°• | 0.4 | •°
°• | The not so great outdoors 0.5 | •°
•° Second Pov •°
"49 Bottles of pop on the wall, 49 bottles of pop. If one of those bottles should happen to fall, 48 bottles of pop on the wall." Your team all sang together as you pulled the carts with you. You walked beside Gwen, the two of you not really carrying a cart.
You noticed Gwen's frown, and then nudged her slightly with her elbow, making her turn to you.
"The team's not doing so well.. I don't even see them anywhere behind us.." You started as you looked behind yourself.
She turned around, her frown slowly turning into a small smile. "Yeah.. you're right!"
You continued to sing, as you slowly got bored of hearing the same sentence being repeated over and over.
"32 bottles of pop on the wall, 32 bottles of pop." You looked around and noticed Lindsay staying behind, grabbing onto one of the shells in the beach. She brought it close to her ear, listening it to it.
She then noticed she was being left behind, and ran back to the rest of your team. "If one of those bottles should happen to fall, 31 bottles of pop on the wall.
"If one of those bottles should happen to fall, 28 bottles of pop on the wall." You then stopped singing and stopped in your tracks, noticing the cabins.
"Hey, look! There is the camp ground." Beth exclaimed. "That was pretty easy." Owen said while grinning. "I'm pleasantly surprised." Cody said proudly with hands on his hips.
When you placed all the crates down on the ground from the carts, Chris came to you. "If you clearly haven't noticed, you're the first team to arrive, Screaming Gophers! With the Bass a lot behind you! No but seriously.. where are they?" Chris announced before asking the last part mostly himself.
"Nevermind that, now. The last part of the challenge is to open the crates and build an amazing hot tub! Buttt- remember, you guys can only use your teeth to open the crates." He said while walking along side all of you, as you and Izzy went to one crate that had two ropes sticking out and looked at eachother. Each one of you then bit into one of the ropes, before pulling on the rope with your teeth, trying to open it.
"I came up with that one." Chris proudly admitted to the camera, making you give him a side-eye-glare.
You heard Izzy growl as she pulled onto the rope before stopping, making you pause as well.
"Hey! I think I got it open." She said with her mouth full of rope. The crate then fell apart, startling you two and Gwen, who came to see how you were doing.
"Ow, ow, rope burn on my tongue." Izzy groaned, sticking out her tongue. You then noticed Chris sitting on top of one of his quad bikes, and then driving away.
You then noticed Owen searching one of those crates, and went to look into the crate for something useful as well.
"Hey! Check it out, I got wood!" He said to you as he showed you the planks of wood.
"I've got some tools here. And what looks like a pool liner." Trent said showing a hammer in one of his hands, while grabbing a pool liner in his other hand.
You then noticed Heather and Lindsay walk over to Leshawna, making you raise your eyebrow at what she plans to do.
"I just wanted to say, I didn't mean bad about you being a ghetto, rap-star wannabe, and I love your earrings." She said overly nice while pointing to Leshawna's earrings. "They're so pretty." Wayyy overly nice. You could notice her tone was slightly forced off, and it seemed to be out of character for her.
"Straight-up? Well, I'm sorry about pushing you over the cliff and all." Leshawna said apologising to her back. "No worries, I needed a push. Truce?" Heather offered, while Leshawna smiled back at her. "Yeah, yeah, you got it." She said as they fist bumped and then they walked away from her.
"Did you mean all that stuff you said to Lefonda back there?" You immediately turned your gaze back to your crate, pretending to examine the items in it, as if like it wasn't filled just with planks of wood and that you weren't overlistening.
Anyways, Lefonda..?? "Leshawna. Hah. No." Heather corrected her before laughing out, confirming your suspicions making you sigh. "She's going down. And p.s., those are the ugliest earrings I've seen in my life." She admitted making you frown. You liked Leshawna, she seemed nice even though you haven't talked yet.
You'll keep that in mind that you still need to talk to her. Lindsay stopped in her tracks. "Oh. So if you hate her, why were you being nice to her?" Lindsay asked her, confused.
"You ever seen one of those shows before? Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer." Heather explained to her.
"Ohhh.." Lindsay mumbled out in realisation. "I'm your friend, right?" She asked, looking at her with a hopeful look.
"Oh yeah, for now."
You then went to help the others, climbing into the crate with Leshawna.
You then heard someone say "Finally." As you looked out of the crate, Leshawna looking out after you.
"Heyy, what's up, guys?" Trent said, holding a plank in his hands. "Hey, aren't you missing a couple of white girls?" Leshawna pointed out making you notice there were only three of them.
"They're getting a drink." Courtney said, leaning against the crate with her elbow. Oh yikes, what has happened to her eye?
"Yeah, if they drink with their butts." Harold whispered to Ezekiel who then snickered. "Ha ha, that's funny."
Courtney then walked closer to you making you gasp quietly while Leshawna's jaw dropped at how bad Courtney's eye was.
"Ooh, what happened to your eye, girl?" Leshawna asked, pointing to her eye. "Nothing, just an allergy." She told her with a reassuring smile.
"Think it's getting worse..." Ezekiel pointed out making Courtney shoot him a glare while holding her eye. "Shut up. We don't want them to know that." She whispered to them, pointing at you. You raised an eyebrow at her and sighed.
"Hey, I should have some good cream that would help you, want me to go for it?" You asked her to which she shook her head.
"Oh no no, it's quite alright actually! It's going to go away eventually." Courtney said, but you just gave her a weird look.
"Are.. you sure? I mean, Ezekiel was right about it getting worse.. it would atleast ease the redness and the pain." You said making Courtney pause and sigh.
"Okay then." You walked into your cabin with Courtney trailing behind you, looking around. "It's just the same as the killer bass cabin.." she then noticed you going to grab something from under the broken bed making her gasp. "The broken bed is your bed?" She asked, walking slightly closer. "Well... the lower bed is Gwen's, I sleep on the top." I said and then brought my suitcase out, opening it.
Courtney stayed silent for a while, just watching you, unsure on what to say. "So.. why did you decide to help me..? I mean.. we're on the opposite teams.." She said, hesitantly. "Opposite teams? I mean.. I don't care about that. It just seems painful and you made a good impression on me when Chris was explaining the basics to us. Plus, I like to help people. That's why I want to become a psychologist."
You told her with a smile and then brought out the cream, and then you lead Courtney to sit on Gwen's bed, as you sat in front of her.
"I.. made a good impression on you? Psychologist is an admirable job. I want to become a lawyer, standing behind what's right, and helping to make the truth come out. That's what I wish to be and probably why I came here to total drama." She told you, her expression and whole body relaxing and softening.
You then poured a bit of the cream onto your pointer finger, before gently massaging her eye with it.
"Hmm.. Lawyer? The job fits you, it's like.. it's you, not sure.." You told her bluntly, while focusing on trying not to hurt her or get the cream in her eye.
"Andd.. done. It should get better now. Although it won't heal it fully, it will heal faster and get rid off the swelling. You can come today at night to let me apply it for you again or tomorrow if you want." You told her with a smile and stood up.
She stood up after you and nodded with a smile and a small pink blush. "Yeah, that works for me."
"Dudes. It's not too late. We can do this." Geoff said after climbing on top of the grates, trying to cheer up everyone like a leader. But, no one was listening to him. Harold was snoozing off with a drool coming out of his mouth, Courtney was sitting with her legs criss-crossed, thinking about her interaction with the [h/c]-coloured person.
Next to her, was Ezekiel picking his nose. Courtney then looked at him, cringing at him. "Ew!" Ezekiel then wiped it into his pants, disgusting Courtney even further more. "What?"
"That's really gross.." Bridgette said disgusted, who was watching from a distance.
"Okay look, guys." Courtney said as she stood up, waking Harold up. "We have a hot tub to complete, and we need a project manager. Since I've actually been a c.i.t. before, I'm electing myself. Any objections?" She said and then looked around, as she was met with silence.
"Where do we begin, cyclops?" Duncan said, making Courtney lean close to them and start ordering them. "Start opening the crates. Bridgette, go find those itchy girls. We need all the help we can get." She said with her fist raised in the air.
With the screaming gophers, Justin and Beth were nailing the nails to the planks, keeping the hot tub together, while Geoff and Harold placed the planks against eachother, making the hot tub fall.
Heather handed Trent a hammer who then nailed a nail. On the other side, Duncan and Tyler were fighting over the hammer, which they eventually let go of and it hit Harold's crotch, making him wince in pain, and eventually Bridgette hit him with a plank. Twice.
Noah then filled the bucket with water from the ocean and then handed it out to Cody, who gave it to Justin who eventually gave it to Gwen, and she gave it to you, as you poured the water out into the hot tub.
You quickly glanced at the Killer's bass hot tub which was in a terrible state, a hole being in there to which Courtney sealed up with an adhesive tape.
Chris then came back to judge whose hot tub was better, staring between your team and the opposite team, judging it. He came to your team's hot tub first, examining it.
"This.. is an awesome hot tub." Chris finished making you all cheer as Owen dived out of the hot tub.
Chris then walked to Killer Bass' hot tub, making them all gasp once they realised there was a seagull in their hot tub. Chris tapped on it, and a water splashed him that came out of a hole. The hot tub then started to tremble and it eventually broke, making Chris' shoes wet.
"Well, I think we have a winner here..." Chris said as he turned to you. "The screaming gophers!" He announced, as you all started to cheer.
You turned to Leshawna, high-fiving her and then turned behind, high-fiving Noah 4 as well. Leshawna then hugged you out of happiness, bringing you to the air as you laughed. When she putted you down, you glanced at the Killer Bass team's faces and frowned at how dissapointed they were. You felt bad.
"Gophers, you're safe from elimination and you get to rock this awesome hot tub for the rest of the summer. Bonus!" You all started to cheer again.
"Killer bass, what can I say? Sucks to be you right now. I'll see your sorry butts at the bonfire tonight." Chris told them before leaving.
"We won! We all get to stay here for another three days!" Lindsay cheered and then hugged you while cheering as you were next to her, before Heather and Beth joined in the group hug. "Oh, yeah! Woo-hoo!"
"Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Ha ha ha! Yes!" Owen started cheering, making you all stop from hugging as your jaw dropped when you noticed he was naked, and looked away, embarrassed.
"We get to stay, we get to stay, we are so awesome." Owen danced before he ran to Lindsay and Heather, hugging them.
When you all got to the main lodge, you sat beside Gwen and Leshawna, playing with your food, your stomach full at just seeing it. Although, the rice looked a lot more better than the lunch.
You then noticed Lindsay overlistening to the other team, before standing up. "NO!" She shouted out, making everyone look at her.
"I-I mean.. n-no salt! There's no salt on the table, bummer." She said, trying to explain herself.
You then noticed Noah and Cody standing up to go look over at how the team's voting going, making you decide to go with them.
"Okay, this is getting way too heavy." Geoff said, trying to calm everyone down. "I've had enough of prison food for one day. I'm going to nap." Duncan said standing up. When he walked past you he smirked and gave you a wink, weakly brushing against you. You turned around to look at him confused, to see him already gone.
You shrugged it off, and payed attention to the drama. "Y-you can't do that! We haven't decided who's going yet." Courtney exclaimed, trying to stop him.
"Well, I just don't get why we lost, eh? They're the ones that have six girls." Ezekiel said, making you, Katie and Sadie gasp, as the guys' jaw dropped at what he said.
"What's THAT supposed to mean?" Bridgette said as she and Eva came closer to him, Bridgette holding a fist.
"Yeah home school, englighten us." Eva said as she slammed her fist onto the table. "Well. Guys are much stronger and better at sports than girls are." Ezekiel finished, making Eva's and Bridgette's eyes widen. Your jaw dropped, giving him a glare as Katie and Sadie froze, while Harold, Noah and Cody slowly moved away from you three.
"Oh, snap! You did NOT just say that!" Geoff said with a grin, slapping his forehead.
"My dad told me to look out for the girls here, eh? And help them in case they can't keep up." Ezekiel said, making you pause.
His dad? You heard Chris saying that he doesn't go out much and that he was home-schooled his whole.
You notice that he hasn't realised that what he's saying is just extremely sexist. Could it perhaps.. be parent's influence?
Eva then held him by his neck, holding him up in the air.
"Still think we need your help keeping up?" Eva said to him. "Uh, not really.." he mustered out, confused.
"Okay, guys, let's give him a break." Geoff stepped in, making Eva let go off him.
"I mean, at least he doesn't think that guys are smarter than girls." He said, trying to defend him.
"But.. they are." Ezekiel voiced out, confused.
This dude's getting voted off, you're calling it.
°• Gwen's confessional •°
"Yep, this camp pretty much still sucks, but.. now that i'm here, I guess I might as well actually try to win. And try to stay here with [Y/n] as long as I can."
•° Confessional end •°
You changed into your swimsuit, before walking out of your cabin, and walking into the hot tub. No one was in there, as you picked the best spot. Then your other teammates started to walk into the hot tub. Trent sat beside you on your right and Lindsay on your left, Cody on her left, then Heather and Justin walked in later.
Cody stood up, holding an orange juice. "To the screaming gophers!" "To the screaming gophers!" You all cheered as you raised your arms. "Woo-hoo!" You sunk more into the hot tub, enjoying the warmth.
"Go gophers, go gophers." Leshawna started to sing while dancing, making Noah and Owen join her.
"Go gophers! Go gophers! Go gophers!" The killer bass then passed us, before Courtney stopped in front of the camera, making you confused on what she's doing.
You shrugged, enjoying the 'little hot tub party' you were having.
Trent noticed you beside him, and slowly putted one of his arms behind you, on the hot tub, as if he wanted to stretch. You haven't noticed, but a certain goth girl did..~
You ended up partying until midnight, everyone getting to know eachother as you laughed together.
[A/n] Yippee! I finally posted a new chapter after years! ( i posted one two days ago )
Anyways, sorry I didn't post anything yesterday, I'm sad because I ruined my daily posting streak 💔
But I had to prepare for school and one of my friends randomly forced me to go w her to a shop and it took us 5 hours, which I planned to spend writing.
Anyways, I used to write chapters that consisted of 1000-1500 words, or something around that in my helluva boss book, but I try to write a bit more longer chapters since I might not have time now.
I have started high school today so I'll try to update as much as I can, since tomorrow still be sort of a free day, but after Wednesday I'll be normally having lessons. And Imma probs get home at 17 usually, so I'll try to write since 19-22 probably.
Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed and I appreciate every vote and comment, and it inspires me to write , knowing you enjoy my work <3
[ 3100 words ]
| Mo 4.9. 2023 |
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