Chapter 1
Sarah's P.O.V.
I was not happy to get up early this morning just to go to school. I change into a cute blue blouse with white flowers and blue shorts. I pull my hair up into a ponytail and I clip a blue flower with and Diamond middle. I wait for the bus when I fell hands on my waist. I look to see jack with smile. "You look nice." He says. I blush a little as I look into his beautiful blue eyes. "Thank you I try." I says. Me and him laugh for bit.
It take a few minutes for the bus to come. When we climb into the bus the bus driver greats me. "Hi Sarah it's nice to see you this year. Who is this?" He asks. I shake my head. "It's nice to see you to Austin and this is jack." I say. He nods. "Ok it's nice to meet you." Austin says. Jack nods. I fall asleep on jacks shoulder on the way to school. I wake up to jack nudging me. We climb out of the bus and head into the school. My locker was right under jack's locker (what are the odds of that?).
I say bye to jack and I would see him next hour. I walk into class and I hear someone call my name. "Hey Sarah why don't you sit with us." I hear. I look to the popular kids. Chelsea, brook, Jenna, and Garret. Garret motions me over to sit by him. I shake my head before slowly making my way their way.
Garret's P.O.V.
I am finally gonna have Sarah I know she has a crush on me I wouldn't blame her I am pretty hot. "Did you girls see the new guy he's totally hot he's hotter than Garret." Chelsea says. "I can help you get him but you'll have to be friends with Sarah because that's her boyfriend." I say. The girls look at me shocked. A few minutes later Sarah comes in and Chelsea calls her over to sit next to us. Once she sits I smirk a little. "So Sarah I heard that the new guy is your boyfriend. What's his name?" Chelsea asks. "Yes that right and his name is jack." Sarah says. The girls nod. "Why did you want me to sit with you?" Sarah asks. "Well.... I'll tell you later." Chelsea says. Sarah nods and not long after the teacher come in.
Sarah's P.O.V.
The classes go by fast and I was sitting with Sally, Alex, Leah,Chloe, and jack at lunch. "The weirdest thing happened in class today the popular kids wanted me to sit with them." I say. They all looked shocked. A little while later Chelsea walks up. "Sarah come sit with me and my friends." She says. "O-ok." I say getting up with my food. I eat my food a little uncomfortable sitting with them. After lunch Chelsea pulls me into the bathroom and pins me to the wall. "I'm going to give you two days to break up with jack or else." She says. I nod too scared to talk. "Don't say a word about what just happened." She say getting off of me.
I nod before walking outside. I walk up to my group. "Sarah are you ok?" Jack asks me. I nod not really there mentally. "Yea I'm fine just lost in thought." I say. He nods. "Ok thanks good." He says joking around a little. How would I ever brake up with the best guy in the world. The rest of the day goes by fast and I was now walking home with jack. Alex and Sally far behind. "Jack we need to talk." I say. He nods and he takes my hand in his. This is going to be a lot harder than I thought. "Yea what is it?" He asks. I sigh before tears form in my eyes.
I look at the ground as a couple of tears fall. "I think we should brake up." I say. He moves his hand and scoots away a little. "If that's what you want." He says. We walk the rest of the way I'm silence. Instead of me going to jacks like we planned I just went straight up to my room and cried into my pillow. "Sarah you ok?" Sally asks. I shake my head. "I broke up with jack and I didn't want to." I cry. She looks at me with a strange look. "Ok I see what's going on. That's why the popular kids wanted you to sit with them." Sally says. I set up. "You think." I say before she pulls me into a hug. I cry into her shoulder for a about ten minutes.
When pull away Sally smiles. "Come one lets go get you cleaned up and we could go snow cones or ice cream." She says. I nod and I let her fix my up. my makeup was neat again and I let her curl my hair. "Your beautiful and I think you'll find someone else." She says. I nod.
We go to get ice cream and when we walk in I see Garret who was starring at me. We sit with him. "Sarah you ok?" He asks. "She broke up with jack." Sally says. Garret nods. "I'm sorry to hear that. Sarah I have been wanting to ask you this for a while now.... Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks. I look at him a little shocked. "Yea ok." I say before finishing my ice cream. He smiles. "Ok so I'll see you tomorrow." He says and he gets up to leave. "That was unexpected I can't believe my dream came true." I say.
Garret's P.O.V.
I finally have Sarah now need to get jack and Chelsea together. This should be fun.
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