Ep. 2
"Yunhee' Interview"
*The cameras begin rolling, Yunhee takes a seat as the interview begins*
Director: "Please introduce yourself for the documentary."
Yunhee: "Hello ! I am DI-V3RSE' Song Yunhee. 안녕하세요! DI-VERSE의 송윤희입니다."
Director: "당신이 츤데레라는 것이 종종 언급됩니다. 그것이 당신의 기분을 어떻게 만드나요?" (It is often referenced that you are a Tsundere. How does that make you feel ?)
Yunhee: "그건 신경 쓰이지 않아요. 제가 너무 차가운 것은 알지만, 제가 그들을 아끼는 것은 제 멤버들에게도 분명해요. 제가 모든 것을 다해 우리 그룹을 아끼는 것 말이에요." (It doesn't bother me. I know I come off as cold, but I am assured that my members know I care for them. That I care for our group with my everything.)
Director: "Which of the members would you say you bonded with first ?"
Yunhee: "저는 혜진언니와 먼저 유대감을 형성했다고 생각합니다. 저는 혜진언니와 어떤 것이든 솔직하게 얘기할 수 있습니다." (I would absolutely say I bonded with Hyejin eonni first. I can honestly talk with Hyejin eonni about anything unjudged.)
Manager: "Yunhee was always a light. Albeit cold, she warmed the members hearts with her attentiveness & her kindness. Yunhee is very sharp when it comes to everything she does. Nothing is half done. It truly is inspiring to watch."
Hyejin: "나이는 한 살 차이가 나지만 저는 윤희 선생님의 조언을 진심으로 소중하게 생각합니다. 윤희 선생님은 제가 훌륭한 지도자가 되기 시작했다고 말할 수 있는 이유 중 하나입니다. 모든 면에서 자매입니다." (Although we are a year apart in age, I truly value Yunhee' input. She is one of the reasons I can say I am beginning to be a wonderful leader. A sister in every sense of the word.)
Iris: "상어언니! 크크크. 저는 윤희언니 주변에서 기분이 안 좋았던 적이 없어요. 윤희언니는 따뜻함이 있어서 정말 고마워요." (My shark older girl sibling ! Kkk. I 've never felt bad around Yunhee eonni. She has a warmth that I greatly appreciate.)
Xiao Yu: "Yunhee eonni has always included me when she senses I am feeling a bit like an outsider. She picks up on how everyone feels & strives to make everyone feel seen."
Director: Why did you choose to be a part of DI-V3RSE ?
Yunhee: "This was always a dream of mine. I didn't want the live with "what if" forever being on my mind. So I decided to follow my heart which inevitably lead me to my members."
Director: "당신의 공식 동물이 왜 상어입니까?" (Why is your official animal a shark ?)
Yunhee: "크크크. 크크. 제발 잘라주세요! 제가 성격이 강하다고 해서 좀 겁이 나요. 그래서 상어가 저한테 딱 튀어나왔어요." (Kkk. Kkk. Please cut this ! I am told I have a really strong personality. That I am a bit intimidating. That is why the shark stuck out to me.)
*The cameras stop rolling & transition into episode 3, "Iris' Interview"*
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