It was a bright sunny morning in Pupanakwa. The scent of the pine trees moved around by the swift breeze of the cold morning air. The pups were still sleepy. Only a few campers were awake. But those campers were barely awake. And Chris knew exactly how to fix that.
"Up, up, up, campers!" shouted Chris. Groaning sounds were heard from inside the cabin, along with the shuffling of blankets. "Ugh, it's so early," said Chase, yawning. "Let's go see what he wants," said Ryder, rubbing his eyes.
In a few minutes, all the campers were outside, ready for instructions. They had all followed Chris to an open space, where the campers were in view of a few trees, a small mountain, and a body of water. Nobody seemed to notice this location before. All the campers took a look around them. All except for two. Nobody seemed to notice the missing pups, so Chris started explaining the challenge.
"Today campers, you are going to build your own base! You have exactly 7 hours to build a base. Conditions are that it must be stable, comfortable, and warm. The team who matches these requirements first will win the challenge!"
Tracker: No problemo! This pup knows a thing or two about construction!
Chase: I swear. Chris is doing all of this on purpose. Now we actually need Rubble! Now I feel kinda stupid for voting him off.
"Everyone ready?" asked Chris. Skye counted her team members. They were two pups short. "Actually, Chris, we're missing a couple of team mem-"
"BEGIN!!" yells Chris as he presses on the airhorn. Both teams start to gather materials, although the Labs are missing a few members.
Skye: Chris really doesn't listen to anyone. Where are Zuma and Rocky? We really need them for this challenge!
A few hours passed, and both teams' bases are coming along. The labs are building a treehouse, but seem to have difficulty without the help of Rocky. The hounds are building a house inside of a mountain, and the construction seems to be going well.
"Where is Zuma? And Rocky?" asked Skye. "Nobody cares," snapped Goodway. Ryder approached Skye, moving Goodway out of the way. "I'm sure they'll be fine, Skye."
Ryder: I hope.
Tracker: Did I have anything to do with Rocky? Yeah, but I'll make sure that we lose so we can kick him off before he can tell me off. Operation sabotage is Go! Is that right? I don't care! I just know that Rocky is going to go home. Very soon.
Six hours in, one hour left. The Labs are ahead of the Hounds, but Tracker doesn't intend to keep it that way for long.
Tracker sneaked into the house, and went to the back. But there was only one problem: He didn't know how to destroy the house! He didn't have any of his tools, and if he went back here with the toolbox, it would look suspicious. He looked around. Hardwood oak planks were already installed on the floor, and the walls were already painted on a shade of bright sky blue. Then an epifany struck Tracker. It was a cave house! He looked above and saw a few crystals and rocks. They just need enough noise to fall over. He started yelling, and Ryder came quickly to his rescue, thinking he was in danger. He brought Tracker outside before any damage was done. Tracker was very angry.
Tracker: &%@#!
"Hey, is everything alright?" asked Ryder. "Sorry Ryder, I just kinda freaked. I thought I saw a bat or something, but it was just me." Ryder gave Tracker a pat on the head and went back outside. "Come on team! Just a bit more before we're done!" said Ryder, encouraging his team.
Meanwhile, the hounds seemed to be a bit behind in construction. They just managed to get the base up, thanks to Marshall, Chase, and Katie.
Yumi: Okay, I know I haven't done much, but construction is not my strong point! I mean, the PAW Patrol basically built my entire farm!
"Woo team! Go team! Go Katie!" yelled Yumi enthusiastically "Um, Yumi?" asked Marshall. "Could you help us out a bit? Here, pass me that fence bit."
"Woo hoo boo hoo, cut the act, farm girl. We all know that you're just a helpless girl," cried Humdinger sarcastically.
"Well nobody asked for your opinion!" said Yumi, quite out of character. Humdinger got angry spat back out at her. "Shut it, pig face!" This made Yumi turn very mad, and her face turned into a new nuance of red. She took the fence bit and swinged it at Humdinger, who ducked and made the fence swing right into the tree, which made the branch snap and made the tree fall with Marshall, Katie, and Chase in it.
Yumi gasped.
Yumi: Did I really just do that? It's not my fault! He started it!
"Oh my," gasped Yumi. "I am so so sorry, let me help you up!" Chase groaned. "Humdinger was right for once. You really are of no use. "Ha," smirked the evil mayor. Yumi and Humdinger gave each other a stare.
Chris interrupted the two. "Save your insults, Hounds, because you can shout all you want tonight at the elimination ceremony! The labs win!"
The labs cheered on their victory, while the hounds groaned. The labs won by a landslide. Or two.
Labs' Cabin, 8pm
"Hey buddy, how are you feeling?" It was Zuma. He was talking to Rocky. Rocky slowly opened his eyes and lifted his head. "Better now, thanks pal." He smiled weakly towards his anxious friend.
"Zuma, I need to tell you something", whispered Rocky. "Whatever you do, you cannot trust-
The door slammed open, and Goodway walked in. "Hey, you two, come to the campfire. Chris is offering the team some s'mores after the hounds' elimination, and the entire team is invited. Including you two. Hurry up and go!
Elimination Ceremony, Hounds
"Welcome, hounds. I assume you all know why you are here. Tonight, one of you is going home. In addition, the labs are hear to make your loss even more humiliating! Now, the following campers are safe.
~ Marshall.
~ Chase.
~ Katie.
Yumi, you're on the chopping block because you destroyed the base and got pretty angry, and also cost the challenge. Humdinger, you're on the chopping block because you made Yumi lose the challenge. And the loser of tonight is...
Chase: Who did I vote for? Yumi. Deciding was easy. Anyone who doesn't deal well with stress is a goodbye. And Yumi is a major stresser.
Marshall: It's not Yumi's fault. Accidents happen! And I know that because I have made many accidents. In fact, accident is my middle name! I probably am an accid- You know what? I'll stop there.
Yumi! You're out! See you never!" Yumi gulped. She tried to say something, but nothing came out. She went on the boat that left.
going home. In addition, the labs are hear to make your loss even more humiliating! Now, the following campers are safe.
~ Marshall.
~ Chase.
~ Katie.
Yumi, you're on the chopping block because you destroyed the base and got pretty angry, and also cost the challenge. Humdinger, you're on the chopping block because you made Yumi lose the challenge. And the loser of tonight is...
Chase: Who did I vote for? Yumi. Deciding was easy. Anyone who doesn't deal well with stress is a goodbye. And Yumi is a major stresser.
Marshall: It's not Yumi's fault. Accidents happen! And I know that because I have made many accidents. In fact, accident is my middle name! I probably am an accid- You know what? I'll stop there.
Yumi! You're out! See you never!" Yumi gulped. She tried to say something, but nothing came out. She went on the boat that left.
- Campers, I have a shocking announcement! Two campers from the labs did not participate in today's challenge! This means that the labs lose! Rocky and Zuma should both be eliminated, but I'm having a good day, so instead I'm sending you both over to the hounds!
Everyone gasped.
A silence filled up the camp.
I am spacing these sentences for a dramatic effect.
The silence became akward.
- Well hounds, enjoy your victory! Good night everybody! McLean out.
Ryder: I will miss those two. They were good pups.
"Ah, I need to go use the washroom", groans Skye. She makes her way to the public washrooms. Most of them were in out of order, because a certain Danny thought it would be fun to jam all the toilets. There was one functional toilet at the end of the line of stalls, but it was occupied by Chase. Skye couldn't wait any longer, so she knew there was only one alternative: The outhouse.
Skye rushed to the outhouse confessional, but there was already someone inside.
Tracker: No! No!!! NO!! This is not fair! I can't eliminate Rocky anymore! I'm going to break!! When is this stupid merge coming?!
Tracker makes his way out angrily, and Skye gasped. Unluckily for her, Tracker heard her gasp. "Hey you! You think you're clever huh?" Skye gulped and shook her head. "Well good. If I catch you being a problem to my victory, I will personally make sure you go out next." Tracker stormed off, aggravated.
Skye: W-W-What did I j-j-just witness? T-That Tracker is pure evil! I need to warn Rocky!
Hounds Cabin, Boys, 11pm
- Rocky! Rocky! We need to talk.
- Zuma can you give us a minute?
- Gotcha dude.
- What's wrong, Skye?
- You cannot trust Tracker. I overheared his confessional, and he tried to get you kicked! Just keep an eye on him, okay? And promise not to tell anyone!
Rocky nodded. Skye thanked her. She gave him a hug. Meanwhile, Chase was returning from the washroom, and peeked through the window to not disturb the conversation. Then he saw it. Rockya making contact with the love of his life. He turned furious. Know he understands Yumi's pain.
Chase: Rocky, you are going to regret this for the rest of your life! I will make you go home next. Nobody EVER TRIES TO MAKE OUT WITH SKYE BBBESIDES ME!!! $&%# YOU!!
As Skye walked out of the cabin, an angry Chase was awaiting her. "Explain yourself." Chase stood there firmly. Skye was confused. "What?" Chase raised his voice. "What was tHAT?! What you did with Rocky!!" Skye was amazed by Chase's anger. "Hey, Rocky is going through some hard times! He just lost Everest, and now he's being played by Tracker! Look at him! He's physically and mentally fragile! And as a friend, I helped him. And I assumed you would've done the same. But you proved me wrong. Look at you Chase! The entire season! You've been jumping to conclusions! First, Rubble! Then, Yumi! Now, Rocky! And what has this brought you? Nothing but regret! Don't let your jealousy get the best of you Chase. I know you're a sweet guy underneath. I just need you to bring that power to the surface."
Chase stuttered. "S-S-So are you breaking up with me?" Skye shook her head. "Of course not! I love you. And I want to help you with your problems. I'm here for you Chase. And I want you to know that." Skye got close to Chase, and they kissed. "Good night Chase."
Chase: This season, I turned into a jerk. I nearly lost all my friends because I was being too competitive. I feel horrible for everything. For everyone. Especially Rocky. Everest, if you're watching right now, I'm incredibly sorry. And I mean it. If it weren't for Skye, I would've completly derailed! I'm so sorry, and so thankful. I hope things get better soon.
To be continued...
(A/N Thank you all so much for 500 reads! This is a huge milestone for me! Also note that I am away from home, and I am using an older device with less characters on my keyboard. Thank you for understanding, and thank you for reading!)
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