Quinn Greene tugged her blonde hair into a ponytail, swiping her keycard and entering through the employee's entrance into the Smithsonian.
It didn't take long for her to locate her favorite mug in the staff room, the coffee soon filling her system with a buzz that the lack of sleep hadn't. She had already known that staying for most of the night watching historical documentaries in her bed while eating ice cream probably wasn't the best idea. But what could she say? Is was so easy now that she wasn't staying with her dads' anymore, there wasn't anyone to caution her against it anymore.
The move to Washington D.C from New York had been a big one. Something that Quinn had at times not even wanted to do but no matter how hard she tried to forget that her dream job was on offer, it was never an option.
Of course, the move to Washington hadn't come at a better time, Quinn was the last person who wanted to get caught in the middle of the whole 'aliens coming from a hole in the sky' disaster. There wasn't a heroic bone in her body, she was much better suited to reading about real-life heroes and teaching others about them.
Quinn's eyes drifted to the couch chair where she had sat on the day, a year and a half ago, eyes glued to the TV, heart pumping wildly in fear for her parents, as a group of heroes who called themselves the 'Avengers' fought a bunch of aliens and a god in New York. It was an event to go down in the history books, Quinn just wasn't quite sure if that was the kind of history she wanted to relive.
But yet here she was, the start of a new day, the start of getting to be a tour guide in a new exhibition. Quinn already knew enough about the man, himself. He had fascinated her completely when her love of history had first come to life.
But still, as she wandered through the new red, white and blue exhibit just before opening time, Quinn still wasn't completely sold on the idea of showing the life of Captain America to the public.
Regardless, she still had to pay for the tons of ice cream she had delivered to her door each month, not to mention getting to do something that she still loved endlessly.
So, plastering a smile on her face, she looked around at the same group that had formed around her, eager to find out new knowledge about one of the countries' greatest heroes.
"Hi, I'm Quinn, and I'll be your Tour Guide for today."
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