Episode 15- Can you survive?
Lakitu: Welcome back to my show! Last time, competitors flew down to Sunshine Airport, where they competed in airport related challenges (duh). Unsurprisingly, Team Blitz lost FOR THEIR SIXTH TIME, and In a 2-1-0 vote, Bowser was sent out of the plane. Man that team sucks! But that team is still alive, on this plane. Can they survive until the merge? A better question is: When IS the merge? Find out now, on Total, Drama, Mushroom Tour!
*intro song*
On the plane:
Lakitu: Come to the dining hall for an important announcement!
Everyone: *goes in mess hall*
*lights go out*
To viewers: I've added this extra video cause I think the music fits what's about to happen. To play, follow the directions on the last chapter. Hope you like it!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Lakitu: You know it...
Toadette: *gasps* is it-
Lakitu: You hate it...
Luigi: *gasps* Could it be?
Lakitu: And its coming next episode! Prepare for...
Everyone: *gasps*
Lakitu: THE MERGE!!!!
Everyone: NOOOO!!
Peach: I'll miss the team! *cries*
Shy Guy: Goomba! I had such an amazing time with you! *cries*
Goomba: *sniffles* Me too..
Lemmy: *sobs*
Larry: *cries*
Morton: I'll miss you guys when the team is disbanded.
Team Koopa: *group hug*
Viewers, stop your video now.
Lakitu: But... One of you unfortunately won't make it. Who will it be? Will it be Luigi? Or Peach? Or Daisy? Or Rosalina? What about Toadette? Could it be Shy Guy? Or Goomba? Or possibly Lemmy? Ooh, could it be Larry? Or Morton? Or Roy? Or could it be... Oh wait, that's everyone.
Time for the challenge! Off the plane!
You all know this challenge. We do it all the time. Welcome to... The middle of nowhere. Haha! Jk! This challenge is on the plane! Go to the dining hall.
At the dining hall!
Lakitu: This is.. The eating contest!
Peach: Oh no... *slaps forehead*
Daisy: WHY did we vote off Yoshi?
Lakitu: If you don't know, here is how it works:
Each round, you will be served a disgusting, or maybe not, dish. Your challenge is to simply eat the entire dish, and say done. You have to swallow EVERYTHING. The last person to finish each round is out. We have changed a rule from last time: If you barf, you are out. That used to be the old rule. The new rule is that if you barf, you can still try and finish your dish. If you don't do it last, you are still in! Now, last one left for their team automatically moves on to the finals. In the finals, one person from each team competes in a special competition where they are served multiple dishes. The first one to finish wins, while second place wins second place, and last place sends someone out of the plane.
Now, everyone sit down at their team tables. We will now reveal the judges! That's right! I'm not gonna be judging, they are!
Our first judge is... Spike! He will be watching over Team Koopa.
Spike: Hello everybody! Nice to meet you. I'm Spike!
Lakitu: Next is... Bob-Omb! He will be watching over Team Blitz!
Bob-Omb: Hi there, I'm Bob-Omb. Try not to make me angry and I won't explode on you!
Lakitu: Finally, watching over Team Mushroom, is... Green Sprixie! Or Sprixie for short.
Sprixie: Hi! Nice to meet you! I'm Green Sprixie, or Sprixie for short, and I'm one of the seven Sprixie Princesses!
Lakitu: Now, we begin NOW. Your first dish will be simple, but it WILL get harder. Alright, plates are served. Take over the top.
Goomba: 10 Mushrooms!
Lakitu: Simple, right? Go!
Everybody: *eats*
Spike: Roy and Morton have finished!
Morton: Oh yeah! Suckers!
Peach: HEY! That wasn't nice...
Sprixie: Everybody on Team Mushroom but Rosalina finished!
Daisy: Cmon, Rosie! Eat!
Rosalina: Sorry... Done!
Lakitu: Everyone on Team Mushroom finished!
Bob-Omb: Goomba and Shy Guy have finished!
Spike: And so has Lemmy! Larry is out of the challenge!
Larry: Awww...
Lakitu: Okay! Next dishes have been served. This is a little harder..
Shy Guy: Black Mush...
Lakitu: In the Black Mush, we have a bunch of mashed up rotten Mushrooms, and a little bit of Moldy Banana! Eat!
Peach: Ewwww.... *eats spoonful* This is actually pretty good!
Daisy: You're right!
Sprixie: Everyone on Team Mushroom has finished!
Bob-Omb: Goomba has finished!
Goomba: Cmon, Shy Guy, you can do it!
Shy Guy: I'm trying! *eats*
Spike: And.. Everyone on Team Koopa has finished!
Lakitu: This means Shy Guy is out of the challenge! Goomba, you are the last one remaining on your team so you automatically go to the finals. No more eating until then for you!
Goomba: Yay!
Shy Guy: Sorry for not finishing... Anyways good luck!
Goomba: It's ok... And thanks!
Lakitu: You're next dish is... Melted Chain Chomp!
Daisy: Is that even a thing?!
Lakitu: Sure it is! We take the metal of the chain chomp, and melt it! Then we brake his chain and break it apart, then stick it in there!
Morton: Doesn't that like... Ruin your body?! I can't do this!
Lakitu: Your choice, man. A million coins. Now go!
Peach: Everyone, slurp!
Lemmy: Cmon Morton, eat!
Morton: I.. I.. I can't..
Sprixie: Everyone on team Mushroom has finished!
Spike: So has Lemmy and Roy! Morton is out of the challenge!
Lakitu: Yep. Anyway, time for next dish! This time, with a twist! The last TWO people to finish are out, instead of one! Haha.
Daisy: That sucks!
Lemmy: Hopefully our team can survive...
Lakitu: The dish is... Frozen Butterfly, with a side of Tarantula sauce!
Peach: *barfs*
Lakitu: Go!
Daisy: Hold your nose, Pea-
Sprixie: Peach and Rosalina have finished!
Daisy: Wow! Good job, Pea-
Peach: *barfs*
Daisy: Oh... *eats*
Lemmy: *slurps*
Roy: *eats fast*
Spike: And.. Lemmy and Roy have both finished! Team Koopa has finished!
Sprixie: Daisy has finished!
Lakitu: This means that Luigi AND Toadette are out! 2 V 3? Who will make it to the finals? The next dish will decide, cause it's a double elimination! Again! The dish is... Fried Wiggler!
Rosalina: What?! No! They are peaceful and quiet loving animals! I can't eat those!
Lakitu: Don't worry! It already died. Now go!
Rosalina: Sorry Wigglers... I'll never do this again. *eats*
Spike: Lemmy and Roy have finished, which means Peach and Daisy are out!
Lakitu: Ooh.. Rosalina advances to the finals with Goomba! Now it's between Lemmy and Roy to decide the last finalist. The dish is... Roasted slug! Go!
Roy: *barfs*
Lemmy: Don..e! *barfs*
Laktiu: Lemmy is the winner for Team Koopa! Now it's the finals! Goomba, Rosalina and Lemmy will face off to decide who wins and who loses! You will each be served an appetizer, a main meal and a desert. You must complete all of them, and say Done! Then you win! For an appetizer...
Fried Bread with butter. Inside the butter, are some pretty gross things. They are:
Roasted Cicadas
Fried Ice Cream
Green Sauce. We don't even know what that is. For a main meal:
Raw Meat Stew! With a side of Molten Steel that's in the stew. For desert:
1000 Mushrooms! Eat all three of the dishes in order and you win! Before this, we have to introduce a special judge for the finale... Welcome the king of eating, Petey Piranha!
Lakitu: Ready, set.... Go!!!!
Petey: Wow, you guys are fast! Good job! So far Rosalina is in the lead with the fried bread and gross butter! And she has just finished it, with Lemmy catching up!
Shy Guy: Faster Goomba, faster!
Petey: It's so close! Wow, Lemmy and Rosalina have just finished their Raw Meat Stew, and... So has Goomba! It all comes down to this!
Rosalina, Lemmy, Goomba: *eat really really fast*
Petey: And... This is so close! Woah! All three finished at once!
Lakitu: Petey, let's check this out in slo mo. We will be right back!
2 minutes later:
Petey: We have the results! Lakitu, hand me the envelope!
Lakitu: *hands Petey envelope*
Petey: *opens envelope* And now, the results...
In first place is....
Team Blitz!!!!
Goomba: We did it, Shy Guy!
Shy Guy: YESSSS!!! WE BOTH MAKE IT TO THE MERGE!! *hugs Goomba*
Petey: And now...
Peach: *gasps*
Lemmy: *gasps*
Everyone: *gasps*
Petey: Second place goes to.....
Team Mushroom!!!
Peach: Thank GOD! We all are in the merge!! *hugs Rosalina*
Lakitu: Aww... Tough luck, Team Koopa. Someone's going home.
In the elimination room:
Lakitu: Were in the air! It's time for the final team elimination! Team Koopa, cast your votes.
After votes have been casted:
Lakitu: It is a 2-1-1-0 vote. Scary, huh? I will now give out bags of mushrooms.
To viewers: Remember to play the music video for extra suspense! For directions, visit last chapter. Enjoy!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
The first bag of Mushrooms is for...
Lemmy, with 0 votes. *throws bag*
Lemmy: Yes!
Lakitu: Next, with 1 vote, is...
Roy: Phew! *catches bag*
Lakitu: And the last bag of Mushrooms is for...
Morton: No! Why did you vote me off!?
Lemmy: Because you-
Lakitu: Wow, would you look at the time! *hands Morton parachute* Bye! *pushes Morton out*
Lakitu: Its the merge! What will happen next time, besides the merge, of course. Find out, On Total, Drama, Mushroom Tour!
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