Chapter Twenty One
Everyone charged forward towards the barrier, Steve and T'Challa due to their enhanced bodies pulling drastically ahead of the rest of the group, leaping into battle. As they continued running, a section of the barrier opened, the alien dogs swarming over each other through the small opening.
Quinn took another deep breath in, calming her nerves before immediately jumping into the fight. A very small part of her wished that she had allowed Steve to convince her to stay and protect Vision as the alien dogs contained to snap at her causing Quinn to quickly shoot them in the face.
Her new-found skills in combat were so far keeping her safe until suddenly one of the alien dogs caught her slightly off guard, snapping its huge fangs dangerously close to her head. Quinn struggled as more alien dogs swarmed around her, she managed to kick a few of them away, shooting a few in the head before suddenly they all became too much, their fangs snapping in her face, their claws slashing at her skin as Quinn could only accept that this was it.
However, a huge flying object crackling with electricity flew overhead knocking the Outriders swarming over her body flying. Quinn sat up slightly in shock only to see three figures appearing in the middle of the field. She turned her head slightly in confusion before she realized exactly who it was, they could do this now.
"Ah-hahaha! You guys are so screwed now!" Bruce shouted out triumphantly towards the aliens into his Hulkbuster suit.
"BRING ME THANOS!" Thor shouted, charging towards a large group of the aliens, taking them all out with lightning gathering around his body.
Quinn quickly picked herself, running over towards where Keira, Bea and Aquila stood, facing towards the aliens gathering around them.
"And just like that, we are back in the game," Quinn heard Keira say to the two as they started to engage in battle together, Quinn joining them.
"Don't get too excited yet," Bea said, gesturing towards the treeline outside of the dome, where a deep rumbling echoed through the air followed by huge moving mounds of earth, eventually emerging from the ground, huge motorized spiked wheels left in place.
"Yeah, that doesn't look too good." Quinn chimed in, bracing herself as the wheels started on a path straight towards the four of them.
"I've seen worse." Aquila joked as the four of them found themselves in the direct path of one of the motorized wheels.
Quinn's eyes whipped around the battlefield finding everyone still giving their best effort towards the fight before landing to Steve as they usually did in any crowded situation who was fighting alongside Thor. She could only let out a small sigh of relief at the sight of him being okay before facing the threat directly in front of them.
However, suddenly Wanda landed nearby, her eyes burning red, levitating the Outrider wheels easily into the air, before throwing them behind her at another charging mob of aliens, this move narrowingly missing where Aquila, Keira, Bea and Quinn stood.
"Hey! Watch it!" Aquila teased, running over towards where Natasha and Okoye stood.
"Why was she up there all this time?" Okoye asked.
Quinn turned back to Keira and Bea the three of them fighting side by side, helping the others to deter an event like what had happened to Quinn before from happening to each other.
"Guys, we got a Vision situation here," Sam shouted over the comms urgently.
"Somebody get to Vision!" Steve also shouted, doubling in urgency.
"I got him!" Bruce shouted, followed by Wanda.
Quinn watched as Wanda, Aquila, Nat and Okoye were engaged in a fight with one of Thanos' minions, she was about to hurry over and offer her assistance when suddenly another Outrider alien snapped at her, almost demanding her attention, although she quickly took care of her, shooting him straight in the mouth.
"Guys! Vision needs backup now!" Bruce's voice shouted urgently once more over the comms.
Quinn shared a look with Keira and Bea who were fighting side by side, Keira only looked back up at the blonde, giving her a slight nod in reassurance.
Quinn hurried to a group of trees where Bruce was currently fighting an unknown creature, whilst desperately trying to turn into the Hulk at the same time.
"Hulk, I know you like making your entrance at the last second, well, this is it, man. This is the last second."
Quinn could only the two of them as they continued fighting before Bruce eventually impaling the creature with his detached Hulkbuster arm, sending him up towards the defensive dome, his demise ending in one final explosion.
"Quinn!" Bruce called to her. "Vision's back there!"
"I've got it." Quinn said, running up towards where Vision was only to watch another one of the creatures plunge his blade into Vision's chest.
"I thought you were formidable, machine. But you're dying, like any man."
"Hey," Quinn called getting his attention just as he bent down to retrieve the stone.
She charged forward exchanging blows, which both her fists and the butt of her gun, dodging his blade that was fighting the offense. Quinn quickly blocked as his blade came crashing down again aiming straight for her chest, however she managed to duck and block, the blade digging into the crowd, instead.
"That all you got?" Quinn teased, dodging as he moved to slash at her again, sending a quick kick to his knees causing him to take a moment to regain his balance.
However, Steve suddenly came charging out of nowhere attacking the alien himself before turning back to his blonde.
"Get him out of here!"
Quinn picked herself up, dragging Vision up, draping his arm across her shoulder, the two of them taking slow steps to try and get out of there.
"He needs your help." Vision muttered, groaning slightly in pain.
"I know but we need to get you out of here first." Quinn replied determinedly continuing on before the sound of Steve struggling reached her ears, leaving Quinn no choice.
Steve was trapped against a tree with the creature's hands firmly around Steve's throat choking him as he continued to struggle.
Quinn hurried over to where Steve had previously knocked the glaive from the creature's hand, before picking it up in her own, thrusting it through the creature's chest and out the other side.
The creature soon fell to the side, revealing Steve again, breathing heavily.
"I thought I told you both to go," Steve replied as Quinn offered him a hand up.
"We don't trade lives, Captain." Vision answered before collapsing to the ground in exhaustion, Wanda landing nearby before heading immediately to check on him.
"You okay?" Steve asked Quinn, his hand gently running over the dirt and blood amalgamated across her face.
"I'm fine," Quinn replied as she watched Steve's shoulders briefly relax from their tension.
Steve's eyes laid fixated on Quinn for a few more moments, the two of them taking a brief moment away from fighting just to appreciate the fact that they were alright and that's all that mattered.
However, it was soon shattered by Vision letting out another groan in pain, clutching at his head.
"What?" Wanda asked concerned. "What is it?"
"He's here."
Quinn took a deep breath in suddenly feeling quite strange as the wind seemed to pick up, an eerie feeling settling over the clearing.
"Everyone, on my position. We have incoming." Steve quickly said over comms, his eyes finding Quinn's once more.
"What the hell?" Nat muttered upon her arrival.
Suddenly a huge portal rippled through the air in front of them as a large shape walked through.
"Cap," Bruce said urgently. "That's him."
"Eyes up. Stay sharp." Steve said, preparing his vibranium shields.
Quinn could only watch in complete horror as Bruce ran forward but was quickly buried in the stone of the cliff behind Thanos.
Both Steve and T'Challa tried running straight at Thanos before they were both sent flying in different directions. Sam was the next to fall, his wings turning to rubber, as he crashed into the ground.
Rhodey joined the fight, firing all his guns at Thanos but was also tossed aside,his own suit crushed against him. Bucky was next, running in his gun ablaze but was soon cast aside next to Rhodey.
Keira and Bea ran towards Thanos, side by side once more but were quickly punched away with the power of the gauntlet.
Okoye threw her spear in Thanos' direction by it was stopped inches from Thanos, throwing her and the spear in the undergrowth, trapping Nat under bands of earth in the same movement.
Quinn watched as the whole team was taken down one after the other, leaving her and Aquila as the only two left to defend against Thanos.
Aquila quickly transformed before flying straight towards Thanos, while Quinn ran forward, baring her own weapons towards him, but all of a sudden both of them were taken down, landing roughly a while away.
Quinn quickly picked herself up once more, but a worse eerie atmosphere soon settled over them once more.
"What just happened?" Quinn asked, looking around confused.
"I don't know," Aquila replied.
Quinn was about to stand up to go looking for Steve or anyone who might know what was going on, before suddenly she fell back to the ground, the dizziness hitting her all of a sudden, her fingers slowly starting to tingle.
"Aquila. . ." Quinn's trembling voice trailed off as she looked down to her own hands only for them to start disappearing right in front of her.
"Quinn?" Aquila whipped around, fear filling her expression. "Quinn!"
"Tell Steve I love him, will you?" Quinn mumbled, leaning back. "It's all going to be okay." She mumbled once more, trying to convince Aquila just as much as she was trying to convince herself.
"Quinn! Quinn! Steve needs you!"
Quinn could hear Aquila's shouting her name and even though she was sat next to her it sounded like she was miles away, before everything went black.
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