Chapter Two
Your P.O.V.
I leaped away from the piano and quickly located my master I pulled knives out of my dress pockets. "Master are you harmed?" I questioned. "No the lights just turned off idiot!" He spat. "If you say so master shall I go fix the lights?" I asked relaxing a bit. "Yes and hurry up!" He growled. "Yes my lord." I walked off quickly locating the lights and turning them on.
I stared around making sure no guest was missing until I noticed. Lord Phantomhive he was gone. "My lord where is Lord Phantomhive?" I questioned. I watched my master smirk. "I'm sure he is safe calm yourself (Y/N)." he said. "This is the nicest he's been to me. he's up I something." I scowled and nodded I searched the mansion for a hint of the boys soul. I quickly located it in the basement.
I ran down the curved stairs toward Lord Phantomhive's soul. I saw the boy tied to a chair his hands behind his back. "Are you alright my lord?" I asked gently taking off the cloth from his mouth. "Yes thank you." Lord Phantomhive said gruffly. "I'll have you out in a moment my lord." I said slicing his hands free. My hair moved away from my shoulders I stiffened. That's where my contract was I hid it quickly.
"Is that a contract?" The boy questioned staring at me with his icy blue orbs. "Indeed it is my lord." I said exhaling softly. "Are you going against your master to help me?" The young lord asked. "No, he never told me I couldn't release you in fact he never told me of his plans at all my lord." I replied. "I see." the boy said staring at me as I continued to slice threw his bonds.
"What is your name?" The young lord questioned. "It is (Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N) my lord." I replied as I freed him. "Well thank you Lady (Y/N) I am in your debt." he said. "That is not necessary your butler would have freed you." I replied lord Phantomhive blinked. "What are you implying Lady (Y/N)." He asked. "I did not mean to be rude my lord but I can tell your butler is a demon is he not?" I asked politely.
"Yes he is." he said staring at me. "Don't worry my lord I won't say a thing." I said smiling. "Thank you Lady (Y/N)." Lord Phantomhive said. "what can I do to repay you?" he asked. "I'm not sure there is much you can do for me my lord." I whispered sadly. "Do you need money? A place to stay? A job?" Lord Phantomhive asked. "I can't accept any of those things my lord I am bound to my master." I told him gently.
"I could free you of your contract." The young lord offered. "How would you do that my lord?" I asked tilting my head slightly. "I could order Sebastion to kill your master." the lord said calmly. "My lord I would have to protect my master of you try to do so." I said to him. "I'll take that risk for the lady who saved me." The lord said stubbornly. I sighed "it is your choice my lord." I told him.
"I'll show you to the back door so you are not spotted my lord." I told him helped him up the basement ladder. "Thank you Lady (Y/N)." the lord said calmly. I nodded my head showing him the back door and waving slightly. "Farewell my lord." I told him politely. "Farewell Lady (Y/N)." he replied. I walked back to the ball room to see everyone gone I started cleaning up.
-Time skip brought to you by kittens-
It was the next morning I sat alert by my masters room since lord Phantomhive told me he was going to assassinate him for me. There was a crash heard inside my masters room I burst in my knives ready to see my master pinned to his bed by none other then Sebastian. "(Y/N) I order you to kill him." My master growled touching the contract on his wrist my (E/C) eyes flashed a deep (Color). "Yes my lord."
I pinned Sebastian to the wall he shoved me off throwing forks at me I dodged quickly. "Sebastian do not kill her." I heard lord Phantomhive say I didn't even notice him come in but my focus was Sebastian. "Of course my lord." I heard Sebastian say calmly. I kicked Sebastian in the ribs pinning him to the wall with my knives.
He easily ripped out the knives and he threw forks at me pinning my long sleeved maid outfit to the wall. I growled softly glaring at him. "You need more practice Lady (Y/N)." Sebastian said with a smirk. "I'm not used to fighting with another demon." I replied spitting at his face. Sebastian wiped off my saliva. "That was very unladylike." Sebastian said staring at me.
"I'm not a normal lady." I said glaring daggers at him. I tore the forks out of my long sleeved maid outfit and flung them at Sebastian. He glared at me. Sebastian flung the forks in my direction pinning me to the wall again I hissed in pain as one stuck in my shoulder. "Hurry up Sebastian she is quick." Lord Phantomhive ordered. "Yes my lord."
Sebastian stabbed a knife deep into my masters chest killing him instantly. "Master!" I screamed. My (E/C) eyes flashed a deep (Color) as my master died and I felt the contract in my neck disappear. I exhaled deeply feeling a huge weight on my shoulders lift. I tired the forks out of my shoulder. I walked towards my master. I shut his eyelids gently.
"If you don't I would like to be alone with my master." I said calmly. "Of course." Sebastian said smirking. As they left I quickly devoured my masters soul my (E/C) eyes flashed a deep (Color). I walked out of the room. "Thank you my lord." I said to Lord Phantomhive curtsying. "You're welcome Lady (Y/N)." He said calmly. I felt my emotions overwhelm me.
I walked forward and hugged the boy close. "Thank you my lord you have lifted the curse I have held for five decades I can never repay you for this." I said shutting my eyes as tears flowed down my face. I felt the lord stiffen but slowly hug me back gently. "You're welcome Lady (Y/N)." he said gently. I stepped back smiling tears still in my eyes.
"I apologize my lord that was very embarrassing." I said blushing. "It's ok Lady (Y/N)." he said calmly. "I was wondering would you like to work for me?" The young lord asked. I smiled. "Yes."
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