Part 10
Jeremy stared down at Alex's number in his phone. His thumb hovered over the name, uncertain, indecisive. He couldn't bring himself to actually call the number but he didn't want to up and delete it, either. It seemed kind of mean to do that, never mind that it'd been nearly two months since he'd seen the guy. What if he ran into Alex tomorrow and had to admit he'd gotten rid of the number? What would he even say if he did call? Why was meeting people so complicated? Michael peered over his shoulder and looked down at the screen.
"Are you going to call him?"
"I don't know." This really shouldn't be difficult.
"You could just text him?"
"What would I even say?"
"You can start with 'hey, it's me, Jeremy, the one you sucked face with at New Years'." Jeremy rolled his eyes and nearly chucked the phone at Michael's head. Michael smiled back at him. "Or you can just ask if he wants to meet for lunch."
"What if he doesn't live around here?"
"Then you don't go to lunch." Michael pulled away and swiveled around in his chair to face his desk. "I support whatever decision you make."
I agree with Michael, Jeremy.
-I wasn't asking you.-
The Squip was undeterred.
You haven't dated anyone since Christine. It would be beneficial to "get out there", as they say.
-It's not that easy.-
It is. I can help you with the conversation if you'd like.
-No. No, thank you. I can do it.-
The Squip leaned against the far wall and watched him expectantly. Jeremy tore his eyes away from the Squip and turned his gaze back t the phone. Then he took a deep breath and tapped the number.
For all his waffling Jeremy was pleasantly surprised by how easy talking to Alex was. It wasn't awkward for too long and Alex didn't seem to mind his hesitancy. He seemed sincerely happy to hear from him, in fact, which was encouraging. The thumbs up from Michael on the other side of him had helped, too. They'd agreed to lunch at a sandwich place not too far from campus and Jeremy spent the next two days trying not to be nervous about it. It was just lunch, that was it. The day of he kept the Squip on, simply because it made him feel better to have the Squip around. He wasn't planning on using it but... it helped.
Except now he was sitting at a table alone because Alex was ten minutes late and not answering his texts. Did ten minutes count at late? Maybe he was just stuck in traffic. Jeremy stabbed at the salad he'd ordered to distract himself, stomach in too many knots to actually eat anything. While his brain came up with the most ridiculous worst-case scenarios, the Squip was standing by idly.
He isn't standing you up, Jeremy. He's walking in right now.
Jeremy dropped his fork and scrambled up from his seat, waving enthusiastically as Alex walked in the door. Wow, he'd forgotten how attractive Alex was. He thought it'd just been the drugs.
"God, I'm so sorry. I tried to get here early but I had to finish up something last minute. I think I ran two red lights on the way." Alex hovered by the table, smiling apologetically.
"It's fine. I just, uh, ordered a salad for now. I wasn't waiting too long." It was one of the longest ten minutes of his life.
"I'm glad. I'm going to go place an order and then we can sit and chat, yeah?" Alex pointed over his shoulder at the counter and Jeremy nodded and sat. As Alex walked off Jeremy returned to forking his salad to death, not actually that hungry. He probably should've ordered a sandwich or something. Now he was going to have to do it later or end up starving at some point. Alex returned and sat down with a tray, immediately digging into his bag of chips.
"Sorry again. Is that all you're eating?" Alex pushed the opened bag of chips toward Jeremy, but he waved it away.
"I had a big breakfast. Hah." He was such a terrible liar. Jeremy stabbed a rogue cherry tomato with his fork. "So are you... Are you going to school around here?"
"Graduated a few years ago, actually. I live in an apartment nearby..." Jeremy let Alex talk, and he just nodded along, smiling when it felt appropriate. Christine had been chatty, too, and he'd never minded. It gave him a moment to breathe and relax. Maybe come up with something witty and attractive to say. In the middle of the conversation, the Squip suddenly put a hand on his shoulder, squeezing. Jeremy tried to glance up at it without turning his head. He couldn't read its expression.
It didn't look at him. It was looking at Alex.
Up up down down left right A.
Jeremy balked and briefly choked on the cucumber he'd been chewing on.
-He has a squip, too!?-
The Squip was silent, tilting its head, looking mildly alarmed.
I'm positive, but it won't respond to me.
-An antisocial squip?-
It may be a newer version.
The grip on Jeremy's shoulder only tightened. Was it mad that the other squip was ignoring it? Jeremy didn't have the time to deal with this.
"Are you okay?" Alex was looking right at him, elbow on the table and chin resting on his raised hand. Jeremy flushed, embarrassed.
"I'm fine. I just. Wrong pipe?"
Something isn't right. We need to leave.
-What? Because it's not communicating with you? No.-
Excuse yourself. Leave. Now.
"You sure? You look like something's bugging you."
-I'm not leaving. This was your idea!-
It was Michael's idea.
-You encouraged it!-
"No, really, I'm fine. What was that movie you were talking about? Fast-something?"
He ignored it, trying his best to look as enthralled by whatever Alex was saying as possible. The Squip, however, persisted. It persisted by sitting in his lap, obstructing his view of Alex all-together.
-What the hell are you doing? He's going to think I'm bonkers.-
My quantum processor is sending me alarm signals. If you won't leave of your own free will, I will do it for you for your safety.
-This is ridiculous. If you don't leave me alone I'm going to shut you off.-
-Whatever. Shut down.-
The Squip immediately vanished and with it, some of his anxiety alleviated. Huh.
"You're done eating, right? Want to head to your place? You said it was nearby." Alex popped the remainder of his pickle into his mouth.
He never would have expected Alex's place to be so... empty. It was a small apartment, granted, but the only furniture he could see when he walked in was a couch and table. There wasn't even a TV, and the kitchen was so pristine it looked like it'd never been used. Jeremy figured Alex must spend all his money on drugs and takeout.
"I think you need to take a trip to Ikea."
"Yeah, sorry." Alex popped off his shoes and tossed them in a corner. "Furniture shopping was never my thing."
"It's cool. No TV, though?"
"I have a tablet for that." Alex sat down on the couch and stretched, propping his legs up on the coffee table. "Come on and relax, already." When prompted Jeremy shuffled forward, leaving his shoes at the door. Jeremy had assumed they'd just watch a movie or something, but now he realized he hadn't really thought this through. Two people to a tablet would be awkward.
"You don't sleep on the couch, do you?"
"No, I have a bed for that, honest. It's in the room by the bathroom." Oh, Jeremy hadn't even realized there was another room. But the other side of the apartment was dark and the doors were closed. He was starting to feel a little claustrophobic.
"Right. I didn't see it." Silence permeated the air and Jeremy fidgeted with his hands in his lap. Alex, however, looked cool as a cucumber as he slid an arm around Jeremy's shoulders. He looked up, then down at his lap, then up at Alex again. He smiled lazily and leaned in a little closer. Jeremy's heart was pounding.
"We could watch something if you want."
"On your tablet?" Jeremy swallowed.
"Yeah." He was so close now Jeremy could feel the heat radiating off of him. He was so warm.
"Um. M-maybe later?" This was so much harder when he was sober. It'd seemed so easy before at the party. But now their noses were almost touching and Jeremy was so nervous his ears were ringing. He should leave. He should've listened to the Squip. Alex was way too good looking to be kissing him. Except then they were kissing and Jeremy's mind went completely blank. Jeremy leaned in a little closer instinctively as Alex cupped the back of his neck. This was easy. Why had he been freaking out? He had a hand on Alex's hip and Alex sucked teasingly on his lower lip and this was fine.
It was still fine when Alex leaned in a little further, pressing his back down against the cushions. The couch was old and slightly uncomfortable, but nothing that could distract him from the way Alex's hand touched his side. It was even fine when his hand skirted just underneath his shirt, brushing along his stomach and bellybutton. It was decidedly not fine when Alex's hand traveled lower and rubbed against his crotch. Jeremy jerked up abruptly and accidentally smashed their forehead's together and he attempted to scramble away.
"Ow, no, shit, sorry, oh my god." Alex sat up, alarmed, rubbing his forehead as Jeremy squirmed off the couch and fell onto the floor. He stood up, head swimming, face beet red and unable to look at Alex. He must've thought he was a freak. "Fuck, I'm sorry. I just got out of a relationship not long ago and I can't do this, I'm sorry." He could hear Alex groan and Jeremy peeked between his fingers at him. Alex was leaning back against the couch, head in his hands.
"Man, you should have told me that."
"Yeah. I uh. I thought I was over it?" This was horrible.
"Breakups suck." Alex smiled at him as Jeremy lowered his hands. "No hard feelings. I wasn't planning on freaking you out." Jeremy could only nod. So much for "getting out there".
"I think... I-I think I'm gonna go."
"You need a ride?"
"I can walk." Jeremy retreated to the door wanting to smack his head against it. Is this why the Squip had been trying to get him to leave? Because he'd make a complete fool of himself? Jeremy threw his shoes on in silence and moved to step outside.
"Hey, Jeremy. Wait a sec." He paused, hand on the doorknob, then looked behind him.
"Tell your friend hello for me." Jeremy squinted a little.
Alex didn't nod. He only smiled, something in his eyes he couldn't quite read. Jeremy turned away and escaped into the cold fresh air, stomach in knots.
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