Chapter 2. Getting to know you
New chapter! Yay! Once again I hope you enjoy this chapter of my Toshiro x reader fan fiction XxxxxxxxxxxxxX Thanks to all those who read it.
Your pov
"Well it's nice too meet you Toshiro. What brings you too karakura?" You ask in curiosity.
When you say that Toshiros eyes fill with despair. He sighs and looks at you and says " I moved to karacura after my Granny died. Since I have no parents , I decided to move here and buy a flat." He said in a sad tone. He has no family and he lives alone?! That's so horrible. You thought in your mind. "Oh I'm very sorry to hear that" You say feeling sorry for the boy. "So do you have any family?" He asked " I live with my mum,dad and my little brother." You say ,happy that you were of the depressing subject of his family."Do you have a boyfriend?" He said with a little pink tint in his cheeks. Your face went red. "N-n-no I don't have a b-boyfriend!" You say in a shocked and embarrassed voice.
You saw his face brighten. "Oh good"he whispered to himself but you heard. Why did he say that me not having a boyfriend is good??"
Suddenly someone tapped your shoulder. You screamed and jumped into Toshiro's arms.
You put your head into his chest. You look back up to see ichigo laughing his head off!
You blush, seeing that you are in Toshiro's arms and quickly jump out off his arms and hit ichigo on his head. "ICHIGO! You know I hate it when you scare me like that!"You moan at him. You look back to see Toshiro with a fully red face. Your face goes red as well as you start to speak. "H-hey guys t-this is Toshiro hitsugaya , he is the new kid we were talking about." You stuttered as you were still embarrassed. Then the teacher came in and started the lesson. We all went to are seats while you and toshiro keep on exchanging glances at each other.
Time skip. 1 week later at lunch
Toshiros pov
"So Toshiro do you have a thing for ________?"Ichigo whispers to me as I sat eating my sandwich.
I go fully red and almost spit out my food. "Huh?! W-what I don't know w-what your talking about" I say embarrassed "Also you know I hate it when you call me my first name. I told you,call me hitsugaya" "Dose it matter?" "Ye-" you are about to answer but then ______ comes over.
"Hey guys what ya talking about" she says with a smile on her face.
Her's so adorable
"Oh! Toshiro has a cru-" before ichigo could tell her the rest of the sentence,I put my hand over his mouth. "Nothing important!" I say before glaring daggers at ichigo.
" anyway on Saturday I'm having a party as its my birthday. I was hoping all of you would be able to come. It's at my house ,my parents and brother have went on holiday so I'm alone with the house so I'm having a party!" She says pulling a toung.
"Count me in!" Ichigo says "You coming Toshiro?" She asked , eyes filled with hope.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world." I say smirking. " There is a lot of people coming." She says. "Like who?" "You, ichigo, orihime, Chad, uryu, Rukia, Rangiku, Renji , Ikkaku ,Yumichika , Yoruichi , Urahara and some others." Ok a big party.... I'm not very social but if it's for ________ then I'm going.
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