Part 20
I hope you're not planning on eating all of that saltwater taffy at once.
They were leaving later that afternoon and begin their two-hour trek back to campus, so Jeremy had decided to do some last minute shopping before they left. It was, honestly, mostly an excuse to spend the last of his spending money on as much candy as he could carry. It might have been a little childish, but he couldn't say no to fancy salt water taffy or fudge. He had two bags crammed full of it and happy with his bounty he was walking up and down the boardwalk, stuffing sugar into his mouth until it was time to check out of the hotel.
-What if I do?-
Not only is that bad for your health, but you'll also puke in Michael's car. I can guarantee that.
Jeremy shrugged a little, popping another taffy into his mouth and crinkling the waxy wrapper between his fingers until he found a trashcan.
-You only live once, right?-
You're appalling.
-So are you.-
Growing a little tired of walking, but not wanting to head back quite yet—he'd drag out this vacation as long as possible, damnit—he walked to the edge of the boardwalk, setting his bags down and leaning against the wooden railing. The breeze was chilly, but it still felt warm in the sun. He considered walking down the beach briefly, barefoot in the sand, maybe dipping his feet in the water if he felt brave enough. The Squip was standing next to him, staring out at the water with a contemplative expression.
-What're you thinking about?-
The Squip slowly turned its head toward him.
It feels... nostalgic.
-You've been here before?-
No. The ocean.
The Squip turned back toward the beach, stroking its chin.
I don't understand why.
Jeremy drummed his fingers against the railing, admiring the way the waves slowly crashed against the white sand. It was so soothing. Inviting.
-We can always come back. It's not like the ocean is going anywhere.-
I would like that.
The Squip smiled just a little, and Jeremy grinned in response. The Squip didn't smile often, at least, not the soft, genuine way it was smiling now. It was still a little bizarre, but he could definitely get used to this.
Get your things. Start walking.
The Squip didn't look particularly alarmed, but its tone was suddenly urgent. Jeremy did as he was told, apprehensive, and made his way back down the boardwalk. The Squip walked alongside him, face neutral.
Don't look behind you. Look straight ahead. Follow my instructions.
Jeremy almost looked behind him, anyway, in surprise, but stopped when the Squip gave him a quick, warning jolt.
-What's happening?-
Alex is approaching from behind. Start weaving through the crowd. We'll lose him and take a shortcut to the hotel.
Inwardly, Jeremy started to panic. What the fuck did Alex want, anyway? He was a little afraid to find out. Heart rate elevated, breath quickening, Jeremy did as he was instructed, walking straight into a crowd, zipping down a random side street, entering a few shops and slinking out the back, until they'd completely turned around and the Squip was trying to convince him to hop a fence.
He isn't nearby anymore, but this way will get us back to the hotel faster.
-How do I-
I'll assist you. Hold your bags between your teeth.
With the Squip's help, Jeremy was able to climb over the chain link fence with ease. The hotel was only a quick ten-minute walk away, five at the quick pace he was going. By the time he'd gotten inside the lobby and smashed the elevator button he was out of breath and buzzing with anxiety.
You can relax, Jeremy.
-Relax? I thought we were gonna die.-
The Squip rolled its eyes.
Don't be over dramatic.
Jeremy swiped his keycard and stepped inside the room, shutting the door and flipping the latch as an extra precaution.
-You're the one telling me to avoid him. I think I have every reason to be freaked out by-
A hand reached out abruptly and grabbed him by the wrist from around the corner before he could finish his thought.
"Boo." Jeremy practically shrieked, pulling his arm away and stumbling backward into the room, wide-eyed, panicked. "Woah. I didn't mean to scare you that badly."
Alex stood there, leaning nonchalantly against the wall, an amused smile on his face.
"Y-you, how, wh-what do you, Alex. Guh-" Jeremy felt like all the air in his lungs completely vanished, alarms going off in his head as the Squip maneuvered close behind him, hands gripping his shoulders.
Remain calm.
-How the fuck did he get in here? I thought we lost him!-
I underestimated him. He's hiding his signature, somehow. He must have planned this.
"You know, I wasn't sure if you were actually going to take the pill I gave you or not. It was an enlightening experience, right?" Alex moved away from the wall and stepped a little closer, but Jeremy was rooted to the spot where he stood, praying for a quick escape.
Ask him what he wants.
"What—What do you want?"
"I'm just making sure everything is going smoothly." Alex looked up at him, briefly, and suddenly Jeremy could feel a familiar sensation shoot through his eye, making him gasp and reel back, hand over his face. He heard the Squip make a noise behind him and let go of his shoulders, and in his peripheral vision he could see the Squip fall back, shudder, form briefly blinking in and out of existence and then stabilize. For a moment the Squip stood still, tense and hunched, then slowly straightened. The Squip hadn't looked pleased before, but now it looked pissed.
"Good. It's improving."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"I know you have a lot of questions. There's a lot I can't tell you because it would skew the results."
"Results? This is—Am I some kind of experiment to you?" Infuriatingly, Alex shrugged his shoulders dismissively.
"If you continue to bond with it, you won't have anything to worry about."
"That doesn't make me feel better at all."
Alex shrugged again and then smiled mischievously.
"Have you named it yet?"
"Excuse me?"
"Your Squip. You haven't given it an actual name." Alex scratched the side of his head. "Never mind, that'll come later. I'm curious, though."
Jeremy was about to ask what, what the hell else was Alex curious about, why wouldn't he just leave them alone, when he stepped in alarmingly close. He still couldn't bring himself to move, too startled by the movement to have much reaction, and Alex touched his cheek, brushed their lips together, bumping their noses. The Squip reacted far faster than his brain could actually process what was happening, grabbing Jeremy under his arms and roughly pulling him away. The Squip made a noise that almost sounded like a snarl.
He stumbled back, almost fell from the force of the Squip, and as he righted himself the Squip stepped in front of him.
"Wow!" Alex was grinning. He looked thrilled. "That answers that question."
"Wh-wha-what. What the hell!" He felt gross.
"I wasn't sure what kind of relationship you formed with your Squip. I had a suspicion, but," he shrugged, "had to be sure, y'know? I'm a little jealous. I did like you." Jeremy's head was spinning. Alex rubbed his hands together. "I wonder what she'll think of this, wow."
"She?" There was a she now? If the drunk girl at the club turned out to be a part of this... Alex blinked, looking briefly startled.
"Oh. Shit. That was one of the things you weren't supposed to know. Do me a favor and forget that part."
"You can't seriously expect that of me." Whatever. He didn't care who this new mystery woman was. He wanted Alex to leave. Now. Leave leave leave please just leave oh my god. Alex smiled at him, a little sadly, as if he could hear his thoughts.
"This is the last you'll see of me for a while. I promise. If I interfere too much it might affect the results." Results. He was starting to hate that word.
"Good." It felt a little mean, but he was less scared and more annoyed, now. Frustrated. Not that it changed how fast his heart was beating or how cold and shaky his hands were. The Squip, still standing in front of him, reached out a hand behind it to gently touch Jeremy's arm. It was a little comforting, but the Squip wasn't looking at him. It was staring straight at Alex.
That's when he realized the two of them were making eye contact.
"Wait. You, um... You can see it?"
"Yes." Alex flicked his gaze to Jeremy, quickly. "The whole time, yes."
Jeremy balked.
"You have no idea how much I had to hold back during our date. I almost lost it when it sat on you, it was hilarious." Jeremy pressed his hands to his face, aghast.
"I'm so glad this is so damn funny to you."
Alex looked as if he was about to respond, but he turned his head toward the door as it beeped, began to open, then abruptly stopped as it was caught in the latch.
"Jeremy? You there? Why's the door locked?"
Oh fuck. It was Michael.
"Guess that's my cue." Alex reached into the messenger bag he wore and pulled out something slim, sleek, and shiny. He ignored the Squip entirely, sticking it through the Squip's body to place it in Jeremy's arms. He fumbled, almost dropped it, and then held it up. It was a laptop. It had a glittery bow on it. "That's for you."
"Jeremy, what the heck, is someone there with you?"
"One—one minute, Michael!" He was staring at the laptop in his hands. Alex turned around and walked to the door, flipped open the latch, and pulled the door open.
"Nice to see you again, Michael." He pulled out another laptop and handed it to Michael as he passed him. "Later."
Alex disappeared down the hall, leaving Michael to just stand there in the doorway, alarmed and confused, looking up from the laptop, to Jeremy, to the hallway, and back.
Kevin broke the silence.
"Who the fuck was that?"
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