"Last time, on Total Drama Nether, the mobs had to glide through some rings using the elytra! They all failed, and Mag accidentally went through the negative point ring, losing for her team. Joe and Ron tried to sabotage Sno to get her eliminated, but they failed. Anyway, Mag was sent home for losing for her team. What is going to happen today? I feel like it's gonna be something dramatic. Find out right now, on Total Drama Nether!" Herobrine said.
* * *
Killer Chickens (5): Zombieswine, Silvester, Ian, Endie, Blaise
Screaming Pigs (6): Agatha, Ron, Sno, Zupay, Joe, Mite
* * *
Ron and Joe were in the Screaming Pigs guy cabin, discussing Sno's elimination plan quietly.
Zupay was laying on his top bunk bed, not listening to their conversation. He was too busy thinking.
After awhile, Zupay asked, "Do you guys think I should ask Agatha out?"
Ron and Joe looked up at him. "You? With a girl? I thought you were evil," Ron replied.
"I thought I was too," Zupay said. "But Agatha brings so much sunshine and happiness into my life, I just can't stop thinking about her."
"Well, if you really like her, go for it. That's what I did with Sno," Ron replied.
"And now you're trying to eliminate her," Joe butted in.
"Oh, shut up," Ron snapped. "It's for her safety. I still love her."
"Mhm," Joe said.
Ron's Confessional
"I can't believe I'm working with Joe. He's such an idiot. But, if I want to save Sno, I have to deal with him."
Joe's Confessional
"The Snow Golem is a goner. After she gets eliminated, no one stands in my way."
Zupay's Confessional
"Well...what do I have to lose? I'm pretty sure Agatha likes me back. Notch, I sound like a little kid. What happened to the evil Zombie Villager I used to know?"
"How do you think Mag is handling Mucus now that they're both gone?" Blaise asked the three other girls in her cabin.
"I don't know," Mite answered. "I'm not a love expert. I think love is dumb, for Notch's sake."
Agatha gasped. "Love is not dumb! I know for a fact that it's wonderful..." She stared out the window dreamily.
"Why do you say it's dumb?" Blaise asked. "Who hurt you to make you think that way?"
"What? No one," Mite replied. "I've never had a boyfriend in my life."
"Well, Total Drama Nether is a great place to get one!" Blaise said cheerfully.
"Yeah, an island where we have to beat each other up and vote our friends and lovers off to win emeralds. That's a great matchmaker," Mite retorted sarcastically.
Blaise sighed. "Sno and Ron are still a happy couple. Right, Sno?"
"What?" Sno asked, turning to face Blaise and Mite. She hadn't been paying attention.
She was too busy trying to stick her arm back in her snow body.
It had fallen out from the heat.
"Woah, are you okay?" Mite asked, concerned. "What's wrong with your...body?"
"Nothing!" Sno answered quickly. "Absolutely nothing is wrong with me! I feel just fine!"
Mite and Blaise looked at each other. Agatha was still staring out the window.
Sno's Confessional
"This is not good. This is definitely not good. Other people are starting to notice..."
The guys of the Killer Chickens were silent in their cabin. There wasn't much to talk about.
"This is boring," Zombieswine said. "Elder Guardian, go get me something to entertain myself with."
Ian got up and started to hop out the door.
"Woah, wait, you don't have to listen to him," Endie said to Ian. "He's not your master."
"Yeah, but he scares me," Ian murmured. Zombieswine laughed.
"You gotta learn to overcome your fears. By just doing it," Silvester said.
Endie looked at him and smiled.
Silvester is quoting Endie from episode 10 when they were riding the roller coaster together ^
"Hey! Stop being lazy and go get me something to do!" Zombieswine ordered.
Ian drew himself up as much as he could.
"What did you say to me?" Zombieswine growled, slowly standing up. He was much taller than Ian.
"Yes master!" Ian squeaked and he sprinted out the door.
Endie sighed. He smacked Zombieswine in the back of the head and teleported out of the cabin. Silvester slithered out after him.
Zombieswine's Confessional
"They think they can overthrow me, the leader of this team?! I don't think so."
"CHALLENGE TIME!" Herobrine announced. "I will teleport you all to the location!"
The eleven remaining mobs appeared in front of a wide stretch of netherrack, with various obstacles on it. It looked like some sort of racetrack/obstacle course.
"Okay mobs, today's challenge is called 'Run For Your Life'! You will be running down this long stretch of netherrack, dodging obstacles as you run. Behind you, the ground will be falling, and a wall of fire will be coming towards you. There is lava beneath this netherrack. If you fall or die, you are out. The team that has the most members reach the end without dying wins! The other team sends someone home," Herobrine explained.
Sno started breathing quickly and heavily. Ron ran over to her and calmed her down.
"Any questions?" Herobrine asked.
"Is the lava enchanted so we won't die?" Mite asked.
"Nope!" Herobrine answered happily. "But don't worry, if you die, I can bring you back."
Sno started breathing even faster.
"Okay mobs, line up!" Herobrine ordered.
The eleven mobs lined up at the starting line. Everyone was nervous, especially Sno.
Joe leaned over to Ron. "Once we get kinda far, push her in," he whispered.
Ron looked at Joe sharply. "That will kill her. I've changed my mind. I'm not working with you."
"You--" Joe started to growl, but Herobrine cut him off.
"Okay mobs! Ready...set...go!"
The mobs started sprinting. Herobrine counted to three, then snapped his fingers.
And the ground started to fall.
The first stretch of the netherrack was just flat ground. Ahead of them was an area with cacti and cobwebs.
The wall of fire started to grow behind them, and started chasing them.
The mobs ran for their lives.
* * *
Since Ian was an Elder Guardian, he was pretty slow on land. He was falling behind the group.
The wall of fire was nearing him.
"Well, at least I know when I die I won't be going to hell," Ian said.
"Because I'm already there."
The ground fell under Ian, and he fell to his death.
* * *
Ron and Sno ran side by side. Sno was panting and sweating already.
"Let me carry you," Ron said, picking her up before she could protest.
Joe was near them, glaring at Ron as he ran.
"Fine," he growled. "I'll do it myself."
Anyone get that reference?
K back to the story
* * *
Silvester and Endie were in the lead, Zombieswine somewhere close behind.
They arrived at the area full of cacti and cobwebs.
Well, we better find our way through before the fire gets to us," Endie mused.
It's pretty far behind us," Silvester replied. "But yeah, let's get going."
The two friends ran through, avoiding cactus and cobweb as they went.
* * *
Zupay and Agatha were running together. The wall of fire was nearing them, and so was the falling ground.
Zupay could be far ahead right now, but he stayed with Agatha. She was pretty slow at running.
"You can go on, sugar," Agatha said. "Don't lose because of me."
"I won't leave you," Zupay replied, and he stooped down and picked her up.
She was heavier than he thought she was, but he didn't show it.
He ran as fast as he could, but it was no use. The fire wall was closing in, and the ground was falling close behind.
Zupay stopped.
What are you doing?" Agatha asked.
Zupay stared into her eyes. "Agatha. Will you be my girlfriend?"
Agatha stared back. Then she smiled.
And then the ground fell beneath them, and Zupay and Agatha fell to their deaths.
Agatha's Confessional
"He asked me out! I have a boyfriend!!!!!"
Zupay's Confessional
"I can't believe I did that. But I'm happy."
Everyone was now in the cactus-cobweb area. Blaise was dodging as fast as she could. She wasn't very good at it.
Every five blocks, she ran into a cactus or got stuck in a cobweb for a few seconds. She burned through everything, but it still slowed her down.
Eventually, she got stuck in two cobwebs at once, and they slowed her down enough for the falling ground to catch up with her.
Of course, the cobwebs held her up, so she was stuck in floating cobwebs.
Until the wall of fire caught up with her.
Of course, Blaise was immune to fire--since she was made of it--so that didn't hurt her.
But the wall of fire burned through the cobwebs, and Blaise fell to her death.
* * *
Mite burst out of the cactus-cobweb area.
Next was an area with random pools of lava in places. They would have to either jump over them or go around them.
Mite didn't hesitate. She slithered through the lava pool-ridden area with ease.
Zombieswine burst out of the cactus-cobweb area. He looked behind him. The fire wall was just reaching the beginning of the cactus-cobweb area.
Zombieswine started running through the pools of lava. He was immune, after all.
* * *
Ron finally got out of the cactus-cobweb area, carrying Sno in his arms still. She had fainted from the fire wall being so close.
Speaking of which, the fire wall was still somewhere in the middle of the cactus-cobweb area.
Ron started dodging the lava pools as he ran. It was bad enough he was made of iron and slow at running, but carrying someone made it worse. But, he had to protect Sno.
* * *
Endie started pulling Silvester out of the cobweb. "Come on!!"
Silvester had gotten stuck in the middle of it when he had been looking behind him to check on the fire wall.
Which was about twenty blocks behind them.
"Pull me out! Hurry!" Silvester exclaimed.
"I'm trying!" Endie replied. He pulled harder.
The fire wall was ten blocks behind them.
"Come on!"
Finally, Endie pulled Silvester out.
The two of them ran for their lives, the fire wall five blocks behind them.
* * *
Mite reached a flat area of netherrack again, but the walls on either side had dispensers in random places.
She shrugged it off and started slithering through.
Suddenly, a fire charge shot from a dispenser and nearly hit Mite.
"Jeez!" Mite exclaimed. But she kept going, dodging every fire charge as she went.
Zombieswine came barreling after her at full speed.
At some point a fire charge hit him, and Zombieswine died.
* * *
Endie and Silvester were running as fast as they could through the lava pool area, dodging the lava. The fire wall and falling ground were right behind them.
This is exhausting, Endie thought bitterly.
Endie and Silvester continued to run, the fire wall on their heels.
* * *
Ron reached the area with the fire charges, Sno still in his arms. The fire wall was a lot farther back now.
Ron started running through.
* * *
Mite saw the end from where she was running. "I made it!"
Mite slithered to the finish line.
"One point for the Screaming Pigs!" Herobrine announced.
Ron was running with Sno still in his arms. I can do this, he thought.
Suddenly, a figure came out of nowhere and tackled Ron to the ground, knocking Sno out of his arms. She lay on the ground, unharmed so far.
Ron stood up and took in his opponent.
"You won't get her eliminated? Then I'll do it," the Villager snarled.
"You'll have to get through me first," Ron shot back.
Joe leapt at Ron. The two of them fought, fist to fist. Ron's iron arm was much stronger than Joe.
At least it should have been.
For some reason, Joe was stronger than Ron. He had no idea how that happened.
Joe punched Ron in the face, who kicked him in the knee. They moved as they fought, setting fire charges off randomly.
Several of them hit Ron, and several hit Joe. Neither of them went down, though. They kept fighting.
* * *
Mite watched all this from about fifty blocks away, at the finish line.
"What are they doing?!" she exclaimed. "Can't they fight after they finish? We're so close!"
Herobrine laughed. "I'm enjoying it."
"Well, even if they don't make it, we'll still win. Endie and Silvester are nowhere to be seen," Mite noticed.
* * *
Ron and Joe continued to fight. The fire wall was still in the lava pool area, but it was getting closer by the second.
"What do you have against Sno anyway, man?!" Ron exclaimed as he dodged another of Joe's kicks.
"She tried to overthrow me last season!" Joe replied as he punched Ron in the side.
Ron stopped. "What? You were eliminated first. What are you talking about, overthrowing?"
Joe looked around. He then went back to fighting Ron, not answering the question.
Suddenly, Endie and Silvester charged past Ron and Joe fighting, terrified expressions on their faces.
"Look out!" Endie shouted as they ran past.
Ron and Joe turned around.
The fire wall was five blocks away.
"Sno!" Ron dove for her limp body on the ground, but it was too late.
The fire wall washed over Sno, Ron, and Joe.
And then the ground fell beneath them.
Ron landed on a tiny netherrack island made of seven blocks. He was barely alive. Joe fell into the lava nearby and died.
Sno was nowhere to be seen.
"Sno?" Ron asked. He should've seen her fall. Where did she go? "Sno?!"
Ron looked around frantically. He couldn't find her anywhere. Where was she?
"And the Killer Chickens win with two points!" Ron heard Herobrine announce in the background. "Screaming Pigs, time to send someone home!"
That was Ron's team. Someone would be going home tonight.
But first, Ron had to find his girlfriend.
Suddenly, something surfaced in the lava. It was some sort of block. Ron couldn't tell what it was. He picked it up out of the lava when it floated over to his island.
And immediately dropped it again when he realized what it was.
A pumpkin.
Sno's head.
Ron blacked out.
* * *
Ron's eyes slowly opened. Where am I? he wondered.
Then, he recognized the nether brick cabin. He was still on Total Drama Nether.
Ron turned his head to the side.
Sno was staring at him.
"GAH!" he yelled in surprise.
"Hi," Sno replied quietly. "You were right. I should've left the show a long time ago."
"Y-you were dead," Ron stuttered. He was confused.
"Technically, all the contestants died, except the ones who made it to the end of the challenge. But I melted. Everyone else burned to death," Sno explained. "I shouldn't have stayed."
"So...what are you gonna do?" Ron asked.
"I'm gonna do what's right."
* * *
Sno was in the TNT cannon.
"You sure about this?" Herobrine asked.
"Yes," Sno replied. "I would melt eventually if I stayed down here."
"I could resurrect you every time but okay," Herobrine mumbled.
"I'll miss you!" Ron called up from the ground.
"I'll miss you too!" Sno called back. "I'll be watching every episode! You better win for me!"
"I will!" Ron shouted. "I love you!"
"I love you TOOOOOOOO!" Sno screamed 'too' as she was shot out of the cannon.
* * *
Zombieswine wasn't near the main area. He had gone down to the netherrack beach to search for the immunity token.
Ian was down there too.
"If you find the immunity token, you give it to me," Zombieswine ordered.
"Yes sir," Ian squeaked.
They searched for a whole hour, but found nothing down there.
"It's gotta be somewhere," Zombieswine muttered.
* * *
"We have succeeded at getting rid of the Snow Golem," Larry said.
"Good," Jerry replied. "But you almost revealed our identity to the Iron Golem."
"You can blame Barry for that, boss," Larry said.
Jerry glared at Barry.
Barry gulped. "I'm sure the...idiot Iron Golem won't realize who we are."
Jerry looked at the security cameras. He watched Ron staring at a picture of he and Sno together, smiling happily.
"Well, just to be sure, we need to get rid of him."
* * *
"What more do I have in store for the mobs? Will Ron be able to win for Sno? Will Ian stand up to Zombieswine? And how will Zupay and Agatha's relationship turn out? Find out next time, on Total Drama Nether!" Herobrine said.
Fun fact: every single one of these episodes has been over 2000 words. (This one is 2854.) That takes a long time to write. You guys are lucky I get an episode up every week.
But ya know, I do it for you guys cause I love you all <3
Oh yeah that episode was kinda sad wasn't it? I personally like Sno. But oh well.
Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!
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