Chapter 35
I swing my backpack over my shoulder. "Hey I have to stay after school so I'll call you when I'm done." I say making Jack nod and we part and I walk to my Spanish class. My eyes land on a seat in the front and I take it before I dip through my bag for my homework. Once I find It I start on my work. Through out the whole time everyone was talking and it was getting on my nerves so I decide to just get my thing together and call Jack to pick me up. I walk into the hall and I call him.
"Hey could you pick me up I'm done with my work"
"Yeah sure but I'm at Walmart to it might be about thirty minutes."
"That's fine."
"Ok I'll see you then."
"K, bye love you."
"Love you too."
I hang up before stepping outside and I feel this explosion of wind hit me. I smashed my head and I flip my hair over my head so it's facing the wind so it won't be in my face. I pace for about twenty mines then I sit down on the curb and I say down with my head on my backpack. I'm half asleep when someone nudges me in the side with their foot. I open my eyes slowly and I see Jack with a smile. I put my hands up for him to pull me up like a little kid. He shake his head and pulls me up. "Thanks." I say still a little tired. He shrugs. "So I have some plans for us tonight."Jack starts. I look at him then I shake my head. "So I'm going yo have to drop you off at your house so you can find something to wear." I shake my head. We climb into his car and I pull the seat back some so I'm mostly flat on my back and I close my eyes.
I'm waken by Jack shaking me lightly. I flutter my eyes open and I set the seat up and I look at Jack before getting out a watching him drive off. I walk up to the door a knock. A few seconds later Lilly opens and rolls her eyes as I step in. "Honey who is it?" I hear Mark asks. "Your sister." She says. I walk into the kitchen where I heard Mark and I stop when we come eye to eye. I haven't see Mark since the wedding. "Mark." "Sarah." We both say together. Mark puts up his hand and opens his mouth. "I'm sorry, Sarah, for not telling you about the engagement." He says. "No, Mark. I'm sorry for yelling at you and saying those things." I say and me nods. Soon we were hugging. "Could you forgive me?" I ask. "Yes of course I could your my little sister. Could you ever forgive me?" He asks, I nod. "Of course." I say, just then Lilly walks in and we part. "Chelsea is coming over so yeah." She says and I feel myself flush from my color. I rush upstairs and I call Jack.
"Jack you need to get her as fast as you can."
"Chelsea is coming over, Chelsea invited her."
"Ok I'll be there I a few I'm almost done getting ready."
"Ok bye."
I flop on my bed and it hits me, I don't know where we're going so I don't know what to wear. I sigh and I walk over to my closet and I look through my close. A few minutes go by and thee is a knock on the front door then I hear footsteps coming up to my room. Jack appears at my door and closes it. "Ok so what do I need to wear?" I ask as he sits on the bed. "Something war. Like jeans or something." He says. I nod and I grab my blue jean like tights and a white long sleeve with a black pattern on the chest. I look at Jack and I put the outfit in front of me. "Is this good?" I ask. "Don't know I have to see it in you first." He says and with that I kick him out so I could change. I open the door and I hear Chelsea's voice. I let Jack back in and I turn in a circle. "That's perfect." He says. "Ok so I'm going to do my hair before we leave." I say and Jack shakes his head. "You don't have to your beautiful enough already." He says making my blush. "Your too cheesy." I say and then there's a knock on the door. I have Jack open the door as I plug in my curler and I sit in my desk in front of my mirror.
I look at the door to see who it is and its Chelsea. I roll my eyes and I hover my hand over the curler to see if it's hot enough and it almost is. She walks over to me and a smile. "Hey cus how are you?" She asks being oddly nice. "What do you want?" I ask picking up my curler but it's taken my hand out. "Nothing just wanting to see how you are and let me do your hair." She says. I sigh and I set her curls my hair and once she out the spray in I turn to look at her. "So can I ask you a favor?" She asks. "Ok what is it?" I ask. I looks at Jack then me. "So your friend Tom, I was wondering if you could hook us up because I have a small crush on him." She says. "You know he's gay right?" I ask and she nods. "Yeah but he's into you so he maybe interested." She says. I shake my head. "Fine I'll try my best and I push her out of my room literally.
I grab a gray and black patterned scarf and I pull on my black fuzzy boots before grabbing my purse and I walk downstairs hand n' hand with Jack. "Bye Mark I'll see you later." I say. "Bye." He says back. Jack walks me his car and I slide in before he shuts the door for me and rushes over to the other side. I shake my head. We drive for about ten minutes until we drive up to ice rink. We get a out and Jack pays for the skates before we get them on. "Jack I can't skate very well." I tell him. "You'll be fine just hold on to me." He says and I grab his arm as we enter the rink. I glide as he skates. He stops by the rail and I go from his arm to the rail. Jack shows me how to move my feet but every time I fall on my butt. "Uhhh!!! I can't do this!!!" I say frustrated. "Ok, come on I'll buy you some hot chocolate." He says leading me out of the rink. Once I'm sitting and I have my hot chocolate I start to feel a little chilly. Jack takes off his coat and wraps it around me. I smile him a thanks. This had been a nice date so far and it's only started.
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