Chapter 11
(watch the video then you'll know what mark looks like and what Sarah sounds like)
(PS: this is what mark and Sarah do what jack or lizzy is not with them)
I wake up in jack's arms like I have been for the bast two days. It's only been a few days since the incident with Maddie. I look at the clock and then I remember it's Sunday. I need to get ready for church! I jump out of bed and in the process I wake Jack. "What in the world are you doing?" He asks. I turn around with a white a red plaid shirt in my hands. "I'm getting ready for church and today is western theme now go home and get ready." I say before turning around and grabbing a pair of jeans. Jack leaves and I jump in the shower. After I have my shower and my hair is dry I change into my out fit and I put on my make up. I slip on my boots and I braid my hair into dog ears. I grab my white hat and I head down stairs and I walk over to jacks house. Once he's done we hope into his ram1500. Jack has a white T-shirt with a gray button up shirt on unbuttoned with a blue jeans, brown boots and a black hat.
Church goes on for two hours then we head to my grandma's house for lunch. Jack,Alex (not the Alex that was Sally's boyfriend Mark has a friend named Alex jones),Mark,lizzy,Gracie, and I hang around the house while we wait for dinner. When dinner comes we get our food and sit at the table. It was silent until Gracie broke the silence."You know Alex's mom mrs. Jone? Well she spanked me today before church started." She says with all burst put laughing. "It's because I didn't give mrs.sutlif a hug at the game Friday."
"Well you deserve it anyway." I say with a laugh. After that we have a long conversation about what happened to Gracie. I the first to be done like always and I get up to change my pants because these jeans are too small for me. Once I come back out with loser jeans that fit perfectly I walk back to the table and I see Jack with his phone out. I look at him confused then Mark walks up to me and picks me up by the legs and he throws me over his shoulder. I hang there looking at his butt so I keep myself up with my hands on his back. Jack follows us with his phone in hand i And I'm guessing he's videoing this. "Mark what are you doing?" I ask. He doesn't answer me he just keeps walking until we get the living room. He sits in the foot rest then brings me down so I'm laying on his lap faced down.
I hear both guys laugh. "Ready?" Mark asks. Jack nods. "Ready for what?" I ask. Mark didn't answer me but he starts to spank me. "Mark what he heck are you doing?!" I scream. Mark laughs even harder as he keeps going. I try to wiggle out of his hold but he tightens his grip. I feel a ton of pain and tear form in my eyes. "MARK STOP!" I scream at him as a few tears fall. I hear Jack sigh. "Dude Mark stop... (pause) you hold the camera while I do it." Jack says with a laugh. "JACK!" I scream.
Mark lets me go and I can't move well because my leg is numb. I lay on the ground as I watch the guys switch places and I'm soon in the same position but in jack's lap. I shiver i little because he starts to rub my butt a little and the sting goes away. Before I know it he starts to spank me too. "JACK WHAT THE FUCK" I scream. "Language!" Mark and Jack both say at the same time. "STOP! PLEASE STOP! I CANT FEEL MY LEG!" I scream. After another minute Jack stops and let's me fall onto the ground. "What the heck was that for you could have let me down easily." I say rubbing my but trying to make the sting go away. "Oh sorry about that, I've done that to lizzy a few times, you mad at me?" He says. I nod. "Hell yeah!" I say sitting up. Mark was playing the video. "I'm so uploading this on my channel." Mark says. I was in to much pain to say anything to him. Get up slowly one I can feel my leg again. I sit on the couch not looking at Jack once.
Jack groans. "Nice going dude your stupid idea has her mad at me." Jack says. Mark laughs before walking out of the room. Jack sits next to me. "I'm sorry I got carried away can you forgive me?" He asks. I sigh and I look at the ground. "I will at some point but not now." I say tears in my eyes. Jack sighs and leaves the room. Boys, everything is a game to them.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm sorry for the short chapter but oh well... Deal with it
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