I'll do volume 9 later, but I wanted to get to this first.
The Revival Mix is comprised with remixes of previously released A-One tracks along with two new compositions.
Along with the song rating, I will also decide whether the remix pars up or exceeds expectations with the original.
Without further ado, let's begin!
PLAY MY GAME (Revival Mix) / Aki [original by AXEL.K (Men's) and Shihori (Lady's)]: I already hate the original mainly due to the mixing problem. This, just immediately gets a thumbs up. The brass riff for both originals feel very low quality and mute. The brass riff here gets a huge upgrade with this. It's due to DJ Command's remix that he made this song sound really excellent, especially the brass, which really gives off that street race vibe.
Song based off Stage 1 and Nazrin's themes from Undefined Fantastic Object.
Rating: 10/10
Of course I prefer this one over the originals. The amount of feeling that was put into this song skyrockets to the max!
Don't Break Me Down (Revival Mix) / Rute (Original by AXEL.K): You know what's weird? Play my game was originally arranged by ELEMENTAS, then remixed by DJ Command. For this song, it's actually the opposite!
Now back when I reviewed the first volume, I rated the original a perfect score. This remix....
actually sounds really great! The brass riff definitely adds extra beats in that the original was lacking. That rock drum beat in the beginning can be weird at first, but it does fit over time. It also helps that the vocals are in Japanese, so it definitely fits the song. I think the remix here gives off a totally different aura compared to the original, which is a great thing!
Song based off Flandre's theme from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
Rating: 10/10
Although the original might seem inferior, the remix and the original are at equal level, so both are a must to listen.
Wanna Be My Dream (Revival Mix) / Aki (Original by Shihori):
I'll do the original first since I've never listened it before. Well... The vocals I guess isn't bad, but does take some time getting used to. I would actually walk away if Shihori used her actual voice for this. Overall it's good for Para Para.
Now for the remix- hold on, ELEMENTAS remixes a remix of his? wow. What a major improvement... I think the brass attacks used have been really emphasized a lot. The key change was very great as well. In fact, the change of tone between the two is very noticable! While the original takes on a more "para para" like approach, this one just says: "Hey, here's your driving montage. Now shoo." Just, there's a definite decision of which version is better.
Rating: 9.7/10
The remix definitely tops over the original.
Get it Done (Revival Mix) / Rute (Original by AXEL.K): I completely forgot how to do the para para dance for Get it Done so I briefly did it before listening to the actual remix XD
Get it Done is an excellent eurobeat arrange of Alice's and Prismrivers' themes. I hope the remix is good as well...
Ok I gotta say I love the key change a lot. I actually prefer the change since it fits more than the C# one. The leads sound great, vocals kinda are mute, but not at the point where you can't completely hear it. The only problem I have with the song is the brass riff. I just wish the remix kept that instead of a new one. Though the old riff returns in some parts. I also slightly wish that the old brass riff part; they weren't decayed at all. The remix is good, but not what I was expecting.
Song based off Alice and Prismriver Sisters' themes from Perfect Cherry Blossom
Rating: 8.7/10
I slightly prefer the original over the remix, but both are a must to listen.
EVERYDAY EVERYNIGHT (Revival Mix) / Aki (Original by Shihori): Originally on a Nonstop disc? Wow. The original actually sounds pretty cool, with the exception of the vocals, but who cares to be honest? The brass riffs definitely sound 90's like and definitely belong to a para para dance.
Remix: What? T. Stebbins remixed this? Wowee! (Definitely not a Nep Nep Reference.) Ok this remix is amazing. I didn't notice the key change until I had to hear the two again. I am in love with the brass riff used in the song. While the original sounds 90's like due to the brass used, the remix's brass is even more 90's like due to Stebbins' involvement with Super Eurobeat early in the years. I can't stop repeating that brass riff to be honest XD. It also feels good for someone else to sing a Stebbins-based composition. Aki had the perfect match with this one.
Song based off Demystify Feast from Immaterial and Missing Power.
Rating: 9.5/10
I definitely prefer the remix over than the original.
SPEEDY NIGHT / Shihori (QUEEN side), AXEL.K (KING side): This video has both Queen and King side. Also notice how the Marisa pictures show a masculine and a feminine look respectively.
I'm kinda bending the rules here. This is the original of the remix here, but I feel like I need to review this one because this is interesting. I first heard this in a para para video.
Queen: The only great thing about this song is literally the intro. Really interesting as FUUUUUUUUUUU- Shihori vocals are expected to be decent. It's not bad, but the english vocals just makes it decent and not good.
Rating: 7/10
King: Of course it wouldn't be the same song! This one does have that masculine effect in the song, except that it fails to make it great, especially the intro and the brass riff. I would avoid the King side to be honest.
Rating: 5.5/10
SPEEDY NIGHT (Revival Mix) / Rute (Originals by Shihori and AXEL.K): This fanmade opening describes everything about this song.
Ok, this remix is saying: "Fuck you. I'm better than both of you. Get the hell outta here before I kill you guys."
Thank goodness it's using the Queen side as its basis. I hated the King side. The intro of the song is 100x better than the original. It definitely represents the start of a street race, and it stays strong when the brass riff appears. The riff does not lose its appeal that the Queen side had. Rute really had a fun time singing this. Did I mention I prefer this key than the originals?
Song based off Marisa's theme from Phantasmagoria of Flower View.
Rating: 10/10
Remix over originals.
Shoot the Lights (Revival Mix) / Aki (Original by Shihori): The original is pretty soothing; Shihori's vocals fit in that song. ELEMENTAS did a nice job arranging this.
The remix kinda sounds like Stage 4 theme from Mountain of Faith, and I dig that. I guess this remix is going for the soothing theme that the original had, because this sounds even more soothing than the original! It definitely matches an ending scene for Initial D!
The remix adds a few things in the background that the original didn't; It's not that shallow and boring that the original had. I just wish Aki's voice was a bit louder, but not at the point where it drowns out the music.
Song based off Retrospective Kyoto from Shoot the Bullet.
Rating: 8.5/10
I prefer the remix over the original.
Life is Over (Revival Mix) / Rute (Original by AXEL.K): Sadly, I couldn't find the revival mix for this, so I put the original version up instead.
The original actually doesn't sound bad, vocals kinda sound T. Stebbins-ish. The song gets bland at first, but it gets good at the chorus. The brass riff takes some time getting used to though. Savior of the Sky is better in my opinion.
The remix: First two notes; I had to go back and listen to the original, in case if I heard the wrong track. I was blown away by just the first two notes and didn't start listening to the whole duration until I finished typing this sentence. T. Stebbins composed this remix. Heh, it's funny because he's remixing another Byakuren theme. I'm really mixed with the brass riff because it's the iconic brass Stebbins uses. It's kinda tiring to be honest. On the other hand I like the key change the song has. I think that's the only thing I like about it.
Song based off Stage 6 and Byakuren's themes from Undefined Fantastic Object.
Rating: 8/10
It's actually a hard decision, but I'm slightly leaning towards the original. Listening to both is highly encouraged.
みんなで大空マジック!! (Everyone Cast Heavenly Magic!!) [Revival Mix] / Aki (Original by Aki):
Can I say that original confused me A LOT? The song still confuses me. It's at least better than Blue Sky Magic. Actually, the remix makes it less confusing than the original. I had no idea what even happened at all. The remix proves that they can change the errors made. It is my least favorite song on the album.
Song based off Celestial Wizardry ~ Magical Astronomy from the same title.
Rating: 7/10
Remix over original.
Right or Wrong (Revival mix) / Rute (Original by AXEL.K): Hmm.... I'm actually undecisive over which version is better, but I should review this song first. It'll probably give me a good decision.
I kinda don't like the key change, but it's growing on me. The brass riff sounds great, but it doesn't have the super oomph that the original had. It's probably due to ELEMENTAS only arranging the remix unlike him and DJ Command for the original. So that actually sucks. Yeah... It's really decent if you compare the two...
Rating: 8/10
I am going for the original over the remix, but both are highly encouraged to listen.
The last two songs are original arranges for the album.
Fall into the Magic / AXEL.K: It's good that I know the themes that were used for this song. I wish Axel K could polish up his English; it'll sound really better. Otherwise, the song itself sounds great! The brass riff sounds good. It uses the right amount of brass attack. I don't hear a lot of Candid Friend though. Maybe it's in the riff. But I do hear a lot of Stage 4. Overall, great track, it's sad that we don't hear anything about him now.
Song based off Nitori and Stage 4 themes form Mountain of Faith.
Rating: 8.5/10
Real Survivor / Rute x Aki: I had to do a catch up by listening to Suika's theme. I forgot it seconds after I listened to this song. The moment I heard the riff I immediately shifted into top gear! (Drive reference) I like the arrange a lot. It expresses a strong emotion for driving and extreme drifting. Problem: I can't seem to recognize the original themes but who cares? All I know is that the song sounds awesome! BTW ELEMENTAS arranged this song.
Little did ELEMENTAS know that he would make an epic arrange in 2017...
I prefer this over the remix XD
Song based off Suika and Yukari's themes from Immaterial and Missing Power.
Rating: 9/10
Songs I would listen to everyday:
Pretty much all of them, except for one
The song that I would occasionally listen to:
Everyone Cast Heavenly Magic!!
Overall Rating: 9/10
DAMN is this revival mix is awesome! The remixes here are definitely a thumbs up for me! I would give is a 9.5 if that Renko song was an 8. Actually, I would rate a 9.7 if that song wasn't in the album XD
But yeah, the way that A-One handled the remixes for their previous arranges was a good idea, as us listeners can view how much they've evolved from the past.
Be prepared for a review of Volume 9!
I can't believe this review has over 2000 words. That's literally the same length of that Reimu is missing fanfic I made in my Touhou Squad Anthology book.
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