Chapter 30
Sarah's P.O.V.
I wake up curled up in Jack's arms and him still asleep. I smile a little and curl up closer to him wrapping my arm around his waist and I feel him pull me closer. I look up at him and to see him smiling at me. "Morning." He whispers. I smile back at him and set my head on his chest. "Morning." I whisper sped back. We lay there for a bit in a comfortable silence before Jack sits up. "You gonna make breakfast?" He asks as I lay there my head now on his lay. I shrug. "depends on what you have here." I say with a smile. Jack shakes his head and I lean up to he could slide off the bed. I jump off the bed and I follow Jack to the kitchen. I go to his fridge to see what he has and he has four eggs. "You fine with eggs?" He nods and I pull out the four eggs and get the stove ready. I crack two eggs for Jack and two for me and I make them scrambled. Once I'm done if put them in two bowls and get us forks.
I walk over to the Sofa and sit next to Jack and hand him the bowl. "Food!" He says before digging in. I stare at him with a odd look. "What I'm hunger don't judge." He says stopping and looking at me. I giggle and I finish my eggs and I watch him finish his. I take out bowls to the kitchen before walking back to the sofa and before I could sit on my own Jack pulls me down my the waist and onto his lap. I give him a weird look. "You having fun?" I ask. Jack shrugs before pecking my lips. I shake my head before he lays us down so he's hovering. I raise an eyebrow at him. "Jack we're not doing this again yet." I tell him. He gives a sigh before getting off of me and I sit up.
Jack gets up and walks to the bathroom. "I'm taking a shower." He says before I hear the door close. I sigh and I get a notepad out and write 'I'm going to the store so you have food because you have nothing here to eat- love, Sarah' I stick it on the TV before I grab my purse and keys and I make my way to my car. I slide in and turn it on and I back out and I head to Walmart. When I get there I get a call. "Hey." I answer. "Really your going to the store, while your there could you get things for a pie?" Jack asks. "Fine I'll call you when I'm done shopping. Bye love you." I say before hanging up and I walk into Walmart. I grab and cart and I walk to the food. While I'm grabbing some cookies I get a couple of glances from May I say 'cute' guys and I move a little quicker felling really uncomfortable. After I grab things for pie and dinner I check out before calling Jack to tell him I'm on my way back. I head to his apartment after loading the bags.
I give a small yawn as me and Jack watch tomorrowland and I rest my head on his shoulder. "Sleepy?" He asks rubbing my arm. I nod and I dig my head into his chest and I fall into a comfortable sleep.
A/N: HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!!! Next chapter I'm doing a Halloween chapter so yeah I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I have to say it makes no since but still I hope you liked it... K bye.
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