Chapter 18
Tiny tiny tiny mention of suicide
Harry's POV
The FBI agents call me back into a room to meet with them. I sit at a large table, all of them chattering and looking over papers before a women in a white shirt and black slacks walks in. Everyone gets silent and directs their attention to her.
"Mr. Styles, we have some news for you pertaining to your case." She says. I sit forward in my seat slightly, waiting for the news. "There has been another murder since you being here." She says. I just nod along.
"There's already been one since I've been here." I say, not too excited with the news.
"Yes, and we weren't sure if the first one was from the same killer but now we're certain. Harry, you're getting out." She says.
I feel like I have just been punched in the chest, my head spinning slightly with her words. Everyone looks at me for my reaction and I just stand up quietly.
"What about Louis?" I ask quietly.
"Well he's going to court on March 23rd." She says, looking at me like I'm dumb.
"But, I can't leave him." I say, looking around at everyone.
"You will if you have to. Harry, you had a life before this place and sadly enough, Louis is part of this place. You'll find someone outside of this place." She says I just stare at the ground not sure what to say. "Well, just tell him soon because you're leaving tomorrow. We'll give you your clothes that you came in and anything you had with you." She says.
I nod and just walk out, feeling like my ears are ringing. I hear Louis laugh from down the hall and my heart breaks even more.
I go and walk into the lounge and see him and Niall playing a board game. Louis's eyes are so bright and he looks like he's almost glowing.
"Hi babe." I say, walking over to him. He smiles brightly and pats the open spot on the couch next to him. I just sit down and place my hand on his thigh.
"Niall is cheating." He says, slicking his tongue out at Niall who just laughs happily. "What's wrong?" He asks. I realize I look upset and I shrug.
"Just didn't sleep well last night." I say, kissing his cheek. He just accepts the answer and goes back to playing his game with Niall.
I see Liam walk in and he sees me, knowing I was told the news. I stare at him with almost anger. Why couldn't he have told me sooner so I had time to prepare what I was going to say to Louis.
I tell Louis I'll be right back and I get up, quickly stomping my way over to Liam.
"Why the fuck didn't you warn me?" I whisper yell. He puts his hands up in defense and I clench my teeth, wanting to hit something right now.
"Harry, I wasn't allowed to tell you before the decision was final." He says, backing away slightly.
"Liam, what am I going to tell Louis? I'm leaving tomorrow and he doesn't even know." I say, running a hand through my hair.
"You'll know what to say when the time comes." He says and I snap, pushing him slightly.
"You know that's fucking bullshit. How do you tell someone this?" I say, angrily. "And for Christ's sake, Liam, he's so fragile. I don't want him to get bad again. I couldn't live with myself if I new I caused that." I say, my voice shaking.
"Harry, calm down. I'm here for him, he also has Zayn and Niall. He'll be okay." He says, glancing over at him. I look over at Louis too and I can't imagine being with out him. Just in the short time I've been here I've fallen so hard for the boy. "Just tell him the truth. Harry if you have to move on you'll move on." Liam explains and I feel a few tears slip down my cheeks.
"Liam this has been my life for the past year. He's been my life. You can't just move on from something like this." I say, wiping my tears quickly.
"Harry you will if you have to. Louis has a family in here. He'll be okay if he has to stay here." He says and I just nod. Not wanting to discuss this anymore. "Tell him soon. He needs to know." Liam says softly. I just nod and look over at him again.
"Niall! Stop moving pieces when I'm not looking!" Louis shouts and Niall just laughs loudly.
"Should I tell him now?" I ask. Liam nods and pats my shoulder.
"You can do this." He tells me. I sigh and walk over on shaky legs, thinking of the worst possible outcome.
He could attack me and kill me.
He could try and maybe kill himself.
He could never talk to me again.
I just shake my head and sit down next to Louis and Niall, watching them play the game. I want them to finish their game before I tell him.
He scoots closer to me so our bodies are pressed to each other and I soak up the feeling of his warmth, my eyes slowly closing.
They finish the game what seems like in seconds and I tell Louis I need to talk to him. We back back to our room, hand in hand. Louis hums softly, slightly skipping.
We enter the room and I shut the door behind us, scared he's going to make a scene. I place my fingers under his chin and kiss him slowly, nothing too heated.
He tries to poke his tongue in my mouth and I shake my head, pulling back.
"Just want a kiss baby." I say. He just smiles and leans in again, this time just kissing slow. After a few minutes I pull back and sit him down on the bed, sitting next to him.
"Louis there has been another murder." I say, and his eyes widen slightly. He opens his mouth to say something but shuts it, assuming I'm going to continue. "And uh, they're sure it's connected to the other killings." He squeezes my hand slightly and I bite my lip.
He reaches up and puts his fingers on my lip, pulling it from my teeth. "Don't bite your lip, it's a bad habit." He says and I chuckle slightly and then look down at his bare feet.
"And they're releasing me." I say quickly like I'm ripping off a band aid. I look up at his face nervously, scared to see his reaction. He just stares at me, not saying anything. "Please say something." I beg, squeezing his hand.
He opens his mouth as if to say words but then shuts it again. He does this a few more times, almost looking like a fish out of water before he looks down at his lap.
"I'm happy for you." He says shortly. He loosens his grip on my hand but I refuse to let go.
"Louis, I'm sorry. I would've told you sooner but I didn't find out till hours ago." I say, trying to meet his eyes.
"Don't be sorry. I'm happy for you, I really am." He says, voice shaking. "Wh-when are you leaving?" He asks calmly.
"Tomorrow." I say. He just continues to stare at his lap, not responding. I see a few tears fall from his eyes and wet his pants. I reach up to wipe them away but he pushes at my hand, not letting me touch him.
He pulls his hand from mine completely and gets up slowly. He still won't let me see his face but more tears are falling.
"I need to go to the bathroom." He says softly, turning and walking away. I watch him leave the room and shut the door behind him and I just remain on the bed. I feel like bricks are tied to me and I can't get myself to move.
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