Chapter 14
Just a bit (jk it's a lot) of fluff
Louis's POV
I awake to Harry humming and cleaning me off with a wipe. It's cold and I flinch away, squeezing my eyes shut. Harry chuckles and bends down, kissing my nose.
"Hi babe." He says happily. I rub my eyes and stretch, feeling the cold wipe on my skin again. "Babe, I gotta clean you." He says softly. He then changes my underwear. Sliding the pink panties down my legs and putting on new boring boxers the place provides.
He leans down and kisses my nose again and then helps me up. I wobble and then grab onto him, tucking my face in his neck.
"Dinner is in 30 minutes babe. Let's go." He says. I nod and we grab hands, walking to the lounge together.
We sit down and look outside. He rubs my leg softly and I sigh, loving the feeling of his warm hands on me.
"So what are we gonna do when we get out?" Harry asks. I turn and look at him, my eyes scanning his face for any sign that he's bluffing. "What?" He asks. I just smile and hug him, burying my face in his neck.
"I want to go camping. I wanna be in nature, not just looking at it through a window. And I wanna go to a book store. One that has just endless isles and isles of books. And I want to go a Ver-Veronica's Secret? Is that what they're called?" I ask. Harry laughs and kisses my nose.
"Victoria's Secret." He says softly. I nod quickly.
"Yeah that! And I wanna see all the cute panties they have and I want them all! And I wanna go out to dinner with you. Like real dinner where we order and someone brings it to us. Not where we go up and get it ourselves. And I wanna watch a bunch of movies one day when it's all rainy and-and go swimming!! I've never been swimming." I say, imagining my body darting quickly through the water like a fish or penguin.
"That sounds perfect. We'll have time for all that and so much more." Harry says. "So about Victoria's Secret," he says, grabbing my hand and rubbing his thumb over the knuckles. "You like 'girl' clothes?" He asks, using air quotes around the word girl.
"Yeah." I say softly, I feel my cheeks turn a bright red and Harry quickly peppers my face in kisses, making me giggle.
"No need to be embarrassed, love. Just asking." He says. I look up at him, looking into his eyes to see if there's any hint of judgement or anger in them.
God his eyes.
His beautiful eyes.
"Hi." Harry says kissing my nose. I laugh and rest my head on his chest. "You're cuddly today babe." He says. I shrug and he wraps his arms around me, holding me closer to his chest.
"Ready for dinner?" I ask, seeing people slowly starting to make their way to the cafeteria. Harry nods and we get up. I walk first and he walks behind me, hand on my waist, just letting me know he's there.
We stand in line with our trays, getting our food before we sit down at our table.
"Oh, we forgot silverware. Be right back." Harry says, getting up. I just nod and sip on my water, swinging my legs back and forth as they sadly don't touch the ground all the way.
Someone sits next to me and I tense up. I slowly turn my head and see that it's the guy that hurt Zayn.
"What?" He asks harshly. I jump and quickly look back down at my lap. He grunts and ignores me. Picking at his food I see Harry look over and his eyes expand in panic and he quickly makes his way over to me.
Harry gives me a concerned look, handing me the silverware and a napkin. He sits down across from me, his eyes scanning the man sitting next to me.
"Sorry about the other day." He says softly. "I was off my meds." He says eyes darting up to look at me and then Harry.
Harry's cold expression doesn't change but I slowly place my hand on his arm, my fingers shaking over his tattooed skin. I anticipate a burning feeling or a cold feeling but nothing. He looks up and smiles at me.
"It's okay. I've done a lot of damage in the time I've been here." I say laughing. He chuckles and looks at Harry then back to me.
"Your boyfriend has quite the stare." He says. I bust out laughing and Harry rolls his eyes, getting up and mumbling something about getting milk. I laugh even harder and get shushed by a few people. "Damn, is everyone like that all the time?" He asks, shooting them mean glares making them turn away.
"Yep. My only friends before Harry were Zayn and Dr. Payne." I say. He scoffs and takes a bite of his sandwich.
"You must've gone insane." He says, then laughing at his own joke when he realizes where we are. Harry comes back giving me milk and putting his own down.
"Eat babe." He says softly. I look down and realize I haven't touched my food. I nod and eat my sandwich and then pick up my fruit, popping it in my mouth.
"What's your name?" He asks me.
"Louis." I say chewing my food slowly.
"I'm Clark."
(Dis Clark. hes hot)
He reaches up and shakes my hand, then going to Harry. Harry grabs his hand harshly and shakes it slowly, looking him dead in the eyes.
"You're a real charmer, huh?" He asks Harry. Harry just shrugs letting go of his hand. "What's your name?" Clark asks.
"Harry." He says and Clark nearly chokes on his food.
"Wait like the Harry Styles? The guy that killed and raped those people?" He asks almost shouting.
"No." Harry says standing up, slamming his hands on the table making people turn their heads and look at us. I jump, looking down at my food. He gets up and storms away leaving his tray on the table.
"Damn. Stuck a nerve." Clark says softly.
"I-I should go check on him." I say, getting up and cleaning up Harry and I's mess. I run into the lounge room and see him sitting on the couch looking out the window.
He looks up at me and smiles apologetically. I walk over and sit next to him, grabbing his hand.
"Sorry." He says softly.
"Don't be. I understand." I say just as quiet. "You're just a jelly bean." I say poking his side. He looks at me, a pout clear on his face.
"M' not." He says, mumbling the words. I smile and poke him more.
"You totally are." I say, a smirk growing onto my face. "I like possessive Harry." I say quietly. He laughs and kisses my head.
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