Chapter 48
Sarah's P.O.V.
I trip on a seat as I climb into my church van Jack catching me as I try to grab onto the seat. I got my voice back after a week which I'm am so happy. This week has been bad mostly because the jerk Kade has been bothering us. I take my seat and Jack sits next tot me. "Who's ready to go to pops!?" My youth pastor calls out to the people in the van we all cheer for a bit. The ride there was fun. It takes able it thirty minutes to get there and when we do we all rush in ready to find soda. "I dare you to find the most disgusting soda here." Jack says. I nod and I walk around after getting a six pack holder. When I'm done finding the soda I have cookie dough (not discussing just wanted to try it), kitty piddle, dog drool, radioactive, freaky dog, and peanut butter and jelly. Jack grabbed some of the somethings but he grabbed blue martin spit.
About an hour goes by and it's time to leave to go back to the church. On the ride there I open the cookie dough and I take a sip. "Wow that's strong." I say taking another sip. Jack takes it but I still have my hand gripping the bottle and takes a sip. "Yep it's strong." He says pushing it away. By the time we get back to the church all the cookie dough soda is gone. Me and Jack climb out the we walk over to his car and we drive home. Once we get there I set my sodas on the kitchen table and Jack puts his in the fridge. I change into a white large T-shirt and a par of fluffy Christmas pants. "Can you believe it's almost a week till the 18th?" Jack says plopping next to my of the sofa. "Nope but I'm so excited last day of school for winter break and the new Star Wars comes out!" I squeal.
Me and Jack sit there for a bit long before s big yawn comes from Jack. I look up at him and he smiles a little then yawns again. "Better go to bed." He says. I shake my head and he gets up to brush his teeth. I get into bed and as I doze off a feel Jack slide in next to me.
I look around my house and I walk out to my backyard. Griffen trots up and licks me to death then sugar runs up and jumps up at me. After I pet both and go back inside and I look around again.
It feels like I'm flying as I start to jog around the house only for it to become wider.
"Mom!" I call out and the house stops. I look around and mom is folding clothes in her room. I look at he but she's younger. I open my mouth to say something but two little girls run in.
"Mommy." The both squeal. I look around. This is my old house. I look closely at the two girls they look around six. I hear a low voice I haven't heard in a long time. I turn to see Braden. My breath hitches in the back of my throat. "Bubby!" The say running up. I smile to see its me and Sally when we were young.
"Hey girls." He says hugging them. He looks up at mom. "Mom can I go to my friends house to a party?" He asks. My mom stands there and thinks.
"That's fine just make sure Thomas can go." She says. He nods her a thanks before running off.
The scene changes. I look around and it's me and Sally's old room. Me and Sally and sitting on my bed and mom and dad are sitting on Sally's.
"Mommy where Braden?" Sally asks. My throat hitches again it's the day Braden was killed and Sally had her first seizure.
"Honey he won't be coming back." mom say trying to hold back the tears. A few slip down my cheeks. Sally falls back the seizure starting. I close my eyes and the scene changes. I give a small sign of relief but I stop as a stare at Braden.
"Sarah." He says. Everything around us is black. I nod. "Don't give up."
"On what." He shakes his head and starts to disappear. "Braden don't leave me yet!" I yell tears fall down my face. He waves off and the last pit of him disappears. "BRADEN!!!" I scream.
I jump from bed but I'm at home. I look around Sally is sitting on her bed smiling sweetly at me. I look over at her.
"Sarah." She says. Everything goes black around us. "Your about to loose someone you love."
"Who?" I ask.
"It's not Jack but someone you care about."
"Who then who?" I plead. She shakes her head then the same process happens.
I stand at their graves bags under my eyes. Someone comes up behind me. I look to see dad and grandpa.
"Sarah, be strong and don't give up you have lost a lot of people and your about to loose someone else." Grandpa says.
"Who?" I ask.
"Your mother." Dad says.
I'm now on my bed and I'm crying.
"Braden, Sally, grandpa, dad." I whisper and all four appear in front of me.
I look around the room as I sit up Jack sitting up also looking worried. I feel my face and it's stained with tears and my eyes are puffy.
"Jack, I may loose my mother." I say and he look puzzles. "I just had the spirits of all my family members I've lost and they told me."
"Sarah it was just a dream your mind can mess with your dreams. Now try to go back to sleep." He says. I nod and I say back down slowly and I face the fall and I feel Jack sing his arm over my waist pulling me into he chest. I say there until sleep takes over me again.
*hey guys It might be a bit before I update because I'm going to be very busy this week because of finals the Christmas break!!!*
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