Chapter 62
Jack's P.O.V.
I wake up and sit up looking down thinking Sarah would be next to me but no. She's been gone for three days and I'm still not taking it in that's she's in Colorado. I change into a blue T-shirt that has a wolf howling at the moon and jeans. I slip on a pair a white converse. I grab my backpack before stepping outside. The sent of rain hits me instantly. The forecast does call for rain and a chance of a tornado but I'm not going to worry about that. I get in my car and I drive to school. I arrive and I'm greeted by Marky Mark. After me and Mark talk I head to my locker and I grab my stuff for my first hour.
--- (after school)
I grab my stuff from my lock swinging my bag over my shoulder and I look down a t my phone to see if Sarah has called or text me. I see no notifications. I sigh and I all outside into the cold rain but it's warm out. The clouds and in a weird form. "Better head to Sarah's house instead of the apartment." I say to myself as I drive out of the school parking lot.
I soon drive into the drive way and I walk over to the door knocking on it. Mark opens it and smiles letting me in. "I thought I would just come over. The clouds don't look friendly." I say. "Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if we did have a tornado." Mark says. "Wait do you have a shelter?" I ask. Mark shakes his head. "No unfortunately we don't." He says with a sigh. I sit on the couch and I hear the wind pick up outside. After about thirty minutes or so the sirens go off. Me and Mark along with lucky get in the pantry and just wait to see what will happen. Mark get the news out to see here the tornado is and its five minutes away heading our way and to make matters worse it's a F4!
I feel a few tears fall down my cheeks, this could be the day I die. I could never see Sarah again. I get a picture out of Sarah on a phone and I just stare at it. "Mark... What if we don't live? What if.." I say but is stop by the roar of the tornado. Mark shuts the door and clings onto something. I cling onto lucky along with a cabinet. The roar gets louder and I feel my heart raise as the door flings open and lucky slips out of my fingers. "Lucky!" I scream. Fear swells up as I'm being sucked in by the force debris flying everywhere. Tears fall quickly as I slip. Mark quickly grabs my hand but he slips. I fly in the air and I'm fling around and I soon crash into a car.
I feel my head get lighter as I'm flung around. I fly through the air and out of the tornado and I hit the ground. I watch as the tornado moves on. I try my best to get up and I look around. "Lucky! Mark!" I call out as water hits me. "Mark! Lucky!" I call again. I hear a faint whimper. I walk quickly over to the noise and I clear a pile of wood to reveal lucky almost dead. "Lucky I'm sorry." I say as tears run down my face and I walk away from him. "He's going to die ether way." I say to myself. "Jack!" I hear Mark's voice call. "Mark!" I call back then I see him limp over to me. We attack each other in a hug. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket but I ignore it not thinking about who it could be. "Are you two boys ok?" We hear someone asks. We turn to see one of the neighbors.
we nod. "Yeah I think so." Mark answers. "I think we should go to the hospital just incase." I suggest. Mark nods. "Ma'am to you have transportation?" I ask. "Yes well my son is coming now." She says and points to a car that was driving up. "Mom you're ok!" The guy says getting out of his car. "Yes I am thank you for coming Jackson. Now could you please give these young need a ride." She says. He nods and waves us over. "Where to?" He asks once we get in the car. "Hospital." Jackson nods and we start that way.
My phone buzzes again but I ignore it. Mark is on his phone talking to his mom and is relieved that she was ok. When we arrive the place is swarming with people who got hurt or was in the tornado. We get out and we walk over to a free nurse and tell her our condition and soon we're being looked over. My phone buzzes again but I'm not able to look who it is because I'm getting a X-Ray. "Ok sure you right arm is broken. That's all the damage that was done you a lucky fellow for what you went through." The nurse says. I nod and we get a cast on my arm along with a sling. My phone buzzes again and I'm about to look at it but Lizzy runs to me and attacks me with a hug. "Thank goodness your alive!" She exclaims. "Yeah." Is all I say then my phone buzzes. I get it to see I have five misted calls from Sarah. She must be worried sick!
I call her back and when she answers I hear her give a sigh of relief. "Jack are you ok how's my mom and Mark and lucky?" She questions and I hear the worry and fear in her voice. "Me and Mark are fine but... (Sigh) lucky... Lucky is dead." I hear her whimper a little. "Ok." Is all she can get out. I wish I was with her right now so I could hold her and comfort her. "My mom?" She asks and I can hear that she's crying. "Your mom is alright." I say. "Ok." I feel so bad that I just wanted to cry because I'm not with her while she's in this pain. It kills me to hear her cry and what kills me the most at this moment is that I can't be there with her. I feel a few tears fall, I just want to be with her. I feel a ache in my heart and I just feel alone without Sarah by my side. Me and Sarah talk for a few minutes then we hang up.
Sarah's P.O.V. (Right after the tornado)
I smile as I look though some old pictures on my Instagram of me and Ople. "Sarah come down here and quick." I hear Thomas call. I get up and I rush to the living room. "A F4 tornado just went through Tulsa." Thomas says. I feel my heart race in my chest as I go straight to calling Jack, he doesn't answer. I wait about thirty minutes, no answer. I wait twenty minutes, no answer. I wait ten minutes, no answer. I wait another ten minutes, no answer. I wait five minutes, no answer. I'm down in tears by now thinking my brother and boyfriend are dead. One minute later my phone rings. I answer and to my relief I hear the sweet voice of my blonde. I give a sigh of relief. "Jack are you ok how's my mom and Mark and Lucky?" I question. "Me and Mark are fine but...(sigh) lucky... Lucky is dead." I whimper a little trying not to cry. "Ok." Is all I can get out. I feel the tears fall and I quietly cry. "My mom?" I ask. "Your mom is alright." I feel myself fill up with little joy. "Ok." I wish I could be with him right now. I can't stand being away from him. I'm only three days into the month and I'm just being torn to bits.
I feel a ache in my heart to be with him. I want to be with him. I feel alone right now without Jack by my side. We talk for a few minutes before we hang up. I walk back to my room after telling Thomas that warm and mom are fine and I close the door. I plop on my bed getting the teddy bear Jack got me and I hug it feel a little better. It has his sent on it. I smile a little as I feel his presence. I curl up under the blanket and I just stay there for the rest of the day.
*what did you think? I cried a little as I wrote this chapter. I still am crying*
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