Losers DECIDE!
Arcanine-Welcome back to Total Drama Pokemon! last episode we had a great time racing! and in the end poor poor poor Quilava was eliminated...and Umbreon and Quilava had a touching good bye ANYWAYS! What will go down today? Who will be eliminated? and Who will be deicideng on who gets eliminated? Find Out Now On TOTAL DRAMA POKEMON!
(Theme song plays; Somewhere)
Arcanine-Welcome To loser island! This is where all the losers stay but Before i call in the losers lets have a little peek in shall we?
(By the pool)
Quilava-(Almost gets spash by water) HEY!!! I SWEAR IF I GET WET YOU TWO WILL HAVE A HORRIBLE DAY
Fomantis-(Laughs) Ok! (Tries To splash Quilava but instead splashes Fenekin)
Fenekin-Hey! Watch the water We fire types arent a big fan!
Leafeon-(Aciidentally splashes Fenekin) Woops
Fenekin-WHY YOU?!
Quilava-Alright STOP! (Tries to stop Fenekin from hurting leafeon)
(Near the garden)
Mudkip-I have No idea why theres a garden here but i like it..
Vulpix-So i guess you take a lot of nature walks
Mudkip-Yeah...But im usually alone but i guess its ok if im with my Girl (Kisses Vulpix on the cheeck and she starts to blush)
Bounsweet-(Wandering in) Oh! Mudkip , Vulpix! Didnt see you two love birds there anyways i was just taking a walk well ill see you later!
(Inside Espurrs room)
Dedene-Can you really analize the future? (Espurr nods)
Pancham-I dont know brooo Seems fake
Espurr-Trust me its real
(By the bar)
Beautifly-Ugh (Looking at the tv waiting for something)
Sylveon-Whats bothering you?
Beautifly-It usually time when the show starts.....and i want to see staraptor
Slyveon-(laughs a bit) Same I want to see little sis
Popplio-Well I dont care who wins!
Jolteon-As long as litten gets eliminated im cool
Arcanine-(Enters) Heyo!
Sylveon-Arcanine? What are you doing here?
Popplio-Well hes probably here t- (Sees Cameras behind Arcanine) WAIT A MINUTE IS THE TV ON?
Sylveon-(Looks at it and notices its off) Ill get it (Turns it on to see herself on tv) Wait..WERE LIVE?
Arcanine-Live as can be! Now please go gather the others and meet me near the confessional
(Everyone gets rounded up at the confessional)
Arcanine-Alright so Ill be asking questions to each loser here and you have to answer The truth so we'll be doing this alphabetically so Beautifly youre up first
(Beautifly's Confession)
Arcanine-Alright so what was the most exciting thing that hapend to you during the show?
Beautifly-Probably meeting Staraptor
Arcanine- Ok..Next Question What was the least exciting thing that happen to you during the show?
Beautifly-...Getting seperated with staraptor
Arcanine-ok Next question Who do you want to be eliminated?
Beautifly-I dont know....Togedemaru?
Arcanine-Ok weird choice next question Who Do you want to win?
Beautifly-Staraptor obviously
Arcanine-Ok thanks Beautifly you may now leave please call in Bounsweet next
(Bounsweet's Confession)
Arcanine-what was the most exciting thing that hapend to you during the show?
Bounsweet-Meeting Everyone
Arcanine-What was the least exciting thing that happen to you during the show?
Bounsweet-Getting set on fire by Fenekin
Arcanine-I was gone when that hapend..next..Who do you want to be eliminated?
Bounsweet-Not gonna lie but Cherubi
Arcanine-Final..Who Do you want to win?
Arcanine-Thank you please call in Dedene next
(Dedene's Confession)
Arcanine-what was the most exciting thing that hapend to you during the show?
Dedene-Meeting Togedemaru
Arcanine-What was the least exciting thing that happen to you during the show?
Dedene-Getting eliminated
Arcanine-Figured...Who do you want to be eliminated?
Dedene-Staraptor? Not excatly sure about this decision
Arcanine-Ok...Who Do you want to win?
Dedene-My Bff Togedemaru
Arcanine-Thank you fot the info please send in Espurr next
(Espurr's Confession)
Espurr-My most exciting thing that happend to me during the show was probably being the first one here
Espurr-Least Exciting thing....Getting eliminated first
Espurr-I want cherubi out
Arcanine-Can you plea-
Espurr-And even though i know whos going to be the final two i want Umbreon to win
Espurr-The stars told me last night (Opens the door to confessional) Ill be calling in Fenekin next
Arcanine-Geez Fortune tellers are creepy
(Fenekins Confession)
Fenekin-Why do i have to be here?
Arcanine-Youll See anyways...what was the most exciting thing that hapend to you during the show?
Fenekin-Being able to stay long enough in the competition i guees
Arcanine-What was the least exciting thing that happen to you during the show?
Arcanine-Ok...Who do you want to be eliminated?
Arcanine-who do you want to win?
Arcanine-Ok thanks please call in Fomantis next
(Fomantis's Confession)
Fomantis-Hey Arcanine!
Arcanine-Hello....what was the most exciting thing that hapend to you during the show?
Fomantis-having to tell the truth about myself not hiding it anymore
Arcanine-What was the least exciting thing that happen to you during the show?
Fomantis-Throwing....Leafeon from the 2nd floor to the first floor and almost killing her
Arcanine-Who do you want to be eliminated?
Fomantis-Litten but thats because I KNOW he hates me
Arcanine-Who do you want to win?
Fomantis-Well since Leafeon,Quilava and Beautifly are all out i guess staraptor
Arcanine-Thank you please call in Jolteon next
(Jolteon's Confession)
Arcanine-what was the most exciting thing that hapend to you during the show?
Jolteon-Nothing this show is Horrible!
Arcanine-Watch your mouth! What was the least exciting thing that happen to you during the show?
Arcanine-Who do you want to eliminate?
Arcanine-Who do you want to win?
Arcanine-Thank you Jolteon please call in Leafeon
(Leafeon's Comfession)
Arcanine-what was the most exciting thing that hapend to you during the show?
Leafeon-Fomantis opening up to me about her weird killer issue
Arcanine-what was the least exciting thing that hapend to you during the show?
Leafeon-Almost getting killed
Arcanine-Who do you want eliminated?
Leafeon-Litten I know hes the reason i was elimanted HE Eliminated me because i was friends with fomantis
Arcanine-Who do you want to win?
Leafeon-Umbreon..(Whispers to herself ) Just because....
Arcanine-Ok thanks for info please call in Mudkip
(Mudkip's Comfession)
Arcanine-what was the most exciting thing that hapend to you during the show?
Mudkip-Meeting my girlfriend Vulpix
Arcanine-what was the least exciting thing that hapend to you during the show?
Mudkip-Getting seperated from Vulpix
Arcanine-Who do you want to be eliminated?
Arcanine-Not weird....Who do you want to win?
Mudkip-Truth be told Eevee
Arcanine-Ok Please call in Pancham
(Pancham Confession)
Arcanine-what was the most exciting thing that hapend to you during the show?
Arcanine-what was the least exciting thing that hapend to you during the show?
Pancham-Getting eliminated
Arcanine-Who do you want to be eliminated?
Arcanine-Who do you want to win?
Arcanine-Thank you for the nothingness info please call in popplio next
(Popplio confession)
Arcanine-what was the most exciting thing that hapend to you during the show?
Arcanine-If youre just going to be saying nothing then Say it now (Popplio silence) Good..what was the least exciting thing that hapend to you during the show?
Popplio-Getting eliminated
Arcanine-Who do you want to get eliminated?
Popplio-Umbreon because hes Quilavas pal
Arcanine-Who do you want to win?
Popplio-Skitty cause shes sorta cute
Arcanine-Ok thank you please call in Quilava next
(Quilava's Comfession)
Arcanine-what was the most exciting thing that hapend to you during the show?
Quilava-Getting past the merge
Arcanine-what was the least exciting thing that hapend to you during the show?
Quilava-Getting eliminated and not having the chance to compete
Arcanine-Who do you want eliminted?
Arcanine-Who do you want to win?
Arcanine-Thanks Quilava anyways please call in Sylveon next
(Sylveon's Confession)
Arcanine-what was the most exciting thing that hapend to you during the show?
Sylveon-Getting to see sis!
Arcanine-what was the least exciting thing that hapend to you during the show?
Sylveon-Not being able to compete with little sis
Arcanine-Who do you want eliminated
Arcanine-Who do you want to win?
Arcanine-Thank you, You may now leave please call Vulpix next
(Vulpix Confession)
Vulpix-Finally its my turn ive been waiting there for a long time
Arcanine-Sorry but this takes time..what was the most exciting thing that hapend to you during the show?
Vulpix-Meeting Kip!
Arcanine-what was the least exciting thing that hapend to you during the show?
Arcanine-Who do you want out?
Arcanine-Who do you want to win?
Vulpix-Cherubi! Cause she was nice to me
Arcanine-Ok thank you please leave (Vulpix leaves) So thats...(Does math) And our winner is...(Analizes each) and our loser is....(Analizes each) Looks like i got all the details NOW TO HEAD BACK TO THE ISLAND!
(Back at the main Island;Elimination)
Eevee-Why are we even in Elimination We havent even started our challenge
Arcanine-Thats because THE LOSERS did the challenge today And i have results?
Arcanine-Results of whose going in the mansion and who gets eliminated (Everyone except arcanine gulps) so What ya want Good news bad News
Arcanine-Ok staying at the mansion will be..Umbreon
Umbreon-YEAH DUDE!
Arcanine-And bad news LITTEN YOURE OUT!
Litten-I guess this is the end for me..
Skitty-Here (Gives her phone number) So we can keep in touch
Arcanine-Litten You know what to do
Litten-Yeah (Gets in the cannon) I just want to say I had a great time meeting all of you espcially you Skitty (Winks at her) Bye everyone! (Gets BLASTED OFF) AHHHHH!!
Arcanine-Thats it for todays episode! WHY WAS IT SOOOO BORING? Did the readers/viewers fell asleep? Im I running out of ideas for challenges? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON TOTAL DRAMA POKEMON!
Authors Note: I Apologize about the very boring episode today i just ran out of ideas and i was really bored :/ dont worry next episode will be coming soon if possible i may get busy :/ So ya
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