Chapter 38
I get up from bed and flinch a little at the thunder trying not to squeak. I rush the the bathroom as fast as I can and once in dine I flush and I walk out. I'm halfway there when the power shut offloading me in the pitch black darkness. "JACK!" I scream as fear takes over me, the second worst thing I'm scared of is the dark. "Sarah what's wrong? Why's it so dark?" He asks just then thunder booms again and I squeak again. "Ok stay where you are I'm going to try and find." Jack says and I hear the bed move. "Can't you use your phone?" I ask and hear Jack sigh. "It's in the kitchen on the charger." He says. I sigh as I stand there and I soon fell a hand on my arm. I give a sigh of relief as I feel a little more safe. Jack leads me back to the bed until I'm laying down again and he slides in next to me.
The thunder raids again and I curl up into a ball next to Jack. "It'll be ok, I'm here." He whispers into my ear. I nod a little. After an hour or so the power finally cones back on and the storm has past. I look at my phone to see the time, 4:30am. I sigh. "We have like an hour and a half to sleep." I say and he nods. "At least it's Friday." He says. I nod and yawn and I snuggle I
Next to him and I fall asleep
Jack shakes me awake. I groan and look at the clock, 6:30. "You let me sleep thirty minutes more?" I ask stretching. Jack nods. "Come get ready." He says, I nod. "What's the date?" I ask standing. He looks at a calendar. "Umm... Friday the 13th." He says looking at me. I check my phone and I have an event pop up. I read it and I feel my heart drop also me mood. "Two years" I whisper. "What?" Jack asks. I shake my head. "Could we stop by the graveyard after school or on the way?" I ask. Jack looks at me a little confused then his eyes soften and he nods. "We'll go by there on our way home." He says. I walk slowly to the where I keep my clothes. "Sarah." Jack says from behind me. I turn and see him his arms open for me to be wrapped up in. I sigh and I take a he invite and when we touch he squeezes me. "I'll help you get through the day." He kisses my head and let's go of me.
School sucked because I had a Spanish, geography, and math text and I only studied for the math test. Jack was being extra nice today so was Tom. Me and Jack get into his car and we make our way to the graveyard. When we arrive I walk slowly over to my grandpa's grave which is right next to Sally's. As I look at them I kneels down and I just stay silent. Jack walks up to me slowly and keels down next to me. I look up at home telling him I was ready to leave. We stand up and he pulls me into a hug and I start cry. "Everything will be ok." He whispers and I sib into his chest. I know this will be ok but I just can't keep it together anymore.
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