Chapter 68
It's been about three weeks since I've got back and I moved back in with Jack. We drive through my neighborhood to look at the damage and most houses are half way finished, which includes my house so in less than a month mark can move back in. I had gotten a call a few days ago saying mom was doing great and she is totally free of cancer! It's amazing! She has made herself comfortable at the hotel since she is very weak right now and that is one reason why I moved with Jack. I currently just finished my reading OCCT, and I did horrible, but I did pass so that's good. I have an A in English I'm just really bad at taking tests.
I walk and I'm greeted by Jack leans against the lockers next to our lockers. I look up at him and smile and he gives me a sweet smile back. I grab a few things for math before straightening up. I move so Jack can get his things. As I wait I look around at the stampede of teens who were rushing to class. I spot Leah walking down the hall talking to Chloe about something. "Hey Leah." I say with a wave and they just walk passed me like I don't even exist. I huff in frustration, she's been doing this for the past two weeks! I feel Jack wrap his arm around my waist as I stare at where they turned the corner a small frown on my face.
I pushes me a little and I nock out of it. "You ok?" He asks as we start to walk. I shrug. "I don't know it just seams like Leah doesn't even know I exist when she's around Chloe. It's just like I feel like I have to fight for the friendship that I once had with Leah." I say. Jack stops and turns me so I'm looking at him. He bends down a little so his blue eyes are meeting my brown eyes. "Sarah, if there's one thing I've learned from Lizzy it's that you shouldn't have to fight for a friendship. Leah isn't a good friend if she acts that way even if she says she doesn't mean it because if she didn't she wouldn't act the way she is. If Leah wants to be friends with you she'll change so just give it time and if she doesn't change at all then just separate yourself from her you don't need to have this kind of stuff on your mind you have enough stress already with testing." He says then gives me a small kiss. "We'll continue this after school." He adds before straightening up and we walk to math.
I plop myself on the sofa in Jack's apartment after setting my bag down. I let out a sigh my mind still on what happened today in the hall. Jack wants to sit so I sit up and let his sit before listing back down my head in his lap. I turn so I'm facing the TV which he turns on. After flipping through some channels we settle on Disney, what theres nothing on. I lay in there lost in thought as I look blankly into the TV. Jack starts to slowly stroke my hair nocking me from my thoughts. I look at him and he's looking down at me. "Penny for a though?" He says in a British accent. I shrug. "Is it about what happened with Leah?" He asks. I nod sitting up and I rest my head on his shoulder.
Jack sighs. "Just... Don't stress about it." He starts. "Like I said at school she's not a good friend so... Just let it go and let time tell." He lets out another sigh. "But what should I do while I wait to see what happens?" I ask. "Just please don't cause any drama. The best thing would be just ignore her, don't hang out with her. You got Lany, me, the whole cheer quad! Leah is just a small part of that not even %1." I nod. "Ok. I'll do my best." I say.
How am I going to do this?
*Not the best chapter but it's the chapter and you can't change that*
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