p r o l o g u e
"You think you know the story, but you only know how it ends. To get to the heart of the story.....you have to go back to the beginning"
BELLA smirked, mischief in her eyes. Showing her new dress to her little sister. Mare Black. The two sisters had an excellent relationship, loved each other very much even though they were only from the same mother. But Mare was raised as a Black, was a Black to everyone and called Siregus her father, Bella her sister and Calasar her brother. She felt and acted like a Black
"So....do you like it?" Bella asked looking at her sister
"I love it, you know yourself it's really good" Mare teased her sister and giggled before she lit up some smoke, she took a small drag and then blew it out. Sitting on the bed Mare looked at Bella, who was three years older
"I know what you will ask me....and yes, the ball is close. And the dress is for the ball" Bella said and sat beside her sister
"Who are you trying to impress black snake?" The younger girl asked playfully and chuckled at her sister who slapped her arm playfully
"No one, alright? And I saw your silver and black one, rather impressive little sis. Who are you trying to impress?" She asked smirking, teasing her
"O shut up, Bella. None, it's not like there are any good looking men left in the seven kingdoms" she said and sighed
"Oh, oh little sis. You are lucky our brother isn't here, or else he would be offended" the older laughed and took a drag from the smoke too, exhaling she smirked again
"Hmm....our brother is hot yeah, but still. We can't lay with him" she said and shrugged smirking
"Yeah you are right.....hey why don't we check the ball guest list? We can find something good in there" Bella suggested and her eyes lit up as both giggled and ran to their father's office to take it.
They found it empty of course, he wasn't there. Mare knew that. Their father would usually take a walk around the gardens and especially the maze during the evening. It calmed him, he used to say. But Mare knew better, he was just taking a break from being the mighty Siregus Black. He was practicing too...
Bella went through the papers on the desk and sighed when she didn't found the list. Then she had an idea and smirked. Of course their father would never leave a guest list on the desk, but he would leave it in the bookcase. She chuckled and she opened his favorite book and found it inside. Of course it would be there, with a nod she took Mare's hand and they ran out of the room giggling. Their father never liked it when his little girls were in his office without him knowing. Let alone them taking something from there.
"It's kinda boring actually, the king, the prince, the queen....oh found it! Jaime Lannister" Bella said and smirked before Mare grabbed the list with a chuckle
"Ned Stark, lady Stark....Robb Stark!" Mare continued smirking "and the Snow bastard" she continued and grinned
"And the best part? The Tyrells" Bella said and looked at her sister
"And Theon Greyjoy" Mare finished and let the list on the side "for an old man he did a very good job" she finished and laid back on the bed.
Bella knew most of them, Mare didn't. She was the youngest so they had never really took her to any fest. Well not that the Blacks attended many but still. She wasn't there in any. Bella on the other hand knew the Starks and Theon really well.
She had once hooked up with Theon, it was quick but passionate. She could swear that she had almost fallen in love with him. Almost though. Why? Because Bella was difficult, she was difficult to love but when she did. She loved madly and fiercely. And Theon didn't help her on doing so. He could be such an asshole sometimes.
"Oh and he has invited the Dornish guy too" Mare continued as she checked the list again. Bella didn't hear her though. Her mind was traveling back to her time with Theon
"Hey, love stuck. Your lover will come in some days so relax" Mare teased and chuckled, of course she knew all about her sister's adventures.
"Oh shut up, unless you want me to tell to a certain Stark about you" the older female said smirking and chuckled earning herself a small punch from her sister
"Don't you dare! And I don't like him..." she started and blushed a little
"Anyone's name who can get my sister to blush I think that it's a crush" she stated and smiled a little.
Robb Stark was a kind soul and Bella knew him very well. Well enough to know his honorable and caring nature for the and ones he loved and the unforgiving for the ones who wronged him. He was a true Stark, like his father. Ned Stark. A wise man, an honorable man and as their father used to say, a fool man. A Northern fool....but he wasn't. Lord Stark was just too kind for this world. Too just.
Siregus Black on the other hand was everything. A smart man, a cunning one. Feared through Westeros. He had killed and ended many. The Dreadful Basilisk earned his name, overthrowing Lords from their thrones and ending a dynasty that lasted centuries. Respect was the least someone felt for Siregus. A man of secrets, a man of power. A man of poison.
"Whatever Bella, I just....I can't afford to make any mistake now. None of us" Mare whispered and looked down
"Love is not a mistake, sweet sister.....not a big one at least" she said
"It is....it gets people act foolish and do stupid things" Mare said with an eye roll
"You know, better than that Mare. Our mother loved our father, but did that made her foolish? I don't think so" Bella said smirking
"It made our father foolish though, thousands died because our father loved our mother. Don't you see it? Every big crime was done in the name of love"
"It was Rheagar's fault" Bella said coldly "end of it"
With that Bella Black but an end to this conversation knowing it might cause a fight and that was the last thing she wanted now. They had to be more united than ever for the upcoming ball. It was the most important event of the year, not only for their house but for other houses too. For all of the houses
Maven exhaled some of the smoke as he stared out of the window, he was ready. In his noble clothes and with his hair perfect he waited. He waited for the right time to appear, as he was told. But Maven wasn't quiet like his sister, Andromeda. Maven acted like a true Black, he was too much of an asshole sometimes but that was his way of getting what he wanted.
Maven was the cousin of Bella and Calasar, by blood. And cousin of Mare by name. His uncle was Siregus Black and his father was Macon Black. Maven was always the boy his grandparents were proud of and that was a reason, he and Mare always had small fights but he loved her. His cousin, when they first came to live at Diamonds Bay, he was only eleven and Mare was eight then. But as they grew up, Maven had developed some feelings towards her. In his mind he knew that he had to stop them, put them aside. They were supposed to be family. But of course Mare knew nothing of those feelings
And tonight he was suppose to escort her to the ball, when she walked inside the room he couldn't help but stare at her. She looked like an angel, even in her black and silver dress. She looked like chaos, beautiful chaos.
"You look magnificent" he said in a not warm or gentle tone, his tone was hard and sure for every single word
"Thank you, Maven. You look fine, yourself" she said smiling a little at him, she always felt like she could be herself around him. They might not be cousins by blood but still she felt safe
"Smoke?" He asked smirking, knowing she couldn't resist such an offer.
Mare nodded smirking and leaned to take a small drag, but when her lips met the cigarette her eyes met his. She had always favored Maven over her cousin Andromeda, she didn't really knew why. Maybe because they were always a little closer. As she blew out the smoke her eyes wondered around the room until he took her chin between his fingers. Mare frowned confused
"What are you doing?" She whispered confused while Maven only smirked, he brushed out something she had on her cheek and stared into her eyes
"You had something next to your lips..." he whispered back
"No, I didn't" but she didn't move, she couldn't. It felt like she had been hypnotized
"We are not family by blood, Mare. You know that you and I might end up together. In a noble marriage as our house has always done.
"But, that we don't know. So let's just have our fun while we can" he said smirking no winked
She laughed and smirked at him, same old Maven. Always a prick but a sweet prick to her, she shrugged smirking. She knew how to play the game better than he would ever play it
"Right, for tonight let's just get some royals crazy and show them what we are made of" she said smirking and he nodded
As they walked thought the corridors of Diamonds Bay she held his hand. They met the Tullys and gave them a small smile. They exchanged a look and both smirked. The Tullys were always such sweethearts....it got in their nerves sometimes. But not tonight....tonight nothing would change their mood
All eyes were on them, they looked breathtaking. Like a prince and princess should look. The legends were true, it was in their blood. He lead her to where Siregus was. He was drinking some wine and chatting with Ned Stark, she stood next to her father as he introduced her to Lord Stark. Not noticing a pair of blue eyes that were watching her some meters away.
So here we start!!!! Tell me guys your opinions about the book, don't forget to vote and comment oh and if you want check out my game of thrones rp book and my other book GODS WILL BOW! Love ya all❤️
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