Whisper:Last time on total drama yokai island the campers are staying up all night and some of them had to sleep and hidabat is the second contestant to be eliminated. So who will win and who will lose? Find out right now on total drama yokai island! The campers are eating breakfast and their eyes are still sleepy.
Jibanyan:Eyes are still closed but my body is awake.
Walkappa:Mine too. (Yawns)
Swelterrier:It's a shame when hidabat is gone. He's a nice and caring yokai friend.
Swelton:I feel your pain boss.
Whisper:Attention all campers come meet me at the gym your challenge. Okay everybody today is dodgeball. I will explain the rules about dodgeball,
Dodgeball is a team sport in which players on two teams try to throw balls and hit opponents, while avoiding being hit themselves. The objective of each team is to eliminate all members of the opposing team by hitting them with thrown balls, catching a ball thrown by an opponent, or induce an opponent to commit a violation, such as stepping outside the court. Does anyone got it?
All:We understand that.
Komasan:I don't about dodgeball. Oh my swirls I think dodgeball can be quite dangerous. I hope I can make my team win.
(End of interview)
Jibanyan:Okay guys....(Yawns) I suggest we should pick someone to go first. Any suggestions?
Shogunyan:Let me handle that. Shogunyan is throwing the dodgeball at cynake but he dodged that ball. Then he throws a ball at robonyan.
Robonyan:Error error error.....
Whisper:Oh! Robonyan is out. Blazion is next. He throws the ball at quaken but he dodged that ball and throw it to blazion but he missed. Blazion throws a ball at quaken and he is out.
Tomnyan:Whoa. For a fire lion he sure is competitive with all kinds of sports. Blazion threw a ball at tomnyan when he isn't paying attention and he is out.
Jibanyan:That's it!!! I've had it!!!! Blazion I'm throwing a ball at you!!!
Blazion:Rawr rawr!!(Bring it on!!) Jibanyan threw a ball at blazion and he is out.
Cynake:What a loser lion. What cynake said to blazion makes blazion mad and he is beating up cynake violently.
Roughraff:Time out!!!! Time out!!!!!
Swelterrier:Blazion chill out!!! You can't do that!!!
Peckpocket:Cynake why are you like this?! What is your problem?!?! He hates that!
Cynake:I can insult anyone whenever I want.
Whisper:Peckpocket is right about you. No wonder everyone hates you.
Blazion:Rawr rawr rawr!!(I it when that snake yokai is mean to us, if we lose I'm gonna smash his immunity idol and get rid of him for good!!)
(End of interview)
Swelton:Okay my turn. He tossed the ball at jibanyan and he is out.
Jibanyan:Oww!!!! Okay I'm done.
Komasan:Okay here goes nothing. Komasan threw a ball at siro but dodged that ball and he tossed the ball at komasan and he is out.
Komajiro:Komasan!!! I'll avenge you my brother!! He threw a ball at siro and he is out.
Siro:Dang it.
Komajiro:Take this!! He tossed a ball at cynake and he is out.
Peckpocket:Take this!!! Peckpocket threw a ball at komajiro but he dodged that ball and he threw it at peckpocket and he is out.
Rawry:Take this!!!! Walkappa jumped and dodged that ball and he threw it at rawry and he is out.
Sproink:Hi-yah!!! Sproink threw a ball at shogunyan but he catched the ball and threw it at sproink and he is out.
Jibanyan:Unbelievable. How can shogunyan be able to make it to the challenge seriously? Nyot like cynake, he seems to be doing well in the challenge. That's good for him though.
(End of interview)
Roughraff:Set damage!!! He threw it at shogunyan but he missed. Shogunyan threw a ball at roughraff and he is out. Swelterrier threw the ball at shogunyan but he dodged that ball and threw it at swelterrier and he is out. All is left is blazion and shogunyan.
Shogunyan:Bring it. Blazion threw a ball at shogunyan but he missed. Shogunyan is throwing a ball at blazion and he is the last one out.
Whisper:Unbelievable!!!! Team go getters win again!!!! That means team players see you later tonight at your elimination ceremony.
Swelterrier:Well you are right blazion. Since we lost, you know what to do with cynake's immunity idol. He went inside and grabs the immunity idol and he take it outside and he shattered the immunity idol with a rock.
Whisper:Alright. You know how this works. The first sushi goes to:Siro, swelterrier, swelton, sproink, roughraff, peckpocket, and rawry. The bottom two are cynake and blazion. Blazion you are being over competitive with dodgeball and you are beating up cynake violently and I was impressed with that but until you are acting like a savage beast. Cynake you are a jerk and mess up everyone and everything and this is the main reason why you are in the bottom two. Anyway the final sushi goes to...... Blazion.
Cynake:What?!?! I'm out?!?! But where's my immunity idol?! Oh no!! Blazion you shattered my immunity idol!!!! How could you?!?!?!?!
Roughraff:Boom. Harsh.
Rawry:Tough luck for you stupid snake.
Whisper:Okay. This is goodbye to you. And before you leave do you have any final words?
Cynake:I hate you all! This is a stupidest thing that you all ever done to me!!!
Whisper:Uh blazion? If you must?
Cynake:And another thing I'm never gonna like..... Blazion catapult cynake and flying into the sky.
Whisper:Good job for what you did. And thank you for watching the game of dodgeball. And for that, cynake is the third contestant to be eliminated. Who will win and who will lose? Find out in the next chapter of total drama yokai island! Peace out!!
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