Chapter 44
Me and Jack laugh as we walk out of the theater. "Man the peanuts movie was so funny." He laughs. I nod in agreement. "Yep now you know what I want to do before Black Friday gets out?" Jack rolls his eyes. "Come on can we at least look?" He sighs and nods. I smile brightly and we head to JCPenny's. I look around and I finally find a red and black button up top with fabric hanging down in the back. I put it against me and I look in a mirror and gasp. "This is the perfect top." I exclaim. I look at the price, $36.00, I look at the sail bored I sigh at the price. "I only brought eleven bucks." I huff putting it up and I keep looking at this. I find a black blouse with white fabric hanging in the back and a little in the front. I look at the price, $26.00, I look sail bored and I gasp. "Yes I have enuf come on." I say pulling Jack to the check out.
When we get there I place the shirt down the Jack set the black and red shirt I wanted. I look up at him. He gave me I'll pay look and pulls out his wallet. After we check out we head out to the car. "You didn't have to." I say when we start to drive out of the parking lot. "But I did consider it a early Christmas present." He says. "Ok then thanks." I say with a smile.the rest of the way we're completely quiet and it starts to storm. When we get to Jack's apartment we rush in and set the bag down. I plop on the sofa after changing into a par of shorts and a loose shirt.
I sit on the sofa next to Jack and I rest my head on his shoulder. "Thanks for getting that top." I say. Jack shrugs. "It's what I do and your welcome." He kisses my head after. "So how is your knee?" I ask and he shrugs. "Better I guess." He moves it slowly and I nod. I yaw. A little and I snuggle closer to Jack before I doze off.
Jack's P.O.V.
I wake and Sarah wasn't in bed and the bathroom door wasn't closed. I get up and I walk slowly out to the living room and I look around. I finally spot the patio door open. I shake my head and I grab a blanket because making my way outside and I see Sarah sitting in the chair by the rail. I walk over and I place the blanket around making her jump and she looks up at me, her cheeks are stained from tears and her eyes for puffy. I pull a chair up before sitting. "What you doing you so late?" I ask. "Dream, well nightmare." She says and a tear slips down. "Do you want to talk about it?" She shakes her head. " who was it about?" She looks down. "Sally." She says. I nod and I pull Sarah over to me so she's in my lap.
She looks at me a little and more tears escape. Sarah sighs a little, "we were six and she had a seizure and it was her first, everyone was freaky out mostly me. She didn't wake up for an hour." She finally say after a uncomfortable silence. I nod I pull her to me. "She had them since then." She says before she starts to cry. So I hold her in my lap as she cried, she cried until she falls asleep.
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