Tilt-A-Hurl Travesties
Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon All Stars... um... I may or may not have taken a brief nap during the day. But hey, that's besides the point. The Pichu Twins took center stage and hosted a challenge of their own with help curtesy of our ex-campers! It was a game of wits as campers had to figure out who a trivia fact was about and then complete a challenge based of that camper to earn a point. It was awesome to watch!
Psyduck: (butting in) If that's the case then how come you fell asleep?
Raichu: Hey! I said that's besides the point! (Clears throat) As I was saying, three campers ended up winning immunity and they were none other than Sprigatito, Spheal, and last but not least Bellossom who beat out Snivy to claim the last spot. Seeing as Snivy was not immune, Chespin decided to leave nothing to chance and got everyone, and I mean everyone, to vote off Snivy. In the end, his greatest wish came true! Should be a happy ending for him right? WRONG! That's because it left only Snivy's sole vote to determine the other elimination, and to nobody's surprise he voted off Chespin. So in the end, the two rivals successfully took each other down and now we are down to twelve remaining! And it's quite the mix! (Shows the campers icons on screen as he says their names) From our original cast we have Mudkip, Charmander, Litten and Fennekin! From regional tour it's Bellossom and Sawk! From Rhydonculous Race we have gamer Meowstic and performer Buneary! And last but not least from the next generation we've got Sprigatito, Spheal, Sobble and Cubchoo! Which ten of these twelve will advance closer to that three million dollar prize? Find out right here, right now, on Total Drama Pokemon All Stars!!!
(Outside the spa hotel; Litten climbs up a ladder and knocks on a window on the second floor)
Litten: Hello? You up? (Sprigatito opens the window yawning)
Sprigatito: Huh? Litten? What the heck are you doing?
Litten: Look I don't know how much time I have, but Charmander is sound asleep, so we are cool to talk.
Sprigatito: Cool to talk? Um... alright, sure what's up?
(In confessional)
Sprigatito: (yawns) Well I'm glad Litten trusts me enough to confide in me now. As someone who's been through too much relationship drama myself, I'd really like to help him out. (Narrows her eyes) Though I could've used a morning coffee before dealing with this.
(In confessional)
Litten: Is it a little early for some lore dumping? Nah, not really. I've been up all night thinking about this and whether I should vent it or not. (Rubs his eyes) Absolutely can't do another night of that.
Sprigatito: So as much as I'd like ask you what made you change your mind, I can sense you're pressed for time.
Litten: Yeah thanks. So can I come in?
Sprigatito: I mean I don't think you are allowed in here...
Litten: Okay fine whatever. (Takes a deep breath) So I was telling you how I had issues with her parents right? Well to put it bluntly... they were AWFUL to me. When they first met me they were disgusted and wanted to do anything to get Fennekin to dump me. They tried bribing me to break up with her, treating me horribly to get me to leave...
Sprigatito: Seriously? That's terrible! Did you even do anything to warrant that?
Litten: Yeah, I took their perfect upper class princess daughter and turned her into a normal Pokemon. I taught her she could think for herself. Her parents didn't like that...
Sprigatito: That's seriously awful. I had no idea her parents were so strict! So that's why you spent their money?
Litten: It's kinda a silly thing I know. I just figured, screw them. They are so rich they get to buy anything they want, surely they wouldn't notice if I spent some. And I deserve something nice too.
Sprigatito: But wait a second, why didn't Fennekin cut ties with them if they were so awful?
Litten: Well... Fennekin might not know about how extremely horrible they treated me.
Sprigatito: AH! Well that's what explains everything you dummy! Why didn't you just tell her all that from the start?
Litten: She didn't give me a chance! She broke up with me, shoved me into the ocean, and I became pissed at her! Plus she's a daddy's girl and is close with them. Besides I don't want to look like a wuss to her...
Sprigatito: Come on, we both know avoiding the issue makes you a bigger wuss. I think you know what to do. (Hears a knock on her door) Huh? Uh oh, it's Furfrou. Whelp, hope this talk helped. Bye for now.
Litten: Thanks bye- (Sprigatito closes the window on Litten's fingers) YOWW! (Leans back) SHIT! (The ladder leans back) WOAH-WOAH-WOAH- (The ladder falls and Litten crashes onto the ground and hurts himself) Ughhh...
Cubchoo: (from across the way outside the cabin) Huh? What was that about?
(In confessional)
Cubchoo: So I was up early and thought why not watching the sunrise. (Pauses) I ended up seeing something else. Litten sneaking up to Sprigatito's room? What could that be about?
(In the cabins)
Sobble: Wh-what? Are you sure that's what you saw?
Cubchoo: I'm positive. Now I know we shouldn't jump to conclusions... but do you know anything about Sprigatito?
Sobble: That she was practically on-and-off dating Grookey and Quaxly simultaneously- EEK okay that's not gonna help...
Cubchoo: Could he be trying to make Fennekin jealous again?
Sobble: Maybe but I really doubt it. (Sighs) Poor Fennekin... maybe Litten really is just a jerk... (Pauses) Well let's just agree to not tell her until we are certain. (Cubchoo nods).
(In confessional)
Sobble: Y-you hear that you two cats? I'm gonna have my 20-20 eyesight on you both today! Super spy Sobble will be on the case!
(In the spa hotel)
Bellossom: Hey Spheal. Feels good to wake up knowing Snivy is gone, right? (Laughs)
Spheal: Huh? Oh yeah, I guess. I'm stoked we got rid of him, but I feel bad Chespin went too...
Bellossom: Yeah, poor guy. But honestly, I'm sure he's the type of guy who deep down feels good for making that sacrifice.
Spheal: (nods) Yeah, that's true. I just feel so stupid for not considering the fact that if everyone voted Snivy, he'd get a free pick at whoever else goes.
Bellossom: Well you can't change what's already happened. Just use that as fuel to move forward. That's what I've learned anyways.
(In confessional)
Spheal: She's absolutely right about that! I've come so far and feeling guilty will only hinder my performance! I've got to just keep on going forward!
(Elsewhere around camp)
Charmander: (walks by reading a letter) Huh... it should be about here... right?
(In confessional)
Charmander: Long story short, I woke up to a note telling me to meet someone at this location this morning. I have no clue who wrote this or what they want, but hey! I've got nothing to lose here.
Buneary: (approaches) Oh hey! There you are! What took you so long?
Charmander: I stopped for breakfast first duh. I'm not about to starve. (Pauses) So wait, you wrote this? (Buneary nods) Well, I'm here. What do you want?
(In confessional)
Buneary: I'm hanging in this game by the skin of my teeth! I'm not the best strategy wise, but I've got to try SOMETHING! (Pauses) I know Charmander isn't the most trustworthy character, but he's really competitive and better at convincing people than I am. I could use his help.
Buneary: I was wondering if you'd consider having an alliance. There's somebody I really want to send home.
Charmander: Bellossom, right? Eh, sorry she's not much of a threat to me.
Buneary: Seriously? But don't you need allies?
Charmander: Not particularly. I've got enough. (Turns and starts to walk away)
Buneary: W-wait! Um... Aren't you at least a little bit afraid of my ex-team's alliance controlling too much of the vote?
Charmander: (turns around and walks back) Hold up, what was that?
Buneary: Oh the Raikous alliance? Yeah, the whole team has allied together, except for me that is. So that's Bellossom, Cubchoo, Sobble and Fennekin.
Charmander: Holy shit seriously? You know what, that's enough to have me sold. We're gonna have to do something about that.
(In confessional)
Charmander: Thanks to my beef with Mudkip I've been distracted as of late. I never noticed that alliance. It's unacceptable to let an alliance of four exist this far into the game, and even worse to let that into the final ten! It's just common sense!
(In front of the mess hall)
Sawk: Alright Raichu, we're all here now.
Mudkip: So are we gonna have some kind of cooking challenge today then?
Fennekin: Mudkip, he's obviously going to get to that.
Mudkip: Oh right.
Raichu: Okay, okay, settle down. Man, how many of you are left now? Just twelve? Absolutely crazy how time flies by, especially when you are having fun. Am I right?
Sawk: Fun? You think this is fun? We're here for the money thank you very much.
(In confessional)
Spheal: (whispering) Nobody tell Sawk... but I'm having fun. (Laughs a little)
Raichu: So wow, we've got just five more days of challenges left before we crown our winner.
Meowstic: I guess so. (Thinks) Wait a second... if we are at twelve now, and two people get eliminated each episode... shouldn't it be six more challenges?
Cubchoo: Yeah, he's right!
Raichu: Huh? No. Are you forgetting that there's gonna be four of you in the finale? (Everyone loudly gasps) What? Did I not mention that before? My bad...
(In confessional)
Mudkip: A finale with four competitors in it? That's just unheard of! (Sarcastically) Thanks for telling us way in advance, Raichu...
(In confessional)
Sawk: Excellent! I'm one step closer to the finale than I previously thought! I just gotta keep striving forward and nobody can stop me!
Raichu: Okay sheesh, my bad, my bad. Well now you know. Anyways, let's move onto the day's challenge. You guys are absolutely correct in guessing this will be a cooking challenge!
Sobble: Uh oh. Is Koffing gonna get mad at us?
Koffing: (comes up) No I'm not gonna get mad.
Spheal: WHA!? But you always get mad when we make a mess of your kitchen!
Koffing: (narrows his eyes) Well I guess I've just reached the point where I stop caring.
Raichu: Aww, what a great attitude! Now then, in the kitchen you'll find every kind of ingredient you can imagine! You will have sixty minutes to cook a dish that will be judged by Koffing and I.
Bellossom: Okay, and then what?
Raichu: What do you mean "and then what"?
Cubchoo: It seems a little tame. No explosions, no pain, no lawsuits waiting to happen?
Raichu: Hey! Do you take me for a sadist or something? (There is silence) Okay fine, the network thought we needed a break from the mayhem. (Blows an airhorn)
(Inside the kitchen)
Sprigatito: Woah, look at all this fresh produce! And yet Koffing could never make us anything except for sludge?
Cubchoo: I know right.
Meowstic: Hey so um... are there cookbooks or something anywhere?
Litten: I mean duh, of course not. It's a simple sounding challenge but Raichu still wants us to fail you know.
(In confessional)
Meowstic: This will probably be bad... I'm not the best cook after all. (Sheepishly laughs) Alcremie, don't judge me too hard for this. I swear I'm better at baking than cooking heh.
(By a cooking station)
Mudkip: Alright, I think I'm gonna make this pasta dish I always like to make myself. What about you Spheal?
Spheal: Oh, um... (puts down liver in a pan)
Mudkip: (gags) Is that... LIVER!? (Gulps) Oh, wow... I'm s-sure it's delicious?
Spheal: (embarrassed) It really isn't, it's okay you can say it. Truth be told I don't know how to make anything else.
Mudkip: Really? Well you could try using an actual nice piece of meat with your recipe!
Spheal: Um, no thanks. I'll just stick to what I know here. (Whistles as he cooks)
(In confessional)
Spheal: So obviously Raichu is lying about the challenge. I see one of two scenarios happening. Scenario A, we have to eat our own dish, or scenario B, we have to eat someone else's dish. It's a win either way for me because I don't mind liver and it's something everyone else just hates! Smart huh?
(Elsewhere in the kitchen)
Sprigatito: Okay got my ingredients. Is it okay if I use this work station?
Litten: Yeah why not. Charmander is on the other side of me but I'm not sure where he went.
Sprigatito: Gotcha. (Pauses) So Litten... did you talk to her yet?
Litten: What?
Sprigatito: Fennekin. Did you talk to her?
Litten: (sarcastically) Yes I talked to her in the five minutes this challenge has been going on for in which I've been by my station the whole time. (Sprigatito just narrows her eyes; Litten sighs) Okay I will, I will. Just let me get my dish cooking first.
(Elsewhere in the kitchen; Sobble and Cubchoo watch Litten and Sprigatito)
Sobble: Now they're cooking next to each other? Maybe they really are a couple...
Cubchoo: Really? I mean they could just be friends. You and I are cooking next to each other and we aren't a couple.
Sobble: (face turns red) Oh r-right, yeah. I, agh, I didn't mean it like that. Not sure what I was thinking-
Cubchoo: Well then let's just keep at it.
Sobble: Uh huh, and don't tell Fennekin.
Fennekin: (walks up) Don't tell Fennekin what?
Sobble: (startled) EEEP! Agh, Fennekin you startled me!
Fennekin: (laughs) Sorry. So what were you saying?
Sobble: (nervously) Erm, well... you see... it's kinda complicated but-
Cubchoo: (interrupting) Sobble accidentally put sugar instead of salt into her dish. She was just embarrassed, but it's not a big deal.
Sobble: I did? (Lying) Oh- Yeah I did... PLEASE DONT MAKE FUN OF ME!
Fennekin: (laughing) That's it? Seriously? I won't, don't worry. (Pauses) Now then time to make my favorite dish! A filet mignon! (She puts a piece of meat in a pan and stands there watching it)
Cubchoo: (raises an eyebrow) Um... Fennekin?
Fennekin: Yeah?
Cubchoo: I don't think that's a piece of steak, that's a piece of veal...
Fennekin: What? This looks like red meat which is steak! Eww I don't eat veal, that sounds vile! Whatever it is anyways... (Runs off)
Sobble: (quietly to Cubchoo) I didn't want to say anything more, but she also didn't take it out of the packaging or turn her stove on...
(In confessional)
Fennekin: Okay so I MIGHT be a little out of my element here. It's not my fault though! I mean it's not normal to go shopping for groceries and then cook meals yourself! That's what chefs are for, HELLO!!
(Elsewhere in the kitchen)
Bellossom: (cutting vegetables) Hmm, darn these slices aren't uniform enough. I should start again. (Takes a new carrot)
Sawk: You want me to help? There's an easier way.
Bellossom: Huh? What do you mean?
Sawk: HIYA! (Karate chops up his vegetables into perfect even slices) And THATS how you cut veggies! Now then allow me-
Bellossom: Th-that's okay. Thanks for the offer but I can manage myself.
(In confessional)
Bellossom: I don't want Sawk touching the food with his dirty hands! Who knows where they've been!?
Sawk: Hmph, suit yourself then.
Meowstic: (peers over at Sawk) Huh, wait what are you making?
Sawk: I'm making a nutritious meal consisting of vegetables, chicken and of course kale. Not that you'd know what that is.
Meowstic: Um excuse me? What's that supposed to mean? Because I'm a gamer I don't eat healthy?
Sawk: (smirks) I mean you said it, not me.
(In confessional)
Meowstic: Ugh! See I'm not petty for having issues with Sawk now. You heard what he implying! (Pauses and sighs) He is kinda right though, I usually just eat snacks... But hey, at least he's serving up some grotesque kale dish to Raichu. No way is he winning heh.
Buneary: (walking with a basket of ingredients) Okay finally I got everything I needed- (trips) WOAH! (Some stuff flies out of her basket and into Meowstic's pan and catches fire) AGH!
Meowstic: AGHHH! OHMYGOSH! FIRE! FIREEEE!!! (Holds up the pan and waves it around)
Buneary: Agh! Meowstic, don't do that!
Meowstic: (running around) WHERES THE SINK!? WHERES THE SINK!?
Litten: Dude what's are you- WOAH! Watch it!
Cubchoo: Agh! Get that away from me!
Spheal: Hang on, we got you! (Spheal and Mudkip rush over to use Water Gun and put the fire out. Meanwhile Charmander sneaks to their stations)
Charmander: (rubs his hands together) Perfect...
(In confessional)
Charmander: No, I'm not a good cook. But I know how to win this challenge! A mediocre dish can win if every other dish is practically inedible!
Charmander: (looks at Spheal's dish) Eww. That's already gross enough. (Puts some odd ingredients in Mudkip's dish and runs off)
(A short montage of the campers cooking is shown)
Raichu: Hey! That's my job!
Koffing: Well now that I did yours, you can do mine today.
Raichu: Fat chance...
(In the kitchen pantry)
Buneary: Huh? What's this over here? (Walks up to a covered table)
Spheal: I honestly have no clue but I'm fighting the urge to look heh.
Buneary: Well if we weren't allowed to, Raichu would've said something! So we should be able to... (reaches out when Koffing pops up) AGH!
Koffing: NO TOUCHING THIS AREA!!! (Holds up a knife) GOT IT!? (Buneary gulps and nods)
Buneary: Y-yes sir...
(Elsewhere in the kitchen)
Charmander: Oh yeah now this is how you make a spicy bolognese. (To Litten) Hey just make sure this doesn't burn for me okay? (Walks off)
Litten: Well... looks like Charmander is occupied with... anything but attending to his own dish again.
Sprigatito: So?
Litten: So I can sneak off to talk to Fennekin now. Cover for me. (Walks off)
(In confessional)
Sprigatito: You know I'm really questioning why Litten bothers trying to hide this from Charmander. Is he afraid of him or does he just want to have a guy friend in which he can be his "street side"?
Cubchoo: Fennekin, we are just trying to help you out here-
Fennekin: No, no! I can do this own my own thank you very much.
Sobble: Are you sure? Because you still haven't even turned the ov- (Litten walks up)
Litten: Hey, um, Fennekin. I've got some explaining to do. Can we talk for a sec?
Fennekin: Huh? In the middle of a challenge!? Oh you cannot be serious! (Looks to Sobble)
Sobble: (whispers) Just do it!
Fennekin: (takes a deep breath) Fine, fine. I guess this conversation is long overdue. (To Sobble and Cubchoo) Make sure my food doesn't burn. (Walks off)
Cubchoo: (to Sobble) Yeah I don't think she has to worry about that happening. (Sheepishly laughs).
(By where Litten and Fennekin are standing)
Litten: (awkwardly) So...
Fennekin: (awkwardly) So...
Litten: Look before I say anything else, I just wanna say how sorry I am.
Fennekin: For what? Spending my family's money and not caring? For using Attract on Vulpix and dating her to spite me!?
Litten: FOR ALL OF IT! (Pauses) I just... I made some poor decisions. I thought maybe I could win you back if I got you jealous-
Fennekin: (scoffs) Oh my god, you cannot be serious! Did you truly not realize how scummy and horrible that was!
Litten: I know, I know. If I could undo it I would go back and never take that advice, but I can't. (There is awkward silence)
Fennekin: So is that it? We done here?
Litten: W-well... (sighs) would an explanation for why I spent your family's money help clear things up?
Fennekin: I mean... anything would be better than me assuming you just used me for my money.
Litten: AH! NEVER! I can't blame you for thinking that but I promise that's not the case. (Pauses) The truth is... I HATE your parents! There, I said it! I'm sorry if it's hard to hear but I just can't stand them! I absolutely LOATHE them!
Fennekin; (shocked) W-What!? You HATE them? You LOATHE them? I know you didn't see eye to eye that much but they eventually came around to me dating you.
Litten: No they didn't! They just pretended to around you. You don't even realize how much shit they tried to get me to leave you. So, I thought screw them, I don't care if I spend their money. They are snooty rich jerks and they sure as hell don't deserve it more than I do.
Fennekin: Well excuse me, but this "snooty rich jerk" is more worthy of good things than you! Seriously, you didn't think about how what you did would affect me? Doing something so heinous just out of silly spite!
Litten: Silly spite? Are you kidding me? Look this is a serious issue-
Fennekin: (upset) AND UGH! I just can't believe you'd say such a thing. You HATE my parents! (Litten nods) HATE THEM? You hate them yet you are so willing to spend their money huh? That's just ridiculous. (Laughs to herself) I can't believe you thought I'd believe this bullcrap you made up about my parents! And of course someone like you doesn't know what it's like to earn money.
Litten: (ticked off) Excuse me? That's rich coming from you, miss extremely privileged! And you know what I said isn't bullcrap! You should have picked up on it. Unless your blind or deaf that is...
Fennekin: (angry) Oh so you're insulting me again? Yeah that's it. We are TOTALLY DONE! Goodbye Litten. (Storms off)
(In confessional)
Litten: Well that went terribly. (Rolls eyes) Whatever. Guess I've got to accept what's done is done and if she can't come to understand and forgive me, there's nothing I can do about it but move on. (Frowns)
(Back in the kitchen)
Mudkip: Perfect! My dish is just about done! (Moves it to a plate) Hmm, it does look a little different then usual... (tries a bite from what is left in the pan and spits it out) Eww! What the heck?
Spheal: Huh? Something wrong?
Mudkip: My pasta tastes SWEET!? What the heck! I know I used the right ingredients and-
Spheal: Um, did you use this? (Holds up a jar of sugar that's by Mudkip's station)
Mudkip: HUH!? (Looks at it) No way! Of course I didn't! (Pauses) Oh my gosh... Did I? (Facepalms) And it's too late to start over, I'm cooked...
Spheal: (laughs) Heh I get it! Cooked! And this is a cooking challenge! (Mudkip gives him a look) Oh sorry...
(Elsewhere in the kitchen)
Sawk: Yes! All finished!
Meowstic: Wow, looks tasty. (Under his breath) If you have no tastebuds that is... (Loudly) Now let's see my beautiful dish! (Pulls out his dish that is burnt and looks terrible) Ta-da- oh shit...
Sawk: Eeesh... you know extreme charring like that isn't good for your health. (Meowstic sulks) Hey at least you'll likely have Fennekin beat.
Fennekin: (yelling over) Hey! What's that supposed to mean!?
Sawk: Nothing, but you do realize you never turned your oven on right?
Fennekin: WHAT!? Turn my oven on? (Looks) You mean it's not automatically on!?
Cubchoo: Um yeah that would definitely be a safety hazard...
Fennekin: Sobble! Why didn't you tell me!?
Sobble: (not paying attention) Huh? What!? WAIT YOU KNOW!? Oh jeez... well we didn't know for sure or know how you'd react so- (Cubchoo covers her mouth)
Fennekin: Oh forget this, I'm gonna go pour a bowl of cereal and call it. (Walks off)
Cubchoo: (to Sobble) Close one... (Sobble sheepishly laughs)
Cubchoo: Huh? I thought we still had one minute!?
Raichu: You will have one minute, but I need to tell you something that changes EVERYTHING first! (Laughs) A simple cooking challenge for us to judge? Did you guys actually think that's all the challenge would be?
Spheal: Oh I so knew it!
Raichu: Don't worry if you made something vile, because it will be SOMEONE ELSE's problem! Not yours! That's right, you will all have to eat someone else's dish, no matter how vile it is! Though it must be edible and not deadly.
Charmander: Oh come on! Are you kidding me? All my hard work into worsening other- I, uh, mean perfecting my dish... that's all wasted?
Koffing: (announcing) Now then maggots, may we offer you a suggestion for your remaining minute. (Pulls the clothe off the blocked off table to reveal gross ingredients) May I present to you, Koffing's corner! Many of my favorite ingredients are here! Live cockroaches, clipped toenails, boogers... all the like!
Raichu: Eeew, nasty! Glad I don't have to eat it. Now go and make your dishes as repulsive as possible! Your one minute left starts... NOW!!! (Everyone rushes over to the station)
(In confessional)
Bellossom: (shudders) Oh this just feels so wrong. Even if I'm not the one eating it, it feels so wrong to put this grotesque stuff over food that I made.
(In confessional)
Sawk: I mean... I heard cockroaches are high in protein?
(Everyone is shown finishing their dishes by adding gross toppings)
Raichu: And... TIMES UP!!! Everyone please bring your dish up to this table! (They do so). Now then, Koffing if you'd please! (Koffing puts lids on all the dishes, and shuffles them up with extreme speed)
Spheal: Woah! Look at him go!
Sprigatito: Wow, now that's impressive speed!
Koffing: And... DONE! (Slides a dish down to every camper) Bon appetite! Send your grievances to the chef, and for once it's not me!
Raichu: Thank you Koffing. (To the campers) Now then, I think you all know what's coming. You will have to eat every last bite of what's on your plate. Understood? (Everyone reluctantly nods) Good! NOW GET TO EATING!!!
Sobble: Aghh, I'm too scared to look...
Cubchoo: Don't worry. Deep breaths. It'll be okay.
Sobble: You sure? OH WAIT! What if you're allergic!?
Cubchoo: Oh boy... didn't even think of that one.
(In confessional)
Sobble: I gotta be honest, I don't really know how Cubchoo's allergies work... Are they to specific foods? Common pollen allergies? A little of both? Hmm, maybe I should ask him to write a list... I just hope we have enough paper for that though.
Charmander: (opens his lid) Oh eww. I got Mudkip's sugary pasta...
Mudkip: Huh? Did you even eat it? How did you know it was sugary?
Charmander: Um... I mean I've got good eyesight. I can see the sugar crystals, duh.
Litten: Damn bro, I feel like sugar should be the least of your concerns since there's other gross stuff on it.
Charmander: Heh, fair enough dude. You worried here?
Litten: Hell no. I had to eat expired shit in dumpsters before, so this won't be a big deal. (Starts eating a loud shriek is heard) OWW MY EARS!
Fennekin: AGHHHHH!!! No way! Not doing this one. This is far too gross!
Sobble: It's okay Fennekin, you got my dish! I only put a little bit of dirt on it because I didn't want to be too mean. (The camera zooms in on the pretty decent looking dish)
Fennekin: Well yeah but... THIS CUT OF MEAT IS TOO FATTY AND GROSS!!!
Sprigatito: Oh my god are you kidding me? I'm downing a dish with boogers in it and she's complaining over steak fat!? Seriously?
Raichu: (announcing) Looks like Charmander and Litten are nearly done their dishes! Fennekin hasn't even started and strangely, neither has Sawk!
Sawk: Ugh...
Bellossom: Everything okay Sawk?
Sawk: I mean... I can handle gross food. But I have no idea what the macros are for this...
(In confessional)
Sawk: I always eat healthy. My body will NOT be fed harmful substances! So yeah, this is a problem... but I really need to win.
Meowstic: (spits of a piece of hair) Eww seriously? Hair? (Vomits) Ugh... (Looks to Spheal) Dang someone cooked liver? That sucks for you.
Spheal: (sheepishly laughs) Eh, it's not that bad. (Suddenly Sawk starts eating super fast) Woah!
Raichu: (announcing) WOW! Sawk has turned on the jets!
Litten: Oh no he doesn't. FASTER!!! (Charmander and Litten eat faster and they finish at the same time as Sawk)
Charmander, Litten, & Sawk: DONE!!!
Sawk: (collapses) Ugh... (throws up) Agh... it's over... thank god its over...
Charmander: Yeah baby! Invincibility tastes so sweet! (Mudkip flings food at Charmander) Hey! Who did that!?
Raichu: (Blows an airhorn) Woah, woah, woah! Slow your roll Charmander. I don't think I mentioned anything about immunity.
Charmander: I'm sorry, WHAT!?
Raichu: This was just the first part of the challenge!
Buneary: (with a hurt stomach) I th-thought... cooking was the f-first part...
Raichu: Oh right, true. This was just the second part then. The third part of the challenge is when you get to earn immunity. Did I not mention that?
Sawk: Ugh... you've got to be kidding me...
Raichu: Now everyone else, keep eating and finish up your dishes if you want a chance at immunity!
(In confessional)
Charmander: God damn you Raichu! This is what I think of you and your BS. (Vomits into the camera)
(Outside the mess hall after everyone has finished: everyone looks sick and distraught)
Cubchoo: I... I still feel like I'm gonna hurl...
Bellossom: You know what, after the first three times you kinda stop getting grossed out by it.
Cubchoo: Yeah well I'm already past ten so...
Raichu: (claps his hands together) Okay campers! I see you are all in tip-top condition and ready to keep going! Good job on finishing those repulsive dishes everyone! Well, everyone but Fennekin who can no longer win immunity.
Fennekin: Pfft, oh I don't even care. Honestly I'm glad to be spared from whatever is next.
Raichu: Well you won't be spared from all of it I'm afraid. Now then, Koffing, is the torture device all ready?
Mudkip: T-torture device?
Koffing: Oh don't be a big baby. It's just an amusement park teacup ride. (Motions to the contraption beside him)
Meowstic: Hey, those things can be pretty fun! Not scary at all. The only issue would be if you go on them after you just ateeee... (facepalms) Oh... great...
Raichu: That's right! You guys will have some fun on an amusement park ride! The teacups have be rigged to spin at MAXIMUM speed. (Evilly laughs)
Koffing: You thought you were feeling as sick to your stomach as possible now? Oh just you wait!
Raichu: Yup! The challenge will be as followed. You will compete in randomized groups of four and each sit in a teacup as it spins for a duration. After the ride stops spinning, you must run to the dock! It will be beyond hilarious watching you all try to run after being disoriented A-F. I guarantee you will all fall over and over. (Laughs) Anyways, at the dock we have a buzzer waiting to be pressed, and whoever does so first wins immunity!
Sawk: That doesn't sound too bad
Raichu: Oh, I forgot to mention. From the teacups to the dock, there will be random walls popping up and down to block your path. In addition, the most important rule... if you hurl even the slightest bit... ANNNKKKK! You're out! So yeah, no throwing up anymore. Starting now.
Cubchoo: Noted. (looks like he's gonna puke but keeps it down)
Raichu: Oh and Fennekin, you can't win, but you can still take a ride on the teacups.
Fennekin; Huh? Um, no thanks. I'm good.
Raichu: (narrows his eyes) Yeah it's not a choice... (to everyone else) So you guys ready for our first heat? Great! It's gonna be... (pulls out a piece of paper) Buneary, Sobble, Bellossom and Sprigatito!
(In confessional)
Buneary: Oof, I can feel my head spinning just thinking about this challenge. But I've gotta win this. I'm totally on the chopping block if I don't!
(The four contestants sit in the teacups as Koffing goes to operate the ride)
Koffing: You best hold on now. Bwahahah! (The ride starts spinning)
Meowstic: (spectating) Holy crap that looks insanely fast.
Sawk: Eh, the biggest concern is just from the gross food itself. (Stomach rumbles). My body doesn't get dizzy so it should be no problem. (Meowstic rolls his eyes)
Sobble: AGHHH! I don't think... I can... (vomits in her teacup)
Raichu: Ooooh! Looks like Sobble is out! (The teacups eventually slow to a stop and Raichu blows a horn) RUN! RUN! RUNNNN!!! (The contestants look distraught in their teacups) Hello? Anyone interesting in winning here or?
Bellossom: (sickly) We... we hear you alright... (stands up and falls out of her teacup) WOAH!
Sprigatito: Okay, I've got this! (Tries to run forward but is disoriented and just falls down) AGH!
Raichu: (laughing hysterically) Oh this is definitely shaping up to be one of my favorite challenges of all time!
Buneary: (walking slowly) Ugh... oh come on... (the camera switches to her vision which shows everything still spinning and multiple walls where only one is; then the camera goes back to normal) Dammit, why am I seeing double? Or maybe even triple?
Spheal: (shouting) It's because you are so disoriented! Just do your best!
Buneary: Right. Here goes. (Tries to run forward but collides with a wall) Ow! (Suddenly Bellossom bumps into her) Hey!
Bellossom: Oops. My bad.
Buneary: Oh please, you did that on purpose!
Bellossom: On purpose!? How!? We are both insanely dizzy here! (The two start bickering as Sprigatito makes it closer to the dock)
Raichu: (announcing) Looks like round one will be a wrap soon! Sprigatito is nearly at the buzzer.
Bellossom: Hmph, fine by me. At least now neither of us will win and you'll finally be sent home and all this can end.
Buneary: Agh! No way am I letting that happen!
(In confessional)
Buneary: I can't believe I let myself get distracted like that. I've got to do something. And fast!
Buneary: (to herself) Jumping skills don't fail me now! YA! (Makes a high leap up and forward over the walls that pop up)
Raichu: Woah! An incredible leap by Buneary! And holy crap! She's managing to land on her feet with every hop somehow! Maybe her muscle memory from all those contests is coming in clutch!
Sprigatito: (dizzy) I think I see it! The buzzer! Just a little more- (Buneary lands on her) AGH!
Buneary: Woah... so sorry! (Stumbles forward and presses the buzzer) Yes!
(In confessional)
Bellossom: Dangit! Now was the time to finally vote her off! (Sighs) Maybe that's karma for me bumping into her intentionally...
Raichu: Alright time for the second heat! We have Litten versus Cubchoo versus Spheal versus Fennekin! Fennekin you must ride the teacups but you cannot win immunity! (Fennekin rolls here eyes and the four called Pokémon get in the teacups)
Litten: Do your best Raichu! Or your worst. I don't care.
Spheal: Yeah! Bring it!
Raichu: Okay, if you say so! (The ride starts and they spin rapidly)
(By the spectators)
Mudkip: Hey Meowstic, looks like we are in the final round together. Let's say we team up and make sure Charmander can't win!
Meowstic: Oh yeah, and Sawk too. I'd be in on that.
Mudkip: Okay awesome. I've got Spheal on board with voting Charmander, and I hope to convince Bellossom now that Buneary's immune. This could be great!
Charmander: (after overhearing; goes over to Buneary) Hey, congrats on winning and all that.
Buneary: Thanks! It feels so good to know I'm safe.
Charmander: Yeah, yeah. But you aren't going back on your word now that you're safe, are you?
Buneary: Of course not! Someone from that alliance HAS to go or we all will be in trouble.
(In confessional)
Charmander: As much as I'd like to campaign for Mudkip getting voted off, I've gotta deal with the bigger threat first. Siding with Buneary to eliminate someone from a big alliance is more important. (Frowns) Though Mudkip trying to get people to vote me tonight could be a problem with the two people with the most votes being eliminated.
Raichu: ANDDDDD STOP! (The teacups stop spinning) Wow! Looks like everyone kept their dinner down!
Fennekin: (dizzy) Okay, that's it. Get me back to the stands- (falls over) Oof.
Cubchoo: Ugh... my stomach...
(In confessional)
Cubchoo: I have no idea what was in that dish I ate! (Stomach rumbles) Yeah... I think I might be in trouble...
Cubchoo: Ahh. Oh no. (Wobbles around trying to walk) I think... I think I'm gonna... (stumbles into Fennekin and ends up puking on her. Fennekin let's out a loud shriek) AGH! Oh my gosh, I'm sorry!
Raichu: (laughing) Looks like I spoke to soon! Guess this round is up to just Litten and Spheal.
Litten: (running toward the dock avoiding walls) Ha! I've so got this in the bag!
Spheal: (yelling from by the teacups) Oh really? I don't think so! (Balances himself and positions himself facing the dock) Okay just face the dock and... LETS ROLL!!! (Closes his eyes and uses Rollout to steamrolls through all the wall obstacles and goes straight to the dock and hits the buzzer)
Raichu: WOAH! Incredible! Spheal is our second winner!
(In confessional)
Spheal: Woo hoo! (Cheering) Spheal! Spheal! Spheal!
Raichu: Time for the final heat! It's Mudkip, Charmander, Sawk and Meowstic!
Sawk: (stretches before entering his teacup) Don't even bother hurting yourselves. I'll have won by the time you get out of your cup.
Charmander: Heh, you sure can talk a big game Sawk. You best hope you live up to it.
Mudkip: Hey how many immunities has he won? Two? That's two more than you Charmander!
Charmander: Oh shut up!
Raichu: Ready, steady, SPINNNN!!! (The teacups spin and Mudkip looks like he's about to hurl but he holds it in. Eventually the teacups stop)
Sawk: (stomach gurgles) Ughhhh...
(In confessional)
Sawk: The motion sickness isn't an issue for me, it's just the stupid food that I ate. If I can just keep myself calm and settle my stomach, I have no doubts I can win this!
(Sawk stands by the teacups and Meowstic runs by and runs into a wall. Mudkip and Charmander both start running and wobbling down hitting walls too)
Charmander: Agh, come on head. Stay on straight, would ya? (Mutters) Could this get any worse? (Gets hit with a Water Gun attack) GAH!
Mudkip: Haha, yes! Take that!
Charmander: Grrr. Oh two can play at that game! (Tries to hit Mudkip with Ember. The two start battling but are so disoriented that the attacks keep missing)
Raichu: (announcing) Yikes... one might think these guys have been hit with several Mud Slaps, their accuracy is so low! (Looks over) Oh looks like Sawk is making his move! (Sawk starts running and dodging the walls and passes Meowstic)
Sawk: Pfft, easy! How are you struggling with this Meowstic? (Meowstic looks angry)
Raichu: (announcing) Sawk is nearing the finish!
Meowstic: Oh not it I can help it! (Sawk suddenly comes to a stop from running)
Sawk: Wh-what? What's going on?
Raichu: Oooh! Looks like Meowstic has Sawk in a
Psychic hold!
Sawk: Agh! Seriously?
Charmander; Perfect, now my chance! (Knocks Mudkip down and runs)
Sawk: (trying to break free) I'm not... getting taken... down by... this! HRAHH!! (Breaks free of the Psychic holds and runs)
Meowstic: Agh! Dammit!
Raichu: (announcing) It's gonna be a close one! WHO WILL HIT THE BUZZER FIRST!?!?
(A hand hits the buzzer)
Sawk: (frustrated) Ugh, come on!
Charmander: Oh yeah! That's what I'm talking about!
Litten: (runs up) Awesome job dude! High five! (Charamnder goes to high five Litten but misses and falls on his face)
Raichu: So with that, Buneary, Spheal and Charmander... you three are all safe tonight and will advance to the top ten! Congrats! But unfortunately two of the rest of you won't get to wobble your way there. I'll give you all some time to get your heads on straight, and then it's time to vote.
(Somewhere around camp)
Spheal: Well that was an interesting day...
Sawk: Yeah, and a shameful one...
Spheal: Oh come on Sawk, don't be too hard on yourself. It's just a challenge.
Sawk: Easy for you to say! You won! Whatever. (Goes to walk off)
Buenary: (Stops him) Hey guys. Hang on a sec. Can we talk about something?
(Elsewhere around camp)
Bellossom: Ugh, I can't believe Buneary's gonna be immune. Now what do we do?
Cubchoo: I don't know. I'd say vote for Charmander since he's kinda a jerk but he's safe too...
Bellossom: (sighs) Well guess we've got an important decisions to make. What's important is that our group sticks together.
Cubchoo: (nods) Yeah, agreed. Hmm, now where are Sobble and Fennekin?
Sobble: (walks up) Hi I'm here! Yeah um... Fennekin is kinda... yeah I don't think she's gonna vote with us.
Cubchoo: Seriously? Is she that irate at Litten for what he said today?
Sobble: Actually it's... well... she's mad at you for today... (softly) You kinda barfed all over her.
Cubchoo: (embarrassed) Oh right... my bad...
(In confessional)
Cubchoo: I feel bad for Fennekin, I really do! But sometimes I think she needs to not be so over dramatic and emotional about things. (Thinks) Man, I guess maybe Litten's coolness used to balance her out. Even more reason why it's sad those two can't seem to make up...
(Elsewhere around camp)
Sprigatito: Oh wow, yeah one of them definitely has to go! Good looking out Charmander.
Litten: Yeah, and at this point if it's Fennekin... (sighs) so be it...
Charmander: I mean I wasn't planning on her unless you really want her gone for some reason. (Whispers to Litten and he nods. Then he and Sprigatito walk off as Buneary walks up).
Buneary: Alright, I did my best to spread the word of the situation. You?
Charmander: Just told my ex-teammates about it.
Buneary: (raises an eyebrow and smirks) Oh so do you have your own alliance going on I need to know about?
Charmander: WHAT? N-no! That's not the case at all. I'm only really friends with Litten, and even then I don't really trust him. (Buneary laughs) Anyways, we finally decide which one we are targeting?
Buneary: Well yeah. There's someone who I obviously want gone.
Charmander: Alright solid, let's do it then-
Buneary: (to herself) Hmm would that be the smartest choice though? Maybe I should consider a different angle... no no, we should stick with our gut...
Charmander: We don't have all day Buneary. Tick tock. (She nods and they walk off)
(At the elimination ceremony)
Raichu: Welcome one and all to our elimination ceremony! You've all made your votes on who should stay and who should go. But before we do that, a quick reminder of who is definitely safe. Our winners, Buneary, Spheal and Charmander!
Mudkip: Boo... (panicked) Sorry. Not you other two. That boo was just for Charmander.
Raichu: Nice... Anyways, winners you picked a good challenge to win. Each of you will receive a special reward tomorrow morning!
Spheal: Wow, awesome! Thanks Raichu!
Raichu: Now then, onto the pokepuff ceremony. Hmm, I wonder who will go home today? Truthfully, at this stage in the competition, it could be any one of you! (The camera pans across the campers looking nervous and uneasy) Now then... tonight's first pokepuff goes to... Sprigatito! (Throws it to her)
Sprigatito: Alright! (Is about to eat it but then her stomach rumbles) You know what? Nope. Not gonna bother.
Raichu: Also advancing to the top ten are... Meowstic... Fennekin... andddd Sobble! (Throws them pokepuffs) Litten, you got Fennekin PISSED OFF today... but you're also safe bud!
Litten: Phew. (Catches pokepuff) Wicked! (Fennekin turns her head)
Raichu: So that leaves us with Mudkip, Sawk, Bellossom, and Cubchoo!
Cubchoo: (to Bellossom) Uh oh. Not good.
Bellossom: Agh, what!? (Glances over at Buneary who looks a little uneasy; to Cubchoo) Oh no, what did she do?
(In confessional)
Bellossom: (sighs) I knew Buneary'd be voting for me, but I didn't think anyone else would! What possible allies could she have had? (Pauses) Guess it's my own fault for underestimating her, but with two people going home it's not like I could have done anything to stop this. (Frowns)
Raichu: Next person to be safe is...
Charmander: Just give it to Mudkip. If I didn't vote for him, I find it hard to imagine several others did.
Mudkip: Huh? You didn't vote me? (Raichu shrugs and throws a pokepuff that lands in Mudkip's mouth as he was talking)
Sawk: So... only one of the three of us is safe?
Sobble: NOOOO!!! Not Cubchoo or Bellossom!!! (Sawk narrows his eyes at her) Oh um... and no to Sawk too.
Sawk: I don't need your charity...
Raichu: The first camper eliminated tonight is...
(The camera dramatically pans across the bottom three)
Raichu: Sawk! Looks like you've been knocked out!
Meowstic: (stands up) YES!!! In your face! I mean... sorry that was rude but... yeah! That's what happens when you mess with me and my girlfriend!
Sawk: (stands up) You know, I never meant any harm to either of you two Meowstic. In fact I don't think I did much of anything to warrant this.
Meowstic: Yeah well... sorry then. I guess I just saw you as a strong rival of sorts. You're a good competitor.
Sawk: (smugly) Yeah I know. (Meowstic's jaw drops, not expecting him to be arrogant like that). My physical skills far surpass anyone else here, so I get it. If I were you, I'd vote me off too.
Raichu: Wow Sawk, what an arrogant way of putting things.
Sawk: Hey! Just trying to feel good about myself here! I mean, I set out to make it far in this competition and I did just that!
Raichu: And then you lost. Now step aside Sawk, we have to announce the other loser! Who is...
(Bellossom and Cubchoo look sad and hug each other)
Cubchoo: (to Bellossom) I hope you get to stay...
Bellossom: (to Cubchoo) Well I hope you get to stay.
Raichu: ...Cubchoo. Sorry bud, it's time to go. Bellossom you are safe! (Throws a pokepuff at her)
Bellossom: What!? (Sadly) I'm... I'm so sorry Cubchoo...
Cubchoo: It's alright, I'm not upset. Honest. Though I can't say I'm not a little bit shocked here... not sure what I did...
(In confessional)
Buenary: As much as I wanted to get rid of Bellossom, Cubchoo was the smarter option. And... (rubs her arm in embarrassment) I dunno, for some reason voting her off tonight just didn't feel right to me.
(In confessional)
Charmander: Cubchoo was the heart of that big alliance. The link between Bellossom and Sobble. Cut him out and I guarantee the alliance breaks. After all, Bellossom will be busy fighting with Buneary while Sobble is distracted by being sad her best friend is gone. (Laughs a little) Yeah, that's right. I'm both brawn and brains. (Goes to tap his head but pokes himself in the eye) Ow!
Sobble: (runs up crying) NOOO CUBCHOOOO!!! (Hugs him) You can't go! WHY!?
Raichu: Um because he got voted out! You know the rules.
Cubchoo: Sobble it's okay. Look at me. I'm not sad. So you shouldn't be sad on my behalf, okay?
Sobble: Y-yeah o-okay... I'll walk you out...
Cubchoo: (waves to the rest of the campers) Well, bye everyone. It was nice to make it far this time heh.
Spheal: Bye Cubchoo! We'll miss you!
Fennekin: Yeah! (Mumbles) Well, sorta. Would rather you not have barfed on me today... (Sawk, Sobble and Cubchoo walk off with Raichu)
Buneary: Hey, you're welcome Bellossom.
Bellossom: You're welcome? For what?
Buneary: For saving you, duh! I got Charmander and others to choose Cubchoo over you. Now I don't owe you from when I voted of Treecko.
Bellossom: (upset) Oh you SO know I would feel worse about Cubchoo getting eliminated because of me, compared to me getting eliminated myself! I used to think you were nice deep down, but that thought is officially dead now that you are taking out your issues with me on others too! Cubchoo did NOTHING to warrant this and you know it. (Walks off and Buneary smirks but then turns to a frown).
(By the elimination toilet)
Sawk: Egh, we have to get in there? Ugh, alright... (Gets in and Cubchoo is about to follow)
Sobble: WAITTTT!!! Cubchoo let me take your place! Please?
Cubchoo: What? No way. Sobble I was the one who was voted out.
Sobble: Yeah but, you are stronger than I am and... (hugs him) I DONT WANT TO GO ON WITHOUT YOUUUU!!! WHAT WILL I DO!?!?
Cubchoo: Aww Sobble, aren't you forgetting you did fine just without me earlier in the season?
Sobble: Well yeah... but th-that was different-
Cubchoo: You still have Fennekin here too! Plus I know you still want to help her and trust me, you are so much better with emotional intelligence than I am. I wouldn't be able to help. You're the one who can do it!
Sobble: Oh, I mean... I guess you have a point... B-but I don't know what I should do.
Cubchoo: Well just listen to your heart. It's lead you down the right path with helping others so far heh. Just don't forget to take care of yourself too, okay? (Sobble nods)
Sawk: Oh for the love of- Are you two almost done yet? Raichu!?
Raichu; Aww so wholesome- AGH! I mean, what? Um yeah Cubchoo get on in there! (Shoves Cubchoo in the toilet)
Cubchoo: HEY! RUDEEEE!!!
Raichu: After today's challenge you guys definitely needed some toilet time. Too bad this probably isn't what you had in mind. Oh well! (Flushes Cubchoo and Sawk and Cubchoo screams)
(Raichu steps back and shoos away Sobble)
Raichu: Whelp, there you have it. Guess Cubchoo is allergic to making the top ten, and so is Sawk. What challenges await our final ten campers? Will Sobble be able to bounce back or will she fully drown in her own tears? (Sobble is heard crying loudly). Will either Bellossom or Buneary finally get the other eliminated? Just how long is their feud gonna continue!? And lastly, is there any hope left for Litten and Fennekin? Your guess is as good as mine! Tune in next time to see if it's right, here on Total Drama Pokemon All Stars!
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