Chapter 4
Sarah's P.O.V.
Today is the day of Sally's funeral. All our friends and family come to my church for the funeral. We do speeches I'm the last to go up after Alex. I take a shaky breath as I walk up to the pulpit. I look at everyone as a few more tears fall then I look at the casket. I shake my head as I start.
"Sally was a amazing sister and she was my best friend. She was always there for me when nobody else was. (A few tears fall.) I don't know what I'm gonna do without her. We always did everything together that was until we got boyfriends because we had someone to look after us. (I look at Jack then Alex) thank you Alex for taking care of my sister for the past few months and thank you Jack for being there for me..." I could go on be up break down. I walk rover to my seat and I sit next to Jack and he pulls me into a hug and let's me cry into his shoulder. After that we head to the grave yard and the preacher talks for a bit then we leave. We go to the last few classes a school because I couldn't stop thinking about Sally. Me and jack head to drama after math. We walk in and everyone crowds around me asking how I was and if I was ok stuff like that the kids in math did the same. We head to table and I sit and jack it's next to me. "Hey jack why don't you sit with us today." A boy from another table says. Jack looks at me then I nod. "You sure?" He asks. I nod and he sits with the boys. After drama I head to orchestra and the same happens that happened in math and drama when I walk in.
After orchestra I go to cheer. "Hey girls." I say as I walk in and they had started already. Everyone looks at me then crowns me and asks me questions. I sigh as they do them we start. After cheer Garret was standing there like he is after cheer. I smile as I see him. He smiles as I walk up and pulls me into a hug. I smile a little I needed a hug from my boyfriend all day. He walks me to my locker and jack was there getting his things from his locker. Once he was done I get my stuff and I ride home with Garret. Once we get to his house we walk to his bedroom and we chat for a while then we watch a movie. By the time we finish the movie it's time for dinner. Garret's mom make dinner. After we eat Garret drives me home. We say by and I head up to MY room and I do my homework. I. The. Middle of my math homework I get a call. I answer it without looking at the caller ID.
"Hey how you doing?"
"Oh I'm doing fine jack." I put my pencil up and I walk bed to Sally's bed and I sit.
"That's good. So what you doing?"
"I'm doing my math homework, I have one page left then I'll be done. Why?"
"Just look at your window." I sigh as I get up and I look out. My window to see him looking up with a basket in his hand and his phone in the other. I shake my head. I wave him up and I hang up. A few minutes later I hear a knock on my door. I open it and I let him in. "I brought cookies, Lizzy made them for you and Mark." He says giving me the basket. I nod. "Ok tell her thanks. So why else are you here?" I ask. He chuckles. "Just wanted to how you were doing." He says, I nod. We sit on my bed and we take a couple of cookies. "Its chocolate chip, me and sal...." I say but I stop. I look at the ground as tears form then Jack pulls me in for a hug.
Jack's P.O.V.
Lizzy wanted to make cookies for Mark and Sarah. I take them over and once I'm In her room we sit down and we start eat a couple. Sarah starts talking but stops because she was about to mention Sally. I pull her into a hug as she cries into my shoulder. The next few months are going to be hard for her.
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