Neh and Noor Wiki
I'm still writing the next chapter it'll take some time since I'm writing all three chapters of Cale saving Raon together so yeah any way here have some information on Neh and Noor the goddesses who loves to read and create ^^
[The drawing is made by me]
The white hair one is Noor and the Black hair one is Neh
Neh info :
Full name : Nehema (Ni-he-ma)
Nickname : Neh
Name meaning : Paradise
Age : 1602 / 16
Birthday : 5th day of the 9th month
Height : 4'11 / 150.78cm
Hair : Black
Eyes : Brown
Skin : Pale light
Species : Human (Former)
God (Current)
Gender : Female
Personality :
Neh likes to act childish and immature. Normally she is always nice and very energetic. Although it is noted by other low tier gods that Neh can appear to be a very vicious god with a cold aura which is hard to approach when she is disturbed while sleeping or when someone breaks her rules.
Ability : She can create anything she has read whether it be food or be a whole entire world, although if she creates a world and wants to interfere with it she needs to make a illusion/fake world of the original world which let's her go past the absolute rule of not interfering with the worlds of humans since the illusions aren't the real one's.
Powers : Creation
Book of records
Memory wash / Reset
Affiliations : Noor her half
God of Death
God of Sun
God of War
God of Life & creation
God of Time and space
God of Moon
God of Ocean
The Totcf!World
The Tboah!World
Hobby : Sleeping and reading.
Background :
Neh was a single lifer who became a god.
She was originally a highschool student with a middle class family but after her two siblings died from an incurable disease she found out her third sibling also has that disease later the cure was found but due to lack of money she dropped out of school to earn money to help her family but she ended up getting murdered by a thief on her way to the ATM.
She was then send to a fantasy world she had read as the niece of the ruler who was fated to die.
She ended up losing her rationality and assassinated the emperor and the royal family and became the ruler.
Although she had a very aggressive personality she was a perfect ruler who took cared of her citizens.
She ended up slowly dieing from old age and left her adopted child as the next ruler.
When she became a god she has caused alot of problems to the other gods who ended up splitting her soul in half.
She became calmer after being split and became more gentle.
Extra info : Reading makes her more powerful because the more she reads the more she things she can create.
Due to having a aggressive personality in the past the gods decided to split her half to keep her calm.
She sees Noor as her sister.
She is smart.
Quotes :
"You damned punk! How dare you challenge me!?" -(Neh to low tier god)
"I'm a very sane person, reading 3 hundred and 85 books is very normal" -(Neh to God of War)
"Sister why are you so tall weren't we twins?" -(Neh to Noor)
"Your a dumbass good thing cale didn't become your saint, he'd have died from mental issues if he did!" -(Neh to GoD)
"Yawn..let me sleep ....tell Noor to take care of the worlds...." -(Neh to her assistant)
"My dear children, Have faith in this goddess you worship, Then shall I give you my light" -(Neh to her people)
"Holy maiden, why are you so adorable" -(Neh to her Holy maiden)
"Saint your very vicious, that why I love you alot" -(Neh to her Saint)
"Lord have mercy on me and stop waking me up in the middle of the nights!" -(Her Saint to her/Neh)
"Goddess you are very naive" -(Her holy maiden to her/Neh)
End of Neh wiki
Noor Wiki loading...
Noor info :
Full name : Noor
Nickname : N
Name meaning : Light
Age : 1601 / 15
Birthday : 5th day of the 9th month
Height : 5 / 152.4 cm
Hair : White
Eyes : Brown
Skin : pale white
Species : Puppet God
Gender : Female
Personality : Noor is the mature part of Neh. Since she is a part of Neh she doesn't have any emotions or personality of her own.
She is often seen with a sad expression or a emotionless expression although it is a misunderstanding since it is her default expression.
Ability : None.
Powers : Book of records [Given by Neh]
Affiliations : Neh her original half
God of Death
God of Sun
God of War
God of Life & creation
God of Time and space
God of Moon
God of Ocean
The Totcf!World
The Tboah!World
Hobby : None.
Background :
Noor does not have her own physical body.
After being split from Neh the god's put her into a puppet with restrictions which helps her keep calm.
Noor has the anger and the mature part of Neh but due to the restrictions on the puppet she is calm.
Noor was not given any abilities or powers due to being a mere puppet.
Noor does not have any memories of what happened in her past even tho she and Neh are the same person.
Noor can't do anything on her own without Neh's permission because she is a puppet.
Extra info :
Due to not having any emotions Noor does not understand why Neh calls her sister or gives affection to her.
Neh has gave Noor the permission to be free and do whatever but she chooses to stick with Neh.
Noor is a brilliant actor making no one notice that she is a puppet.
She forgets things easily.
She is the reason Neh made the holy item called "Book of records".
Quotes :
" name is Noor, Neh named me.." -(Noor to GoD)
"I don't understand why you call me sister but I will call you sister as well if it makes you happy" -(Noor to Neh)
"Neh we are not twins, I'm a puppet your the original" -(Noor to Neh)
"I do not process any powers but I do have my own Saint and Holy maiden though Neh gives them their powers so you'd say Neh has 2 Saints and 2 Holy maidens" -(Noor to God of Moon)
"Noor stop thinking your a puppet try acting like me!" -(Neh to Noor)
"I may be a puppet but you insulting me means you insulted Neh which is unacceptable" -(Noor to low tier god)
"Neh lemon is sour why do you like it so much..."
"...Why is there 10 lemon trees in the garden...what happened to our other plants..."
"I do not understand Neh's emotions but I am very much capable of understanding human and other gods emotions, I sense anger from you"
"My dear holy maidens and Saints I apologize for my sister's behavior" (Noor to Neh's and her saints and holy maiden)
"We do not live in the light we rather live hidden in the shadows"
"Child do not worry we god who you worship will provide you the light you need, No need to be scared so go forth and explore the hidden kingdom"
"Not letting the outer world know our existence is a way to get less work, is what Neh said who is sleeping" -(Noor to Sun god)
Woah! Did you really read this chapter? Amazing! Thank you! Once again I will take time to upload the next reaction because it's big so keep waiting~
Ah go check out my other reaction fic~!
To be continued...
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