Aftermath 2: Eelektrik Boogaloo
Raichu: (to the camera) Hello there Total Drama fans of all ages and species! No recap from me today, why's that? Because it's time for our second aftermath episode! This time, the episode will be fully an aftermath, compared to last time where we had a dual show between the island and the studio. Turns out the pressed time made it a little difficult for our amateur hosts (laughs). Anyways, let's send it over to those two love birds! It's aftermath time!
(The aftermath theme song plays and the camera pans to the couch in the center where the hosts sit)
Turtwig: Hello everyone and welcome to our second installment of the TDP Aftermath!
Piplup: Alright! Things are gonna go SO much better this time!
Turtwig: Yeah. Especially now that we get to pace ourselves.
Piplup: And we made a plan beforehand! Thanks for that Turtwug.
Turtwig: No problem!
Weavile: (from offstage) Quit babbling with your boring stories! Nobody wants to hear them!
Turtwig: Oh. Thanks for reminding us you are here. (To the audience) Everyone welcome back our first ten losers from TDP All Stars! (The camera pans to the ten of them sitting on seats on right)
Weavile: Yes! Everyone cheer for me! (The crowd goes silent) Oh frick you...
Froakie: Ugh, I'm pretty sure they've seen enough of that from past seasons.
Bulbasaur: Froakie you are literally on the other side of the couch. Kindly shut up.
Turtwig: (laughing) Oh you guys are sooo (deadpan) Yourselves...
Piplup: Okay so we said hi to the gang we talked to last time, but it'll get better because we've got a fresh new batch of losers to talk to today!
Turtwig: That's right Piplup! Since we last saw each other, ten more Pokémon have been eliminated from the game!
Piplup: Wow! That means we are halfway through the season!
Turtwig: (nods) Mhmm. Top twenty already! Which is... usually the amount of players a season starts with. Wow, things must still be super hectic. How the heck is a twenty camper merge gonna work? You know I think-
Piplup: Turtwig! Turtwig watch the tangent.
Turtwig: (embarrassed) Oops, sorry. Anyways, our plan for today is to bring out contestants in pairs and talk to them for a little bit.
Piplup: Yup, and we will also have other fun segments sprinkled in between talks to keep things exciting!
Popplio: (from offstage) As EGG-citing as an Exeggcute? (Laughs)
Piplup: UGH! Oh yeah, Popplio is still here. Great...
Turtwig: Okay let's get things rolling! Our first two guests were eliminated after the catching slash Pokeball challenge! Please give a warm welcome to Fidough and Shinx! (The two walk out and sit on the left side couch) Welcome you two!
Shinx: Hi! Woah, look at all the people in the crowd! It feels so weird to be watched.
Turtwig: No different than millions watching you on the show though, right?
Shinx: (sheepishly laughs) Well this time I can see them all staring so... yeah it's a little different.
Piplup: Okay hush up, we have some questions for you.
Turtwig: Piplup! Don't be rude!
Piplup: Sorry. Okay, so first to recap a bit. Fidough you faced a lot of backlash from your team after you tricked them into voting off Igglybuff-
Fidough: (Sighs) Can we talk about literally anything but that? Please?
Piplup: Hey, I'm the host here! You don't get to choose-
Igglybuff: (yelling) WAY TO LOSE FLOP-DOUGH!! Your scheming is as garbage as your baking skills.
Fidough: Oh shut up Igglybuff!
Turtwig: (to Piplup) Uh oh, we've lost control again. Allow me. (Sounds a large horn and everyone stops talking)
Lycanroc: Oww, really? Again?
Turtwig: Okay yeah that was a bad topic. Let's pick a new one. Fidough is there anything you'd like to discuss?
Fidough: Actually... yes! Yes there is! (Looks to Shinx) Shinx and I haven't really ever talked before, but we've been getting to know each other better since getting eliminated. That's because we both... (Fidough and Shinx whip out T-shirts and put them on)
Turtwig: Agh!! Woah you scared me with your enthusiasm there. Um... both team what? Come again?
Shinx: Team Alcremeowstic!!! (Turtwig still looks confused) You know, Alcremie plus Meowstic... Alcremeowstic!
Fidough: (sheepishly laughs) I guess it's a bit wordy... we can call it something else. But the main point is, we both think they'd make a cute couple!
Piplup: Oh now this is a topic we can definitely discuss! Those two introverts really seem to have a thing for one another, but they both lack the courage to come forward it seems.
Turtwig: What makes you say that Piplup? You know they could just be two good friends right?
Piplup: I figured you might say as much, so I took the liberty of finding some never before seen clips. Take a look.
Turtwig: Ooh, sounds good to me!
(On the monitor; Alcremie is shown asleep on a chair in the spa hotel and Meowstic notices. He brings over a blanket and tucks her in before turning to the camera)
Meowstic: (softly) Oh... hehe, um. Just helping her out.
(The monitor goes static for a second and switches to a different scene, this time with Alcremie and Pachirisu)
Alcremie: Hey Pachirisu, I was wondering if you knew what Meowstic's favorite flavor is?
Pachirisu: Favorite flavor?
Alcremie: Yeah like vanilla, chocolate, maybe something different like cranberry? I want to make him a dessert.
Pachirisu: I'm not all too sure to honest. (raises an eyebrow) Oh, so you wanna make him something special? That's sweet.
Alcremie: (embarrassed) What? N-no it's not like that... um... I-I was gonna do this for everyone on our team! Yeah that's it.
Pachirisu: Alcremie it's-
Alcremie: N-never mind I'll just start with asking others their favorite flavor. (Flees)
Pachirisu: Hey wait! Don't you wanna know my favorite flavor then!? (Laughs a little)
(The monitor goes static; Back in the Studio)
Piplup: Aww now wasn't that sweet?
Shinx: (laughs) Yeah! They're both adorkable! Totally made for each other!
Fidough: They really seem to care about each other a lot. Hopefully they both find the courage to show their authentic feelings sooner rather than later.
Turtwig: Wow, guess you guys got a point with that one! (Turns to the couch on the right) Let's see if anybody else has thoughts on them.
Torchic: Um, why would we? Am I supposed to know who those losers are?
Scorbunny: Yeah they were literally on the same show as you... (to Turtwig) I say they'd make a good match! Guess they could team up and make video game themed desserts heh.
Shinx: OHMYGOSH YES!!! THAT'S THE BEST IDEA EVER! In fact Fidough why don't you get a head start on making a wedding cake for them (starts blabbering)
Fidough: Wahh!? Slow down! Shinx!
Piplup: (laughing) Wow, wedding? Already? That might be a little fast for them Shinx.
Turtwig: Yeah. I mean look at Piplup here, it took her YEARS to finally admit she simply liked me! Plus-
Piplup: (interrupting) And would you look at that! Time to move on to our next guests. Shinx, Fidough, please move. (The two get up and sit on the other couch when suddenly someone comes from off stage) Huh?
Fidough: Huh? Yamper? What are you doing here?
Yamper: Why would you replace me with another quadruped electric type! (To Shinx) GET AWAY FROM MY GIRL!
Shinx: AGH! Hey! Get outta my face! I didn't do anything! Who are you?
Fidough: Agh, can somebody help us out?
Turtwig: CAN WE GET SECURITY IN HERE!? (Primeape walks out)
Primeape: Yes! I get to beat someone up! (Pummels Yamper a bit and drags him away)
Yamper: NOOOO!!!
Piplup: ANYWHO, our next two losers were eliminated after the underwater journey to Atlantis! Which I still have doubts on whether or not it was real or a giant prop, but still...
Turtwig: Our first guest here is a little bit shy, so don't give him too loud of applause, it's Oshawott!
Piplup: And our other guest is known for his sarcasm as well as horrible taste in girls! It's Togedemaru! (The two walk out and sit down)
Togedemaru: (sarcastically) Oh wow, thanks for the wonderful introduction. By the way, if you shit on Pachirisu like that again I'll Zing Zap you into oblivion!
Piplup: (rolls eyes) Oh please. Like I'd be scared of you!
Turtwig: Okay, enough, enough. Hi by the way Oshawott.
Oshawott: (waves) Hello!
Turtwig: You doing alright? This format isn't too scary is it?
Oshawott: Scary? N-no, no... (taps his fingers together) Okay maybe a little bit... I didn't realize there'd be so many attendees...
Flaaffy: Just picture them in their underwear Oshawott.
Togedemaru: Do we even wear underwear?
Shinx: Eww Togedemaru doesn't wear underwear? That's gross!
Piplup: ANYWAYS! Oshawott, how do you think the season has gone for you?
Oshawott: Huh? What?
Piplup: Like what was the hardest part? Anything that went wrong and you wish you did differently?
Oshawott: Hmm, I'm not quite sure. (Thinks for a moment). I guess I'm fine with how things went. I don't mind being out, in fact a lot of anxiety is relieved now that I'm here heh.
Turtwig: Fair enough. I feel that Oshawott. An All Stars season seems daunting as hell, right?
Oshawott: (nods) Yeah. There's definitely a lot of drama going on.
Turtwig: Speaking of drama, Togedemaru you experienced a lot yourself right?
Shinx: Yeah! You got me eliminated you jerk! I'm not sure if I'll forgive you... this week or the next...
Togedemaru: (sighs) Yeah, sorry about that Shinx. You were telling me the truth that I didn't want to hear... (Pauses) I guess I just let my own insecurities get to me this season. Being on a separate team from Pachirisu didn't help.
Turtwig: Yeah, you ended up getting pretty jealous of Sawk right?
Weavile: Ugh, Eww.
Togedemaru: (sighs) Yeah, yeah. I was having doubts of my physical abilities and- Hey wait a minute! What am I doing? Can we NOT talk about this?
Turtwig: Well we gotta talk about something right?
Piplup: Actually we don't. How about we take a look at another video package instead? (gives a sinister grin) I call this one, Togedemaru's best moments!!!
Togedemaru: (narrows his eyes) Ugh. This can't be good...
(The camera turns to the monitor which shows several clips of Togedemaru goofing up such as getting hit in the face with a volleyball and the like. Then the camera returns to the studio)
Piplup: (laughing) Wasn't that great?
Togedemaru: (sarcastically) Amazing. Alright that's it. I'm done here.
Turtwig: (sheepishly laughs) Thanks for being a good sport Togedemaru. You and Oshawott can move to the other couch. (The two do so and Oshawott sits in the row with Squirtle and Froakie)
Oshawott: Guess I'm back to being in the middle of you two heh.
Froakie: Don't worry Oshawott, we'll behave. I promise.
Oshawott: I'll believe it when I see it. (Laughs)
Piplup: Okay everyone, I think it's time for a round of confessional questions! Let's hear some thoughts from the players still in the game, shall we?
(The screen zooms in on the monitor to show the Confessional segment)
Popplio: (announcing) Hey everyone! Popplio here! It's time to get into some questions! Our first one is, now that you've been on this crappy camp for a while, what are you missing most from the outside world?
(In video confessional)
Alcremie: What am I missing the most? I guess I'd just say I miss having the stress-free atmosphere of my home. (Narrows eyes) There's no escaping the drama and stress here, is there?
(In video confessional)
(In video confessional)
Chespin: Ugh, I miss yummy food the most. (Pauses) Huh? Oh the spa hotel cuisine? Yeah it's fantastic, but I miss having good food ALL THE TIME!
(In video confessional)
Buizel: I miss my sports teams back home. I wish I had a way to keep up with my baseball team and see how they're doing (Pumps fist in the air) GO PHILS!
(In video confessional)
Fennekin: Obviously I miss my family more than anything! (Waves) Hi mom and dad! Hope you can forgive me after all this mess now that I've moved on from that thug! You were so right about him it's crazy. (Pauses) And... I guess I also miss sailing our yacht. (sheepishly laughs)
Popplio: (announcing) Our second question is, how excited are you for the upcoming merge?
(In video confessional)
Sawk: Making the merge would mean so much to me! I placed very poorly on my first season, so it's extremely important I make to merge this time to prove myself!
(In video confessional)
Spheal: Ooh it'd be great to make it there again! My team is really cool though, so I'll miss working with them, but I'll have so many others I can team up with too! Like Mudkip, Cyndaquil, OOH maybe I could become friends with Buizel or Bellossom or- (gets cut off)
(In video confessional)
Pachirisu: Merge is the BEST! On regional tour I set a record number of individual immunity wins, and I so look forward to increasing my total this season!
(In video confessional)
Charmander: I'll be honest, I'd be happy if the merge could hold off a bit. I'm enjoying controlling my team with this majority alliance I have. (Laughs)
(In video confessional)
Bellossom: Ehh, merge is super nerve wracking, especially now that I won't have Treecko this time. (Sighs) I really miss him.
(The segment ends; Back in the studio)
Turtwig: Wow, what a great segment!
Piplup: What a sweet message from Bellossom. (Narrows eyes) Not sure why anyone would miss Treecko though.
Turtwig: SPEAKING OF! He's one of our next two guests, along with the duck with the self-destructive personality.
Piplup: The two were eliminated after an exhausting day of babysitting, give it up for Treecko and Quaxly!! (Quaxly walks out along with Treecko and they sit on the left) Aww, too bad so sad Treecko.
Treecko: Ugh, are you just gonna be an ass? Don't you need to be impartial to your guests here?
Turtwig: He's got a point you know.
Piplup: No, no. We are the hosts! It's our rules! So Treecko, how humiliating was this experience for you? Not only did you let yourself down but you failed your girlfriend too, right?
Treecko: Yeah I'm not doing this. (Turns his head away)
Piplup: Um, hello? Treecko? (Treecko ignores) HELLOOO!?!? ANSWER ME!!
Quaxly: Um... I don't think he's gonna answer.
Piplup: LAST CHANCE TREECKO! (Treecko doesn't respond again) You know what fine. Try and ruin my show. I won't let you break me. (Pauses for a couple of seconds) OKAY THAT'S IT! IM GONNA MAKE YOU TALK BUSTER! ONE WAY OR ANOTHER! (Storms off the stage)
Lycanroc: Yikes... someone's still not over season two.
Turtwig: Sorry about that guys. Treecko, looks like you're off the hook.
Treecko: (smirks) Great, thanks.
Turtwig: Quaxly mind if we chat with you then? (Quaxly gives a thumbs up) So Quaxly, you are known on this show for your love triangle drama with Grookey and Sprigatito. In this All Stars season you three tried to put the past one behind you... butttt it seems a little role reversal happened.
Quaxly: Oh, you mean when Sprigatito kissed me right? (Embarrassed) Never saw that one coming, that's for sure.
Turtwig: Really? Because I think all of us never saw what happened AFTER coming! You making amends with Grookey and saying you want to stay just friends with Sprigatito? I applaud the growth pal!
Quaxly: Oh, thanks- Wait, what? What do you mean growth?
Turtwig: Oh well, you know you never seemed liked the type to do that is all. Last season you spiraled a bit, would get overly angry, upset and spiteful...
Scorbunny: That's a generous way of phrasing it.
Turtwig: You know what I just realized? If I had a nickel for every time TDP had a water starter who was a bird with a temper that placed fifth in their debut season, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice. (Pauses) You know, you and Piplup.
Quaxly: Oh heh, well I'll take that as compliment... of sorts. But yeah I dunno what came over me. Its like, it takes getting what you thought you always wanted to realize it's not what's meant to be. (Pauses) Also I think rewatching myself last season really opened my eyes to my attitude problems.
Igglybuff: Who are you and what have you done with the real Quaxly?
Quaxly: Hey, I'm still the real Quaxly! Trust me I'll get into a rage if you eat my labeled lunch or something. But yeah, I just... I really do care about Sprigatito, and while it was hard to finally tell myself, I know we are meant to be just friends.
Turtwig: And you're okay with that?
Quaxly: (nods) Yup. I should be happy with that, and I am.
Turtwig: Good for you Quaxly! (To the audience) Give it up for Quaxly ladies and gentlemen! (Claps) Now then... um, while I go find Piplup, enjoy these never before seen clips from the island! A little segment we like to call Mischief Makers with the Pichu Twins! Patent pending!
(The screen zooms in on the monitor)
(At a picnic set up)
Chikorita: Here we are!
Chespin: Aww, now you set up a picnic for me this time!
Chikorita: Hehe, yeah I did! A fun way to conclude our morning walks.
Chespin: I love being able to see you each morning.
Chikorita: (blushes and laughs) Okay, now let's eat before we get caught for bringing out good food.
Chespin: Don't have to tell me twice. Let's see what we have here. (Opens the picnic basket when suddenly the Pichu Twins jump out) AGHH! (Jumps back)
Pichuette: SURPRISE!!!
Chikorita: (jumps back) AGH! What the heck?
Chespin: (heart thudding) I was not expecting... that... jeez you almost gave me a heart attack!
Pichuette: Hehe, oh we SO gotchu good! Right Pichu? (Pauses) Pichu?
Pichu: (pokes his head out of the basket with stuffed cheeks) Mhmmm that was so yummy. Oh um... I mean, wow your basket was empty. I totally didn't eat it all. (Chespin and Chikorita look ticked off) OKAY LETS GET OUT OF HERE SIS!!! (The screen goes static)
(Inside the cabins)
Pichu: Sis! Hurry up they're coming!
Pichuette: SSSHHH! Keep it down. We got this. (To the camera) Watch as we get these girls to freak out (laughs as she hides on a top bunk. Bellossom, Buneary, Sobble and Fennekin walk in)
Buneary: Another challenge loss and elimination... this always sucks.
Bellossom: (slighted) Yeah you don't know the half of it.
Buneary: Bellossom- (Pichuette sends electricity through the lights to cause them to flick) AGH? What's happening?
Fennekin: Low class cabins with low grade power. Shocker. (The lights turn back on and there is a ball in the middle of the room)
Sobble: Um... was that there before? (The lights go off again and Pichuette replaces the ball with a book)
Bellossom: Agh, a book? Seriously what is happening-
Fennekin: It's not haunted. For it to be haunted there'd be something scarier- (the lights go off and Pichuette puts a new item. The lights come on and show that it's a knife with ketchup around it)
Sobble: AGHHH EVERYONE GET OUT!!! (The girls race out of the cabins screaming as Pichu pops out of a bush)
Pichu: (laughing) You got them so good sis.
Pichuette: (walks out laughing) Hahaha! Suckers! (The screen goes static)
(Outside the mess hall)
Pichu: Here comes Litten. Is the water bucket placed up top?
Pichuette: Yup. Let's get him. (They scurry off)
Litten: (to Grookey) So that's how I graffitied the entire wall without getting caught.
Grookey: Wow that sounds like an AWESOME prank. You gotta teach me! (Stops and stops Litten too)
Litten: Huh? Something up?
Grookey: Oh it's nothing. Just stand close to me okay? (Litten raises an eyebrow but does so. Grookey opens the door and the water bucket falls but Grookey pulls out an umbrella and deflects the water into the bush the Twins were hiding in)
Pichuette: AGH! IM WET NOO!!
Pichu: What the- HOW'D YOU KNOW!!
Grookey: (laughs) Love the thought, but you'll never get me. Lesson one, never prank a prankster. (Laughs as the Twins sheepishly laugh too; the screen goes static)
(Back in the studio; Popplio stands by Piplup and Turtwig)
Popplio: So the show is running smoother, great job!
Turtwig: Okay great! So what's the problem then?
Popplio: It's a little... boring... Sorry I didn't want to have to say it.
Turtwig: WHAT!? B-but what about that segment I just had!? (Popplio shrugs)
Piplup: (smirks) Don't worry about it. I've got it covered. I'm gonna make things VERY interesting around here.
Popplio: Um, not sure whether I should be scared or not, but alright! I'll let you get back to the show then. (Walks off)
Piplup: (to the camera) Well how about those Pichu Twins? Always quite the handful huh?
Turtwig: Boy I'll say!
Machoke: Those two twerps are nothing special.
Weavile: Yeah we beat them in the Rhydonculous Race! Hah! Losers!
Fidough: Um, you two realize you're gloating over placing better than literal children... yeah that's not...
Piplup: ANYWAYS, we are gonna bring out the remaining four guests all at once now!
Turtwig: WE ARE!? Piplup! What about the plan?
Piplup: Sorry Turtwig, I know you want to stick to it but if want better ratings we've gotta do things MY way now. (To the camera) These first two were eliminated after a fun Splatoon themed challenge.
Piplup: Fun, painful, probably a bit of both. Anyways, we've got Sandshrew and Riolu! (The two get shoved onstage)
Riolu: Agh, what the heck?
Sandshrew: Yeah! How rude!
Piplup: And in the following episode, the campers faced a sickly virus. Unfortunately these two didn't just catch a cold, but they caught a flush to loser town. Let's welcome in Vulpix and Roserade. (They also get shoved onstage) Okay you four can sit down for now. Turtwig, talk to them and I'll be back.
Turtwig: What!? You're not gonna leave me again are you- (Piplup walks offstage) -anddd looks like you are... (sighs)
Popplio: (from offstage) Just go for it Turtwig! You got this. (Turtwig gives him a nod)
Vulpix: Sandshrew! It's so good to see you again! You know I'm glad we got eliminated near each other, that way we can-
Sandshrew: I'm sorry, do you think I'm someone else? You aren't the Vulpix who I once knew.
Vulpix: What!? Sandshrew please just let me explain!
Roserade: Oh my, yeah it's always best to just talk it out.
Turtwig: Okay, settle down. (They do so) So it seems you two never got the chance to iron out your issues from the show right? Well that's why we have the after show! Lucky you!
Riolu: Lucky you? Wouldn't lucky be NOT having to do this all in front of a camera?
Turtwig: Touché. (Pauses) We can get to the Fashion Designers in a bit, let's quickly talk with you Riolu.
Riolu: Me? Oh I don't think there is much to talk about. I pretty much did my usual thing all season until I got blindsided by Snivy.
Turtwig: Oh, um... yeah I guess you're right about that. (Pauses) You can take a seat with the rest of the gang if you wanna be done. (Riolu stands up and sits on the other side)
Igglybuff: (laughing) Wow, didn't even merge this time? Even more embarrassing than last time!
Riolu: (angry) Oh shut it. I beat you yet again didn't I?
Igglybuff: (rolls eyes) Oh whatever...
Turtwig: Okay, Vulpix and Sandshrew. Let's have a group talk. Sound good? Great. Now Vulpix, your journey this season was a rocky one. After the big breakup between Fennekin and Litten, you backed up Fennekin. Or at least you did until one day you switched things up and then took it further by dating Litten!
Sandshrew: Ugh! What kind of horrible person would do that?
Vulpix: Hey that's not fair! Litten used Attract on me!
Sandshrew: (rolls eyes) Oh please, I'm not buying that lie!
Froakie: Hey Sandshrew... that wasn't lie. We've seen the episodes.
Oshawott: Yeah, turns out that is kinda what happened...
Turtwig: Yup, we got it on screen if you wanna look yourself Sandshrew. (Shows the clips on the screen)
Sandshrew: (shocked) WHAT!? H-how?
Vulpix: Ugh, the story is still hazy a bit, but I promise I didn't mean for any of it. You know me Sandshrew. Does that sound like something I'd do?
Sandshrew: (sighs) No, no it doesn't. You may be a diva at times but you never would do that to a friend intentionally. (Hugs Vulpix) I'm sorry Vulpix.
Vulpix: No I'm sorry! I should've gotten myself out of this mess sooner instead of just rolling with it. Truth is I... I really feel desperate for a boyfriend. It sucks never having had one, which is hard to admit, and that compelled me to go with Litten as well. Just so many different levels at play, but my desperation and insecurity is a bit to blame for everything still... (Sighs) I'm sorry... (Sandshrew hugs her again and comforts her) Thanks.
Turtwig: Aww, so happy to see you two friends again! That's what we like to see here! (Piplup walks in)
Piplup: Um no, we don't! That's not interesting!
Turtwig: Piplup! There you are! Seriously what the heck have you been doing?
Piplup: Just preparing the highlight of this episode. They want entertaining? Oh we'll give them entertaining! (To offstage) Bring it in boys! (Some crew members bring out a glass water tank with a chair above it)
Bulbasaur: Oh boy, this can only be something disastrous.
Squirtle: (nods) Yeah. Remember that accident with the dunk tank at the fair two years ago?
Bulbasaur: HEY! We agreed to NEVER speak of that again.
Squirtle: (laughs a little) Oh right, sorry.
Turtwig: Piplup what the heck is that for?
Piplup: It's our best segment yet! I call it, truth or electrocution!
Roserade: (gasps) Electrocution? What?
Piplup: Sorry Roserade, but consider this karma for helping out Snivy for a season. (To the camera) You guys will get to take turns sitting up in the chair. You'll be hooked up to a lie detector and I'll ask you questions. I think it's obvious what will happen if you lie. You get dunked in the tank in which we have... (laughs a little and scrubs away the fog on the tank to reveal an Eelektrik in the tank) Oh hello Eelektrik!
Eelektrik: Hehehe, this will be fun! Send them in!
Piplup: With pleasure! Who wants to go first?
Vulpix: No way! We are so not doing that!
Turtwig: Yeah, you can't be serious Piplup! This is ridiculous!
Piplup: No it's not! Turtwig, don't ruin this with your niceness. It's our best chance to up our ratings!
Sandshrew: It's okay, I'll go. I don't have any issues with electricity. I am a ground type after all.
Piplup: That may be true, but you like water that much?
Sandshrew: True. On second thought- (Primeape grabs and him and pulls him into the dunk tank seat) AGH NO! LET GO OF ME!
Primeape: Oh shut up moron. (Locks him in and leaves)
Piplup: Excellent! Thank you Primeape!
Vulpix: What the heck!? Sandshrew!
Shinx: (yelling) Just tell the truth Sandshrew! You'll be okay! (Sandshrew looks nervous but takes a few deep breaths)
Turtwig: O-okay... if we're doing this then I guess I can ask a question. Sandshrew, how do you feel about your contributions towards your team?
Sandshrew: Um... I guess I don't feel the absolute best? I know I'm not the strongest player but hey, I tried.
Piplup: BORING! Turtwig you gotta tempt him to lie. And I think I know a topic to bring up. (Smirks) Sandshrew you got close to someone on another team this season...
Sandshrew: Wha? (Sheepishly laughs) I have no idea what you are talking about. (The chair flinches) AGH!
Piplup: Okay then, why don't you go ahead and tell us all what you really think of Sawk!
Vulpix: Sawk? What kind of question is that?
Sandshrew: Y-yeah. (Hesitates) Ob... Obviously I can't stand him! (Sheepishly laughs when a buzzer goes off and he gets dunked) AGHH!
Eelektrik: Booo. Give me someone I can shock! (Sandshrew climbs out of the tank)
Vulpix: What!? I'm so confused here. What was there to lie about Sandshrew?
Sandshrew: Okay... promise you won't get mad... but I... I sorta have feelings for Sawk... (Vulpix dramatically gasps)
Piplup: That's right! Sandshrew went as far as to help Sawk out in challenges too. Guess someone doesn't truly have your back, huh Vulpix? He likes someone who you can't stand! And he hid this from you! (To Turtwig) This should be good, let's wait for the incoming explosion-
Vulpix: SANDSHREWW!!! (Pauses) Oh my gosh I had no idea! I'm so sorry if you felt weird telling me because of my disagreements with Sawk in the past!
Sandshrew: HUH!? Y-you're not mad?
Vulpix: Mad? Why would I be mad? I mean, I didn't like him before, but to be fair I never gave him a chance really. If you see something in him than I know my judgements must be wrong. I trust you Sandshrew. Always. (Gives him a hug)
Sandshrew: What a relief. Thanks Vulpix. Guess I got a bit worried over nothing.
Turtwig: Okay Piplup, you got someone soaked. Can't you just be happy with that?
Piplup: No! (Vulpix and Sandshrew walk off) Okay Roserade, it's your turn now.
Roserade: Oh? Alright. (Willingly walks to the dunk tank and sits down) Go ahead and ask whatever you'd like.
Togedemaru: Jeez, does she even look nervous at all here?
Riolu: Nope. Not in the slightest.
Piplup: Okay Roserade, here's my first question for you. Seeing you impulsively decided to quit the show... how much do you regret doing so and saving Snivy?
Roserade: You're asking if I regret what I did? Of course not!
Turtwig: (waits for the tank to go but it doesn't) Oh? Wow, that was a truth! That's rather surprising. It IS Snivy after all. What makes you feel that way?
Roserade: Well as I mentioned before, I do my best to see the good in everyone. That includes Snivy. I had no idea about his history as a villain, but I think even despite that he is capable of good things. Everyone is.
Flaaffy: That's debatable. (Looks at Weavile)
Weavile: Oh shut up you moron!
Piplup: Okay so you aren't mad at Snivy for whatever reason. I'm sure there is someone you can't stand from the show! Who is it?
Roserade: Huh? No one of course. I have no reason to dislike any of them! (Sits there as nothing happens)
Piplup: UGH!!! HOW!? That had to be a lie! Surely you hold the slightest judge against someone! Anyone! (Roserade just shrugs)
Roserade: Sorry to disappoint, but no.
Turtwig: Don't apologize Roserade. Let ME be the one to apologize for Piplup here. Now then, let me help you down. (To the camera) And while I do that, we have one last segment break! Enjoy! (Zooms in on the monitor for the next segment)
Popplio: (announcing) Welcome back everyone! Let's hear from some more of our remaining competitors, shall we? The next question we have is, what type of challenge would you like to have?
(In video confessional)
Sprigatito: I think we need more fun, less dangerous challenges! Like a musical one! That'd be super fun!
(In video confessional)
Grookey: Two words. PRANK WARRRRRR!!!
(In video confessional)
Litten: I would definitely win anything involving vandalism, graffitiing, or breaking and entering. But I mean... an art one would be cool too. I know we had a Splatoon paint battle, but still.
(In video confessional)
Chikorita: I'd normally say a cooking or baking challenge, but we no longer have Fidough and Alcremie is on the other team so... (thinks) Hmm, not sure honestly. Maybe a quiz show?
(In video confessional)
Mudkip: You're all expecting me to say something intellectual based, but you know what, I hope we get a physical challenge or a race! That way I can I stick it to those doubters like Cyndaquil and Charmander!
Popplio: (announcing) Our final question is, out of all the remaining contestants, who would you most want to reach the finale with?
(In video confessional)
Buneary: I think it's obvious. Buizel for sure! I mean, he's my boyfriend and I feel he'd let me win... right? I mean he did win the Rhydonculous Race so... (thinks for a moment) Yeah on second thought there's a fifty percent chance he gives it his all and wants to beat me for bragging rights (laughs).
(In video confessional)
Cubchoo: It'd nice to have a familiar face in the finale, like Sobble or Bellossom!
(In video confessional)
Snivy: This may be a unique take, but I'd love to have someone who's no challenge to go up against. Someone like Sobble who's scared of her own shadow or Fennekin who's gullible and overreacts. Truthfully anyone easy to manipulate is preferable.
(In video confessional)
Cyndaquil: As much fun as a rematch against Chespin sounds, I of course have to pick Mudkip! I want him to make the finale more than I want myself to! Ack- wait please don't mistake that statement as pity. I genuinely meant it. (Sighs) I wish Mudkip could truly know that...
(In video confessional)
Meowstic: Definitely, definitely Alcremie! It'd be so beyond cool if we could be the first two two-time finalists! How's that for a power coupleeee- (eyes widen) -lllee of friends! (Sheepishly laughs)
(The screen goes static and we return to the studio)
Turtwig: (angry) Piplup what is wrong with you!? Why are you trying to torment our friends!?
Piplup: Ugh, I'm not! I'm just trying to make our show a success. Something YOU don't seem to care about.
Turtwig: I do care about it! But I'm not gonna force them to do something they don't want to!
Popplio: (from offstage) Guys! We're back again! And the show's almost over so...
Piplup: Okay, give me one more shot at my dunk tank. Then we can be done. (Turtwig sighs and gives a feint nod) Yes! We have one person we never talked to yet... (looks to the crowd) TREECKO!!!
Treecko: Huh? Excuse me? Nuh uh, no way. Turtwig stop her. (Turtwig just shrugs) Seriously?
Turtwig: Well... were you ever nice to me before really? (There is silence)
Treecko: Okay come on- ACK (Primeape grabs him and sits him in the chair) Crap.
Piplup: (laughs) Excellent! Okay Treecko, you ended up losing after Buizel and Buneary voted you off.
Treecko: (angry) Shut up Flaaffy.
Piplup: Are you as angry with those two as you claim to be?
Treecko: What kind of question is that? Of course I am! Those two are horrible for how they've treated Bellossom! Especially when she did nothing wrong.
Treecko: OKAY WHAT DID SHE DO THEN!? (There is silence) Yeah that's what I thought! Look, I do admit I was wrong to say all that nasty stuff about you Flaaffy. I was just really upset. Like how you are so upset at me.
Turtwig: That's very big of you to admit Treecko.
Treecko: Yeah, yeah whatever. I've made decisions with questionable morals in the past before, so I can't fully judge.
Piplup: Wow... that was all truth? Interesting.
Turtwig: We done now then?
Piplup: One more question. (To Treecko) I know you are cheering on Bellossom from the sidelines now, but do you regret listening to her for voting that night? If you had just voted for Buizel he would likely have been out instead.
Treecko: (hesitates) Um... of course I... I support Bellossom's decisions. She's a kind soul and it's not her fault it turned out this way- (the seat goes back and Treecko falls) AGHHH!!!
Eelektrik: YEAH FINALLY! (Zaps Treecko several times before he climbs out and falls on the floor paralyzed)
Piplup: (laughing) Ahaha! We got him really good! Thanks Eelektrik! (Flaaffy helps Treecko up)
Flaaffy: Hey, I'm sorry for being rash too. You good?
Treecko: (paralyzed) Y-yeah. Sorta... (to Piplup) Screw you Piplup. (Sighs)
Turtwig: So how DO you feel about that situation Treecko?
Treecko: (sighs) Okay, okay. I love Bellossom, but I hate how she's so desperate for the approval of others. Trying to bail out somebody who actively doesn't like you is a horrible decision. There I said it... (Takes a deep breath)
Piplup: So you think she made a bad choice? Wow, looks like someone doesn't support their girlfriend as much as they should.
Treecko: Hey! I'm not trying to be mean when I say that but those are my thoughts.
Look, I'm not angry. My elimination is worth it if it helps Bellossom realize she doesn't need everyone's approval.
Fidough: Aww, words as sweet as honey.
Piplup: Fine, fine. Treecko thanks for being a good sport with all this, you can have your seat.
Oshawott: Hey guys... (points to Popplio offstage)
Turtwig: (elbows Piplup) Look. Popplio is signaling us to wrap it up.
Piplup: Is it time already? Wow! That was fast.
Turtwig: Maybe it's because you abandoned me for a good chunk of the show...
Piplup: (ignoring; to the audience) Well everyone, hope you enjoyed this aftermath episode! We hope it was shocking in all the right ways.
Turtwig: We also hope you are looking forward to seeing what happens to Raichu and the half of the campers that still remain on the island!
Socrbunny: Woah, it's still so crazy we are halfway through.
Torchic: What's more crazy is that I'm not there. (Everyone else laughs) What?
Quaxly: Oh my gosh, you cannot be serious! Can you?
Piplup: We've got one last aftermath show left in the future and I assure you it will be more dramatic and thrilling than ever!
Turtwig: And I assure you it will not go off the rails like this one did!
Piplup: We'll see...
Turtwig: That's all for now. Hope you enjoyed today's show of-
Piplup & Turtwig: Total Drama Pokemon Aftermath!!!
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