°• | 0.12 | •°
°•| Not quite famous 0.3 |•°
•° Second Pov •°
With no luck in finding Gwen, you went to the amphitheater and immediately noticed Courtney who had her head bandaged.
You walked towards her and Bridgette, who was currently stuffing herself with chips. You grabbed Courtney's shoulders, surprising her, and turned her around to face you. "Courtney, what the hell happened to you? Are you alright?? What about your violin? And-.." You continued to drop multiple questions on her worried, to which her cheeks flushed at your concern.
She quickly explained what happened to her, telling you not to worry. After that, you stuck around with the two, sitting beside Bridgette, eating her chips.
"I know I'm not as good as you are at the violin, but I can do this." Bridgette assured Courtney who gave her a hesitant glance.
"[Y/n]~! Didn't know you were a part of the loser's team now." Heather teased as she walked up to the three of you. "Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" Courtney asked her as she crossed her arms, shooting her a glare.
"Oh well, the challenge will start in few minutes, and me, Trent and Justin would appreciate some support, and not [Y/n] supporting the other team." She said while she rolled her eyes.
"I'm.. not supporting anyone. I'm just spending time with my friends. Is that a big problem?" You furrowed your eyebrows at her, while she looked stunned by your statement.
"Well then.. why don't you go and spend time with your 'friends' from YOUR team." She said, still keeping calm.
"I can spend time with whoever I want. Last time I knew, I was not part of your alliance where you could order me around, was I?" You asked.
Heather started glaring daggers at you after that, but quickly calmed herself down and focused her attention on Bridgette.
"Oh and Bridgette..- too bad about the accident.." she told her with fake sincerity.
"Guess you'll get your fifteen seconds of fame after all, huh?" Heather mocked, making Bridgette stop eating and glare at her.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Bridgette asked, raising her eyebrow. "Oh, nothing. No one would sabotage their own teammate. Unless they maybe felt.. threatened." Heather said ironically while looking to the side.
"Hey! Maybe that's how you gophers operate, no offense [Y/n]." Bridgette exclaimed at her, before turning to you. "No offense taken." You shrugged your shoulders
"But the killer bass have more class than that. We're a team!" She defended her team proudly, to which you smiled at her.
"Well, I guess you'll go down as a team too. Goes to you as well, [Y/n]. Unless you finally realise, which team you belong to." You furrowed your eyebrows at this statement. Why was she so pissed about you hanging out with the other team? I mean, you didn't even talk or anything, and she could care less about your other teammates.
When you thought she finally finished, she started talking again. "Oh, and easy on the chips." She said, making Bridgette glance at the bag. "You don't want to sink that surfboard of yours, do you?" She finished, to which Bridgette threw the bag of chips straight into her face, making you snicker.
°• Heather's confessional •°
"What a bunch of losers. It's so easy it's almost not fun..- almost." She smirked and then turned towards the camera.
"And [Y/n].. can't they see i'm doing this for them? I mean, I just want them to be with the better team. Or in better words, with me." She smirked confidently as the camera turned into static, ending the confessional.
•° Confessional end •°
"It'sss the T.D.I. talent extravaganza!! Welcome to the very first camp wawanakwa talent contest, where six campers will showcase their mad skills, and desperately try to not humiliate themselves." When he finished, you let out a yawn, to which Noah furrowed an eyebrow.
"Are you tired?" He questioned, making you nod. He then stayed quiet for awhile, before turning his head to the side. "Then, you can lay your head on my shoulder if you need to lean on something, or.. I don't know-.." He mumbled, surprising you.
"If you want of course, it's not like i'm forcing you." He said harshly, but you knew he didn't mean that, making a smile form on your lips.
"Thanks Noah, I appreciate that." You said as you let out another yawn, and rested your head on his shoulder. You could feel his shoulder bone, but who were you to complain.
At your action, Noah turned his head to face Owen, his face fully red. When his buddy noticed this, he snickered and nudged him lightly, sending him thumbs up to continue his bold action.
Noah sighed quietly, and then placed an arm around your shoulder, rubbing it soothingly. At this, you smiled and almost closed your eyes, but Chris interrupted your 'not even a nap'.
"First up for the screaming gophers is Justin." Chris announced, making all of you clap and cheer, expect for Noah, who didn't seem to care.
When Justin came up from behind the courtains, he was facing the crowd with his back, before he turned around and started doing poses, while music started playing in the background.
He then sat on a chair, and pulled on a rope, letting water fall on him, wetting his hair. He then grinned, and made eye contact with you, sending a wink and a kiss your way.
'Wow.. so he added a kiss this time..' you thought in your mind, already used to these actions of his.
°• Owen's confessional •°
"There are two sylliables for hot, 'Jus' and 'Tin'. Man! That guy is just so hot I could kiss him!" Owen told the camera with a smile, holding it, before he realised what he said. "Because he's a good teammate! Dah! Why'd I say that?" Owen groaned after he backed up from the camera.
•° Confessional end •°
"Okay, I don't know what that was, but dang! You've got some moves, dude." Chris said and then wrapped his arm around Justin's shoulder, giving him a thumbs up.
Chef had given him six points on the chef-o-meter, making all of you cheer.
"First up for the killer bass, make some noise for the big guy,... D.J.!" Chris announced and only Katie and Sadie cheered, while Duncan had his arms crossed not cheering as well, making you feel bad.
When D.J. went up on the stage, he glanced at you for a second, to which you sent him thumbs up. This made him feel more confident, and he then started with his dance.
But sadly, he messed up his dance and wrapped the ribbon around his legs, to which he fell on the floor. You scrunched your face in pain for him, before your expression was replaced with a frown. Poor D.J.
He then tried to unwrap the ribbon from his legs, and when he did, the ribbon fell on his face, as he tried to smile despite him messing up.
"Dainty and yet masculine. Let's see what Grandmaster chef thinks." Chris said as he walked up on the stage. D.J. then received two points, as he then walked off the stage dissapointed. "Not much.."
"So with two down and four acts to go, it's the screaming gophers screaming ahead. Next on the deck..- Trent!"
You cheered and raised your head from Noah's shoulder, dissapointing him.
Trent then sat on the chair he prepared, pulling out his guitar. "This one goes out to someone special here at camp." He said and then closed his eyes, focusing on his singing and the way he plays.
"They say, that we've only got summer.
And I say 'that's really a bummer.'
But we'll swim in the sun, and have lots of fun.
It'll just be the two of us.
Nothing to do, but just hang.
So let me say only this.
I'd stick around for just one kiss..." he finished and then glanced at you, smiling your way, making you return it, while your cheeks were flushed. Was this perhaps.. about you?
Everyone then started cheering alongside you. "Nice work! I'm liking your style, dude. And so does grandmaster chef!" Chris told him as he placed his hand on his back, and Trent then awkwardly waved his hand to the crowd while smiling awkwardly.
"All right, quit hogging my light, buddy." Chris said with a frown and then pushed him out of the stage with his chair, making your jaw drop.
"Threw down and three to go, and the killer bass are totally sucking so far. Let's hear it for Bridgette." Chris announced and you then noticed Bridgette peeking out from behind the curtain, hesitant.
She then walked out, while standing on her hands, her head upside down. When she reached the middle, she let out a loud burp, making Cody and Owen look at eachother and smile.
Bridgette's stomach then grumbled, and she let out another burp, and then started vomitting all around the stage and on the contestants. She vomitted on Owen and a little bit of the vomit got on Noah, making him scrunch his face in disgust.
"I'm hit! I'm hiitt!" Owen screamed out in panic. Bridgette then vomitted on Katie and Sadie, which made Katie scream and then vomit even more on Sadie.
She then vomitted on Leshawna, and some of it got even on Izzy, making all of you even more disgusted.
Bridgette then started to loose balance and then fell of and jumped right into your arms, smelling like vomit. You then noticed Lindsay turned around to face you and started glaring daggers at her. "Hey! Puke on your own lover!" She told her, and Heather furrowed her eyebrow at her. "On your own what, Lindsay?" Heather asked with her arms crossed.
"I didn't say lover." She nervously responded, looking away from you.
"Cleanup in aisle three, four, five and six.. in the meantime, we'll take a short break to hose the joint down.
You then helped Bridgette stand up, and led her to the bathroom to get the both of you cleaned up.
"I messed up so badly, [Y/n].. i'm going home for sure.." Bridgette groaned and then drank the fresh water.
"Oh c'mon.. you won't go home.. I mean, there's still a chance you can win.. and plus, it wasn't your fault! You just started vomitting, I mean, who can control when they vomit and when they don't?" You tried to comfort her, rubbing her shoulder.
"We only have Geoff left! And.. Trent got eight points.. there's no way Geoff will get such a high score.. like Heather said, I should have gone slow on those chips.." she groaned and then she started to cry, you then looked at her with a frown and opened up your arms, to which she immediately hugged you, nuzzling her face into your shoulder, still smelling like vomit.
"Bridgette.. I don't know how to help you right now or what to say.. but.. let's try to think positively.. like I said, who knows, maybe Geoff will get those nine points, we don't know how Chef thinks.. but don't blame yourself, okay? You didn't know that you would suddenly vomit after just one pack of chips.. that's like... nothing! I mean, you deserved a tasty snack after the bullshit we have to eat everyday.." you said while Bridgette's hold tightened on you.
"Y-yeah.. I mean.. you're right.. but I'm still 'positive' I'm going home tonight.." she sobbed more into your shoulder, making you let out a sigh.
"J-just.. can you promise me we'll be friends even after this show ends..?" She asked with glossy eyes. You smiled and nodded against her shoulder.
"Of course we'll be friends, Bridgette.. and now let's get cleaned up.. let's go into your cabin to get your toothbrush."
°• Bridgette's confessional •°
"Going home won't be so bad.. I-I could always work at the surf shack. And.. I'll still be in contact with [Y/n].. that's.. good.." she said while looking at the floor with a frown.
•° Confessional end •°
"Welcome back to the T.D.I. talent extravaganza! Welcome back! Okay, so in a strange turn of events, Bridgette's chunk blowing fest registered two thumbs up by grandmaster chef. But, it's still not enough to pull ahead of the screaming gophers, who hold the lead with Trent's love song. So! Without further delay, here she is for the leaders..- Heather!" Chris announced as Heather walked up on the stage and sat on a chair, confusing you.
Wasn't she supposed to dance? Why is she sitting?
"Originally, I was going to dance for you. But, instead, I want to celebrate team spirit with a collaboration." She said, waving a diary in front of her, sending a smirk Gwen's way. You were confused and then realised.. wasn't that GWEN'S diary..? Oh no..
"She wouldn't.." Gwen whispered, her eyes widened in terror. "So, with words by Gwen, performance by me, enjoy!" Heather said calmly, opening the diary, while Gwen sunk back in her seat, making you feel bad for her.
"Okay.. so, I think I like them ever since the first day here.. I mean, how couldn't I? They're just so cute! And plus, we just totally connect. They're pretty much the only person I can relate to here. But you know what? It's like everyone likes them! We barely have time where we're alone.. just the two of us.. and I know it's a cliche.. but i'm just into people who can draw!"
You then noticed Gwen started to move towards the edge of the bench, before she ran away, with everyone staring at her.
You then got up and started to ran after her. When you were near the cabins, you heard quiet sobs near the gophers's cabin. You went towards it, and found Gwen curled up on the stairs of the cabin with her head on her knees. "Gwen.." you whispered, loud enough for her to hear, startling her.
"[Y/n]..?? W-what are you doing here?" She stuttered out while wiping the tears from her face with her hands.
You sat next to her on the stairs, staring at her with an empathetic expression. "I went out to look after you ran away. I still can't believe Heather did that! I mean, I knew she wasn't alright in the head but god.." You mumbled to which Gwen chuckled.
"Yeah.." You then frowned at her sad smile and brought her into a hug, nuzzling your head in her shoulder. Feeling her hug you back, you even tightened it for a second, before letting go. When you pulled back, you noticed she was smiling and noticed the smudged mascara under her eyes.
"You have some.." you mumbled and then placed your thumb under her eyes, gently rubbing the mascara off.
"And.. there.." you whispered and then pulled back, with Gwen still staring at you.
"Can I kiss you?" Gwen suddenly blurted out, surprising you and even herself. Her eyes widened once she realised what she has said and she hid her face in her hands.
"Oh god..- please forget what I said! I'm so stupid..!" Gwen muttered into her hands, which made you chuckle and then pull her hands away from her face. "Hey, hey.. it's alright. You're not stupid. And.. well.. if you want.. you can kiss me." You said, facing the other side with your face red.
At your words, her eyes widened and she froze. "Wait.. you're serious?" She asked for confirmation, to which you nodded.
"Alright.." she whispered and you then turned to face her, nervous. She wrapped one of her arms around your shoulder and the other one around the waist, bringing you in closer.
Your mouth opened slightly, as you started to feel hot and even more nervous. Yet, you followed her actions and wrapped one of your arms around her waist, and the other one went to hold her cheek.
The both of you then closed your eyes, and closed the gap between you. The two of you forgot the world around you, as you only focused on the kiss and only on it. It soon got more heated, as Gwen decided to add a little bit more, and at her bold action, you pushed your hand from her cheek into her hair, messing it up in the process.
After a while, the two of you pulled back, completely out of breath. You just stared in her eyes, completely out of words.
"I.." you started, but didn't even bother to finish. You heard Gwen then laugh, making you curious before you started laughing alongside her.
"Can't believe I'm thankful for Heather stealing my diary now. I might even go up to the stage and thank her." Gwen said, smiling. Her hair was a mess, and her lipstick was smeared.
"Oh please.." you teased, holding her hand.
"Was this your first kiss?" Gwen asked curiously, to which you only nodded.
"Yeah.. sorta embarrassing but yeah.. it was.." you mumbled, making Gwen shake her head. "Hey.. come on.. it's not embarrassing.." she said with a smile, assuring you. "By the way.. the diary.. the person I wrote about.. it was you.." Gwen suddenly confessed, making you smile.
"I know." "Does that.. change anything between us? Do you feel weirded out now by me..?" She whispered. You shook your head and squeezed her hand. "Of course I'm not weirded out by you, silly. And, do you want it to change something between us?" You whispered.
"No.. I want our friendship to stay the same it is." she said with a smile.
"Then, it'll stay the same."
When you and Gwen got back, almost everyone have already been gone, and the only ones who were left on the stage were Courtney, Geoff, Harold and Bridgette who were celebrating something.
"Hey guys, where is everyone?" When you spoke, all four of them turned towards you.
"Wow, dude you've missed it! Harold has performed sick beatboxing and it impressed Chef so bad that he gave him the full score!" Geoff explained to you quickly, and then he wrapped his arm around Harold's shoulder, making him smile.
"Yeah, sadly you've missed it.." Harold said with a small frown. He really wanted you to see it and cheer for him like the others did.
"Wait.. so that means.. the gophers lost?" You and Gwen looked at eachother concerned. "Mhm, sucks for you dude." Geoff said with genuine sympathy.
"But I mean, it's obvious that Heather is going home, right?" Bridgette reassured the two of you, making the both of you nod. "Hopefully."
°• Heather's confessional •°
"People thought I was mean to Gwen. Whatever. All I needed was five votes against Justin. Lindsay and Beth were easy. Izzy's just crazy. Noah didn't seem to care as long as it's not [Y/n] and Owen? Piece of cake." She said smugly as she looked at her nails. The camera then turned into static, showing another confessional.
°• Owen's confessional •°
"Haha, piece of cake.." Owen sighed in satisfication, his face dirty from the unfinished cake he was holding.
•° Confessional end •°
"Kudos to you all for an incredible night of entertainment, music, drama, barfing." Chris announced as most of you held your marshmallow, only leaving Justin and Heather without one. You then noticed Gwen's gaze on you. When you looked at her, her smile widened as her cheeks turned red.
"There's only one marshmallow left on this plate. Justin, you reminded us all that looks matter a lot. And Heather, you're full of surprises, but reading out another's chick's diary out loud to the whole world? Man, that is whack." When even Chris thinks it's messed up, you know it's bad.
"No kidding, that's really messed up dude."
"Oh please, just give me my marshmallow already." Heather demanded, raising her hand in front of her as if awaiting the marshmallow. You raised an eyebrow at this action of hers, suspicious.
"Justin, I personally think this is very wrong, but tonight, hotness just wasn't enough. The last marshmallow goes to Heather." At this announcement, you started glaring daggers at Heather. Obviously she somehow rigged the votes.
"Time to catch the boat of losers, brah." Chris told him, to which Justin dissapointedly complied. He then noticed you, and went towards you, hugging you suddenly. The sudden hug surprised you at first, but you returned it.
"I.. I'll miss you.." Justin whispered to you, making your eyes widen at the sudden change in his character. That was so out of his character.
"I'll miss you too Justin." You said and then he pulled away, continuing his walk towards the deck.
"Now that was unexpected! Or was it?" Chris said to the camera.
°• Gwen's confessional •°
"If that evil little cow thinks she's getting away with this, she has another thing coming."
•° Confessional end •°
At night, you then noticed Gwen walking out of the cabin quietly, and after she came back, she had a.. red ant farm with herself? Possibly from Harold. He did say he brought an ant farm with himself.
She then noticed you were awake, and sent you a smirk and put a finger up to her lips.
She then opened the farm, and spilled the ants all over Heather's bed before quickly going back to her bed.
After a while, Heather woke up and stormed out of the cabin, screaming on top of her lungs while trying to get rid of the ants.
"Sweet dreams, everyone."
[A/n] WOOHOOO IM FINALLY BACK AGAIN HAHA, after another month of dissapearance.. but like I said, I tried to make this chapter longer ( 2000k more words than last chapter ) and yall got moments with Gwen ( MOSTLY GWEN ) Noah, Bridgette and Justin! Also Heather if her being possessive of her "teammate" ( small crush she doesn't want to accept ) counts, and Lindsay calling you her lover <3
Also.. I'm not sure how to feel about this chapter.. not sure if you noticed, but this is my first time writing a kiss scene and I don't know how to feel about it 😭😭 I'm also still on writers block so idk when the next chapter will be out 😞😞
I planned on making a kiss scene between [Y/n] and Gwen since the start, but had no idea when. Also I've been thinking about it, and do the romantic moments with the characters feel forced? 💔 I have no idea where to put them and there's just so many characters I have as love interests and have no time to build their relationship with [Y/n] so I just try to make them interact as much as they can.
AND THE KISS SCENEEE STILL FEEL SO WEIRD ABOUT ITTT.. like it felt so weird to write it, and tried to avoid cringy words and stuff andd.. now I know I wont be able to write a smut 💀💀 but yeah, Gwen and [Y/n] decided to just stay friends ( fwb 🤭 )
Anyways, despite all of this, hopefully you enjoyed the chapter<33 and please, vote or comment, like yall most likely know, im desperate for attention ( I get from this book ) and it makes me motivated, bye bye 🦋
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| Thu 25.1. 2024 |
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