Reviewing TOHO EUROBEAT Vol. 10 ~ Highly Responsive to Prayers
Honestly, I was ready to make a review on this volume because it's PC-98 songs being arranged to a Eurobeat remix.
Sadly, it's the only volume that remixes songs from the PC-98 era (as of 7/24/2018). They better make a Lotus Land Story volume and get nomico to do a Bad Apple eurobeat remix!
幻想が鳴り止まない (The Fantasy That Does Not Stop Ringing) / Rute: Sounds SUPER upbeat! I like it. Really different compared to the original. Sounds like something you hear in a para para event or some dj session hosted by Suika. Riff definitely starts a para para move. Now, all we need is someone to do a para para cover because I can't do one.
Overall, great atmosphere for the first song in the album.
Song based off theme of Makai levels 16-19.
Rating: 8.7/10
Love the BEAT / Mamemi: EUROBEAT! I just love how the song starts off by blatantly saying "EUROBEAT!" It's an english cover, but having people that can sorta speak English just sounds amazing for some reason *cough cough Italy*. This can actually pay off to be part of a Super Eurobeat album because of the song name XD
Song based off Konngara's theme.
Rating: 9/10
Eternal Party / Hanatan: Usually brass like this one feels boring and overused overtime. But it doesn't. The riff sounds a bit boring though. It's literally the same phrase form the beginning but with a twist of brass.
But DAMN the emotion in this song! I dig it a lot! Especially the chorus part! It feels like they've sampled a bit of Crazy Little Love into this but took it up a notch with the feelings!
Song based off Eternal Shrine Maiden (Levels 1-4, Hell levels 16-19)
Rating: 8.5/10
ユメノチ (Land of Dreams) / Aki: The piano in the intro sounds great. Riff as well.
Actually the song goes well with the name; just picture Reimu waking up in the clouds and flying through the sky, all while reminiscing her past memories. Does it fit? If you say no, then you have no taste. Aki did a great job putting her feelings into this song.
Song based off YuugenMagan's and Mima's theme.
Rating: 8.5/10
No Guardian Angel / Mortimer (T. Stebbins): What do you get when you combine two great songs from the first touhou game? A FUCKING MASTERPIECE!!!!
Odyssey's sly-like vocals actually fit this song like bread and butter. They just have that ominous vibe from where you're entering Konngara's or Sariel's realm. The riff kinda sounds a bit like Mickey Mouse March and Beat of the Rising Sun, which in turn, Highly Responsive to Prayers kinda sounds like Beat of the Rising Sun. One of the best Odyssey songs for TOHO EUROBEAT.
Song based off Hell Levels 6-9, Makai Levels 6-9, and credits theme.
Rating: 9/10
Melty LOVE / Nagisa: The beginning reminded me of some song but I don't remember what it was. (Oh... So that's what the song was....)
The person that did the arrangement did a great job with this. It definitely has those racing vibes! The vocals kinda seem bland in the chorus. It just needs a little more oomph in it and it'll sound amazing :D
I almost forgot to mention the riff; good use of brass, it isn't over the top. But it's based off the same phrase you hear in the background. So it kinda gets boring to hear again.
Song based off title and ending themes.
Rating: 8/10
Relief / Aki: I was expecting Rute to sing a song like this, but nope, it's Aki.
I do hear a racing vibe in there; it's feels more for third stage for some reason. I was expecting a strong attack in the riff, but I didn't. I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not, but I guess it's good...? ...ehh?
Song just feels too normal and simplistic in my opinion. It needs a bit more emphasis on background leads.
Song based off Elis' and Kikuri's theme.
Rating: 7/10
Time Will Tell / T. Stebbins: A great intro. It's literally saying: "Hey. I'm Sariel. Prepare to die." It's actually Sariel's 1st theme in the intro.
The brass used for the riff is great as well! Though it doesn't sound it should be used for racing tbh.
The lyrics.... are another story. I was shocked when I saw the lyrics "Torn between Hell and Makai". Just.... Mind blown. Also, lyrics are about Reimu going on her adventure to take down Sariel and Konngara.
Also this song fits Reimu a lot.
Song based off Sariel's first theme and Shin Gyoku's theme.
Rating: 8/10
It's not one of my favorites despite the lyrics sounding amazing.
Precious Steps / Rute x Aki: Hey look! Another Sariel arrange! This one seems more enjoyable to dance than Time Will Tell, and I like this contrast. Sure, Sariel is supposed to be that sinister person about to destroy Reimu, but I digress. Having different contrasts is what music should be. Not all should be the same. It's all in the creativity in out minds that lets us output the stuff we want.
Song based off Sariel's first and second themes.
Rating: 9/10
BEATS SHOWER: AXEL.K x Rute: Ok, hands down, the best DUO song I have ever heard in my life. It's been a while since Axel K did a duo song on a touhou volume, and his return is amazing!
Axel was also meant to sing in his Japanese vocals because they so awesome in it. Also that riff. I really dig it A LOT. Intro as well. The way they built it up was great.
Overall, a great way to end the album.
Song based off theme of Makai and Hell Levels 11-14.
Rating: 10/10
Song I would listen to everyday:
Beats Shower
Precious Steps
Melty Love
Songs I would occasionally listen to:
No Guardian Angel
The Fantasy Does not Stop Ringing (It's because I don't want to hear tracks like these all the time)
Overall rating: 8.7/10
You see, whether it's from the PC-98 era or not, it's possible to make great eurobeat remixes of Touhou songs! I just hope that A-One makes more PC-98 arranges because all of us like the songs from that era (cough cough Bad Apple). Give us more PC-98 in the future please!
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