Chapter 22
I'm not exactly sure how a courtroom works so please excuse any mistakes.
Liam's POV
My head spins and I rush Louis into the court building, reporters trying to talk to him but he just keeps his head down, holding my hand. We enter the building and in instantly gets quiet.
We have to go through security and he nervously does, nothing going off in the metal detector. I go next and then we walk together to the court room assigned for Louis's case.
There's going to be no jury. It's just up to the judge.
I slowly open the door and the room is empty except for two police men and a person who records everything we say.
"You may sit over there." One of the police men say. We nod and sit down, looking around the room. I have many papers with me reporting about Louis's health and how it's been. I also have the recorded session of us and Zayn should be here any second to talk on behalf of Louis.
I need to get him out.
"Are you okay?" I whisper to him. He just squeezes my hand tighter and I wrap him in my arms. I pull out the bear Niall gave to him from Harry and he gasps, hugging it tightly to his chest.
"Thank you." He says softly, and I nod, running my hand through his hair. The door opens and Zayn and Niall walk in, smiling at us when they see us.
"Hey guys." I say, waving them over. They come and sit next to us, nothing looking really nice.
Louis itches at his pants, tugging at his tie next. The clothes don't fit him well, everything being slightly too big and he looks uncomfortable. He catches me looking at him and I smile, patting his thigh.
One of the police officers walks to the middle.
"All rise for the judge." He says in a strict tone and we stand up. Louis looks confused to I pull his arm, getting him up quickly.
A judge walks in. She's probably in her early 50s and she has dark skin. She makes her way to her chair and then sits down.
"You may all be seated." She says and we all sit down. "May I have Liam Payne up to the stand please." She says, her voice flowing through the empty room.
I nod, fixing my tie and getting up. I bring my papers with me and stand at the little podium.
"And Liam, you are here on behalf of Louis Tomlinson. Who is that?" She asks, peering over her thin, black framed glasses.
I turn around and Louis is raising his hand slowly.
"Please come up, Mr. Tomlinson." She says in a board tone. Louis nods and gets up quickly, fumbling over his feet. He still has the bear gripped tightly in his hands as he makes his way up, standing next to me. "It's okay. No need to be nervous." She says smiling sweetly at him.
"Y-yes." He says quietly. I bump his arm, reminding him what to say. "Your honor." He adds quickly and I nod at him. We swear on the Bible that we will be honest and all that and then it starts.
"So Liam, you're Louis's counselor at the facility he is at. Is that correct?" She asks.
"Yes, your honor." I say, my voice echoing throughout the large room.
"And you believe Louis Tomlinson, is stable enough to be removed from the facilities care and put back into society."
"Yes, your honor."
"You are aware he killed his parents and brother?"
"Yes, your honor. He," I pause clearing my throat, realizing it's a little hoarse. "He was severely sexually abused. I have a recording here." I say, pulling the tape and player out my bag and handing it to the cop who takes it up to the judge. "He wouldn't tel us about it at first but then he finally did." I explain.
"How long has he been at the facility?" She asks, grabbing the tape from the mans hands and placing them on her desk.
"About 6 years your honor. 7 in October." I explain. "Louis used to be very violent when touched, lashing out but in the past year or so he's become a lot more tolerant to it." She says.
"And Mr. Tomlinson," she starts and Louis perks up. "Is what everything Liam is saying true?" She says and he nods slowly. "About the past abuse?" She confirms and Louis nods again. "Words Mr. Tomlinson."
"O-Oh I'm sorry! And yes, your honor." He says, voice shaking slightly.
We discuss his treatment plan for the past 6 years and how it's improved his well being.
"Thank you, Mr. Payne. You may have a seat. She says and I turn to walk away but Louis grabs my shirt.
"It's okay, Zayn or Niall are coming up next." I say quietly and he nods, slowly letting go of my shirt.
"Will Zayn Malik please come up to the stand." She says and Zayn gets up quickly, walking over to us. He stands next to Louis and pats his back. Zayn then swears on the Bible and then it starts.
"Mr. Malik, what is your relationship with Louis Tomlinson?" She asks. Zayn explains how he is a guard at the facility and then they talk about how he's been to Zayn the past years.
"I whole heartedly believe that Louis Tomlinson is ready to be out in society again." Zayn says confidently and she nods, looking at the papers I've given her.
She thinks for a second before nodding. "You may be seated. Will Niall Horan please come up to the stand." She says and Zayn turns around and walks back, passing Niall and giving him a high five on the way. Niall gets to the stand and they make him swear on the Bible like the rest of us.
"Mr. Horan, how do you know Louis Tomlinson?" She asks.
"I am a therapist in training at the facility. I have been shadowing Liam Payne for the last 6 months and I've gotten to know Louis in that short amount of time." He explains.
"Mr. Tomlinson, would you say Mr. Horan knows you well enough to be up here?" She asks and Louis nods quickly before remembering.
"Y-yes, your honor." He says shakily and she nods.
"Your honor, if I may," Niall starts and she looks to him, eyes scanning his body. "I saw Louis's patient file when I first starting working there and I was honestly scared to meet him but when I did, I realized he was amazing. His laugh lights up a room and he has the most wondering smile and he's one of the most kind hearted people I know. I know he's had a rough past but that's not him anymore. He's so much different than who he was and I don't believe he would hurt even a fly." Niall explains and she just stares at Niall for a second.
"I see." She says softly.
"I'm going to review the tape and evidence and we will talk again. 15 minuet recess." She says, smashing her gavel on the desk and making Louis jump slightly.
She gets up to leave the room but the doors fly open. I turn my head quickly to see who it is and it's Harry.
His tie is loose around his neck and his hair is disheveled.
"Sir?! Are you aware court is in session?" She half shouts at Harry.
"Y-yes your honor. I'm so sorry but I'm here for Louis Tomlinson's case. I couldn't find the court room and I understand f I'm not allowed in." He says. She purses her lips before just nodding.
"You may speak after the recess." She says and continues walking out the room. Once she's gone Louis drops his bear and sprints at Harry, almost knocking him down.
He jumps up and wraps his legs around Harry's waist and his arms around his neck.
"Hi Lou." Harry says chuckling and Louis buries his face into his neck, not saying anything. Harry places his hands under Louis's bum to hold him up and Niall and Zayn run over to Harry as well.
"Hey mate!" Niall says, clapping Harry on the back. Zayn just stands next to Harry and places a hand on his shoulder.
"Lou, maybe you should get down." Zayn says, laughing softly. Louis just whines and shakes his head no, gripping Harry tighter.
"It's okay, I don't mind." Harry says. I get up slowly and make my way over to them and Harry's eyes land on me, shooting daggers my way.
"Hey Harry." I say, waving at him.
"Hey." Harry says back shortly.
Louis finally lifts his head from Harry's shoulder and looks at him, kissing him on the lips softly.
"Hi blue." Harry says.
"Hi green." Louis says back happily. He finally hops down from Harry and grabs his hand, pressing himself into Harry's side.
"Nice entrance there mate." Niall says, laughing loudly.
"I couldn't find the court building or the room itself. I asked like 12 different people and they all sent me to a different place.
They all talk to Harry and I just stand there awkwardly. He knows what I did. That I was keeping him away from Louis but I needed Louis to be focused. I couldn't have him distracted, worrying about when Harry was going to call or come visit.
Pretty soon the cops tell we need to go back to school our seats and then we need to stand for the judge.
She makes her way in and then calls Harry up to the stand. He has to swear on the Bible like the rest of us did and then she looks to him, her glasses on the end on her nose.
"You are?" She asks, eyeing him up and down.
"Harry Styles, your honor." He says. Louis watches him intently, almost like he doesn't believe Harry is really here.
"So, Mr. Styles, what is your relationship with Louis Tomlinson?" She asks.
"Well, I went to the same facility when I was falsely convicted of serial murder. He wouldn't talk to me at first but then slowly he was the only one that would. Then after becoming my friend over some time he became my boyfriend." He explains.
"How long were you at this facility?"
"About 1 year, your honor."
"And why do you believe that Louis should be released?" She asks.
"Because he is so wonderful. He was hurt awhile ago but he still is so innocent and has so much to explore. They didn't take his innocents from him or his wonder of the world. I would hate for him to spend the rest of his time in a facility like that for just protecting himself." He says. She nods and then looks to Louis.
"You may be seated." She says and Harry goes to sit down. Louis just stands at the podium by himself, looking almost tiny up there by himself. "Mr. Tomlinson." She says and Louis looks up at her with hopeful eyes. "If I were to release you, where would you stay?" She asks. Louis opens his mouth, looking like a fish out of water.
"With me, your honor." I say, raising my hand. Everyone looks at me in surprise. We were expecting Harry to say something but he didn't. Just watched Louis.
"Is this correct, Mr. Tomlinson?" She asks and Louis nods quickly, having no other option. She just stares at him and he shakes his head.
"I-I'm sorry. Yes, your honor." He says. She asks him about what kind of progress he thinks he's made and why he thinks he's ready to be released.
She takes her glasses of and sighs, leaning on the desk with one arm.
"Louis, I'm going to be honest with you, all court rules aside. I'm proud of you. I really am. You've conquered your dark past and really made yourself someone new. You have a wonderful boyfriend who seems to love you very much and amazing friends. When I saw your case I was very doubtful but you've really changed my outlook. You're a very strong, young soul who just needs a second chance to show everyone who he really is." She says and Louis wipes away a few tears that must've fallen while she was talking.
"I don't know you all that well but you seem like a very kind boy. What are your plans once you're released?" She asks and Louis freezes.
She said once he's released.
"U-uh, just to-to be a good person. I want to get a job and own a kitten and I would like to start a garden and get my license." He says and she smiles, placing her glasses back on.
"Well Louis, I hereby release you from the facility's care." She says and Louis keys out an audible sob, his hands going up to cover his mouth. "You will be required to go see a counselor biweekly and you will need to send in paper work every month, proving you went. You have thirty days to find a counselor and get everything set up. Is that clear?" She asks and Louis nods his head quickly.
"C-can I get a hug, your honor?" He asks quietly and she laughs getting up and making her way down from her desk to hug Louis. He cries into her shoulder and she just pats his back.
Once they pull back she pats his shoulder.
"Go celebrate." She says and he nods quickly.
"This court room is now dismissed." She says and Niall instantly jumps up screaming.
"Woohoo!" He screams, running at Louis who runs at him just as fast. They collide in the middle and Niall picks him up, spinning him around. We all get up as well and go to hug and congratulate Louis.
"I-I'm out!" He shouts and Harry grabs his face, kissing him deeply. I hug him and ruffle his hair, telling him how proud I am. Zayn hugs Louis as well and picks up, swaying him side to side.
"Beers anyone?" Niall asks and we all nod, following after him.
This isn't the end dont worry. There is many more things that are going to happen.
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