorm, then pounded the wall. "Idiot. Idiot! Why'd you have to?" I groaned and flopped onto a bed.
"You kissed her, didn't you?" I jumped at the voice, hitting my head on the bed.
"Scorch! I told you not to do that!"
"Look, I did kiss her, but it didn't feel right. Oh well, the chance will come someday."
Nate's POV
"Phase Two was successful," I reported. "We'll battle Marlon tomorrow, then set off ASAP afterwards." We heard Travis saying that he kissed someone at the wrong time. "That's awkward."
"Let's just get some sleep," Rosa yawned. "Goodnight."
"Good night."
Hey guys! Guillermo here. I just want to know. What could I do post-chapter? Also, sorry if this chapter had way too much feels. Still trying to balance. Anyway, until next week, Guillermo out!
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