°• | 0.8 | •°
°• | Dodgeball 0.1 | •°
•° Second Pov •°
"Last time on total drama island. The screaming gophers kicked butt in the awake-a-thon, when Duncan took a snooze on the can, and the killer bass took their second loss in a row.. harsh.
Heather orchestrated the first total drama island alliance by convincing Lindsay and Beth to join forces with her, then pocketed Eva's MP3 player and sat back to watch the fireworks. Nicely played Heather, nicely played. Even though Eva could've pretty much kicked anyone's butt here, in the end, it was her temper that got her kicked off.
She became the second camper to rock the boat of losers. Who will break the rules of their new alliance? Will [Y/n] and Gwen be able to stay awake until the end of the episode? And who will take the most humiliating walk down the dock of shame?
Stay tuned for the most dramatic campfire ceremony yet on total. Drama. Island!"
After some time, you finally woke up. You groaned and sat up, fixing your hair.
"Oh hey, you're finally awake.." You heard someone say and then noticed tired Gwen sitting on one of the beds from across you.
"Gwen? Where.. are the others?" You asked and then yawned.
"They're already at the mess hall, when I woke up no one was around and then I noticed you were still sleeping so.. I waited for you.." Gwen said and then rubbed her arm.
"Aww Gwen you didn't have to.. you're the sweetest I swear.." You chuckled and then got from the bed. Gwen's cheeks turned pink for a slight moment and she smiled. When she looked at you she then paused, and then started laughing.
"What??" You asked confused, and then touched your hair, feeling in which horrible state it was.
"Oh lord.." you mumbled and then went to get ready.
"Hey everyone! It's [Y/n] and Gwen!" Chris announced as you and Gwen walked into the mess hall, as you both looked like the walking dead.
"Woohoo!" "Yeah!" Everyone from screaming gophers cheered for you two and clapped. Gwen then sat beside Lindsay and you sat in the middle of her and Justin.
"I'm so tired. I can't feel my face..." Gwen said and then fell on the table with her face, making others look concerned.
"Ugh.. tell me about that.." you mumbled and then lied your arms on the table before placing your head in them.
"Well, atleast you still look drop gorgeous as ever. Which is impressive considering you haven't slept for three days straight." You heard Justin say as he placed his hand on your back and rubbed circles on it.
You raised your head to look at him and gave him a small "Thanks Justin.." you mumbled and then passed out again.
°• Courtney's confessional •°
"We are so sucking right now. Okay, yes, Eva was a psycho, but at least she was an athletic psycho." Courtney pointed out before the camera turned into static.
•° Confessional end •°
"So, let's go over the rules one more time. Number one, I am the captain of this alliance. So I get to make the rules." You overheard Heather say, making you grumble under your breath.
"Number two...?" "Breaking the rules can result in getting kicked out of the alliance?" Lindsay finished Heather "Good! Number three, I can borrow any of your stuff without asking, but my stuff is strictly off the limits."
"I don't know about that last rule..." Lindsay pointed out, hesitantly. "That's cool. I can change it. I can also find someone else to take to the final three with me. Good. Wanna have some fun?" Heather asked them before turning to the other team.
"Hey, fish-heads!" She screamed out, making you raise your head. "Way to kick out your strongest player. Why don't you just give up now?" Heather mocked while blocking your view. Then she moved away, and the food got into your face.
"Oops! Missed me!" Heather mocked even more, while you scrunched your face in disgust and wiped it away and then threw it on the floor. You looked up, and noticed Courtney covering her mouth while holding a spoon.
°• Courtney's confessional •°
"Oh no! Not [Y/n]! They're like.. the only person I wouldn't want to hit with rice in the face! Now they're going to be mad at me.." Courtney said as she slapped her face and groaned.
•° Confessional end •°
"This could not get any worse.." you mumbled to yourself. You then felt your chin being moved to your left and looked up and noticed Justin with a tissue in his hand.
"Tsk.. poor you.. luckily I always carry a tissue around~" He chuckled and then wiped the rice from your face with the tissue, as gently as he could.
When he was finished, he let go of your chin and then threw the tissue into the bin behind the table.
"Andd... done." he chuckled as you stared at him confused.
"Stunned for words?" He chuckled and then Chris interrupted him before he could say anything else.
"Okay, campers, listen up. Your next challenge begins in ten minutes, and be prepared to bring it in!"
You stood beside Gwen while leaning on her shoulder, after you have arrived at the playing field, waiting for the game to start. After Chief came he whistled, and gave all of you glares, rolling his eyes.
"Today's challenge is the classic game of dodgeball." Chris said and then picked up a ball in his hand.
"The first rule of dodgeball is-"
"Do not talk about dodgeball?" Noah said making Owen laugh. "As I was saying, if you get hit with the ball-" He said and then threw it harshly into Courtney.
"Oh! Ow!" Courtney groaned and grabbed the ball. "You're out." "You can't just do that!"
"If you catch the ball, the thrower gets sent out." Chris chuckled as he catched the ball Courtney threw on him. "And the catcher gets to bring in another team member out on the court." Chris explained.
"Throwing balls.. gee, another mentally challenging test." Noah sarcastically said, before Lindsay leaned towards him "I knoww, right?" She said, making Noah furrow his eyebrow at her.
"Okay, now, Geoff. Try to hit me." Chris said and then threw the ball to Geoff, who caught it.
"If you're holding a ball, you can use it to deflect a ball. But, if it knocks the ball out of your hands, you're out." Chris said and then dropped the ball.
"So.. what do I do again when the ball comes at me?" Lindsay asked
Geoff then threw the ball at Chris, who deflected the ball with his own and it hit Lindsay in the face, making her fall.
"Ooh.. you were supposed to dodge." Chris said sternly. "Ow.. right.." Lindsay mumbled and then let go off her forehead, having a huge bump on there.
"You have one minute until game time. Gophers, you'll have to sit one person out each game." Chris said and then all your team gathered around.
"Okay, we can't get lazy. The killer bass are gonna be trying extra hard to catch up. Who wants to sit the first one out with sleeping beauties here?" Heather said as she pointed her thumb at you and Gwen.
"All rught, I'll volunteer." Noah said as he then walked off to the bench with a smirk.
"Now let's see all you keeners get on out there and dodge." He said as he then pointed finger guns at your team.
He then sat beside you, and pulled out a book. "Did you.. seriously brought a book with you here..?" You asked him.
"Yeah, it's none of your bussiness." He said rudely, while you ignored it.
"Mhm.. cool.." you mumbled and then yawned, trying not to fall asleep while sitting. "You know.. you can lean on my shoulder or something if you want.." He mumbled and looked at you. You looked surprised at his request, but didn't deny it and lied your head on his shoulder.
On the court, it was Owen, Leshawna, Cody, Heather and Lindsay against Courtney, Katie, D.J., Harold and Tyler.
"Bring it on, fishies. Otherwise winning three in a row just won't be as satisfying." Heather provoked them, angering Tyler.
"Oh! You're going down! We're gonna bring the dinner to the table, and then we're gonna eat it!" Tyler finished and then finger pointed them, confidently..
"Both teams ready? Best of five games wins. Now, let's dodge some ball!" Chris said and then Chef whistled, starting the game, as the rest of your team cheered expect for Gwen, Noah and you, since you were too tired for that.
You then realised that you were leaning against someone's legs, and looked up to see you were leaning against Justin's legs and quickly looked back to the court, too embarrassed after today's interaction with him.
Cody then threw one of the balls at Tyler but missed him, making Tyler try to hit him too. He then makes a spin and then throws the ball but accidentaly ends up hitting Sadie, who is on the bench.
"That'll smear the make-up." Chris said with a smirk. Owen then ran towards Tyler roaring, and then hit Tyler who got smashed against the wall by the ball.
Chief then whistled, sending Tyler to the bench.
"Time to unleash my wicked skills." Harold said, holding onto the ball.
"Yeah? Then bring it, string bean! Let's see what you got!" Leshawna said while crossing her arms confidently. Harold then did some ninja moves, and then threw the ball against the floor hard. The ball then landed next to Leshawna's feet, as she then picked it up and smirked at Harold.
He started to run and scream like a girl, but in the end Leshawna hit him. He then slid on the floor towards the wall, crashing into it with his face.
Chief then once again blew the whistle, sending Harold on the benches.
"And that's how we roll!"
"Can someone remind me what I'm supposed to do with this again?" Lindsay asked, holding the ball but then getting hit by Katie in the face again.
Heather then picked up her ball, and then threw it on Tyler, into his stomach.
"What the heck was that? Ref, he's not even on the court!" Courtney screamed at Heather.
"Oopsies! Slipped!" Heather said innocently. "Ugh!" Courtney groaned and then picked up a ball, and threw it on Heather.
Heather then defended herself by covering her head by her arms, but Owen caught it, making Courtney go to the bench.
Chef then blew the whistle and pointed at Gwen to go to the court. Gwen then stretched her arms, and walked to the court like a zombie. When she arrived, she got immediately hit by D.J. after Owen dodged.
"Oh! Sorry!" D.J. apologised. Owen then helped Gwen up.
"Oh, it's cool. Trust me." Gwen said, and went to sit back again.
After a while, the only ones left on the court were Cody and Leshawna against D.J. and Katie. D.J. and Katie then threw both of their balls onto Leshawna. She deflected one of them with her ball, but got hit into her stomach with the other one.
Now, only Cody was left on the court against them. "Easy out, guys. Easy out."
Cody then looked at his ball, and then smirked, throwing the ball in the air. He then caught it, and threw it on D.J. who dodged, but the ball span like a boomerang and hit him in the lower behind.
Katie then threw a ball on him but he dodged it, and then started rubbing the ball against his shirt like a maniac, electrifying it, and then threw it on Katie who began to run on the court for her life, but the ball followed her.
She then got cornered against the wall, and it hit her.
Cody then jumped around the court happily, before going to the bench and high-fiving Owen. He then noticed the small space between you and Lindsay, and moved Lindsay a little bit away from you so he could sit next to you.
"Hey-" "Did you see that, [Y/n]?!" He interrupted Lindsay and then asked you, looking like a puppy who just brought their owner their toy.
"Dude, they were sleeping if you haven't noticed." Noah said with a small glare towards him, embarrassing him.
"Oh.. I'm so sorry [Y/n], I-" "Nah it's cool, it's cool.. I couldn't sleep through the cheering anyway. You did real great Cody." You told him and smiled. Noah looked at you concerned with a frown, and then gave another small glare towards Cody who didn't pay attention to him in the slightest, being in his own world after you complimented him.
[A/n] : HII GUYSS I'M BACK!! happy friday 13th!! oml I hope you enjoyed this chapter because yet again, I'm on my writer's block 😭 anyways guess who is failing four of their subjects :33 ( me obv )
Anyways, someone please make a Johnny Cage x reader, Simon Petrikov x reader or a Noah x reader PLEASE FOR THE SAKE OF MY MENTAL HEALTH.. 💔 i would do it but I promised myself I will focus only on this book ( and on Helluva Boss book ofc )
So I don't plan on making any fanfictions, buttt I still have The owl house fanfic started from April 2023, and Welcome Home fanfic also from April 😭 but im not interested in WH at all anymore ( bcs of the fandom gawd damn, I love the welcome home site w all my heart ) but mby when I have time ill release the TOH fanfic and start working on it. But only probs after I finish tdi fanfic.
Anyways school is slowly ruining my mental health even more yippee so much that I had to stay home today :3
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and any comment/votes are srsly appreciated<33
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| Fri 13.10. 2023 |
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