I began to slip my school bag off of my back as I neared the street I lived in, school had just finished and I had made the choice to walk home. Did I like it? No. It's summer and my school is across town.
As I walked, I saw a bus pull up to the bus stop and a bunch of students file out, one of them was my older sister, (17) Winifred. We called her Winnie. She always had something wrong, she had many mental things going on with her, she was so mental that she was basically insane. I watched her wave to one of her friends and look around for me.
I turned around to see my friend Tobias holding what looked to me a box. "What's in the box?" He looked at me with a massive grin and opened it. A little tortoise poked its head out to look at it's surroundings. "What did you do this time?" I asked, putting a hand on my hip. "Nothing, nothing! I swear! I just got this little cutie," he carefully shut the box. "And named it Sandwich."
I wasn't surprised.
"Sandwich?" I asked, unamused, but he kept that smile on his face. "Sandwich is for every gender so it suits them because I'm not gonna even try and check." He said as his mother's car pulled up. We waved our goodbyes.
I turned around to Winnie standing literally right behind me, her tall, slim figure looming above me. "How was your day?" She asked as we started walking home. "Good, nothing much happened." She smiled. "Today the principal got fired." She said as she tilted her head to face me while we walked.
"WHAT!?" Our mother literally spat out her coffee onto the counter. Winnie shrugged. "Yeah, apparently he stabbed a student." She confirmed as she started to fiddle with the hem of her shirt. Our mother cleaned up the coffee and turned to me with an eyebrow raised. "Tobias got a tortoise and named it Sandwich." I said as I sat down on one of the stools in the kitchen. "Sandwich?" She raised both her eyebrows and I nodded. "I like the name Sandwich. Its so powerful." Winnie walked over mocking David Attenborough.
"Well, guess what?" Mum chirped up, she looked around as if there was a massive audience and she had an amazing announcement. "You know that TV we saw that was huge in the store that we went to yesterday?" I looked up and Winnie turned around and slammed the fridge door. Mum looked at both of us. "Well..." She made a long pause. Everyone in the room was on edge, even the cat who had just walked down the stairs, startled from our behavior.
"I got some more cereal." She finally answered. I gave her an annoyed look, she returned one. "AWWWWW YEEEEAAAAHHHH BOOOOIIII" Winnie screamed and opened the cupboards, then started to eat a handful out of the box. "Its good." She said, put the box down and made her way to her room, picking up her bag on the way.
"Oh! Did you see the school's psychiatrist today?" My mum called after her. "No! Its been three months since they told me they would get an appointment!" She called back as I heard her bedroom door, or most likely hatch close. Winnie had moved up to the attic when she was 14 so I could have my own room.
I smiled at my mum and began walking up the stairs to my room where I would spend the rest of my day, looking at what fanfics are good.
I woke up to a crack of light seeping through the curtains right onto my face. I groaned and turned on my phone.
0% Please plug in charger.
I walked down stairs to the disgusting smell of someone making tea, and I see Winnie reading comics and sipping tea.
I try not to disturb her but as soon as I turn my head to the cat, sitting on the couch it's like she has super hearing and her head shoots up, glasses falling down her nose. Her hand shoots up to push them up again as I walk down and fix my own pair of glasses.
"What time is it?" I ask as I make my way to the table and sit down, Winnie pushing a plate of toast, lightly brown and buttered over to me. "7:14" she says as the smell of the toast gets annoying, making me take a bite out of it. "Its so early." I say, mouth full of toast. "I was up at 4." Winnie states as she scrunches up her face at the hot tea.
"By the way Mum saw me up, gave me this note and left." She slid a little note just the size of her hand over to me.
June & Winnie,
I'm sorry that I couldn't be here this morning. Grandpa hurt himself and he can't move, so I'm flying across the state to see him. I'll be gone for 3 weeks, don't worry Winnie, I'll call to confirm that I'm not dead.
Enjoy your cereal and blasting My Chemical Romance at illegal levels while I'm gone.
- Mum <3
I looked at Winnie and she met my gaze. "Yeah." Was all she said, her words forced.
"I have work today." She said after a while of silence between us. I loved where Winnie worked, she worked at this comic store that also had music and it was so nice inside. I nodded in reply and put my plate in the sink.
"Don't act like I didn't hear you crying in the middle of the night." Winnie said, annoyance lacing her voice as she knew what my reply would be. "No I wasn't. It was just your brain." She said, unamused as I said it.
The next minute turned into a screaming match at each other about how I always 'bottle up my feelings and cry at night'. I had had enough of it. "I HATE YOU!" I screamed and slapped Winnie across the face.
It felt like my throat was closing as I watched in horror what I had done. Winnie's hand shot up to touch her red cheek, her delicate finger grazing the surface as she tried not to wince in pain. I noticed she was already dressed.
"Win, look I-I'm sorry, I-I don't know what c-came over me-" she stopped me with a glare.
"I'm going to work." she said, her voice cold and she refused to look at me as she picked up her jacket and walked out to her car.
I sat there with my head in my hands wondering if she'll come back. One thing to know about Winnie is, if she's angry, she doesn't talk to you for months on end and completely ignores you. That's unlucky that today is Saturday.
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