Alola Campers
Victini: Hello viewers. This is called Total Drama Pokemon. n this show there will be fifteen contestants competing on an island to win the ultimate prize of one million dollars! I am your host Victini and your watching Total Drama Pokemon!
(Theme song plays; Dock)
Victini: This is the dock, where the contestants will arrive. (Whistles) Any minute now...
Lapras: (Rides in the first three contestants)
Snivy: I didn't sign up for this. Sigh.
Meowth: This place looks like a dump.
Cubone: ...
Victini: Does he talk?
Snivy: Not really.
Vitini: Oh. Okay. Also I should probably say if the Pokemon is a boy or a girl. Snivy is a girl. Meowth and Cubone are boys. From now on I'll just say if they are girls since there are more boys.
Lapras: (Pills up Frogadier and Braixen as they are kissing) Get off. (They continue to kiss)
Snivy: Sigh.
Victini: (Pulls out megaphone) STOP KISSING AND GET ON THE ISLAND!!!
Braixen: Oh sorry. (Gets off)
Frogadier: (Gets off)
Victini: And here come the next three! Flareon and Vaporeon are
girls. Jolteon is a boy. They are all siblings.
Flareon: Hey! Don't I look totally cute today. (Gasps) They should call this show Total Cute Island!
Victini: No.
Jolteon: See what I have to deal with every day?
Vaporeon: Sadly I have to too.
Victini: LAPRAS!
Lapras: Okay. (Pulls up Mincinno, Zorua, Litten, and Porygon)
Mincinno: Hey members of my nation! It's our time to be! We're on a TV show! Be happy!
Porygon: What's a TV?
Litten: Oh no.
Zorua: (Pushes Litten)
Litten: Ow.
Zorua: I did so NOT want to be here.
Victini: Oh well. Too bad. By the way Mincinno and Zorua are female. Also the last three should be here in a few...
Lapras: Here! (Dumps off Togepi, Pikachu, and Eevee)
Victini: Eevee is a girl.
Eevee: Duh.
Togepi: Yeeee!
Pikachu: Settle down bro.
Togepi: Sorry. I am just so Happiny! Get it?
Pikachu: Oh come on we don't need another Popplio/Chatot.
Eevee: What?
Pikachu: Nothing.
Victini: Now that we are all here come and follow me to the cafeteria so you guys can meet our chef!
Litten: Yeah, okay whatever.
Victini: I better not here anymore sass from your ass, do you here me?
Litten: Yeah I guess.
Victini: Good. Now let's go!
(Everyone follows Victini to the cafeteria)
Victini: This is our chef, Garboder.
Garbodor: Hey I guess.
Litten: That's out chef?
Victini: (punches Litten) Yes. Shut up.
Garbodor: You want food, you come to me! Every morning.
Jolteon: Uh okay. Sure.
Garbodor: You better.
Jolteon: Right.
Victini: Now to the cabins!
Snivy: Huh?
Porygon: I'm not Catholic.
Victini: (sighs) I'll show you guys to your cabins.
Litten: I know that were gonna be cheap but come on! Log cabins?
Victini: I can hear you Lightning, I am standing right next to you.
Litten: My name is Litten.
Victini: Whatever. (Points) That's the boys' cabin. (Points to the other cabin) That is the girls' cabin.
Porygon: What's this rectangle thing with blankets on it.
Zorua: It's called a bed moron.
Porygon: What's a bed?
Zorua: (facepalms and heads to the girls cabin)
Victini: (Grabs Zorua's tail.)
Zorua: Hey!
Victini: We still have more to show you.
Zorua: (mumbles) I already hate this freaking show...
Victini: I can hear that you know.
(Next to the confessional)
Victini: This is the confessional. This is where you- well I think you know. You go in here and confess stuff that you dont want others to hear.
Zorua: Isn't this just a porta-potty?
Victini: It's also a confessional. You can have a porta potty be a confessional too. Guessing you didn't know that. Now I ask each of you to make your own confessional!
(Snivy's confessional)
Snivy: The sun is too bright on this island. Sigh.
(Confessional ends)
(Braixen confessional)
Braixen: This place seems a little outdorr-ish. Is that even a word? Does anyone have a dictionary? (Gets hit in the face with a dictionary) Ow! Who threw that?
(Confessional ends)
(Porygon's confessional)
Porygon: Is this thing on?
(Confessional ends)
(Meowth's confessional)
Meowth: There's nothing shiny on this island.
(Confessional end)
(Pikachu's confessional)
I think I know what it's like to be on television. Trust me.
(Confessional ends)
(Zorua's confessional)
Zorua: I think it is obvious who's going to win. Every one else here is a bunch of losers. Might as well just hand me the one hundred dollars.
Victini: No.
(Confessional ends)
Victini: Sorry. Some of the confessionals had to be cut due to time so I just picked what I thought were the best ones. This episode isn't over though. The first challenge will begin after the break right here on Total... DRAMA! POKEMON!
(Comes back from break; girls' cabin)
Flareon: This place is so gross!
Eevee: Deal with it. If you want to win you're going to have to ignore the grossness.
Flareon: Whatever.
Zorua: You guys are dweebs.
(Eevee's confessional)
Eevee: I don't like Zorua. She seems rude.
(Confessional ends)
(Boys' cabin)
Pikachu: Porygon, what are you doing?
Porygon: (puts a pillow on his head) Trying to figure out how to sleep.
Pikachu: Uh... okay.
Victini: (Over loud speaker) Come down to the dock for your first challenge! I repeat, come down to the dock for the first challenge.
Litten: Great.
(10 minutes later; dock)
Litten: Why are there fifteen boats?
Victini: We'll get to that in a second. But first I Have to put you into two teams. Meowth, Porygon, Zorua, Snivy, Litten, Togepi, Eevee, and Jolteon you are on the Killer Kangaskhan. Every one else you are on the Mystical Magikarp.
(Flareon's confessional)
Flareon: What kind of team name is that?
(Confessional ends)
Victini: Now onto the challenge, what you have to do is get all of your team to circumnavigate the island on their boat.
Porygon: What does circumnavigate mean?
Victini: Here I'll dumb it down for you. You have to go all the way around the island on a boat. Does that make more sense?
Porygon: No.
Victini: (sighs) Litten help Porygon drive his boat. He'll be too stupid to handle it and he'll get himself killed.
Litten: Fine.
Victini: Good, I can't afford to be sued in the first episode.
Porygon: What do I have to do?
Litten: Nothing.
Victini: Now everyone get onto your boats.
(Everyone gets on their boats)
Victini: On your marks, get set, GO!!!
Meowth: Wait! The last on is a wooden raft?
Victini: Yep. Better hurry.
Meowth: You gotta be kidding me. Wait! (Paddles fast)
Jolteon: I got the best boat! I'm in first place! WOOHOO!
Litten: Not for long! (Passes Jolteon)
Jolteon: The game is on little Litten!
Litten: High five Porygon.
Porygon: I don't have hands.
Litten: Oh, nevermind.
Meowth: I am so good with this raft!
Snivy: The only one behind me is Meowth? Why is this boat so slow? Sigh.
Victini: (Chuckles)
Zorua: Go faster, go faster, go faster, go faster, go faster!
Vaporeon: Shut up, shut up, shut up!
Zorua: Don't tell me what to do.
(Zorua's confessional)
Zorua: I hate this boat! I hate Vaporeon too.
(Confessional ends)
(Vaporeon's confessional)
Vaporeon: I probably should have been a little nicer, but it's just that Zorua is so annoying!
(Confessional ends)
(Meowth's confessional)
Meowth: Just because I am getting better at using the raft, doesn't mean I like it. Just making that clear.
(Confessional ends)
Victini: (Chuckles) This is great! I love it when all of my contestants are tortured. Who's gonna win? Who's gonna be sent home? Find out next time on Total... Drama.... POKEMON!!!
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