Louis's POV
I sit in my seat, head rested on my knees, watching the snow fall onto the black pavement. Would be a beautiful sight, the contrast of white on the dirty black except that the windows have bars. A coat of unbreakable glass, bars, and another coat of unbreakable glass. I've asked doctor Payne numerous times why they have the bars if the glass is unbreakable but he says that it's just to make sure. I think it's because they've had someone who has managed to break out.
I hear footsteps approaching me and I already know who it is. Doctor Payne. The only one who dares approach me since I've been admitted here. Anybody else will either get attacked or have to witness a panic attack. But they don't know not to touch me. Nobody ever knows not to touch me. Doctor Payne knows not to touch me.
"Hello Louis." He says, smiling as he kneels down in front of me. I lift my head from my knees and stare at him, a small smirk etched onto his face.
"You sound professional today." I say, mocking his serious tone. He never calls me Louis. Only Lou.
"That's why you need to take what I'm saying seriously." He says and I perk up at his words. "We're getting a new patient and he's been charged with murder and rape." He says, making me tense up. "If you feel threatened by him or uncomfortable around him I want you to find a nurse or come get me." He says sternly.
"W-we've had other rapists here, Payne. We do have them right now!" I say, pointing to Jeremy who's talking to himself right now. He's a chronic masturbator who couldn't control his urges and raped 3 people.
"I know and I warned you about him too. I'm just telling you so you can be aware." He says, rolling his eyes at me.
"Don't sass me." I say angrily. He sighs, standing up, placing his hand on his knee to help push himself up.
"He's coming tonight. You should be asleep when he gets here so don't worry about it." He says, nodding my way. I hum a yes, waving him off.
that night
"Good night, Louis." Doctor Payne says, smiling sarcastically at me as he shuts my door.
"Night babe." I say loudly making him scoff and shut the door. I get in bed, pulling the covers up to my chin.
I wake up, realizing how badly I have to go to the bathroom. I walk over to my door and slip the yellow card out from under. This is the only way we can go to the bathroom at night. Wait till a nurse or doctor sees it and then they escort you to the bathroom.
After what seems like a few minuets I hear my door being unlocked. A nurse is the one who opened it and she smiles nervously. Most of the staff here fears me and I don't blame them.
"Hello Mr. Tomlinson." She says, taking a step back. I nod my head, looking down as I walk out my room. She follows behind me quietly, not saying anything to us since we're both tired.
We get to the bathrooms and she waits outside for me. I walk in and I see another person standing at the sinks. His tall frame hunched over the sinks. I ignore him and walk over to the stalls. I go in and shut the door, pulling down my pants.
Once I'm done I pull my pants up, stepping out the stall and going to the sinks; I pick the one farthest away from him. That one person is still there, his head down at the sink, I don't think he's even moved.
"Hey." He says, voice low and gravely but laced with a smirk. I bite my lip, staring down at the sink as I put some soap on my hands. "Can you hear me?" He says and I see him looking over at me from the corner of my eye. I quickly wash my hands trying to ignore him, scrubbing my skin too hard.
Why is he talking to me? Everyone in here knows not to talk to me. I go to walk away but he places a hand on my shoulder, my skin instantly feeling prickly.
"Can you hear me or not?" He asks, turning my body to look at him. His touch burns my arm, making it feel like it's hot steel. I bring my other arm back in an attempt to hit him but he grabs my wrist. "Whoa, calm down." He says, in a smooth voice. My vision blurs and my chest gets tight.
"D-Doctor Payne! Help!" I scream, fighting his grip. I try to hit him with my other arm which succeeds but only once before he grabs that too. "Help! P-please!" I scream louder, only to see my nurse running in with a few other people. They pull this man off of me, holding my wrists where he just touched me.
"Calm down Louis! It's okay!" The nurse says, trying to get me to stop fighting. A high pitch ringing enters my ears and I feel as though I'm going to vomit.
Vivid scenes flash in my head, the ringing only growing louder.
My face is shoved harshly against the cold wooden floor, an excruciating pain flowing through my body.
"D-Doctor Payne! Please! T-they're touching me! Help!" I scream, still fighting them. He then comes running around the corner, syringe in his hand. He looks as though he's moving in slow motion.
Loud sobs fill the room but no relief comes. They're my sobs. When did I start crying?
"Everybody stop! Stop touching him!" He says and all at once they do. I drop to the ground with an unpleasant thud, trying to curl in on myself but Doctor Payne leans down next to me.
His touch burns my skin like fire ripping through a forest and burning everything in sight. I open my mouth in a silent scream but only drool flows out, wetting the floor beneath me.
"T-they kept touching me. I didn't-I tried to make the-them let go." I whisper to him as he hums a yes. His face is blurry but I know it's him. He is wearing the cologne he always wears and his voice it the closest thing to home about this place.
Dear god, please make it stop. I don't care what you have to do but please make it stop.
"It's okay Louis." He says softy, poking the needle through my skin on my neck. I open my mouth in a silent scream but nothing accept a whine escapes my lips. "It's okay. You're not in trouble." He says, soothingly.
"I-I tried t-to use my words. I-I'm sorry." I say, my eyes drooping shut.
"I know. You tried. That's all that matters is that you tried." He says, quietly.
"I-I really did try. I-I promise." I mumble out.
"I know. Just relax Louis. I'll be there when you wake up. You'll be okay." He says softly. The first time I met him he tried to shake my hand which resulted in me trying to stab him with his own pen. He was the only doctor who didn't fear me after that. He tried again. That time he touched my waist when I tripped getting up. I tried to choke him that time. The next time I bumped into his shoulder and he touched my back. I got a solid hit to his chest which left him breathless for a few seconds.
He finally understood, don't touch me. He doesn't know why though. He just knows not to touch me. The words gotten around the place. Inmates have learned the hard way. The worst I did to someone was stab their eye with a fork. But he's okay. He's missing an eye but he's alive.
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