"Last time on Total Drama Nether, the mobs had to dig for statue pieces in the soul sand. It looked bad for the Killer Chickens for awhile, but when Joe sabotaged Zombee, the Screaming Pigs lost. Zombee just barely managed to stay in, and Victoria was eliminated. What will happen--wait a minute. Joe sabotaged his team? The idiot Villager? What? I thought...never mind. What will happen today? Find out right now, on Total Drama Nether!" Herobrine said.
* * *
Killer Chickens (10): Zombieswine, Silvester, Ender, Cavell, Ian, Endie, Creep, Blaise, Mucus, Mag
Screaming Pigs (9): Zombee, Agatha, Ron, Skelly, Sno, Zupay, Spidey, Joe, Mite
* * *
It had been almost a whole day since last challenge. The sun was technically setting, even though no one could tell.
The mobs had just been hanging out around the fortress. (By the way, they live on a nether fortress. There are separate cabins in the fortress.)
Ron and Sno sat together on the edge of the fortress, looking out into the lava sea.
"I'm so glad we get to do this together, Sno," Ron said.
"Me too, Ron," Sno replied. She didn't quite sound like herself, the though.
"Sno?" Ron asked. "What's wrong?"
Sno looked at him innocently. "Wrong? Nothing's wrong! I just love being here with you!"
"Uh huh." Ron didn't believe her. "You look kinda different too."
"I-I do? I mean, no I don't!" Sno exclaimed.
"You look...skinnier. Have you been eating enough?" Ron asked in concern.
"Of course I have!" Sno answered. Without realizing it, she wiped her brow.
Sweat came off on her hand.
Ron stood up quickly. "Woah! You're sweating!"
Sno got up too. "I know. It's okay, though."
"No it's not! Snow Golems don't sweat!" Ron exclaimed in protest. "We have to--we have to get you to a doctor! Or at least somewhere cold!"
"Ron, nowhere in the Nether is cold. And if I leave the Nether, I leave the show. I don't want to leave you," Sno explained.
"Your safety is more important than me," Ron replied. "Besides, I can come with you!"
"I don't want you to have to leave because of me. Trust me, it's fine," Sno said. It was clear she was done arguing.
Ron's Confessional
"I don't care what Sno says, I have to get her off the show. It's for her safety. And if the only way to do that is get other people to vote her off...so be it."
Sno's Confessional
"Dang it, I didn't want Ron finding out and getting all worried. I'm fine, okay?"
"Hey wanna go cook something?" Skelly asked Spidey.
"Why?" Spidey asked.
"I don't know, for fun. We got nothing better to do," Skelly replied.
"I mean, last season your stupid cooking got you eliminated," Spidey muttered.
"Um excuse me?!" Skelly asked. "Says the person who left the show because they missed their best friend!"
"At least I wasn't voted out by my team!" Spidey exclaimed.
"At least I wasn't a big fat crybaby!" Skelly shot back.
"You know what?! I don't even want to be your friend anymore!" Spidey yelled.
"Well I don't want to be your friend anymore!" Skelly shouted.
They walked in different directions.
* * *
Ender was walking by their cabin when he heard unusual noises. He walked around to the back of the cabin to investigate.
What he saw, was his team training.
Well, not all of them. Endie and Silvester weren't there, and the worst part: Zombieswine was barking orders at them like it was boot camp.
At the moment, Blaise, Ian, Cavell, Creep, Mucus, and Mag were trying to do push ups.
Too bad none of them had arms.
"Cmon, solider! Pick up the pace!" Zombieswine yelled in Creep's face. Creep couldn't even do one push up, due to his lack of arms.
He deserves it, Ender thought. Only Creep did, though. No one else deserved to be bossed around by Zombieswine.
"Do you need help, maggot?!" Zombieswine yelled at Cavell, who was struggling to do a push-up.
"NO SIR!" Cavell screamed back.
"Come on, idiots! We need to win again!" Zombieswine shouted.
"What are you doing?" Ender asked.
Zombieswine looked up. "Ah yes, dragon. Join these pathetic fools in doing push ups."
"You can't boss them around like that! Who made you leader?" Ender asked incredulously.
"Um, my territory, my team," Zombieswine replied.
"Guys, you don't have to listen to him. Go on and enjoy yourselves," Ender said to the team.
"WHO GAVE YOU THE AUTHORITY TO DO THAT?!" Zombieswine screamed.
"Who gave you the authority to boss them around?!" Ender shot back.
"He threatened to eliminate us if we didn't train," Mucus mumbled.
"What is wrong with you?!" Ender yelled at Zombieswine. "Go on, guys. Leave."
Ian, Blaise, Mucus, Mag, Creep, and Cavell left the area.
"You are so dead, dragon," Zombieswine growled. He walked away.
Zombieswine's Confessional
"Not sure if I want to get everyone to vote off Endie or Ender. Probably Ender first."
Ender's Confessional
"Notch, Zombieswine is so annoying. We really need to vote him off."
Cavell's Confessional
"Why does everyone always assume I need help? I will never need help!"
"It's challenge time, mobs!" Herobrine announced. It was night time, but the light in the Nether didn't change. "Meet me on the fortress bridge!"
A couple minutes later, the nineteen remaining mobs stood in front of Herobrine on the bridge. The bridge led to nowhere, abruptly cutting off so it was high above the lava sea.
"Since it's Halloween, we will have an extra spoooooky challenge. It is to make your way through a haunted house," Herobrine announced.
"Ha. I don't get scared," Zombieswine boasted.
"The first team to get all their members out of here--alive--wins. The other team sends someone home." Herobrine explained. "Got it?"
The mobs nodded.
"Alright!" Herobrine snapped his fingers, and a haunted house made of nether brick and other materials appeared behind him.
"This looks kinda scary," Silvester murmured.
"Don't worry, I'll stay by your side the whole time," Endie replied kindly.
Silvester smiled at his friend.
The mobs lined up at the entrance.
"Ready, set, go!" Herobrine shouted, and the mobs raced off into the haunted house.
* * *
The Killer Chickens, Mucus and Mag, were hopping along side by side. Blaise and Creep were near them.
"I'm glad you're here to protect me from the monsters out there," Mag said to Mucus.
Mucus smiled.
"But we are monsters," Creep pointed out from behind them. "Like, we're literally monsters."
"He does have a point," Blaise added.
The four of them turned down another hallway.
* * *
Zupay, a Screaming Pig, was walking alone through a darkly lit room. He wasn't afraid. He was only scared of heights.
Suddenly, Zupay felt a presence behind him. Before he could do anything, a voice right next to his ear whispered, "I'll keep you safe from the horrors of the night."
Zupay jumped as he realized it was Agatha. He ran, without looking back, out of the room.
Agatha's Confessional
"He'll come around. I know he will."
Endie, Silvester, and Ender from the Killer Chickens ended up in the same room. There were human heads on the wall. Silvester squeaked a little.
"Good, smart people," Ender said randomly. "Listen, I think the three of us should form an alliance."
"You do?" Endie asked.
"Yeah. Everyone else on our team is an idiot," Ender replied.
"Mucus isn't an idiot!" Silvester said defensively.
"Okay, but he can get distracted by Mag. So, just the three of us. You in?" Ender asked.
Silvester and Endie looked at each other. "We'll think about it," Endie answered.
Silvester's Confessional
"Ender seems kinda bossy. I don't know if I want to team up with him."
On the Screaming Pigs, Spidey, Skelly, Ron, and Sno were walking down a hallway.
Suddenly, a fake Wither came down from the ceiling, making fake Wither noises.
Now, all four of them had been on a team with Wither last season, and they all knew how annoyingly terrifying he could be. So naturally, all four of them screamed.
Sno jumped into Ron's arms, and Spidey and Skelly clutched onto each other. Then everyone realized that the Wither was fake.
Sno smiled at Ron. "I love you," she said.
"I hate you!" Spidey and Skelly yelled at the same time, jumping away from each other. They went in different directions. Ron and Sno continued on.
* * *
Zombieswine, Cavell, and Ian on the Killer Chickens were walking together.
"This isn't scary. This isn't scary. This isn't scary," Zombieswine said to himself.
"If it's not scary then stop repeating it," Ian muttered.
"What did you say to me?!" Zombieswine growled as he walked forward.
Since he was looking at Ian, he walked into spider webs.
"Gah! Get em off get em off get em off!" Zombieswine screeched.
Cavell just laughed his head off, and Ian kept moving forward.
Zombieswine's Confessional
"I wasn't afraid. I just didn't see the webs."
On the Screaming Pigs, Joe, Mite, and Zombee were walking together.
"This isn't even that scary," Mite said.
"I know right," Zombee replied. "We're already monsters. Nothing can scare us."
The three of them were walking by a closet. Suddenly, Joe's eyes turned red. In one swift motion, he opened the closet door, shoved Zombee and Mite inside, then closed the door, and locked it.
Joe kept walking.
"Hey! Let us out of here you idiot!" Mite yelled. She and Zombee could barely fit in the closet.
"What is wrong with that Villager?" Zombee wondered aloud.
Joe's eyes turned back to normal.
* * *
"Look! The exit!" Mucus exclaimed. "That wasn't even hard."
"I know right!" Mag exclaimed. She and Mucus hopped towards the exit happily. Creep and Blaise followed behind.
"Four Killer Chickens down, six to go!" Herobrine announced.
* * *
Cavell was alone with Zombieswine now. They were walking through one hallway when Cavell noticed something.
"Hey, there's light coming through a hole in this wall," he observed. He peered through the hole. "Woah! It's the exit!"
He stared climbing through the hole.
"Can you fit through there?" Zombieswine asked.
"Of course I can!" Cavell said. "Just a couple more twists..."
Zombieswine walked away.
Cavell was stuck.
* * *
"There's the exit!" Ron exclaimed. He and Sno rushed to the doors, passing a stuck Cavell on the way. Joe was right behind them.
He noticed Cavell in the wall. "Do you need help, little girl?" he asked.
"Girl?! Of course not!" Cavell exclaimed.
"Sue yourself," Joe replied. He meant 'suit yourself', but he was an idiot.
"Three Screaming Pigs down, six to go!" Herobrine announced.
* * *
"That was too easy," Zupay boasted as he exited the haunted house. Agatha was behind him.
"Because I was watching over you," the Witch said creepily.
"Two more Screaming Pigs down, four to go!" Herobrine announced.
* * *
Endie, Silvester, and Ender were still walking together.
"If you guys do want to join an alliance with me, I know exactly who to vote off," Ender blabbed. "Of course I won't tell you until I'm sure you'll join, but--"
"There's the exit!" Silvester interrupted. They stopped by Cavell, who was still stuck in the wall.
"Do you need help?" Endie asked.
"Nope, I'm good," Cavell replied. It was clear he wasn't.
"Cmon, let's get you outta there," Endie said, grabbing Cavell's legs so he could pull him out.
"NO DON'T! I CAN DO IT MYSELF!" Cavell practically screamed. Endie stopped, and, not wanting to anger Cavell, exited the haunted house with Ender and Silvester.
"Three more Killer Chickens down, three to go!" Herobrine announced.
* * *
Spidey and Skelly somehow met up again when their hallways connected. They glared at each other, then realized the exit was right in front of them.
"Get out of my way!" they yelled at the same time, sprinting for the exit.
They exited the haunted house in a heap.
"Two more Screaming Pigs down, two to go!" Herobrine announced.
* * *
Mite and Zombee were still stuck in the closet.
"We're never getting out of here..." Mite murmured. "So much for winning this show."
Zombee was ramming his shoulder against the door. "We will get out of this!"
"You've done that like twenty times now. It's no use," Mite replied.
"But I'm a Zombie! Zombies break down doors!" Zombee yelled. He rammed against the wall again.
"Don't Zombies use their arms to break doors?" Mite asked.
Zombee stopped. "Oh yeah." He started using his arms to break the dark oak door.
* * *
Ian exited the haunted house. "Oh, joy," he said sarcastically.
"Two more Killer Chickens to go! One of them is just a few feet away, but stuck in the wall!" Herobrine announced.
Cavell twisted and turned, but couldn't get out. "Ugh!" he cried in exasperation.
* * *
Zombee finally broke down the door.
"Good job!" Mite exclaimed. She and Zombee started running.
* * *
Zombieswine was walking alone. "Notch, I hate scary things. Stupid show." He flinched at every little thing he saw.
Finally, he saw the exit at the end of the hallway. "Woohoo!" He started running.
"Wait!" Cavell called as Zombieswine ran past. He stopped and looked at the Cave Spider.
"Told ya you couldn't fit," Zombieswine smirked.
Cavell took a deep breath. "Please help," he finally said.
Zombieswine sighed and started to pull on Cavell. But then, he saw Zombee and Mite running towards them.
"Sorry, loser!" Zombieswine yelled, and he booked it to the exit.
"Wait! Come back!" Cavell called as Mite and Zombee ran past.
Zombieswine exited first, with Zombee and Mite on his heels.
"And the Screaming Pigs win! Killer Chickens, time to send someone home!" Herobrine announced. He snapped his fingers, and Cavell fell out of the hole.
Cavell's Confessional
"Asking for help was the hardest thing I have ever done."
The Killer Chickens were at the campfire area.
"There are ten mobs on this team," Herobrine said. "Soon, there will be nine. If I call your name and toss you a nether wart, you're safe."
It was down to Zombieswine and Cavell.
"The last nether wart goes to..."
"Ha." Zombieswine said.
"Cavell, you're going home," Herobrine announced.
"Darn it," Cavell muttered.
Herobrine snapped his fingers, and he and Cavell disappeared.
* * *
Cavell was in the cannon.
"Any last words, Cavell?" Herobrine asked.
"I will never again need help!" he shouted, and Herobrine shot him into the Nether.
"The Cave Spider is gone. Who will go home next time? Will Spidey and Skelly make up? And will Ron get Sno eliminated? Find out right now on Total Drama Nether!" Herobrine said.
Rushed that ending cause going trick or treating.
Happy Halloween!
Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!
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