Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon All Stars, we had a shockingly entertaining aftermath episode! (Laughs) Good stuff Piplup and Turtwig, but you're still not quite great. But the time BEFORE that, I may or may not have let the gang get exposed to a sickly disease... (pauses) I can't get sued, can I?
Koffing: You better hope not.
Raichu: YOU better hope not too. I lose a job, you lose a job. You realize that?
Koffing: If I could only be so lucky... (floats away)
Raichu: Anywho, the challenge was to avoid getting infected with the Volcarona virus! It basically worked like a very literal game of infection. Once they caught the virus, they had to spread it to the other teams. It's the kind of thing that's cruel if it happens to you, buttt it's funny if it's someone else (laughs). During the challenge, there were shrieks galore, people practically dead on the floor, and oh so much more! Mudkip told off Cyndaquil, was super upset, but eventually got calmed down thanks to a talk from Spheal. Despite Fennekin's best wishes, Sobble got close to Cubchoo again! Hooray for them! But as one friendship was rekindled, one seemingly burnt out. After falling from a tree, Vulpix finally came to her senses and gave Litten the face swiping of a lifetime! You go girl! Sadly things didn't end so well for Vulpix, as her team lost and she was eliminated. So if the Entei's didn't win the challenge, then which of the other teams did?
Psyduck: Ooh! It was the... um... wait don't tell me... AHA YES, it was the Dialgas!
Fuecoco: Um, that team not this season. Fuecoco think it was the Raikous.
Raichu: Yes, yes... very good Fuecoco. (To the camera) To literally everyone's surprise, Cubchoo DIDNT end up getting sick! Crazy right? In fact he came so well prepared for something like this he managed to create a cure to rid everyone of the virus! He wasn't without help though, as Roserade offered her and Snivy to help out. After they did and Roserade kindly let Cubchoo take off with the win, Snivy realized Roserade wasn't the secret villain he thought she was and got PISSED. Insert the most brutal verbal beat down here please. At elimination for Suicunes, Snivy was surely a goner, but Roserade offered to take his place! She said she wasn't mad and still saw good in Snivy. Wish I could've asked her where she was looking because I sure don't see it... but oh well. Who am I to stop her from keeping an interesting villain in the game. (Pauses) Well we are officially at the halfway point. Twenty have gone and twenty remain! Who will be the next two out? Find out right now on Total Drama Pokemon All Stars!
(Theme song; In the spa hotel)
Sobble: (runs up to Fennekin and Cubchoo) Good morning! (Happily) Good to see you two!
Cubchoo: Hehe, good morning.
Sobble: Wha- What's so funny?
Fennekin: You not having to be dragged out of your room in the morning. (Laughs a little) It's nice to see you happy.
Sobble: Wait are you two friendish now and... OH NO!!! ARE YOU GANGING UP ON ME!? NOO PLEASE DONT MAKE FUN OF MEEEE!!! (Runs off)
Cubchoo: Sobble- heh I guess she never changes.
Fennekin: No kidding. Hey by the way, sorry for putting a strain on your friendship with Sobble.
Cubchoo: Huh? What do you mean?
Fennekin: (hesitantly) Well you see... I kinda... was the one who told her she shouldn't forgive you. I thought I was being helpful, but I guess I wasn't. Sorry.
Cubchoo: Oh, really? Well... that's okay. It's in the past now right?
(In confessional)
Cubchoo: I never imagined Fennekin gave Sobble such advice. I guess without someone to follow around, Sobble needed someone like Fennekin to guide her. (Thinks for a moment) Well, at the very least I do appreciate Fennekin being straightforward and honest with it all.
(In the Suicunes cabin; Snivy walks in and everyone else stares in silence)
Snivy: So... What's the deal? Anyone wanna say something?
Meowstic: Um yeah, why are you still here!? What you said to Roserade yesterday was awful.
Spheal: Yeah and the fact she decided to take your place at elimination... Wild!
Snivy: (rolls eyes) Well if it makes you feel any better, I didn't mean what I said to her. Can we just start over?
Sawk: Oh I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you?
Chespin: Snivy we can't all magically forget you're a piece of work you know.
Meowstic: Piece of work is generous. If he were a job he'd be a poop picker-upper.
Spheal: (laughs) Nice one.
Snivy: (rolls eyes) Oh whatever. I'm still here. Get over it.
Sawk: You may still be here, but you can't reasonably think you'll last much longer. (Snivy looks slighted)
(In confessional)
Snivy: Ugh! I hate everything! Why am I such an idiot? I had a chance this season in Roserade, and never did I imagine I would be the one to ruin everything! I was a fool to blow up at her like that. (Sighs) Well, I'm in too far to give up now. Trust me, I won't be going down easily.
(The guys leave the cabin except Snivy stops Chespin on his way out)
Snivy: Chespin, we need to talk.
Chespin: Ugh, what do you even have to say here?
Snivy: Just... can we keep our alliance going? You DID promise Roserade you'd give me another chance...
Chespin: Ugh, yeah yeah I know. (Shakes his hand) Fine. You are voting MY way though. (Gets up close) And if you ever give me the slightest reason to distrust you I'm voting you the hell out of here.
Snivy: As long as it's not me, I don't care. (Smirks and looks to the clock) Oh wow. Eight o'clock already?
Chespin: (alarmed) What? Eight o'clock? Shit I'm late for my morning walk with Chikroita. Later Snivy. (Runs off as Snivy goes back into the cabins, gets a watering can and heads over to a small flower patch to water them)
(In the Enteis cabins)
Mudkip: Yup, it was Attract. Agh. (Facepalms) Stupid. How did I not notice sooner?
Grookey: Buddy you've got A LOT of TMs here... it'd be crazy to remember them all.
Mudkip: Yeah, well I usually do.
(In confessional)
Mudkip: Talking with Spheal yesterday helped a bit, but I'm still such a mess with everything! Cyndaquil, my own best friend, doesn't have faith in me! But then again, can I blame him when I don't have faith in myself all the time? (Shakes his head) Ugh, no. Mudkip don't go down that path! Whatever the challenge is today, you're gonna show everyone how wrong they are about you!
Mudkip: (hears a noise) Uh oh, is someone coming?
Cyndaquil: (walks in) Hello! Everyone doing alri-
Grookey: NOPEEE! (Pushes Cyndaquil out the door, follows him out and shuts the door)
Cyndaquil: Hey! What the heck was that for?
Grookey: Mudkip doesn't want to speak to you, or even see you. (Thinks for a second) Huh... guess he's gonna have a real hard time come challenge time. Maybe he can close his eyes and I'll guide him...
Cyndaquil: (sighs) Ugh, what even is going on? I have no idea what to do. He's mad at me for training him?
Grookey: I think it's deeper than that.
Cyndaquil: I mean he did mention I said something, but I would never! (Frowns) Grookey what should I do?
Grookey: (shrugs) How should I know? I'm not a therapist.
(In confessional)
Grookey: I don't like to give advice very much these days, because whenever I do... (winces) Eesh let's just say things don't go well. (Waves) Sorry Impidimp! Maybe you can win your girlfriend back by doing something other than pushing her into a pool and then holding up a towel asking her to prom!
(In the woods; Chikorita paces back and forth)
Chikorita: (frowns) Where is he?
(In confessional)
Chikorita: Chespin and I have been taking morning walks together before challenge time each day. We always meet at right at eight, but here we are at eight-o-seven and he's still not here! (Sighs) Guess I can just start myself.
Chikorita: (walks along silently when she spots something) Huh? What's that? (Reaches in a hole of the tree and pulls out a wooden totem) What's this? Some kind of wooden statue? I've never noticed this before. (Reaches back in and pulls of a note) Oh wow, a note too?
Chespin: (runs up; out of breath) Chikor- Rita. There you. Are. (Takes a deep breath) Phew. So sorry I'm late I lost track of time.
Chikorita: Oh no worries Chespin. I was getting a head start heh.
Chespin: Okay cool. (Confused) Whatcha got there?
Chikorita: I'm not sure. I just saw it in the tree over there. There's a note with it and I was just about to look at it.
Chespin: Wow that's odd, but kinda exciting!What's it say?
Chikorita: Let's see (opens the letter and reads it) Congratulations. You have found an immunity idol. This item can be used to save you from elimination. Simply play it after you've been voted out and the camper with the second highest vote total will be eliminated in your place. (Stops reading and is shocked) WAIT WHAT!?
Chespin: Holy shit! That's HUGE! You can go all the way with that baby by your side!
Chikorita: I know... (pauses) But this is weird. Raichu never announced it. And it feels so random!
Chespin: Hmm, well I suppose you make a point. I feel like these types of shows usually have something like that though. Wanna check with Spheal just in case? He knows a lot about this stuff.
Chikorita: (nods) Sure. Good idea.
(Elsewhere around camp; Chespin and Chikorita gather with Spheal)
Chikorita: Sssshhh! Spheal keep it down! We don't want everyone to know we have it. (Spheal looks embarrassed and she hands it to him)
Spheal: Wow, what a great carving of Raichu. Really captures his good side, doesn't it?
Chespin: Does Raichu even have a good side?
Chikorita: So... is it real?
Spheal: Well it certainly looks legit. What an awesome find Chikorita! Congrats! Now I promise I won't tell a soul, you can trust me.
(In confessional)
Spheal: I've always thought this show was overdue for an invincibility statue slash idol. It's quite common on these types of shows. In fact I've actually spent quite some time searching for one just in case. Not gonna lie, a little bummed Chikorita found it first. (Hits his head) Dang you twenty-forty vision!
Spheal: Whelp I'll secretly head off now then. Bye. (Rolls off)
Chikorita: Wow this is amazing. Bye for now. (Gives Chespin a kiss and heads off)
(In confessional)
Chikorita: This idol can be a game changer! But I'll be honest... I don't think I even need it. I'm in a good spot with my team and am friends with everyone on it. Should I give it to Chespin in case Snivy does something sneaky? (Thinks for a moment) Well, guess I can just hang onto it for now.
(Chespin goes to head off)
Snivy: Going somewhere?
Chespin: GAH- (turns around a sees Snivy) Oh you've GOT to be kidding me.
Snivy: Sorry I couldn't help but overhear. (Laughs) Don't worry, we are in an alliance remember? I won't betray you if you don't betray me. (Smirks and walks off)
(In confessional)
Chespin: UGHHH WHYYYY!?!? WHY SNIVY!? I really hate that stupid devilish smirk of his!
(In the mess hall; Litten sits down next to Charmander)
Charmander: Hey man. Sucks about yesterday. You know, Vulpix turning on you and all that.
Litten: (sighs) Ugh, yeah. But ehh, might not be the worst thing ever.
Charmander: What do you mean?
Litten: I was gonna have to dump her anyways. It wasn't making Fennekin want me back any more and I was feeling all guilty...
Charmander: Guilty? Dude, you were just doing your best to move on! Nothing to feel guilty about. Besides you're tougher than this. Don't be a wuss who begs their girlfriend to take him back!
Litten: (stands up) Hey! I'm NOT a wuss. Look, I'm not gonna beg or grovel, but I'm also not gonna do something I feel is completely wrong!
Charamnder: Dude aren't you literally a part time vandal?
Litten: Yeah, that's why I said COMPLETELY wrong. (Crosses his arms) Vandalism is just an art form some don't understand.
(In confessional)
Charmander: Whelp it sucks I've lost a vote from Vulpix but we HAD to vote her off last time. What bothers me most is that Litten won't fully move on from Fennekin. Don't get me wrong, I'm not scared of them getting back together. Never gonna happen with all that Litten did. But if Litten gets too distracted he's nothing more than a useless doubles partner!
Raichu: (over the intercom) Hello half of the cast that remains on the island! Hope you're ready for a great day today! I think you all know what's coming, so let's gather up on the big cliff and get this started!
(In confessional)
Chespin: Halfway already is crazy! Didn't even cross my mind based on how many people are still left. (Shrugs) I guess maybe this alliance with Snivy won't have to last after all since we'll get to merge and vote him off. (Laughs) Oh well.
(In confessional)
Pachirisu: Yes! Merge time baby! I excel in individual challenges so I'm ready and raring to go!
(Walking to the cliff)
Buneary: Is something special going on, or is this just the challenge?
Cubchoo: I think it's merge time since we are halfway.
Buneary: Oh right. I forgot all about that.
Buizel: (elbows Buneary) Awesome! Now we won't be stuck on a team with Bellossom.
(A little further up)
Bellossom: Oh there you are Chikorita! I didn't see you this morning in the hotel. Everything alright?
Chikorita: Huh? Oh yeah I'm all good. Just took my walk with Chespin.
Bellossom: Oh right.
Chikorita: (awkwardly) Yepper-ree, nothing out of the ordinary in the slightest heh. (Pauses) Let's speed up, we don't want to be late.
Bellossom: Oh um... alright?
(At the top of the cliff)
Raichu: Campers! So great to see your beautiful faces this morning!
Alcremie: (narrows her eyes) Okay what's going on Raichu? You're being seriously creepy.
Grookey: Creepy is being generous. I'd say he's giving off killer clown vibes at the moment.
Raichu: Hey! Rude!
Sprigatito: So what are we doing here?
Raichu: I'll explain in a few minutes. First it's time for a super special announcement!
Spheal: OOH! (Clapping) THAT'S RIGHT! MERGE DAY! ALRIGHT- (stops himself) Oops... Raichu I didn't mean to steal your moment again... So sorry, I know you like announcements...
Raichu: Pfft. Nothing to be sorry about Spheal. In fact I'm not upset in the slightest.
Spheal: Oh phew. (Pauses) Wait why?
Raichu: Because the special announcement is... the teams will NOT be merging today! (Blows a party blower) YAY!!!
Buizel: What? But we're halfway!
Fennekin: Yeah!
Raichu: That's true but there are still quite a lot of you left. In fact there's enough of you to start another season with (laughs). Don't worry, we won't do that.
Alcremie: So... when exactly should we expect the merge to happen then?
Raichu: Ha! You think I'd tell you? It could be tomorrow... maybe the day after tomorrow... heck maybe there will be no merge ever this time!
(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: No merge ever? Okay Raichu HAS to be yanking our chains with that one. It's just not feasible.
Raichu: Let's move on to today's team challenge then. We've got a super unique idea today.
Sobble: Oh okay. (To her team) I'm pretty sure that means he stole it from somewhere.
Raichu: HEY!
Sobble: EEP! S-Sorry!
Raichu: Today's challenge will be part going down slides, and part playing basketball!
Spheal: Oh yeah Sobble's right! I saw this challenge on-
Raichu: ZIP IT ALL OF YOU! (Everyone goes silent) Just shut up and listen, kay? Let me give details on how the challenge works for those of you not familiar with it. Here on this cliffside, we have three different slides, each which will be worth different point values. For example, slide down the two point slide in the middle, you get two points.
Sawk: Seems simple enough I suppose.
Raichu: Right? Well here's the interesting part. Set up in the water below is a basketball net. In order to get the points you need to go SWISH! Land yourself through the net to score any points!
Bellossom: Wait what!?
Grookey: So wait... we're the basketball!? Woah...
Chikorita: Landing yourself in the basket seems kinda difficult, right?
Raichu: Don't worry, don't worry. The slide exits are angled to give you a decent shot at it. It's definitely doable. In fact, the Pichu Twins were having a blast with it this morning! (Pauses) Anyways, as you may have guessed, each of our three slides are different.
Charmander: Well duh.
Raichu: Our first slide is worth one point. Just a basic slide. Nothing out of the ordinary. The two point slide is a super swirly slide! Looks fun but trust me, you will be dizzier than a drunk Spinda after it. Good luck maintaining your balance trying to score! And that brings us to the final slide, the three point slide, which I call our elemental slide! (Pauses)
Pachirisu: Um... gonna tell us how this one works?
Raichu: Nope! I'll be honest I'm not so sure myself. But I will say that each time you go down, a random obstacle will trigger based on a Pokémon type. So you could get set on fire, hit with a blizzard, maybe even get scorched by a dragon breath! (Gasps are heard) Yeah, it's the most dangerous one for sure. (Pauses) Now then, here are the rules. Each camper will get to slide twice. There is a time limit of thirty minutes to get this done in, so run out of time and I don't care if you have people that didn't go yet. Your loss. After the thirty minutes is up, we will have the bonus round! In the bonus round teams will be able to make baskets until they miss.
Mudkip: So theoretically you could get an infinite amount of points if you never miss?
Raichu: Yup! But trust me, you'll miss.
Buizel: Interesting. But I like it! Keeps things exciting!
Raichu: Alright, so without further ado-
Sprigatito: Hey wait a second! Our team has one less member! That's not fair!
Cyndaquil: Yeah she's right. Us getting two less opportunities to score is majorly unfair!
Raichu: Hmm... I suppose you make a fair point. (Makes a whistle noise) INTERNS!!! (Psyduck and Fuecoco run up)
Psyduck: Hi-Chu Raichu! (Salutes)
Raichu: Okay here's the deal. For one day, and one day only, one of these two bright young boys will join your team. Take your pick?
Charmander: What? Um... yeah this choice probably won't matter much...
Sprigatito: Pick Fuecoco! Trust me. I have faith in him.
Charmander: Alright sure. We'll take Fuecoco.
Psyduck: Good choice! I'm actually not supposed to go on slide anymore after... you know... the accident...
(In confessional)
Sprigatito: Fuecoco is a good guy, and while he may be goofy, he always tries his best! To think I've known him for years, but just recently have gotten to truly know him is crazy. But hey, better to have him in my life late than never. (Laughs a little)
Raichu: (sits down in a chair) Ahh. Alright campers, your thirty minutes to score begins... NOW!!! (Blows an airhorn)
Charmander: Alright team, let's make a game plan- (pauses to look around) Hang on... where's Litten? (Turns to see Litten backed up and shaking in fear and Charmander facepalms)
(In confessional)
Litten: Have I ever mentioned I HATE water? Because I do... More than ANYTHING!!! Why couldn't Raichu have us just land on hard concrete? That'd be so much better.
Fennekin: (sees Litten; to herself) Aww, he looks so scared. Another water challenge...
Litten: (notices Fennekin) Huh? Oh Fen-
Fennekin: (shakes her head) Ha! You'll for sure go home after this one Litten! Pathetic. Have fun getting soggy and losing any chance of winning. (Storms off as Litten growls in anger)
(By the Suicunes)
Meowstic: What's going on? Why's nobody starting?
Alcremie: Guess nobody wants to go first. Can't blame them.
Spheal: Well someone's gotta do it. (Smirks) So here goes nothing!
(In confessional)
Spheal: This should be a slam dunk for me! I mean look at me! I'm basketball shaped and everything! I got this!
Spheal: Here I go. (Rolls down the two point slide and swirls around) WAAAA-WEEEE!!! (Gets shot out the end and bounces perfectly off the backboard, into the net, and into the water below) Woo hoo! Yeah!
Pachirisu: Awesome job Spheal! You did it!
Raichu: (announcing) Spheal scores the first basket of the day! I should give you bonus points!
Spheal: (excited) Really?
Raichu: Nope! (Spheal frowns) Everyone else, what are you waiting for? Get to it!
Meowstic: Who wants to go next? Ladies first? Erm- wait is that wrong because this is dangerous?
Alcremie: I think I'd rather watch a few more go. This looks scary.
Pachirisu: Alright. I'll go and also go for two points then. (Jumps down the slide) AGHHH!!! (Shoots out and bounces off the rim and misses the basket)
Raichu: (announcing) OOOH! And that's the first miss of the day! (Laughs) Better luck next time!
(In confessional)
Pachirisu: (extremely dizzy and cross eyed) I know I do... I do spinny twirly sport but this... this new kinds of left right weee wobble! (Falls out of the seat)
(By the Reckless Raikous)
Sobble: So what do you think is down the three point slide then?
Chikorita: No clue. Think we have a chance at seeing what it is?
Cubchoo: I guess it wouldn't hurt to check. Come on. (Walks off)
Buizel: Come on Buneary! You got this! (Pushes her forward)
Buneary: No! Buizel stop! I don't wanna go first!
Buizel: Oh come on, give me one good reason why not.
Buneary: How about because I said so? I don't think I need any other reason than that!
Buizel: Alright fine. (Smirks and gives her a little push) Oops, hehe.
Buneary: (laughs a little) Oh you wanna push me? Then you better be ready for me to push back! (Playfully pushes him back)
Buizel: Oof- Hey! (Gets back up and pushes her) Heh- Agh- (Buneary stumbles backwards)
Buneary: Woah! (She trips into Cubchoo who is looking down the three point slide)
Cubchoo: I can't quite see anything- (Buneary bumps him and he falls into the slide) AGHHHH!!!
Buneary: (puts her hands over mouth) Agh! I'm so sorry! It was an accident!
Cubchoo: (in the slide) WAH! THIS IS CRAAZZZYYY- (suddenly fire spews out from the sides and he catches on fire) OWWW HELLPPPP!!! (Gets shot out and misses the basket completely)
Sobble: AGH! CUBCHOO IM COMING! (Goes down the one point slide and jumps straight into the water to save him)
Raichu: (announcing) And that's two jumps and zero points for the Raikous so far! Great job!
Bellossom: Really you two?
Buneary: We were just messing around. We didn't mean-
Buizel: Hey it's my fault, not Buneary's. If you wanna pick on someone, pick on me! Got it?
Bellossom: I wasn't picking on her, just what happened there was not okay!
(In confessional)
Bellossom: To think I actually cared about how someone like Buizel saw me! Ridiculous! Pfft. (Blows air a bit) I don't care that they don't like me. Not anymore. Not even a little bit! (Sighs) Okay maybe I five percent care but I'm not letting that get to me! Channeling my inner Treecko!
(By the Enteis)
Grookey: Alright team, let's get some points!
Mudkip: I'll go first! And I'll take on the three pointer! Yeah, that's right!
Cyndaquil: Mudkip, are you sure?
Mudkip: You may not have faith in me, but I do! (Jumps down the slide)
Cyndaquil: No wait! (Jumps in after him)
(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: That is so not what I meant! I was trying to ask if he was sure in the sense that he didn't need to go for something he wasn't comfortable with! (Sighs)
Mudkip: (in the slide) Wahhh! Huh? Cyndaquil!? Why'd you follow me!?
Cyndaquil: Because I didn't mean it like that. I was trying to say- AGH! Look out! Steel spikes! (The two lean side to side to avoid the spikes) AGHHH!!! (They then get shot out at the end. Mudkip hits the backboard and is about to go in when Cyndaquil collides into him. Cyndaquil falls into the basket and Mudkip falls out)
Raichu: (announcing) Three points for the Enteis!
Charmander: (yelling) ALRIGHT! AWESOME JOB CYNDAQUIL!!!
Cyndaquil: (in the water) Huh? Oh um- (looks to Mudkip who looks super mad)
(In confessional)
Mudkip: (angry) WHAT THE HELL!?!? I WAS GONNA MAKE THAT SHOT TOO!!! But noooo Cyndaquil has to knock me out and steal all the credit for himself!
(By the Suicunes on the clifftop)
Snivy: Hmm, looks like the other teams are trying to go big or go home. I say we go for the easy points.
Chespin: Fair enough. (The two slide down the one point slide and each score through the basket)
Meowstic: See Alcremie, that one didn't look so bad, right?
Alcremie: Erm... Yeah I don't know. Sorry, I think I just need to psyche myself up a little bit more.
(In confessional)
Meowstic: Alcremie seems a little... off ever since yesterday. (Sighs) Only have myself to blame for that. I think she's just pretending it never happened... or maybe she didn't really hear me? (Pauses) No matter. Challenge time. I'll help her get the courage to slide. We've got time.
Sawk: You two going yet? We don't wanna fall behind you know.
Alcremie: Yeah. Eventually. (Sheepishly laughs)
Meowstic: (nods) In a bit we'll go.
Sawk: Alright, well make sure you get to it. (Goes down the three point slide) AGHH! Alright Raichu, what do you have for me? (Continues sliding as boxing gloves emerge from the sides trying to hit him)
Raichu: (announcing) OOOH! It's the fighting type obstacle! (Sawk slides and dodges the punches) Sawk's amazing reflexes are coming in clutch here, aren't they?
Sawk: Ha! Easy! (Exits the slide and swishes into basket) Yess! Nothing but net!
Raichu: (announcing) That's three more points for the Suicunes! They take a big lead with a total of seven points!
(By the Reckless Raikous)
Bellossom: Oh no, the Suicunes are taking quite the lead.
Chikorita: Well we've got to get on the board. Come on! (Buizel watches as the two head down the two point slide)
Buizel: (to Buneary) Perfect. She's gone.
(In confessional)
Buizel: We're on a team of seven. Buneary and I are close with Chikorita, so that's one more person on our side. Bellossom has Cubchoo and now Sobble on her side. That leaves Fennekin left as the swing vote on our team if we lose. While we've tried to be friendly with her before, she's still kinda the middle ground of the team. We've GOT to make sure she's on our side.
Buneary: Buizel, what are we doing exactly?
Buizel: Trust me. (Walks over) Hey Fennekin!
Fennekin: Huh? Oh I was just about to go down the one pointer. Sorry, is that a waste?
Buneary: Oh not at all. We just wanted to talk to you for a second.
Fennekin: Oh um... sure I guess?
Buneary: Well first how are you holding up with all the drama with-
Buizel: Buneary she doesn't want to think about that right now! (To Fennekin) Look we were wondering if you'd have our backs if we have yours, you know?
Fennekin: Pardon?
Buizel: I mean, we're teammates so we already have each others backs, but once the merge happens. You know it's coming soon.
Buneary: And yeah, as always if you need someone to vent to we're here for you
Fennekin: Um... yeah sure. Thanks.
(In confessional)
Fennekin: Okay they sooo just want me for my vote. (Rolls eyes) Ugh. Whatever. I guess it's good to have some power around here.
(Fennekin goes down the one point slide screaming and scores)
Raichu: (announcing) That's another point for the Reckless Raikous! Counting for Chikorita's miss and Bellossom's two points, their team now stands at three points!
(By the Enraged Enteis)
Grookey: Alright I think it's our turn! Let's do it!
Fuecoco: Yayay! Fuecoco super excited for slides! (Pauses) But still sad because Quaxly gone...
Sprigatito: (sighs) Yeah same here. I wish he didn't have to go.
Grookey: Yeah, and not to be a downer, but if we lose this challenge, either you or me are totally done for.
Fuecoco: AGH! Me sorry!
Sprigatito: What for?
Fuecoco: Fuecoco no mean to make everyone sad. Let's be happy and win for Quaxly! I know he would be happiest if we all happy.
Grookey: He would? I know we're not mortal enemies anymore but let's be real. Quaxly- (Sprigatito bops him on the head) Ow.
Sprigatito: Yeah let's have fun and get our team some points! Woo hoo!
Fuecoco: Eenie meanie miney... THIS ONE! (Heads down the two point slide) WEEEE!!!
Grookey: That one looks AWESOME! Wait up! (He and Sprigatito follow down)
(In confessional)
Grookey: I know challenges are meant to be a pain but... (heavily smiles) THIS ONE IS ACTUALLY A BLAST!!! Thanks Raichu!
Fuecoco: WEEEE- AGHHHHH!!! (Gets shot out and lands in the basket. Grookey hits the rim and falls, while Sprigatito hits the backboard and misses as well)
Raichu: (announcing) Oooh! Some wicked wipeouts there! But luckily Fuecoco scored so you got something there!
(Back on top of the cliff)
Cyndaquil: (reaches the top) Alright. I'm back.
Charmander: Great. Now give me a hand here.
Cyndaquil: A hand? With what? (Charmander motions to Litten who is clinging to a rock as Charmander tries to pull him off)
Charmander: (angry) OH YES I CAN! Now stop resisting Litten!
Litten: I'm just gonna forfeit my turn. Surely that's allowed.
Charmander: Even if it is, we can't afford to lose two shots. (Continues trying to pull him away) Cyndaquil help!
Litten: You think Cyndaquil is gonna help you? Ha! Yeah right. He's far too nice- (Cyndaquil pulls on Litten) Huh?
Cyndaquil: Sorry Litten. But sometimes you just need a push. Or in this case, a pull. (He and Charmander pull Litten back and he flings into the two point slide) Agh! Oops.
Charmander: (laughs) Awesome. That'll work. (Goes down the one point slide)
(Litten is shown screaming as he goes down the twisty slide and he gets shot out at the end)
Litten: AGHHHH!!!! (Hits the backboard and extends his legs to straddle himself on top of the basket) Wha? Aha! YES! I'm dry!
Raichu: (through a megaphone) Gotta go THROUGH the basket for it to count Litten!
Litten: Ugh, really? Hmm... (falls in but holds on to the netting and hangs there) BOOM! Take that Raichu!
Raichu: (laughing) Yeah but now what? Where do you think you're gonna go? (Litten pauses to think when Charmander flies by and scores, knocking Litten down with him) AHAHAHAHA!!!
Charmander: (in the water) Yes! Nailed it!
Litten: (flailing around) HELP! IM GONNA DROWN! AGHHH! (Charmander rolls his eyes before helping him)
(In confessional)
Litten: No, I don't think I overreact to water. Everyone else just doesn't hate it like I do. SO LAY OFF ME OKAY!? Oh, and screw you Raichu!
Raichu: (announcing) And the Enraged Enteis take the lead with eight points! Oh and here come the last two from the Reckless Raikous taking their first slide! (Buizel and Buneary scream going down the three point slide)
Buneary: (sliding) AGHHH! Please don't be anything crazy!
Buizel: (sliding) Don't worry! We can handle anything! (Electricity starts zapping them) ZZZZTTT! AGH!
Raichu: (laughing) OOOH! The electric slide! Hey, isn't that a hip dance move?? (Buizel and Buneary shoot out with Buneary missing the basket but Buizel makes it) And that's three points to close out their teams first round! They now have six!
(By the Surreal Suicunes)
Alcremie: Agh, we lost the lead. Now there's more pressure.
Meowstic: It'll be alright. It's still the first half. (The rest of the team gathers) Oh hey guys.
Sawk: Agh. Have you two seriously still not gone yet? Come on already.
Meowstic: Hey, what's the rush?
Sawk: The rush? Look at the clock. (The timer hits fourteen minutes) Over half the time is up. You've just sat here doing nothing for like sixteen minutes then.
Alcremie: Yeah, I know I'm sor-
Meowstic: Hey it's not nothing! We're just readying ourselves!
Snivy: Even Litten has gone already. The guy who hates this the most. What's your excuse?
Pachirisu: I hate to say it but... they are kinda right. Come on you two. Just go for the one point slide. You got this!
(In confessional)
Alcremie: Ugh, I know I'm screwing up here but it's okay if we get it done in the end, right? (Sighs) I feel so badly about myself now. The team is definitely gonna forever remember me for this. (Sulks)
Meowstic: Okay, we got this. Follow me. (Goes down the one point slide) AGHH!
Alcremie: Wait up! (Jumps down the slide. They both slide down and completely miss the basket)
Sawk: Ugh, you've got to be kidding me!
Raichu: (announcing) Well that slide was NOT worth the wait in the slightest. No points there! Each camper has now gone once and the Enteis have the lead with eight points. Suicunes have seven and Raikous have six. It's a real close one! We've got thirteen minutes left so you better hurry up and slide again!!
(By the Surreal Suicunes)
Snivy: Shoot, there goes our lead.
Chespin: Well you were the one who said go for the low points once we were in the lead.
Sawk: At least you two made your shots. Unlike Meowstic and Alcremie. Like come on, how do you miss an easy one like that?
Pachirisu: Woah there. I mean I doubt anybody here has practice with this. It's okay, we still got this. Let's not all play the blame game here.
(In confessional)
Sawk: I'm not trying to be mean to Meowstic and Alcremie. (Sighs) Just... so close to making merge this time. I just HAVE to make it to merge to redeem myself from my previous season failure. I'll be damned if I don't make it because of underperforming teammates.
Pachirisu: Alright, here I go now! I'll get us three points, I promise! (Goes down the three point slide) Whatcha got here for me? (The slide fills with poison and she covers her nose) Oh crap!
Raichu: (announcing) Pachirisu faces the poisonous gas obstacle! Aka, the equivalent of hanging out with Koffing!
Pachirisu: AGHH!! (Slides out and bounces around the rim of the basket but flips herself in) YES! I did it!
Spheal: (from up top) YEAH! GO PACHIRISU!
Sawk: I'll go next and get us three more. (Goes down the three point slide and water splashes at him) Pfft, is that all it is? What a joke.
Chespin: Nice! We got this next point made!
Sawk: (shoots out of the slide) Easy! (Fennekin shoots out of the two point slide) Huh?
Fennekin: AGHHH!!! (Hits Sawk in the air and the two deflect each other away from the basket)
Raichu: (announcing) WHAT A COLLISION! Fennekin stops Sawk from scoring! Smart move, but was it intentional or not? I have no idea.
Fennekin: (surfaces) Ugh, are you kidding me? Sorry Sawk. Of course it wasn't intentional.
Sawk: (sighs) Dammit...
(By the Enraged Enteis)
Charmander: (arrives dragging Litten) Alright guys, what's our plan for this round?
Grookey: Plan? Don't we just slide and try to score?
Fuecoco: Me no good with plan.
Mudkip: Well I think we should go with whatever slides we're comfortable with. Though the higher the point value the better because it's such a tight race.
Fuecoco: Tight like a Fuecoco hug! (Hugs Mudkip)
Mudkip: Agh! Anyways, I'm gonna go for the three point again. I know I can make it!
Charmander: What? Dude no way. You missed it earlier.
Mudkip: Only because Cyndaquil bumped into me!
Charmander: (rolls his eyes) Doubt it.
Cyndaquil: (steps in) Charmander he's telling the-
Charmander: Mudkip you've only got a chance at making a one pointer, and we all know it. So here, let me help you get started.
Mudkip: Huh? Wait what are you- (Charmander shoves him down the one point slide) AGHHHH! CHARMANDERRRR!!!
(In confessional)
Mudkip: Okay that does it! I'm officially done voting with Cyndaquil and Charmander! If we lose today, Charmander is so getting flushed!
(Mudkip shoots out of the slide and scores)
Charmander: (yelling) ALRIGHT! SEE I HELPED YOU SCORE! YOU'RE WELCOME!(Goes down the two point slide, gets shot out and misses) ACK-
Raichu: A miss for Charmander! Oh and here comes someone else! (Buizel shoots out the three point slide)
Buizel: OH YEAH! KOBE! (Swishes into the basket)
Raichu: (Announcing) WOW Buizel is KILLING this challenge! Too bad the rest of the Raikous aren't finding the same success. The score is now currently 9 Raikous, 10 Suicunes, and 9 Enteis!
(In confessional)
Buizel: Who woulda thought my affinity with sports extends to even THIS!? (Laughs) Not to brag but I've gotten six of the nine points my team has. But it's like that one soccer team a few years back. A strong player can't win games by himself, it's a team effort. Best player in the league by far, but it means nothing if the rest of the team can't deliver. (Frowns) N-not that I'm saying my team sucks. Just... maybe at this type of challenge heh.
(By the Reckless Raikous)
Buneary: Woo hoo! Way to go Buizel! (To the team) Isn't he just great at this?
Chikorita: Yeah, he's a sports challenge powerhouse!
Sobble: Can you still consider this a sport though? (Cubchoo gives her a shrug)
Buneary: Well I guess it's time for the rest of us to step up now.
Cubchoo: I mean... I didn't really get a good chance yet since you know...
Bellossom: (narrows her eyes; to Buneary) You pushed him down the slide...
Buneary: Agh! Hey I said it was an accident! And I'll fully take the blame for it.
Bellossom: That's awfully nice of you to do for your hot headed boyfriend who was the real one who caused it and then claimed I falsely blamed you.
Buneary: What? Th-that's not- What do you- Ugh, really? Buizel is rocking this challenge, don't try and bring him down! Bellossom why are you giving me a hard time here?
Bellossom: I'm not giving you a hard time. Just being honest. You may be clumsy, but you weren't the one that caused that accident.
(In confessional)
Buneary: What is she getting at? Why does she care that BUIZEL is the one at fault and not me? It doesn't make any sense!
(In confessional)
Bellossom: (sighs) I'm still not forgiving Buneary for getting rid of Treecko, but something tells me it was all Buizel's idea. In fact, everything is usually his idea when it's those two! Even if Buneary was cruel to me before, it's not fair for her to carry the blame for Buizel's rash mistakes. (Sighs) I know I sure didn't appreciate when somebody blamed me for a certain dancing bird's mistakes...
Chikorita: Girl, girls! Please stop fighting. (They go silent) Okay good.
Cubchoo: Sobble and I can go next. Ready?
Sobble: EEK! I h-hope so...
Cubchoo: Three, two, one. SLIDE! (They go down the one point slide together, Sobble hanging on to Cubchoo)
Chikorita: Aww, what a cute moment for them hehe. (Pauses) Wait uh oh, think them going at the same time is bad? (The two shoot out the slide hugging each other and go through the next together and score) Apparently not! Woo hoo!
(By the Surreal Suicunes; Alcremie and Meowstic make it back to the top)
Snivy: There you two are. Surely you're not scared anymore now that you know what it's like to fail.
Alcremie: Oh shut it Snivy!
Meowstic: For someone who's thinks they're all that, you never seem to back it up much do ya? Like a boss fight that developers think is so challenging, but it's really just easy.
Snivy: (rolls eyes) Great analogy. Very non-dorky of you. Whatever, I'll show you my worth. (Jumps down the three point slide)
Meowstic: ...Is it bad I hope he misses?
Chespin: Not at all!
Snivy: (sliding) HMPH. Let's see what you got Raichu. (The slide turns to ice) Huh? ICE!? AGHH ARE YOU JOKING!?
Raichu: (laughing; announcing) Afraid not Snivy!
Snivy: (speeds up while sliding) WOOAH-OOAAHH- (shoots out the end) AGHHHHHH!!! (Flies way past the backboard)
Raichu: (announcing) AND HE'S OUTTA HERE! HOME RUN FOR SNIVY! Sadly we are playing basketball and not baseball! (Laughs)
(In confessional)
Chikorita: (laughs) Now that was satisfying to watch. Ice just might be my new favorite type!
Spheal: I'll go make an easy two again team. (Rolls down the two point slide again and scores easily again)
Alcremie: Yay! Go Spheal!
Grookey: (to his team) Ready for another round guys?
Fuecoco: (cheers) Fuecoco ready! (The two slide down)
Raichu: (announcing as they slide down) Here comes two more! Oooh, Grookey perfectly makes the two point, and Fuecoco swishes in with the two points as well! Oh and looks like Sprigatito is gonna go for three!
Sprigatito: (sliding down) Bring it on! (Suddenly rumbling is heard) Huh? What the?
Raichu: (announcing) It's a ground type earthquake! (The slide suddenly changes shape and takes a steep drop) Uh oh... that wasn't supposed to happen. (Sprigatito comes out the end of the slide but barely goes anywhere and falls in the water) Ooh... what the heck happened there?
Chikorita: Did the slide just... collapse? Can't say I'm surprised it's unsafe.
Sprigatito: (from in the water) Agh! So uncool!
Chespin: Well wait, if it doesn't work right then there's no random obstacles and it's easy points right? (Jumps down the slide)
Alcremie: Wait Chespin no- Dangit too late. (Chespin goes down the slide which takes a steep drop and then goes forward a bit and he falls out the end like Sprigatito) The way that is set up now... it's impossible to go fast enough speeds to reach the basket.
Pachirisu: (runs up) Darn, and how many are still left to go?
Alcremie: Oh no... please don't tell me it's coming down to me and Meowstic!
Meowstic: Hey it's okay! We have the bonus round remember. No pressure here. Now I'll go for two to get us the lead!
Alcremie: No wait, if we both get one- (Meowstic heads down) Dangit too late again. Oh well. (Goes down the one point slide. Meowstic slides and misses his shot completely but Alcremie scores)
Raichu: (announcing) And the Suicunes are first to finish and end with 13 points!
Cubchoo: Oh no! We're behind.
Bellossom: But just by two points. Chikorita and Buneary, I say we each try the two point and hope for the best. (They nods and all three head down. They slide out and Bellossom and Chikorita miss but Buneary scores)
Buneary: (surfaces) Woah, what a rush.
Chikorita: Nice job! At least we're tied.
(By the Enteis)
Cyndaquil: Okay Litten, we're the last two to go and we have one minute.
Litten: You go ahead. Don't make me go again. Hey actually, I think I'm ready to talk to you about Fennekin.
Cyndaquil; Oh really? Wow that's great of you. I'd be happy to help- Heyyy. Wait a second! You're just trying to stall.
Litten: So? (Cyndaquil gets Litten down the one point slide and follows him) AGHHH DANGIT!!! (The two wipeout and miss the net completely)
Raichu: (announcing) AND TIME IS UP!!! WOW! Thank goodness we have this bonus round because all teams are tied! Now then, I say we go into this bonus in the order we finished! Suicunes, Raikous, the Enteis. Oh and remember! You keep going till you miss a basket!
(On top of the hill)
Chikorita: Wow this is a close one alright.
Pachirisu: Literally! I don't think a challenge has ever ended in a three way tie before.
Spheal: Technically it's not a tie yet. Unless we all flub this bonus round that is.
Sobble: Hey! Maybe we should try that and nobody will go home!
Spheal: (laughs) If only if were that easy.
Fuecoco: Sprigatito? You okay after slide go BAM RUMBLE!?
Sprigatito: I'll be fine. It'll make this last part of the challenge a whole lot harder though if we can only go for ones and twos.
Grookey: Hmm, you just don't seem to get enough speed with that new angle. Maybe there's a way to still use it... (heads off)
Fuecoco: Wait where are you going!? (Runs off after him)
Sprigatito: (yelling after them) Ack, whatever you are doing, do it quickly!
Buizel: (to his team) Okay Raikous listen up! (The group gathers) We're first which kinda sucks but what can you do about it. I say we go big here! Sadly the three pointer is broken but we can go for twos!
Fennekin: Alright sounds good. Buizel you go first.
Cubchoo: Yeah you've been doing really good at this challenge!
Buizel: Thanks! (Softly) I know. (Laughs a little) LETS GET IT!!! (Goes down the slide and scores two points and his team cheers)
Chikorita: Who's our next best slider? (Everyone goes quiet)
Bellossom: I guess I can give it a go. (Slides down the slide) AGHH!!! (Shoots out and misses) Ugh, darn it!
Raichu: (announcing) A miss from Bellossom means the Raikous pick up two points in the bonus round! Let's see how that holds up! Suicunes, you're up!
Sawk: Alright I got this. Stand back everyone.
Pachirisu: Wait! Sawk, we should let Spheal go first. He's two for two after all.
Snivy: And, if you'd let me speak again, I'd say you should take the one point slide. If you're that athletic you surely can guarantee that one instead of taking a chance with the twisty slide.
Spheal: I hate to say it but... Snivy makes a good point. I say we go for a string of ones!
Sawk: Alright, if you think that's our best shot.
(In the mess hall)
Grookey: Hmm, now where can I find some-
Grookey: AGH! Oh Koffing hi! I was just looking for- (Fuecoco comes in)
Fuecoco: Hi, hi!
Koffing: Oh no. Not that little demon again.
Fuecoco: Ooh. Is it kitchen playtime?
Koffing: NO! Get him out of here!
Grookey: Hey now, we'll leave if you let me grab something real quick. Sound like a fair deal?
Koffing: Alright fine. Just be quick and get lost!
(Grookey and Fuecoco run back to the top of the hill)
Sprigatito: There you two are! Where did you go?
Grookey: Well, long story short- (Raichu blows a horn)
Raichu: (announcing) OOH! And that's a big ol miss from Chespin! But the Suicunes did manage to score four one pointers in a row so they take the lead!
Pachirisu: OH YEAH! Alright team! We killed that!
Mudkip: So... we need five points to win now? Ugh we're so screwed.
Litten: Well with that attitude we sure are...
Cyndaquil: Should we try what they did?
Mudkip: No. I'm gonna go for the two pointer. I've got it this time.
Charmander: Woah, what are you- (Cyndaquil stops him)
Cyndaquil: For the love of Arceus, just let him go Charmander!
(In confessional)
Charmander: Well it's his own funeral. If he misses it he's obviously toast.
Mudkip: Okay, close your eyes and don't get dizzy... (jumps down the slide) WAHHH!!! (Slides down and shoots to the basket and scores) YES! (The Enteis cheer)
Cyndaquil: Go Mudkip!
Charmander: Big whoop, we need another one just to tie things up. Hmm, Cyndaquil I say-
Grookey: Hold up! Everyone just listen to me. I've got a crazy idea that just might work.
Sprigatito: Oh boy... should I be worried about this? (Fuecoco vigorously nods) Oh no...
Grookey: I've got a plan to win this in one shot for us! (Pulls out a bucket of steak grease) Tada! Look what I got from the kitchen! (Everyone looks confused and Grookey dumps it on himself)
Litten: Um... what?
Grookey: Well the three point slide isn't shooting us far enough anymore because it broke and you don't get enough speed. Well this slippery grease oughta fix that!
Cyndaquil: Grookey, that seems really risky... Are you sure?
Grookey: I'm never sure of anything, but I don't let that stop me.
Cyndaquil: (thinks and smiles) Alright. Go for it Grookey!
Raichu: (announcing) WOW! Looks like Grookey is betting it all on one daredevil kitchen grease slide! Can he pull it off?
Sprigatito: Wait! This seems like it might-
Grookey: Everybody stand back! (Backs up and then takes a running start and slides) AGHHHH!!!!!
(In confessional)
Pachirisu: There's no way he makes this... is there?
Raichu: (announcing) GROOKEY IS SLIDING FAST! BUT WILL HE MAINTAIN THE SPEED!? (Grookey keeps going fast through the drop and flies out the exit) HE'S DOING IT! HE'S DOING IT! (Grookey reaches the net and swishes through) HE SCORESSSSS!!!! ENRAGED ENTEIS WIN!!!!
Fuecoco: (cheering) Yayayay!!! Go Grookey!!!
Mudkip: Alright, we won!
Grookey: (in the water) Yeah that was AWESOME! Nothing can bring me down from today's high! (Turns to see something coming towards him) Um... what's that?
Sobble: Agh! Are those... SHARKS!? ACTUAL SHARKS!?
Grookey: AGH! (Swims off) WHERE DID THEY COME FROM!?!? It must be the steak grease attracting them shoot- AGH! (A shark bites him) HELP!!! IT'S GOT ME! (Everyone panics)
Sprigatito: AGHH!! Grookey we're coming! (Jumps down a slide as does Fuecoco, Cyndaquil and Mudkip)
Litten: Agh... screw it. (Goes to a slide)
Charmander: Seriously? You're gonna go now by choice?
Litten: Eh. Already wet anyways. Third times not a big deal. (Slides down and lands in the water. The Enteis work to rescue Grookey from the sharks and pull him on shore)
Raichu: MEDIC! WE NEED A MEDIC! Everyone that isn't Grookey take five back at the camp and I'll let you know when we can regroup.
(By the cabins)
Pachirisu: Ugh, I can't believe we lost that at the end.
Sawk: I know. Guess you're only as strong as your weakest link...
Meowstic: Yeah. (Pauses) Wait, what's that supposed to mean?
Alcremie: (comforting Sprigatito) It'll be okay. Don't worry. Grookey's really tough.
Sprigatito: I know I just feel so bad. I should've stopped him.
Fuecoco: Fuecoco did wrong too...
Mudkip: No you guys didn't. Don't feel guilty. Let's just hope for the best... (Raichu walks out)
Raichu: I'VE GOT SOME GREAT NEWS!!! (Everyone happily gasps) I've been nominated for a hosting award! (Everyone groans in disappointment) Hey! (Pauses) Oh and Grookey is gonna be fine, I guess. Just needs surgery. (Grookey is wheeled out on a stretcher)
Grookey: Fine? Are you kidding me? Stupid shark took a chunk outta my arm!
Sprigatito: GROOKEY!!! (Runs up to him)
Grookey: Relax, relax. I'll be fine. (Frowns) Unfortunately... I don't think I can continue with this though.
Sprigatito: Oh no. I'm sorry. Here, let me withdraw and go with you to the hospital.
Grookey: NOPE! No way! You are gonna stay right here and win this! You've got this! (Gives her a warm smile and she kisses him on the head)
Sprigatito: Okay... thank you Grookey. Get better soon.
Grookey: (as he's getting wheeled off) PEACE OUT YO!!!
(In confessional)
Sprigatito: (tearing up) What a day... for all the wrong reasons... (Pulls herself together) But I'll keep going on! Now I've got two people I need to win for!
Charmander: Wait so now what happens?
Spheal: Yeah are we losing three of us tonight then since Grookey's team won?
Raichu: Nope! Only one more of you will be eliminated tonight. And I've already thought of an idea. Enraged Enteis, YOU will get to decide which team to send to elimination! (Gets a phone call) Ooh this must be the awards company calling about my nomination. Be right back. (Walks off)
Bellossom: Send the Suicunes! Obviously! Get rid of Snivy.
Meowstic: Hey no fair! We shouldn't be punished just for having Snivy on our team!
(In confessional)
Charmander: Well this is interesting. Not gonna lie, I totally enjoy having this power. Well, having this power with the rest of the team.
Cyndaquil: So... send Suicunes to elimination? Sounds good to me.
Mudkip: Yeah, same here.
Snivy: Hang on a second. I have something I'd like to share with everyone first.
Chikorita: (rolls eyes) Oh what's it gonna be this time.
Snivy: (clears throat) Chikorita has found an immunity idol. I overheard her this morning. It allows her to be safe and eliminate the player with the next amount of votes whenever she gets voted out.
Mudkip: Do you actually expect us to belie-
Cubchoo: Wait what!? So it's true!?
Chespin: Oops...
Chikorita: CHESPIN! Ugh. (Sighs) Yes, yes it's true. I found it this morning. No idea how Snivy found out though.
Snivy: May or may not have overheard you losers. (To the Enteis) Chikorita is well liked, and if she makes merge with that major advantage I don't think you'll ever get rid of her. Just saying. I think it's only fair she be forced to use her statue.
Charmander: I'm sorta confused here... but I don't want someone having that advantage. We gotta send the Raikous to elimination. (The team nods)
Chikorita: Wait! What if I just never use it. Is that fine?
Buizel: I mean... how would we know you'd stay true to that.
Fennekin: Yeah and now you're just gonna be able to pick who goes home. Who would you pick? Please not me!
(In confessional)
Chikorita: Ugh, I shoulda known that finding that advantage would actually be a burden! (Sighs) I can't believe I threw away an advantage like that. Oh well, at least I know how to remain in good graces with my team.
Chikorita: Okay how about this. We all vote for me at elimination. That way there will be a tie between everyone and we'll have a fair way of deciding who goes home.
Sobble: I guess that sounds kinda fair.
Bellossom: Well can we trust everyone to do it? What's stopping Buizel from voting me and I go home!
Buneary: We promise we won't snake. I'm serious.
Buizel: Yeah, I promise this time. If this is what the team wants, I'll do it.
Chikorita: Alright then.
Raichu: (comes back) Okay so who's headed to elimination? Did you decide?
Charmander: Yup. Reckless Raikous!
Raichu: Great! Suicunes you are all luckily safe! Now then, Raikous get voting! (The teams walk toward elimination)
Chespin: What the hell was that? You are so dead!
Snivy: Relax. It's not like she's getting eliminated here. You can't possibly think I'd be stupid enough to let you take that idol to merge.
Chespin: (rolls eyes) Oh whatever...
(At the elimination ceremony)
Raichu: Well this is an interesting turn of events. Reckless Raikous, how does it feel to be the sole losers tonight?
Sobble: Um... bad?
Chikorita: (sighs) Let's just this over with.
Raichu: Alright time to see who's been voted out. Let's see here... (Psyduck hands him a paper) Huh? Is this legit?
Koffing: Sure is. I double checked it.
Raichu: Um, alright. Why do we have seven votes for Chikorita?
Chikorita: Because I needed to be forced to use this! (Holds up her invincibility statue) This way nobody has the second most votes and we can do a random fair elimination. (To the team) Still don't know why I couldn't just flush this down the toilet or something...
Buneary: Huh, I mean I guess that could've worked...
Cubchoo: Yeah but then we'd have to scheme and vote someone off. This is a nicer way heh.
Raichu: Hold up, hold up, hold up. WHAT? I have no idea what you guys are babbling about? Statue?
Chikorita: Yeah, here. (Hands him the statue) It also came with this letter in which you detailed how it works. See?
Raichu: Ohhh, gotcha. (Looks at the stuff and pauses) Yeah I didn't do this.
Spheal: (shocked) WHAT!?!?
Snivy: (starts laughing) AHAHAHAHA!
Chikorita: WAIT WHAT!?
(In confessional)
Snivy: What an absolute moron! I didn't think she'd try to be a hero and accept having to play it like that, but hey whatever works. You see, Chespin and Chikorita always take morning walks across the same stupid route. I made that statue based on other shows like this and left it for one of them to find. Chespin would've been preferable, but Chikorita is fine too. (Evilly laughs) Agh now I feel so much better.
Bellossom: So wait... what the heck is going on here?
Raichu: Well seeing as you all just unanimously voted off Chikorita... yeah she's outta here.
Chespin: THIS IS BULLSHIT! Snivy I just KNOW you were behind this! WHY!? WE HAD AN ALLIANCE!!!
Chikorita: WHAT!? You had an alliance with him? SNIVY!?
Chespin: What? No? Um... well maybe...
Spheal: (fake acting) What!? I'm shocked to my very core here- (sighs) Okay no I'm not. I was in on it.
Raichu: Wow wow wow! Way to expose yourselves. But once again I must confirm, Chikorita your time on the island is done.
Chikorita: No fair! You've got to be kidding me! I tried to do the nice thing here, and I'm getting eliminated because of it?
Chespin: (runs up to her) Babe I'm so sorry. I never expected Snivy making a fake... Maybe I can take your place-
Chikorita: Chespin, look. It's okay. Just promise me one thing. (Pauses; angry) AVENGE ME AND ELIMINATE SNIVY!!!
Chespin: With pleasure! (Hugs her goodbye)
(The camera wipes to Chikorita in the toilet)
Raichu: Any last words for us Chikorita?
Chikorita: Yeah hang on a sec. Can't I just take a ride with whatever is taking Grookey to the hospital instead?
Raichu: You know, that does make a lot of sense. (Pauses) Which is exactly why it won't happen. Bye! (Flushes Chikorita and turns to the camera) And now twenty has become eighteen! What a day. An immunity idol? Pfft, what a dumb idea. How will the Reckless Raikous feel knowing they eliminated someone who did nothing but selflessly help her team? Will Sprigatito be able to survive on her own? And biggest of all, just how long can Snivy survive in this game with Chespin out for revenge? Find out next time on Total Drama Pokemon All Stars!!!
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