Chapter 32
I grab my pillow case and a pink scarf also some white mittens before I walk into the living room where Jack was waiting for me. "Hey Sarah we have a change in plans because I have a job." Jack says. "What really that's a bummer what's the job?" Jack stands up and walks over to me. "I'm babysitting two 8 years olds and we're talking them trick or treating." He Explains. I nod. "They'll be here any minute." He says and just then the door bell goes off. I follow behind him to the door and he opens it too an adorable boy and girl. Their mother shakes Jack's hand and mine. "I'll be back by 9:30 and be sure to stay with them at all times." She says making Jack nod. I look the two kids and I'm guessing their twins plus they one has a jar a peanut butter and the other a jar of jelly. "Don't worry miss they'll be fine with us plus my girlfriend is good with kids." Jack's say and she nods. "Well thank you. See you two soon." She says before walking off.
I step up to them and kneel down. "You two are the cutest things I have ever seen. Are you two twigs?" I ask and they nod. "Well I think that's amazing because I had a twin." I said as memories of Sally flooded my mind. "What happened to her?" They ask. I shake my head as I pull back my tears. "I rather not say." I say before standing up and Jack pulls need into a side hug. The little girl gives a small hug and so does they boy. The boy walks over to Jack and tugs his hand. "Do you know what happened?" He asks in a squeaky voice. Jack looks me before kneeling down. "Well all I'm going to say us she died a while ago." Jack explains and they nod before looking up At me. "So what are your names?" I ask. "Jake and Jenna." They say in unison. I nod and smile. I look at Jack and he grabs the keys. I take Jenna's hand and she grabs jakes and we walk out the Jack's car before I buckle them up before sliding into the passenger side.
We drive to my house and park. "Ok so we're going to start trick or treating here." I tell the kids. They nod and let me unbuckle them. We walk up to the house and knock on the door. My mom opens the door. "Hey mom me and jack are babysitting these kids." I say motioning to jake and Jenna. My mo smiles and give them some candy. "Bye mom I'll see you tomorrow." I say and we walk to the next house.
About an our goes by in a flash and we finish my. Neighborhood and the kids start getting tried and I have to admit I'm a little tired my self. We walk back to my house and we climb into Jack's car before we start our way back to his apartment. By the time we arrive we kids are hard asleep so I pick up Jenna and Jack picks up jake and we place them in Jack's bed when we get into the apartment. I yawn a little and I change into a par of short shorts and one of Jack's T-shirts. I walk into the living room and plop myself next to Jack and curl up into a ball in the process. "I had fun tonight." I say with a big yawn. "Me too, you should get some sleep." He says rubbing my arm. I nod and rest my head in his chest before falling asleep.
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